Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6224

Thursday 19 May 2011

Vol cxli No 28

pp. 753–808



21 May, Saturday. Easter Term divides.

22 May, Sunday. Preacher, J. J. Lipner, CLH, Professor of Hinduism and the Comparative Study of Religion (Ramsden Preacher), 11.15 a.m.

24 May, Tuesday. Discussion at 2 p.m. in the Council Room.

31 May, Tuesday. Discussion at 2 p.m. in the Council Room.

2 June, Thursday. Ascension Day. Scarlet Day.

8 June, Wednesday. End of third quarter of Easter Term.

Discussions at 2 p.m.

24 May

31 May

14 June

5 July


23 June, Thursday at 11.30 a.m. (Honorary Degrees)

30 June, Thursday at 9.30 a.m. (General Admission)

1 July, Friday at 9.30 a.m. (General Admission)

2 July, Saturday at 9.30 a.m. (General Admission)

23 July, Saturday at 11 a.m.

Notice of a Discussion on Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The Vice-Chancellor invites those qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107) to attend a Discussion in the Council Room, on Tuesday, 24 May 2011, at 2 p.m., for the discussion of the Second Report of the Council, dated 18 May 2011, on undergraduate UK/EU fees, funding, and student finance (Reporter, 2010–11, p. 785).

Notice of a Discussion on Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The Vice-Chancellor invites those qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107) to attend a Discussion in the Council Room, on Tuesday, 31 May 2011, at 2 p.m., for the discussion of:

1. Report of the Council, dated 16 May 2011, seeking authority to submit a planning application for University land at North West Cambridge (Reporter, 2010–11, p. 760)

2. Report of the Council, dated 16 May 2011, on the financial position and budget of the University, recommending allocations from the Chest for 2011–12 (Reporter, 2010–11, p. 764).

Election to the Board of Scrutiny

13 May 2011

The Vice-Chancellor announces that he has received the following nominations, in accordance with Statute A, VII, 3, for election to the Board of Scrutiny, and that it has been certified to him that each candidate has consented to be so nominated:

In class (c)(i) (members of the Regent House who will not have attained the age of thirty-five years on 1 October next)

Dr Brian Damian Sloan, K, is nominated by Mr J. A. Trevithick, K, and Dr A. M. Kelly, K

In class (c)(ii) (members of the Regent House chosen without limit of age)

Mr Mervin Bruce Beckles,K, is nominated by Ms I. Urquhart, HO, and Dr B. K. Etherington, CHU

Dr Martin John Dixon,Q, is nominated by Professor R. J. Bowring, SE, and Dr C. P. Mackenzie, SE

Dr John Stuart Landreth McCombie, DOW, is nominated by Professor R. J. Bowring, SE, and Mr D. J. Goode

Dr Jason Edward Scott-Warren,CAI, is nominated by Professor H. J. Glen, NH, and Professor D. C. McFarlane, JN

Mr Paul Charles Warren, CC, is nominated by Professor R. J. Bowring, SE, and Dr N. Bampos, TH

No other persons having been nominated for election in class (c)(i), the Vice-Chancellor declares that the person named above is duly elected for four years from 1 October 2011. An election is necessary to select three members in class (c)(ii) to serve until 30 September 2015. The election will be conducted by postal ballot under the Single Transferable Vote Regulations. Voting papers will be distributed, together with the statements provided by candidates, not later than Wednesday, 1 June 2011. The last date for the return of voting papers will be Thursday, 16 June 2011.

Nomination of members of the Council in class (e) (External Members): Election of members of Nominating Committee

13 May 2011

The Vice-Chancellor announces that the following candidates have been duly nominated in accordance with the regulations for nomination of members of the Council in class (e) (External Members) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 116) to serve as members of the Nominating Committee, and that it has been certified to him that each candidate has consented to be nominated in the class shown:

Class (d):

Two members in class (d) of the Nominating Committee from members of the Senate.


Nominated by

Dr Susan Lintott, DOW

Professor B. J. Everitt, DOW, and Dr S. J. Cowley, SE

Dr Nicholas John Holmes, T

Professor A. Cooke, K, and Professor N. A. Affara, HH

No other persons being nominated, the Vice-Chancellor declares that the persons named above are duly elected in class (d) for four years from 1 October 2011, and that the election previously announced (Reporter, p. 648) will not now take place.

General Admission to Degrees 2011: Notice of procedure

The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that at the Congregations for General Admission to Degrees to be held on 30 June, 1 July, and 2 July 2011, tickets will be required for admission to the Senate-House. Admission tickets are issued by Colleges, and prospective graduands should apply to their Colleges for admission tickets for their personal friends whom they wish to invite to the Congregations. Other members of the University who wish to be present are also asked to obtain tickets from their Colleges.

The Congregations will be divided into separate sessions, with intervals between the presentation of candidates from successive Colleges, except that candidates from Darwin College, Wolfson College, and Clare Hall will be presented in a single session, as will candidates from Lucy Cavendish College, St Edmund’s College, and Hughes Hall. Visitors may not leave the Senate-House except in the intervals between sessions.

Members of the University are required to wear academical dress in the Senate-House. Any member of the University who is not acting as an officer at the Congregations and who holds a degree of another university or degree-awarding institution may wear the academical dress appropriate to that degree, save that this provision shall not apply to those presenting for, or receiving, degrees. The days of General Admission are ‘scarlet’ days, and Doctors in the different Faculties are asked to wear their festal gowns. Visitors may wish to know that the University Combination Room will be open throughout the three days of General Admission for the sale of light refreshments.

Timetable for the Congregations

Thursday, 30 June

The doors of the Senate-House will be opened at 9 a.m. The Congregation will begin at 9.30 a.m. and graduands are asked to arrive by the following times:

King’s College


Pembroke College


Trinity College


Gonville and Caius College


St John’s College


Trinity Hall




Corpus Christi College


Clare College


The Congregation will be dissolved at about 6.25 p.m.

Friday, 1 July

The doors of the Senate-House will be opened at 9 a.m. The Congregation will begin at 9.30 a.m. and graduands are asked to arrive by the following times:

Queens’ College


Emmanuel College


St Catharine’s College


Sidney Sussex College


Jesus College


Downing College


Christ’s College


Girton College


Magdalene College


The Congregation will be dissolved at about 6.30 p.m.

Saturday, 2 July

The doors of the Senate-House will be opened at 9 a.m. The Congregation will begin at 9.30 a.m. and graduands are asked to arrive by the following times:

Newnham College


Darwin College, Wolfson College, and Clare Hall


Selwyn College


Robinson College


Fitzwilliam College


Lucy Cavendish College, St Edmund’s College, and Hughes Hall


Churchill College


Homerton College


New Hall


The Congregation will be dissolved at about 6 p.m.

General Admission to Degrees 2011: Registrary’s Notice

The Registrary gives notice that the latest time for the receipt of supplicats and any necessary certificates of terms for persons who propose to take degrees at General Admission on Thursday, 30 June, Friday, 1 July, or Saturday, 2 July 2011, is 10 a.m. on Monday, 20 June 2011. No further additions to degree lists can be accepted after that date.

Report of the Council on the governance arrangements for the North West Cambridge project and for the development of West Cambridge: Notice in response to Discussion remarks

16 May 2011

The Council has received the remarks made at the Discussion of this Report on 3 May 2011 (Reporter, 2010–11, p. 748).

It notes the recommendation of the Project Board for West and North West Cambridge that the Chairman of the West and North West Cambridge Estates Syndicate should be a person appointed with due regard for the expertise required for such a position, and that choice should not be limited by the requirement that the person appointed be a member of the Regent House. The Council has accepted this recommendation and proposes a change to the draft regulations for the Syndicate that appear in Annex 1 to the Report (Reporter, 2010–11, p. 621) so that the Chairman is not the Vice-Chancellor, ex officio, or a duly appointed deputy under Statute D, III, 7(b) (who would necessarily be a member of the Regent House) but is a person with the requisite expertise appointed by the Council.

It also notes the comments by Mr Goode about the importance of a quorum which necessitates some influence by members of the Regent House. It therefore proposes that the regulation for quoracy be amended to require the presence of three members of the Regent House.

The Council is accordingly submitting a Grace (Grace 2, p. 795) to the Regent House for the approval of the recommendations in its Report with the following changes to the regulations for the Syndicate set out in Annex 1 to the Report:

West and North West Cambridge Estates Syndicate

Revised Regulations 1 and 3.

1. The West and North West Cambridge Estates Syndicate shall consist of:

(a)a person appointed by the Council as Chairman who shall be a person with experience and expertise in matters relevant to the affairs of the Syndicate;

(b)a University officer appointed by the Council; and

(c)nine members appointed by the Council who shall be persons with experience and expertise in matters relevant to the affairs of the Syndicate (at least five of whom shall be members of the Regent House).

Subject to Regulation 12 below and the General Regulations for Boards, Syndicates, etc., members in classes (a) and (c) shall be appointed for four years from 1 January following their appointment.

3. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Syndicate unless at least five members are present, of whom at least three are members of the Regent House.

16 May 2011

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

M. J. Daunton

F. P. Kelly

Anthony Andrews

R. J. Dowling

R. Lethbridge

N. Bampos

I. M. Le M. Du Quesnay

Rahul Mansigani

Richard Barnes

David Good

Mavis McDonald

D. J. A. Casserley

Andy Hopper

Rachael Padman

Stephen J. Cowley

Christopher Hum

Report of the Council on the future of the Reporter and other publications: Notice in response to Discussion remarks

The Council has received the comments made at the Discussion of this Report (Reporter, 2010–11, p. 676).

It notes the reservations of the four persons who spoke at the Discussion. It wishes to reassure the University that the necessary legislative Notices will be published on a dedicated Reporter website and that paper copies will be deposited with the University Library. This has already been confirmed with the University Archivist.

The Council does not believe that the establishment of an occasional Syndicate to consider the matter is necessary. The consultations that have been held in the University and with the Colleges have not raised any widespread pressure to maintain publication of the paper copy, subject always to the condition that the necessary archive records are maintained.

In response to the request for more information about the cost and distribution of the Reporter and income received from sales and subscriptions, the following information has been obtained from Cambridge University Press. Subscriptions and sales for the year 2010–11 are as follows:

632 subscriptions paid for by Colleges at £11.25 each = £7,110.00

317 subscriptions paid for by Departments/Faculties at £11.25 each = £3,566.25

126 subscriptions paid for by individuals within the University at £11.25 each = £1,417.50

12 subscriptions paid for by individuals outside the University at £62.70 each = £752.40

92 copies of Accounts of Colleges taken by subscribers at £14.40 each = £1,324.80

c. 10 copies of Accounts of Colleges sold at CUP Bookshop at £14.40 each = £144.00

331 extra copies of Lecture-list taken by subscribers at £2.50 each = £827.50

150 copies of Reporter taken by Heffer’s bookshop at £2.25 each = £337.50

275 copies of Reporter taken by W. H. Smith at £2.25 each = £618.75

c. 500 copies of Lecture-list sold at CUP Bookshop at £2.50 each = £1,250.00

c. 100 copies of Class-list sold at CUP Bookshop at £1.70 each = £170.00

c. 30 copies of Awards issue sold at CUP Bookshop at £1.70 each = £51.00

c. 50 copies of other assorted issues sold at CUP Bookshop at £1.70 each = £87.50

Total = £17,657.20

Income from subscriptions and sales is received by the University Press and offsets the amount billed to the Press Syndicate for producing the Reporter. The Cambridge Colleges are currently charged for the Notices that appear in the Reporter and in the past twelve months the total charge was £6,331.50. The figure of £77,000 referred to in the Report is the cost to the University Press of printing and distribution after the income from subscriptions and sales, and the charges made to the Colleges, have been taken into account. With respect to specific issues, the cost of preparation, printing, and distribution of the Lecture-list (the charges made for the Lecture-lists of 17 September 2010, 7 January 2011, and 7 April 2011) totalled £7,398.17. The cost of preparation, printing, and distribution of the Class-lists of 6 August 2010 totalled £4,767. The latest figures for access by individual users to the online version have been provided by the Management Information Services Division and are approximately 18,000 per month. (This underestimates use as the Unified Administrative Service appears as a single user.)

Professor A. W. F. Edwards queried whether ‘when the word “publication” occurs in Statutes and Ordinances, electronic publication is sufficient’. The Council is aware that many journals are now published as online documents only and sees no difference to the Reporter in this respect. It notes that much legislation incorporates definitions of publication that include electronic means, for example the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 where ‘publication’, in relation to a work, means the issue of copies to the public and includes, in the case of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, making it available to the public by means of an electronic retrieval system.

The Council notes with interest the comments made by Dr Myers. One of his concerns is the integrity of the historical record. The Council recognizes the importance of this; as mentioned above the University Library will hold archive paper copies. Recent practice, where it has been necessary to amend an entry in Reporter, and it has been deemed sufficiently important to amend and highlight the change on the original web page, has been to insert a note on the web page drawing attention to the revised Notice (this is done on very rare occasions; see for example the ‘Student Numbers’ issue for 2008–09 (Reporter, 2008–09, Special No. 4;

Dr Myers referred to print-on-demand technology by the University Press, however the Press will no longer be involved in the production of the Reporter. It is expected that the saving on subscription fees will offset any future cost in downloading PDF files.

The Council notes that the publication online of class-lists and other student information such as awards and approval for degrees raises data protection issues which need attention and is considering how best this information should be provided. It will report back to the University in due course.

Professor G. R. Evans expressed some concern that frequent updates of information would reduce accountability. The Council’s purpose in suggesting this as a possibility was that where it was thought advantageous, for example the result of a ballot, a Notice could be formally announced on the Reporter web page rather than it having to wait for almost a week in the print version, or longer if a vacation intervenes. There is usually no reason for any delay in publishing straightforward Notices as the Council’s Business Committee meets weekly where necessary to approve such Notices. The Notices which have appeared on the web page during the week would be incorporated in the Reporter PDF for that week and would remain on the web page.

Dr Myers referred to the wider issue of the availability of Committee documents and reports on the web. The Council is reviewing this issue and intends that more documents are more promptly and openly made available (see also the Council’s Notice of 13 December 2010 (Reporter, p. 316;

The Council has agreed to amend Recommendation II to clarify that publication on a University website means, for the foreseeable future, on a dedicated Reporter website and that, at least weekly during term, a consolidated issue of all the items that have appeared on the website will be provided as a downloadable PDF file. It may however happen, as the Council’s website is developed, that such publication should more appropriately appear on the Council website itself. The revised Recommendation II accordingly reads as:

II.  That, subject to the approval of Recommendation I, the regulations for the Cambridge UniversityReporter (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 105) be amended, with effect from 1 October 2011, by rescinding Regulations 3–6 and by amending Regulation 2 by adding after the first sentence the following sentences:

Publication in the Reporter shall include publication on the Reporter website ( This publication shall include from time to time, and at least weekly during term, a consolidated issue of all new Notices, Reports, Graces, and other items which have appeared on the website.

The Council is accordingly submitting a Grace (Grace 1, p. 794) to the Regent House for the approval of the recommendations in the Report, with Recommendation II amended as set out above.

16 May 2011

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

I. M. Le M. Du Quesnay

R. Lethbridge

Anthony Andrews

David Good

Rahul Mansigani

N. Bampos

Andy Hopper

Mavis McDonald

Richard Barnes

Christopher Hum

Rachael Padman

D. J. A. Casserley

F. P. Kelly

John Shakeshaft

M. J. Daunton

Vanessa V. Lawrence