Exeter College: Twelve-hour Stipendiary Lectureship in Law; tenure: one year with possible extension; salary: £24,370–£25,101; closing date: 12 noon, 9 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.exeter.ox.ac.uk/college/vacancies
Lincoln College: Junior Research Fellow in Law; stipend: £22,791; tenure: three years; closing date: 13 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.lincoln.ox.ac.uk/index.php?page=junior+research+fellow+in+law
St Hilda’s College: Fixed-term six-hour College Lecturership and Law Faculty Departmental Lecturership in Law; salary: £12,185–£13,714; closing date: 12 noon, 9 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
Stipendiary Lecturership in French; salary: £16,247–£18,285; closing date: 12 noon, 7 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
Stipendiary Lecturership in Law (Tort); salary: £16,247–£18,285; closing date: 12 noon, 13 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
Wadham College: Fixed-term six-hour Stipendiary Lecturer in Economics; stipend: on a scale from £12,185, pro-rata for two terms; closing date: 6 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.wadham.ox.ac.uk/fellows-staff/vacancies/vacancies.html
European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme 2012–13; closing date: Tuesday, 31 May 2011; further particulars: http://www.eurias-fp.eu