Elected into an Honorary Fellowship:
The Hon. Mr Justice Ouseley
Elected to a Fellowship with effect from 1 October 2011:
Luke Matthew Butcher, B.A., M.Sci., JN
Emmanuel College: The College will shortly seek a Master to succeed Lord Wilson of Dinton, who retires from the post on 30 September 2012. Anyone who wishes to be considered is invited to write by 31 August 2011 in strict confidence to the Vice-Master, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP (email vice-master@emma.cam.ac.uk), enclosing a brief curriculum vitae and a letter of application. The College will also welcome suggestions of possible candidates. Further particulars are available at http://www.emma.cam.ac.uk/vacancies/ or from the Vice-Master.
King’s College: Non-Stipendiary Junior Research Fellowship, from October 2011, in Sciences, Mathematics, or Engineering; closing date: 1 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/research/junior-research-fellowships.html
Newnham College: College Lectureship in Physical Sciences; stipend: between £3,000 and £5,000 a year, in conjunction with another salaried appointment; closing date: noon on Monday, 6 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.newn.cam.ac.uk/joining-newnham/academic-posts
Associate Lectureships in Physical Sciences; stipend: 25 per cent above supervision rates; tenure: one year in the first instance, in conjunction with another salaried appointment; closing date: noon on Monday, 6 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.newn.cam.ac.uk/joining-newnham/academic-posts
Trinity College: Fixed-term Campaign Director; salary: competitive; closing date: 12 noon, 6 June 2011; further particulars: http://www.saxbam.com/jobs (ref RCFC) or email rcfc@saxbam.com