The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, unless they are withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 103), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 8 August 2014.
1. That the rules for the Contributory Pension Scheme be amended as set out in the Council’s Notice, dated 21 July 2014 (p. 773).
2. That the recommendations in paragraph 8 of the Report of the General Board, dated 4 June 2014, on Senior Academic Promotions (Reporter, 6351, 2013–14, p. 621) be approved.1
3. That the Table of Fees approved by Grace 7 of 16 July 2014 be amended by inserting the following entries:
Qualification |
Annual Fee (£) |
Home/EU students |
Overseas students |
2015–16 |
2015–16 |
M.Phil. Degree: |
American History [starts MT 2015] |
9,960 |
19,557 |
Modern British History [starts MT 2015] |
9,960 |
19,557 |
World History [starts MT 2015] |
9,960 |
19,557 |
4. That in Regulation 6 of the regulations for Affiliated Students the privileges for Affiliated Students for the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos be amended so as to read:2
If the Faculty Board of English allow it in a particular case, leave to take Part II of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos under the same conditions as if he or she had previously obtained honours in another Honours Examination, with or without the further privilege of taking the examination in the second term after the student’s first term of actual residence.
5. That Regulation 2 of the regulations for the Dates of Examinations and Publication of Class Lists be amended by revising the list of examinations as follows:3
By moving the date specified for the beginning of the examination for the Classical Tripos, Part Iafrom the ‘Thursday before first Sunday in June’ to the ‘Monday before the first day of Full Easter Term’.
By moving the date specified for the beginning of the examination for the Historical Tripos, Part I from the ‘Thursday before last Sunday in May’ to the ‘Wednesday before last Sunday in May’.
6. That, with effect from 1 October 2014, the following changes to Ordinance be approved, following the transfer of the Centre for Gender Studies from the Department of Geography to the Department of Politics and International Studies:4
(i)In Regulation 1 of the special regulations for examination in Multi-Disciplinary Gender Studies for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 532), by replacing the reference to the ‘Degree Committee for the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography’ with the ‘Degree Committee for the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science’.
(ii)In the regulations for the Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Visiting Professor of Gender Studies (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 735), by replacing the reference to ‘Geography’ with ‘Politics and International Studies’ and in Regulation 4 by replacing the reference to ‘payment of the travelling expenses’ with ‘payment of approved travelling expenses’.
(iii)In Regulation 1 of the regulations for Endowed University Lectureships (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 755), by replacing the reference to ‘Geography’ with ‘Politics and International Studies’ as the Department responsible for the Gender Studies Fund.
(iv)By amending the regulations for the Gender Studies Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 826) so as to read:
1. The sum of £1.1m received by the University to support teaching and research in Gender Studies, together with other sums received for the same purpose, shall form a fund called the Gender Studies Fund.
2. The administration of the Fund shall be under the control of a Committee of Management consisting of:
(a)one person appointed by each of the Schools of Arts and Humanities, the Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Physical Sciences, and Technology;
(b)the Head of the Department of Politics and International Studies;
(c)the Frankopan Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies (University Teaching Officer in Gender Studies);
(d)the Deputy Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies (University Teaching Officer in Gender Studies);
(e)one person who is not a resident member of the University appointed by the General Board to represent the national or international gender studies community;
(f)not more than two members co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.
3. Members in classes (a) and (e) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (f) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.
4. The Committee shall elect one of their members other than the Director or Deputy Director of the Centre to be their Chairman and to serve for three years from 1 January following the election.
5. The Committee shall meet at least three times a year.
6. The first charge on the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs payable by the University in respect of the University Lecturer in Gender Studies (Frankopan Director of the Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies) in the Department of Politics and International Studies.
7. Any unexpended income in a financial year, and such portion of the capital of the Fund as shall be determined by the Committee of Management, shall be applied, in any manner that the Committee shall determine, to support the study and teaching of Gender Studies in the University and to co-operate with outside bodies in the encouragement of gender research more generally.
7. That Regulation 7 for the Gibson Spanish Scholarship (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 827) be amended so as to read:5
7. The Electors shall determine the form in which applications for the Studentship shall be made and the person to whom, and the date by which, they are to be submitted.
8. That Regulation 3 for the J. B. Trend Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 968) be rescinded, the remaining regulations renumbered, and Regulations 5 and 6 (as renumbered) amended so as to read:5
4. An application for a grant accompanied by a short description of the proposed travel must be submitted through the candidate’s Director of Studies or Supervisor in the case of a Graduate Student to such person as may be designated by the Electors to receive applications so as to arrive not later than a date in Full Easter Term of which notice has been given by the Electors in the previous Michaelmas Term.
5. Grants shall be awarded not later than the last day of the Easter Term.
1See the General Board’s Notice on p. 772.
2Statutes and Ordinances, p. 173. The General Board proposes the removal of paragraph (i), which provides for Affiliated Students to take Part I in the fifth term of actual residence, as students are no longer able to graduate on completion of Part I.
3Statutes and Ordinances, p. 236. The General Board proposes that the date specified for the beginning of the examination for Part Iaof the Classical Tripos be moved from the end of the Easter Term to the beginning of the Easter Term and the date specified for the beginning of the examination for Part I of the Historical Tripos be moved back by one day so as to accommodate more easily the dates for congregations for General Admission.
4The General Board, on the recommendation of the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, have agreed to the transfer of the Centre for Gender Studies from the Department of Geography to the Department of Politics and International Studies and to consequential changes to Ordinance. The opportunity has also been taken to make some minor changes for clarity.
5These changes, made on the recommendation of the Electors and the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages, reflect current practice.