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No 6355

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Vol cxliv No 38

pp. 703–758


Graces submitted to the Regent House on 16 July 2014

The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, unless they are withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 103), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 25 July 2014.

1. That the recommendations in paragraph 12 of the Report of the Council, dated 13 May 2014, on the process for the nomination and election of the Chancellor (Reporter, 6347, 2013–14, p. 536), as amended by the Council’s Notice dated 14 July 2014 (p. 705), be approved.1

2. That the recommendations in paragraph 4 of the Report of the General Board, dated 4 June 2014, on the establishment of two Professorships in the School of Clinical Medicine (Reporter, 6351, 2013–14, p. 625) be approved.

3. That the recommendations in paragraph 5 of the Report of the General Board, dated 4 June 2014, on the establishment of a Readership in Statistics in Biomedicine (Reporter, 6351, 2013–14, p. 625) be approved.

4. That the recommendations in paragraph 6 of the Report of the Council, dated 25 June 2014, on the demolition of certain buildings within the University estate (Reporter, 6353, 2013–14, p. 650) be approved.

5. That the recommendations in paragraph 3 of the Report of the General Board, dated 23 June 2014, on the provisions for certain visiting Professorships (Reporter, 6353, 2013–14, p. 650) be approved.

6. That (i) the stipends for all non-clinical University staff whose stipends are steps on the Cambridge general stipend and salary scale be increased as set out in the Schedule to the Council’s Notice on University salaries and stipends (p. 706), and (ii) the stipends for officers whose stipends are not steps on the general scale, except the stipend of the Deputy High Steward,2 be increased by 2% with effect from 1 August 2014, until further notice.3

7. That the Table of Fees attached to the regulations for University Composition Fees (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 157) be amended for 2015–16, for Home/EU undergraduate and related fees, for Home/EU postgraduate fees and, notwithstanding Grace 1 of 12 March 2014, for Overseas postgraduate fees, as set out in the Council’s Notice, dated 14 July 2014 (p. 708).

8. That, with effect from 1 October 2014, the regulations for Payments to Examiners and Assessors (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 244) be amended4 by deleting the second sentence of Regulation 2, by deleting the references to ‘(additional payment)’ in Regulations 3 (f), (g), and (h), and in Regulation 3(a) by deleting the text concerning the fee payable for acting as a Moderating External Examiner and amending the text concerning the fee payable for acting as an External Examiner so as to read:

For acting as an External Examiner £600

9. That, with effect from 1 October 2014, Regulation 14 of the General Regulations for Admission as a Graduate Student (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 439) be amended so as to read:5

14. Fees shall be payable to Supervisors of Graduate Students as follows:

(a)No fee shall be payable to the holder of a University office specified in Schedule J of the Statutes or in the Schedule of offices whose holders may apply for study leave on the same conditions as are laid down in Statute D, II, 5 for University officers specified in Schedule J. No fee shall be payable to the holder of an office in an institution which maintains a formal University Partner Institute agreement with the University for any supervision undertaken during the duration of that agreement.1

(b)Subject to the provisions of clause (a),

(i)a fee of not less than £55 a term shall be paid to a Supervisor for each Graduate Student under his or her supervision who falls under Regulation 11 on receipt by the Board of Graduate Studies of the report specified in Regulation 8;

(ii)at the request of the Schools Degree Committee concerned, the Board may pay a fee of not less than £55 a term to the Supervisor of a Graduate Student who has leave under either Regulation 1(b) of the regulations for the Ph.D., M.Sc., and M.Litt. Degrees, and for the Ed.D. Degree, or Regulation 2(a) of the regulations for the Eng.D. Degree, or Regulation 4 of the regulations for the M.Phil. Degree or Regulation 4 of the regulations for the M.Res. Degree to work outside the University;

(iii)when a remission or reduction is made under Regulation 11(f) in respect of a Graduate Student who has not completed the requirements for the degree or other qualification for which he or she is registered or has applied to become registered, the Supervisor shall be paid a fee of not less than £55 a term;

(iv)when a remission or reduction is made under Regulation 11(f) in respect of a Graduate Student who has completed the number of terms of research or study and residence required for the degree or other qualification for which he or she is registered, the Board School in which the student is registered shall decide whether the Supervisor is to be paid a fee in respect of that student.

1 The Institutions which currently maintain a formal University Partner Institute agreement are as follows: Animal Health Trust; BBSRC Babraham Institute; British Antarctic Survey; Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre; European Bioinformatics Institute – European Molecular Biology Laboratory; MRC Biostatistics Unit; MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit; MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit; MRC Human Nutrition Research Unit; National Institute of Agricultural Botany; Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

10. That Regulation 2 of the regulations for the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 584) be amended so as to read:6

2. The Council of the School of Arts and Humanities shall consist of the following members:

(a)one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Architecture and History of Art, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Classics, Divinity, English, Modern and Medieval Languages, Music, and Philosophy to serve for one or two years, either from 1 October or from 1 January, as determined by the Faculty Board concerned;

(b)the Director of the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities;

(c)the Director of the Language Centre;

(d)not more than two persons co-opted by the Council of the School to serve until 30 September or 31 December either of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Council shall determine at the time of co-optation, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Council to co-opt any person or persons;

(e)one person elected from among their number by the undergraduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School;

(f)one person elected from among their number by the graduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School.

11. That the regulations for the Slade Professor of Fine Art (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 696) be amended by the addition of the following new regulation:7

6. After provision has been made for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professorship, the income of the Fund may be applied to promote the study of the fine arts in the University in such manner as may be recommended by the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art and approved by the General Board.


  • 1This Grace will be withdrawn if Grace 1 for the Senate (p. 754) is not approved.

  • 2By ancient custom the Deputy High Steward receives a nominal stipend of £4 a year.

  • 3See the Council’s Notice on p. 706.

  • 4Following a review of the roles of Moderating External Examiners and External Examiners, the General Board proposes that there should be only one category, that of External Examiner, appointed to scrutinize and moderate marks. As almost all such Examiners were previously appointed as Moderating External Examiners on the higher fee rate, the Board is satisfied that this will not result in any significant increase in the fees payable. 

  • 5The amendments proposed by the General Board, made on the recommendation of the Board of Graduate Studies and after consultation with the Schools, transfer responsibility for the payment of Supervisors of Graduate Students who are not University Teaching Officers from the Board of Graduate Studies to the Schools concerned. The opportunity has also been taken to make some further amendments for clarity.

  • 6The General Board, on the recommendation of the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities, propose the addition of the Directors of the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (CRASSH) and of the Language Centre to the membership of the Council of the School. 

  • 7The General Board, on the recommendation of the Chair of the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art, propose an amendment to enable surplus income to be applied to promote the study of the fine arts.

Graces to be submitted to the Regent House at a Congregation on 19 July 2014

The Council has sanctioned the submission of the following Graces to the Regent House at a Congregation to be held on 19 July 2014:

That the following person be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Medicine by incorporation:

1. Martin Oliver Roland, Fellow of Murray Edwards College and Professor of Health Services Research, in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Oxford (1989).

That the following persons be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts under the provisions of Statute B II 2:

2. Louise Elizabeth Allen, Associate Lecturer in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

3. Robert William Bickerdike, Senior Manager in the Local Examinations Syndicate.

4. Lynn Teresa Foot, Computer Officer in the University Information Services.

5. Lucy Annabel Harney, Assistant Treasurer in the Finance Division of the University Offices.

6. Michael Hrebeniak, Fellow of Wolfson College.

7. Sara Monica Nevile, Administrative Officer in the Human Resources Division of the University Offices.

8. Ole Kristian Heimtun Paulsen, Fellow of St John’s College and Professor of Physiology in the Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience.

9. Sara Grazia Maria Piccirillo, Fellow of Hughes Hall.

10. Erwin Reisner, Fellow of St John’s College and University Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry.

11. John Ryan Taylor, Fellow of St John’s College and University Lecturer in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.

12. Michael Langdon Truscott, Senior Manager in the Local Examinations Syndicate.

Grace submitted to the Senate on 16 July 2014

The Council submits the following Grace to the Senate. This Grace, unless it is withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Senate (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 25 July 2014.

1. That the recommendations in paragraph 12 of the Report of the Council, dated 13 May 2014, on the process for the nomination and election of the Chancellor (Reporter, 6347, 2013–14, p. 536), as amended by the Council’s Notice dated 7 July 2014 (p. 705), be approved.