The General Board, on the recommendation of the CRASSH Management Committee and with the endorsement of the Councils of the Schools of Arts and Humanities and of the Humanities and Social Sciences, have agreed that the Chair of the Management Committee should be drawn from class (c) (members appointed by the General Board) instead of class (b) (Heads of the Schools). A consequential amendment has therefore been made to the regulations for the Management Committee (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 640).
By amending Regulation 1(b) and (c) so as to read:
(b)the Heads of the Schools of Arts and Humanities and of the Humanities and Social Sciences;
(c)six people appointed by the General Board, of whom three shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities and three on the recommendation of the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and of whom one shall be appointed Chair by the Management Committee;
The General Board have, in accordance with the changes introduced in 2012 (Reporter, 6267, 2011–12, p. 614) and on the recommendation of the Library Syndicate, approved an updated list of affiliated libraries.
By amending the Schedule to the regulations for staff of the University Library and the affiliated libraries (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 659) so as to read:
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Library
English Library
Pendlebury Library of Music
Philosophy Library
Central Science Library
Medical Library
African Studies Library
Everton Library of Education
Haddon Library of Archaeology and Anthropology
Land Economy Library
Marshall Library of Economics
Radzinowicz Library of the Institute of Criminology
Seeley Historical Library
Social and Political Sciences Library
South Asian Studies Library
Squire Law Library
Whipple Library of the History and Philosophy of Science
Betty and Gordon Moore Library
The General Board have, on the recommendation of the Syndicate, recognized the following institutions whose members may borrow books from the University Library under the conditions specified in the regulations for the use of the University Library (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 661). All of the institutions are partners in the Cambridge Conservation Initiative.
British Trust for Ornithology
Fauna and Flora International
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Tropical Biology Association
In the schedule to the Report of the General Board on Senior Academic Promotions published on 11 June 2014 (Reporter, 6351, 2013–14, p. 621) listing the individuals appointed to University Senior Lectureships, Dr Suzanne Turner was wrongly listed as being a member of Darwin College; in fact, she has no College affiliation.