The following lectures, seminars, etc. will be open to members of the University and others who are interested:
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Divinity. The postponed Tyrwhitt Lecture will take place at an open meeting of the Old Testament Seminar, at 2.30 p.m. in the Runcie Room, Faculty of Divinity, West Road.
Wednesday, 27 OctoberFood, the animals, and human dignity in Jewish perspective: the evidence of the Aramaic Targum, by Professor Robert Hayward, University of Durham
English. The second annual T. S. Eliot Lecture, sponsored by the T. S. Eliot Society (UK) in association with the Faculty of English, will be held at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6.30 p.m.), in the Cripps Auditorium, Magdalene College.
Thursday, 25 November The use of memory: Eliot, Andrewes, and the redemption of time, by Revd Dr Malcolm Guite, Chaplain of Girton College
Social Anthropology/Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit. The following talk will be held from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. in the Mill Lane Lecture Rooms, Mill Lane.
Further information is available from
Wednesday, 20 OctoberEnvironments changing: from the Fenlands to the Himalayas and beyond. Stories from Alaska, Borneo, Hawaii, Mexico, Mongolia, Tibet, and the fenlands of East Anglia. Anthropological studies from across the world: the people, the impacts, the local and global strategies for adaptation.