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No 6199
Wednesday 20 October 2010
No 3
pp. 65–88
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Notice of a Discussion on Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Online University calendars: Notice
Board of Scrutiny: Notice
Vacancies, Appointments, etc.
Electors to the Professorship of Pathology: Notice
Vacancies in the University
Elections and reappointment
Events, courses, etc.
Announcement of lectures, seminars, etc.
Notices by the General Board
Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, Part II, 2011
Politics, Psychology, and Sociology Tripos, Part II
, 2011: Notice
Senior Academic Promotions Committees, 1 October 2011 exercise: Correction
Notices by Faculty Boards, etc.
Annual Meetings of the Faculty Boards
Electronic calculators in University examinations 2010–11: Notice
M.B., B.Chir. progression requirements for satisfactory completion: Notice
Obituary Notice
Graces submitted to the Regent House on 20 October 2010
Report of Discussion
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
College Notices
Clare College
Downing College
Gonville and Caius College
New Hall (Murray Edwards College)
Trinity College
College Research Fellowships, 2011–12
Churchill College, Murray Edwards College, Selwyn College, and Trinity Hall
Wolfson College
College Awards
Emmanuel College
Societies, etc.
Antiquarian Society
Philosophical Society
External Notices
Oxford Notices
Notice of a Discussion on Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Online University calendars: Notice
Board of Scrutiny: Notice
Vacancies, Appointments, etc.
Electors to the Professorship of Pathology: Notice
Vacancies in the University
Elections and reappointment
Events, courses, etc.
Announcement of lectures, seminars, etc.
Notices by the General Board
Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, Part II, 2011
Politics, Psychology, and Sociology Tripos, Part II
, 2011: Notice
Senior Academic Promotions Committees, 1 October 2011 exercise: Correction
Notices by Faculty Boards, etc.
Annual Meetings of the Faculty Boards
Electronic calculators in University examinations 2010–11: Notice
M.B., B.Chir. progression requirements for satisfactory completion: Notice
Obituary Notice
Graces submitted to the Regent House on 20 October 2010
End of the Official Part of the ‘Reporter’
Report of Discussion
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
College Notices
Clare College
Downing College
Gonville and Caius College
New Hall (Murray Edwards College)
Trinity College
College Research Fellowships, 2011–12
Churchill College, Murray Edwards College, Selwyn College, and Trinity Hall
Wolfson College
College Awards
Emmanuel College
Societies, etc.
Antiquarian Society
Philosophical Society
External Notices
Oxford Notices