Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6163

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Vol cxl No 4

pp. 89–128

Regulations for examinations

The General Board give notice that, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, the regulations for certain University examinations have been amended as follows:

M.B., B.Chir. Examination (New Curriculum Regulations)

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 473)

With effect from 1 October 2009

The regulations have been amended (i) to change the date when the requirements for satisfactory performance are published in the Reporter and (ii) to amend the conditions under which candidates for Part III of the Final M.B. Examination may be re-examined in a written component in July.

Regulation 3(h).

By replacing in line 3 the words ‘Lent Term’ by the words ‘Michaelmas Term’.

Final M.B. Examination

Regulation 21(b).

By amending this sub-paragraph so as to read:

(b)a candidate for re-examination in Part III in July shall already have passed in Part I, in both components of Part II, in the clinical components of Part III, and in such written components as required by the Examiners;

Diplomas and Certificates open to non-members of the University: Notice

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 568)

With effect from 1 October 2009

The General Board have approved the addition of the following awards to the Schedule to Diplomas and Certificates open to non-members of the University:



Institute of Continuing Education

Institute of Continuing Education

Diploma of Higher Education in Archaeology

Diploma of Higher Education in Historic Environment

Diploma of Higher Education in History of Art

Diploma of Higher Education in Local History

Diploma of Higher Education in Modern English Literature

Advanced Diploma in Archaeology

Advanced Diploma in Counselling

Advanced Diploma in Entrepreneurship

Advanced Diploma in Historic Environment

Advanced Diploma in History of Art

Advanced Diploma in Local History

Advanced Diploma in Training, Learning, and Development

Postgraduate Diploma in Notarial Practice

Postgraduate Diploma in Property Investment

Postgraduate Diploma in Translational Medicine and Therapeutics

Certificate of Continuing Education in Legal Practice for Paralegals

Certificate of Continuing Education in Principles and Practice of Assessment

Certificate of Continuing Education in Study of Islam, Judaism, and Muslim-Jewish Relations

Certificate of Continuing Education in Theological Studies

Certificate of Higher Education in Alternative Dispute Resolution

Certificate of Higher Education in Archaeology

Certificate of Higher Education in Coaching

Certificate of Higher Education in Counselling

Certificate of Higher Education in Genetics

Certificate of Higher Education in Grief and Bereavement Studies

Certificate of Higher Education in Historic Building Conservation

Certificate of Higher Education in Historic Environment

Certificate of Higher Education in History of Art

Certificate of Higher Education in International Development

Certificate of Higher Education in Legal Practice for Paralegals

Certificate of Higher Education in Practical Horticulture and Plantsmanship

Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture

The Board have also approved the following special regulations:

Certificates and Diplomas offered by the Institute of Continuing Education

Certificate of Continuing Education

For the Certificates of Continuing Education administered by the Institute of Continuing Education examination shall be by tasks appropriate to the discipline as prescribed by the Strategic Committee for the Institute. The volume of work required to complete the award shall be 9,000–12,000 words or the equivalent.

Certificate of Higher Education

For the Certificates of Higher Education administered by the Institute of Continuing Education examination shall be by tasks appropriate to the discipline as prescribed by the Strategic Committee for the Institute. The volume of work required to complete the award shall be 18,000–24,000 words or the equivalent.

Diploma of Higher Education

For the Diplomas of Higher Education administered by the Institute of Continuing Education examination shall be by such tasks appropriate to the discipline as prescribed by the Strategic Committee for the Institute. The volume of work required to complete the award shall be 36,000–48,000 words (240-credit Diploma) and 18,000–24,000 words (120-credit Diploma) or the equivalent.

Advanced Diploma

For the Advanced Diplomas administered by the Institute of Continuing Education examination shall be by tasks appropriate to the discipline as prescribed by the Strategic Committee for the Institute. The volume of work required to complete the award shall be 15,000–20,000 words or the equivalent.

Postgraduate Certificate

1. The Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture shall be administered by the Institute of Continuing Education.

2. The scheme of examination shall be prescribed by the Strategic Committee for the Institute and shall require submission of work of 9,000–15,000 words or the equivalent.

Postgraduate Diploma

For the Postgraduate Diplomas administered by the Institute of Continuing Education examination shall be by tasks appropriate to the discipline as prescribed by the Strategic Committee for the Institute. The volume of work required to complete the award shall be 15,000–24,000 words or the equivalent.