Homerton College invites applications for two Junior Research Fellowships. Applications may be made in the fields of:
• Arts and Social Sciences: Geography, History, Law, Modern Languages, and Theology;
• Engineering and Natural Sciences: Engineering, Biological Sciences, including Biomedical Research.
Candidates may be graduates of any university and will have completed, or be about to complete, a Ph.D. Degree. There is no age limit for eligibility, but the College will not normally appoint Junior Research Fellows who are more than three years beyond the award of a Doctorate. A Junior Research Fellowship is tenable for three years with effect from 1 October 2010.
The closing date for applications is 30 November 2009. Information about the post and how to apply is available on the Homerton College website: http://www.homerton.cam.ac.uk/. Please contact Lizzie Madder (tel. 01223 747132, email enm25@cam.ac.uk) with any enquiries.
Pembroke College intends to elect not later than 1 March 2010 to a postdoctoral Stokes Research Fellowship if candidates of sufficient merit present themselves. The Fellowship is in the fields of Mathematics and the Physical Sciences. Candidates must be graduates, and some experience of postdoctoral research will normally be expected. The tenure of the Fellowship will be for three years from 1 October 2010. The holder will be expected to do a limited amount of teaching for the College but would require the permission of the Governing Body to undertake other paid work. The stipend will be fixed within the University scale according to age and experience, and in the region of £26,392 a year (this will be subject to any revisions of stipends taking place between now and 1 October 2010). Further particulars are available on request.
Applications, which are due by 1 December 2009, should only be made on forms obtainable from the Senior Tutor’s Assistant, Pembroke College, Cambridge, CB2 1RF (email sally.clowes@pem.cam.ac.uk) and online at http://www.pem.cam.ac.uk/about/academic-vacancies/. These stipulate the details required.
Pembroke College is an equal opportunities employer.