Merton College proposes to elect to a three-year Culham Junior Research Fellowship in Physics, to commence in October 2010. The successful candidate will be required to work as an independent researcher in any area of plasma physics related to magnetic confinement fusion, theoretical or experimental (including fundamental plasma physics problems).
The successful candidate will be located primarily at Merton College, Oxford, OX1 4JD, and the Department of Physics, University of Oxford, and will be encouraged to collaborate with researchers at UKAEA Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3DB. The post is available from 1 October 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter. The period of the Fellowship is three years, and is not renewable.
The stipend will be in the range of £22,765 to £24,877 a year, up to point 4 on University grade 5. The Fellow will in addition be entitled to free meals, membership of the Senior Common Room, and other benefits, plus either a pensionable housing allowance of £5,809 a year or free accommodation in College.
Candidates should have an excellent record of education, including for UK students a good Honours degree (either First or 2:1), or for EU/international students a qualification equivalent to a good Honours degree. Candidates should also possess research expertise in physics or applied mathematics as demonstrated by a completed doctoral thesis and/or published or forthcoming articles in refereed journals. Candidates whose previous research was in areas of physics or mathematics other than plasma physics, but who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their field and would like to switch fields to plasma physics/magnetic confinement fusion, are encouraged to apply.
Full details of the post, its conditions, and the application process are set out in the further particulars which can be downloaded from or, in case of difficulty, may be obtained from the Sub-Warden’s Secretary, Merton College, Oxford, OX1 4JD (email The closing date for applications is 11 December 2009.
Merton College is an equal opportunities employer.
Applications are invited for the Cox Junior Fellowship, tenable for a fixed period of three years from 1 October 2010, based in New College, Oxford. The person appointed will be expected to undertake advanced research in their chosen field and perform liaison and welfare duties. The Sir Christopher Cox Fellowship is open to men and women who normally have not exceeded four years from completion of their first degree at 1 October 2010. There is a stipend of £18,750 a year (subject to annual review). The appointment will be pensionable under the USS scheme. The Fellow will be expected to live in College, and suitable accommodation is provided free of charge. In addition, Fellows are entitled to meals in College and to entertainment, research, and book allowances.
Application forms and further particulars are available from the Deputy Academic Administrator, New College (email Further particulars are available on the College website at The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, 16 November 2009.
Applications are invited for the J. Arthur Rank / C. A. W. Manning Junior Research Fellowship in Social Studies (here defined as Politics, Economics, Sociology, and Management Studies) for three years from 1 October 2010, based in New College, Oxford. The person appointed will be expected to undertake advanced research in the field of Social Studies and will have completed her or his Ph.D./D.Phil. Degree, or be in the last year of doctoral work at the time of taking up the post, and may not previously have held a Junior Research Fellowship or comparable appointment.
The Fellowship carries a stipend of £18,750 a year (subject to review). In addition, the Fellow will be entitled to a housing allowance (currently £1,660 a year) or to accommodation in College if available, free meals in College, and to entertainment, research, and book allowances.
Application forms and further particulars are available from the Deputy Academic Administrator, New College, Oxford, OX1 3BN (tel. 01865 279596, email and particulars are available on the College website at The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, 16 November 2009.
New College invites applications for a twelve-hour Stipendiary Lectureship in Modern English literature (post-1800) for one year from 1 October 2010. The post-holder will be required to offer twelve hours a week of tutorial teaching for the College, together with the normal range of pastoral and administrative activities.
The appointment will be paid on the University Junior Lecturers’ scale according to experience (currently £24,152 to £27,186 a year). The successful candidate will also receive a research allowance of £380, a book allowance of £536, and an entertainment allowance of £180. The Lecturer will be a member of the Senior Common Room, entitled to full rights of commons during term and vacation, and will have a teaching room in College, but there is no guarantee of accommodation.
Further particulars and an application form may be obtained from the Deputy Academic Administrator, New College, Oxford, OX1 3BN (tel. 01865 279596, email The closing date for receipt of applications is 1 December 2009.
The College is an equal opportunities employer.
St Hilda’s College proposes to appoint a Stipendiary Lecturer in the field of Physical Chemistry to teach second and third year undergraduates for three hours a week. The appointment will be from 1 January 2010 for two terms in the first instance, with the possibility of renewal. The person appointed will be paid on the Stipendiary Lecturers’ scale, at present £6,038 a year for three hours (reviewed annually). The post is open to both men and women.
Further particulars should be obtained from the College website ( or from the Academic Office, St Hilda’s College, Oxford, OX4 1DY (tel. 01865 276815, email The closing date for applications is Friday, 13 November 2009.
Following the retirement of the Librarian, the College is seeking to make a new appointment, with effect from January 2010.
The post-holder will be responsible for the strategic planning and developing of Library resources in the context of the wider University system, the efficient management of Library acquisitions, and the provision of relevant information and services to the members of the College and external parties.
Applicants should have a good first degree (in any subject) and hold a postgraduate qualification in library and information studies accredited by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. The salary will be in the range of £32,000 to £40,000 a year.
Further particulars are available from the Principal’s Secretary, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, OX2 6LE (email, tel. 01865 274914), or on the College website (
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, covering letter, and the names and contact details of two referees to the Principal’s Secretary by the closing date of 20 November 2009.
Applications are invited for a part-time (0.5 FTE) Stipendiary Lecturership in Medieval English at St Peter’s College, in association with the Faculty of English Language and Literature, where the post-holder will have the status of Departmental Lecturer. This will be a fixed-term appointment running from 1 January 2010 until 30 September 2012.
The post-holder will be required to provide for every week of full term, four hours a week of tutorial teaching or equivalent for the College; eight lectures a year or equivalent (in lectures and classes) for the English Faculty; to undertake limited examining and graduate supervision, if required, for the Faculty; and to maintain a programme of research. The successful candidate will have a good record in teaching, research, and published scholarship in English literature and language of the medieval period. Both the College and the Faculty require teaching in the literature of the period 650–1550. The ability additionally to undertake teaching in the language of this period for the Faculty at undergraduate and graduate level may be an advantage. The appointee will also be expected to contribute to administration in the College and the Faculty.
The salary will be paid pro-rata on the University’s academic-related Grade 7 scale, currently £28,839 to £35,469 a year (£14,420 to £17,735 for a 0.5 post). Further particulars and application instructions are available at or from (tel. 01865 278864). The closing date is Monday, 9 November 2009.
(in association with St Anne’s College, St Antony’s College, University College, and Wadham College)
The University Lecturerships are tenable from 1 September 2010. These posts are permanent, subject to satisfactory completion of a review of the initial five-year period of office. The successful candidates must have a proven high standard of research and teaching, and be capable of providing graduate supervision. Candidates should have completed their Doctorate and applications from candidates with previous experience in academic positions are particularly welcome. The positions are open to candidates in all fields of Economics (in particular Macroeconomics, Economic History, Economic Development, Econometrics, or Finance).
The University Lecturerships are associated with Tutorial Fellowships at the Colleges named above. Full details of College stipends and additional allowances are provided in the further particulars for each post. The salary will be in the range of £42,351 to £56,917 a year.
Prior to the submission of any material, applicants must refer to the website ( to download the further particulars and complete online the application form. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 27 November 2009.
Applications are invited for a teaching position in Sanskrit. This fixed-term post is to commence on 1 January 2010 for six months. The principal duties of the post are to give lectures and classes in Sanskrit during the absence of the current post-holder, and to examine and participate in the admissions exercises for three masters degrees. Candidates must have a primary field of expertise in Sanskrit; should hold, or be working towards, a Doctorate in a field relevant to the study of pre-modern India, and be able to provide evidence of published, or soon to be published research; and must be able to teach and examine Sanskrit from beginners through to advanced level. The salary will be in the range of £28,839 to £35,469 a year (Grade 7).
Further particulars, including details of how to apply, should be obtained from or from the office of The Faculty Board Secretary, Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE (tel. 01865 288202, fax 01865 278190, email Applications and references should reach the Faculty Board Secretary at the address given above, to arrive not later than 13 November 2009. Interviews will be held as soon as possible after the closing date.
The University is an equal opportunities employer.