The General Board give notice that, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, the regulations for certain University examinations have been amended as follows:
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 323)
New papers, borrowed from the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos, have been introduced in Parts I and II; the length of Paper 1 in Part I (Paper 33 in Part II) has been extended; and the submission date for a dissertation has been amended from the second day of the Full Easter Term to the first Tuesday of the Full Easter Term.
Regulation 15.
(i) The list of papers has been amended by introducing the following paper:
Paper 14. Medieval Irish language and literature (Paper 8 of Part I of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos)
(ii) The timing for the examination set for Paper 1 (English literature and its contexts, 1300–1550) has been amended from 3 to 3.5 hours. The wording ‘except Papers 6, 7, and 8’ in the line of text following the list of papers has been amended to read ‘except Papers 1, 6, 7, and 8’.
Regulation 16.
The range of Papers 11–13 has been amended to read ‘11–14’ at each occurrence.
Regulation 18.
Group C(ii)
By renumbering Paper 17 (Old Norse language and literature) as Paper 17a and by introducing the following paper:
Paper 17b. Advanced medieval Scandinavian language and literature (Paper 6 of Part II of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos)
The first sentence following the list of papers has been amended to read ‘Each paper shall be set for three hours except Papers 1 and 33 which shall be set for three and a half hours.
Regulation 19
By inserting in line 4 of proviso (ii) after ‘C(ii);’ the words ‘nor both Papers 17a and 17b;’.
Regulation 20(d).
By replacing in the next but last line the words ‘the second day’ by the words ‘the first Tuesday’.
The Faculty Board of English have confirmed that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2010 will be affected by these changes.
On the recommendation of the Natural Sciences Tripos Committee and the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry the General Board have approved Astrophysics as a subject for advanced study for the M.A.St. Degree, with effect from 1 October 2010. Special regulations for the examination in the subject have been approved as follows:
The examination in Astrophysics for the Master of Advanced Studies Degree shall comprise written papers, and a report of a research project, as set out in the regulations for the subject Astrophysics in Part III of the Natural Sciences Tripos. The conduct of the examination shall be governed for the regulations for that part, provided that a candidate shall be a candidate not for honours and the candidate’s name shall not appear in the class-list for the Tripos.