The following lectures, seminars, etc. will be open to members of the University and others who are interested:
Criminology. Professor Lawrence Sherman, Wolfson Professor of Criminology, Institute of Criminology, will give a public seminar as part of the Festival of Ideas, entitled Defiance and compliance: a bio-psycho-social-historical perspective on crime, from 5 to 6 p.m., on Wednesday, 28 October 2009, in Lady Mitchell Hall, Sidgwick Site.
Gender Studies. Multi-disciplinary Gender Research Seminars. The Gender Research Seminars offer academics and graduate students an opportunity to present their work-in-progress to a multi-disciplinary audience interested in gender, in a friendly and informal atmosphere. During the year 2009–10, these seminars will be held at lunchtimes on Mondays in Seminar Room 101, Sir William Hardy Building, Downing Site. All are welcome. The seminars are organized and chaired by Sigal Spigel. If you would like more information, or are interested in presenting your work, please email
26 October, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.Gender segregation in employment: international patterns of inequality and difference, by Dr Bob Blackburn, Emeritus Reader in Sociology.
German. To mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Schröder Chair, the Department of German and Dutch is presenting a series of lectures entitled Germanistik heute. Lectures will take place on Fridays, at 5 p.m., in Lecture Block Room 1, Sidgwick Avenue.
13 NovemberWit, sex, and technics. Franz Kafka and current directions in modern German studies, by Professor Stanley Corngold (Princeton).
27 NovemberMediävistik heute, by Christian Kiening (Zürich).
22 JanuarySprachgeschichte heute am Beispiel der deutschen Ruf- und Familiennamen, by Damaris Nübling (Mainz).
5 FebruaryMephisto und das Problem des Bösen in Goethes ‘Faust’, by Peter-André Alt (FU, Berlin).
19 FebruaryDer andere Dienst am Kunstwerk. Über die Verbindung von Menschen und nicht-menschlichen Wesen in Sacher-Masochs ‘Venus im Pelz’ und Jensens ‘Gradiva’, by Friedrich Balke (Weimar).
5 MarchPhilologie als Friedrich Schlegels Begriff der ‘Poesie’, by Karl Heinz Bohrer (London), and Schönheit. Eine kleine begriffliche Reise, by Martin Seel (Frankfurt).
30 AprilVon der Stabilität zur Unsicherheit. Reflexionen über das gegenwärtige Deutschland, by Paul Nolte (FU, Berlin).
History. Comparative Social and Cultural History. Seminars are held fortnightly in the Senior Parlour, Gonville Court, Gonville and Caius College, at 8.30 p.m., except for Professor Garrioch’s seminar which will be held in the White Room, Gonville and Caius College.
27 OctoberNo country for old squares: the Dutch Republic, by Rudolf Dekker (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam).
10 NovemberThe Zócalo, by David Brading (Cambridge).
24 NovemberWhat are public squares for? The examples of Paris and Milan in the 18th century, by David Garrioch (Monash University).
Early Modern British and Irish History Graduate Seminar, 2009–10. Seminars will take place at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Graham Storey Room, Trinity Hall.
28 October‘Extravagancies and impertinencies’: set forms and free prayer in revolutionary England, by Judith Maltby (Corpus Christi College, Oxford).
4 NovemberAristotelian ancient constitutionalism in Stuart Ireland: substance, the four causes, and politics, by Ian Campbell (Trinity College, Dublin).
11 November‘Ye attainment of learning, and increase in knowledge’: seventeenth-century study directives and the uses of Roman history, by Freyja Cox Jensen (Christ Church, Oxford).
18 NovemberThe political pulpit: ministers, mobilization, and the Royalist message, c.1642–49, by Lloyd Bowen (Cardiff University).
25 NovemberFrom Boyne to Boston: aspects of Irish Jacobite poetry, by Denis Casey (Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic).
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. Lunchtime seminars will be held on Wednesdays at 1.15 p.m., in the McDonald Institute Seminar Room, Downing Street.
28 OctoberColonizing contexts in paradise: historic (and prehistoric?) archaeology in Mauritius, by Krish Seetah.
11 NovemberThe origins of commercial sea fishing: when did it happen and why does it matter?, by James Barrett, Jen Harland, and Cluny Johnstone.
25 NovemberThe portable antiquities scheme and the trade in archaeological objects from England, by Helen Geake.
2 DecemberTitle to be confirmed (John Macginnis will speak on Ziyaret Tepe).
McDonald Annual Lecture. Henry Wright will give the Annual Lecture on 18 November, at 5 p.m., in Mill Lane Lecture Room 3. The title of the Lecture is The rise ‘and fall’ of Mesopotamia’s first complex economic and political networks. A wine reception at the McDonald Institute will follow (no lunchtime seminar on this day).
Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit. MIASU is pleased to announce an additional seminar in its Michaelmas 2009 Series (see Reporter, p. 14). The talk will take place in the Seminar Room, Mond Building, Free School Lane, at 4.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 24 NovemberTibetan bon medicine practice in Mustang, Nepal, by Dr Colin Millard (Research Fellow, Cardiff University) and Amchi Nyima Gurung (traditional Tibetan doctor).