The Chair of the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 2.15 p.m. on Tuesday, 6 November 2012, in the Boardroom of the Department of Architecture, 1–5 Scroope Terrace. The main business will be to elect one member of the Faculty Board in class (c), in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2(c), to serve for four years from 1 January 2013. Nominations for this election, and notice of any other business for the meeting, should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art, 1–5 Scroope Terrace, to arrive not later than 1 November 2012.
The Chair of the Faculty Board of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 20 November 2012, in Rooms 8 and 9, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Sidgwick Avenue. Among the business to be transacted will be the election, in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2 (c), of two members to serve on the Faculty Board for four years from 1 January 2013.
Nomination forms are available from Mrs Mary Howe, Faculty Administrator, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Sidgwick Site (email:, tel.: 01223 335107). Nominations, signed by the proposer and seconder, and notice of any other business, should be returned to the Faculty Administrator not later than 10 November 2012.
The Chair of the Faculty Board of Biology gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, 14 November 2012, in the Faculty Office, 17 Mill Lane. The main business is to elect one member of the Faculty Board in class (c) (Statute C, IV, 2 (c)), in accordance with a procedure approved by the Faculty by which the member elected is nominated by the Department of Biochemistry, to serve from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016 (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 587).
Nominations, for which the consent of the candidate must be obtained, signed by the proposer and seconder, and notice of any other business, should be sent to the Secretary, Dr Fiona Russell, Faculty of Biology, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RX, to arrive not later than noon on Monday, 5 November 2012. Copies of the agenda will be posted in Departments in the Faculty.
The Chair of the Faculty Board of Divinity gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 2.15 p.m. on Thursday, 8 November 2012, in the Lightfoot Room of the Divinity Building, West Road. The business to be discussed will include the Chairman’s report, the report by the Director of CARTS, and the election, in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2 (c), of two members of the Faculty Board to serve for four calendar years in class (c), from 1 January 2013.
Nominations for the posts in class (c) must be seconded, and the consent of the candidate obtained in advance, and should reach the Administrative Officer, Faculty of Divinity, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BS, not later than 2 November 2012. Notice of any other business to be discussed should reach the Administrative Officer by the same date.
The Chair of the Faculty Board of Education gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held on Thursday, 15 November 2012, at 3 p.m. in 2S8 in the Donald McIntyre Building, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ.
Notification of any agenda items should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Education, 184 Hills Road, not later than Monday, 5 November 2012.
The Chair of the Faculty Board of Engineering gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, 9 November 2012, in Lecture Room 5 of the Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street. An election will be held, in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2 (c), for three members of the Faculty Board in class (c) to serve for four years from 1 January 2013.
Nomination forms, available from the Faculty Board Office, and notice of any other business, should be sent in writing to M. J. McKerchar, Secretary of the Faculty Board, to reach her not later than noon on 7 November 2012.
The Chair of the Faculty Board of Mathematics gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 2.15 p.m. on Thursday, 15 November 2012, in the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 5, Pavilion A. The main item of business will be the election, in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2, of two members of the Faculty Board in class (a)(ii) to serve from 1 January 2013 for four years and one member of the Faculty Board in class (a)(ii) to serve from 1 January 2013 for one year, and of two members of the Faculty Board in class (c) to serve for four years from 1 January 2013.
Nominations for these elections should reach the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Mathematics, Faculty Office, Room B1.29, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, not later than noon on Thursday, 8 November 2012.
Nominations should be in writing, should bear the signatures of the proposer and seconder, and should contain a signed statement by the nominee that he/she would consent to serve if elected. Any further items for the agenda should reach the Secretary by the same date.
The Faculty Board of Biology give notice that the following combinations of Major and Minor subjects, additional to, or amending, those previously published (Reporter, 2011–12, p. 446), will be offered in the Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II (Biological and Biomedical Sciences) in 2012–13:
Major subject |
Permissible Minor subjects |
Examination requirements |
402 |
Pathology (A and B) |
101 104 105 107 109 113 114 116 118 119 120 122 123 124 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
405 |
Pathology (B and C) |
101 104 105 107 109 111 113 114 116 118 119 120 122 123 124 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
406 |
Pathology (B and D) |
101 104 105 106 107 109 111 113 114 116 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
411 |
Biochemistry (maximum of 5 candidates) |
103 104 108 122 123 |
Five written papers: four papers of three hours each and one paper of three and a quarter hours. |
412 |
Plant Sciences (Cellular – M1, M2, L1, L3) |
101 104 105 107 109 111 115 116 118 119 122 123 125 126 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
413 |
Plant Sciences (Ecology – M3 and M1 or Zoology M2, L2 and Zoology L4) |
104 105 106 109 111 118 121 123 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
414 |
Genetics (choice of 4 out of 5 modules to be decided) (maximum of 8 candidates) |
101 103 104 105 107 108 113 114 115 116 118 122 123 125 126 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
417 |
Neuroscience (4 out of 8 modules) (maximum of 15 candidates) |
101 107 113 115 116 117 118 122 125 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
422 |
Zoology (Ecology and Genetics – two from M2, M3, M5 and two from L3, L4, L5 and Genetics M5) |
103 104 108 109 113 114 118 119 123 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
423 |
Zoology (Ecology and Plant Sciences – two from Plant Sciences M3, Zoology M2, M3, and L3, L4 or Plant Sciences L2) |
103 104 106 108 109 113 114 118 121 123 126 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
424 |
Pathology (B and E) |
101 104 107 113 114 116 118 122 123 124 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
425 |
Pathology (C and E) |
101 103 104 107 108 113 114 116 117 118 122 123 124 125 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
426 |
Pathology (D and E) |
101 103 104 107 108 113 114 116 117 118 122 123 124 |
Four written papers of three hours each. |
The Degree Committee of the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science give notice of the following list of modules to be offered by the Division of Archaeology for examination in 2012–13 for the degree of Master of Philosophy. The methods of examination will be as follows:
G01 |
Research skills |
2,000-word research design and presentation (100%) |
G02 |
Core archaeology |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G03 |
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G04 |
European prehistory |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G06 |
Medieval Europe: 5th – 11th centuries ad |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G07 |
Medieval Europe: 11th – 16th centuries ad |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G08 |
Archaeology of the Americas |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G09 |
South Asian archaeology |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G10 |
Archaeological science |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G11 |
Material culture |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G12 |
Directed reading |
Two 4,000-word essays (50% each) |
G13 |
Introduction to Egyptian language |
100% examination |
G14 |
Advanced Egyptian language |
100% examination |
G15 |
Coptic |
100% examination |
G16 |
Demotic |
100% examination |
G17 |
Historical archaeology of Ancient Egypt I |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G18 |
Historical archaeology of Ancient Egypt II |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G19 |
Landscapes, built environment, and material culture of Ancient Egypt |
Two 4,000-word essays (50% each) |
G20 |
Topics in Egyptology |
Two 4,000-word essays (50% each) |
G21 |
Sumerian language and texts |
100% examination |
G22 |
Elementary Akkadian language and texts |
100% examination |
G23 |
Advanced Akkadian language and texts |
100% examination |
G24 |
Archaeology of Mesopotamia I: Prehistory and early states |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G25 |
Archaeology of Mesopotamia II: Territorial states to empires |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G26 |
Mesopotamian culture I: Mesopotamian literature |
Two 4,000-word essays (50% each) |
G27 |
Mesopotamian culture II: Religion and science |
Two 4,000-word essays (50% each) |
G28 |
Topics in Mesopotamian archaeology |
Two 4,000-word essays (50% each) |
G29 |
Socio-politics of the past |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G30 |
Museums: history, theory, practice |
Examination (67%) and 3,000-word essay (33%) |
G31 |
Management of archaeological heritage |
Two 4,000-word essays (50% each) |
G32 |
Practical applications of scientific methods |
Two 4,000-word practical reports (50% each) |