Applications are invited for these Studentships, to which elections will be made during the Michaelmas Term 2012 for the 2012–13 academical year. All of these Studentships are tenable from the date of the election until 30 September 2013. A Student or Scholar is eligible for re-election on not more than two occasions.
Candidates for any of these Studentships for 2012–13 must submit their application not later than the Division of Michaelmas Term, (i.e. by 5 p.m. on Friday, 9 November 2012) on the appropriate form, available online from APPLICATION_FORM_-_Classical_Studentships.doc. Further information is available online at
Applications are invited for these Studentships and Scholarships, to which elections will be made either during the Easter Term 2013 or during the Research Period 2013 for the 2013–14 academical year. A Student or Scholar is eligible for re-election on not more than two occasions. The Studentship or Scholarship shall be tenable from the date on which the student comes into residence during the 2013–14 academical year until 30 September 2014.
All those who apply for an M.Phil. or Ph.D. place in the Faculty of Classics (for entry in 2013–14) by 11 January 2013 will be considered automatically for these Studentships and Scholarships, and awards are normally made in the summer when candidates’ final undergraduate or Master’s examination results are known.
Other candidates for any of these Studentships for 2013–14 (i.e. those who will be in a second or subsequent year of a Ph.D. course in 2013–14) must submit their application by 5 p.m. on Friday, 11 January 2013, on the appropriate form available online from media/Graduate_downloads/APPLICATION_FORM_-_Classical_Studentships.doc. Further information is available online at http://www.