Elected to an Supernumerary Fellowship from 1 October 2012:
Jennifer Bavidge, M.A., Ph.D., London
Elected to Bye Fellowships from 1 October 2012:
Catherine Elizabeth Margaret Aiken, M.A., M.B., B. Chir., Ph.D., T, MRCP, London
Alice Cicirello, B.Eng., M.Sc., Messina
Marina Evangelou, M.A., M.Phil., MU
The following elections have been made with effect from 1 October 2012:
Professorial Fellowship:
Steven Kevin Connor, B.A., Oxford, D.Phil., Birkbeck
Official Fellowship:
Thomas Peter Hooper, B.A., PET, M.Phil., Ph.D., K
Research Fellowship:
Jennifer Clair French, B.A., Durham
Lutz Peter Warnke, B.Sc., ETH Zurich
Churchill College, Fitzwilliam College, Murray Edwards College, Selwyn College, and Trinity Hall: Junior Research Fellowships (seven in total); tenure: normally three years from 1 October 2013; closing date: 18 November 2012; further particulars and registration details: see the JRF Joint Application Scheme website at http://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/applying/fellows/jrf/
Darwin College: Research Fellowships in the Arts and Sciences (non-stipendiary); closing date: 5 November 2012; further particulars: http://dcsa.dar.cam.ac.uk/node/161
Moses and Mary Finley Research Fellowship (stipendiary); closing date: 7 January 2013; further particulars: http://dcsa.dar.cam.ac.uk/node/161
Wolfson College: College Archivist and Records Manager (part-time); salary: £23,888–£26,150 (pro rata); closing date: 5 November 2012 at noon; further particulars: http://www.wolfson.cam.ac.uk/jobs/
In tandem with the University’s Festival of Ideas (see p. 45), Churchill College will be celebrating the publication of Flying roast ducks: recollections of Sir Hermann Bondi 1983–2005, written by Paula Halson, at 5.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 24 October 2012, in Mill Lane Lecture Room 4. To reserve a place please email development@chu.cam.ac.uk or telephone 01223 336240.
A piano recital given by Clare Hammond will take place on Friday, 2 November 2012 at 6.30 p.m. in the Queen’s Building Lecture Theatre. Further information is available at http://www.emma.cam.ac.uk/collegelife/events/#1747.
The Lees Knowles Lectures for the Michaelmas Term 2012 will be given by Amir Weiner, Associate Professor of Soviet History, Stanford Unviersity, on Total War: the Soviet Union and the Eastern Front in a comparative framework. Further information is available at http://www.trin.cam.ac.uk/index.php?pageid=241.