Artists for Kettle’s Yard, an exhibition of donated works to be sold in aid of the Kettle’s Yard Development Appeal, will be held from 19 March to 8 May at Kettle’s Yard, Castle Street. Donations to the exhibition have been made by artists such as Antony Gormley, Damien Hirst, Anthony Caro, Maggi Hambling, and Edmund de Waal. Further information is available at
The following lectures, seminars, etc. will be open to members of the University and others who are interested:
Equality and Diversity. Award-winning scientist and novelist Professor Sunetra Gupta will present this year’s WiSETI Annual Lecture, entitled Thinking in two languages: my adventures in science and literature, at 5 p.m. on 16 March, in the Auditorium, Robinson College. The lecture is part of a two-week programme of events between 27 February and 17 March celebrating the centenary of International Women’s Day. All are welcome. Booking is available at, and further information is available at
Heritage Research Group. A talk will be given by Dr Chiara de Ceasari, Department of Archaeology, entitled A heritage by NGOs: the politics of the past in Palestine, from 1 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, 17 March, in the McDonald Seminar Room, Department of Archaeology, Downing site. All are welcome.
Music. YUNDI: Chopin masterclass and ‘musical dialogue’. The internationally acclaimed pianist Yundi will give a Chopin masterclass with three student pianists, followed by an hour-long ‘musical dialogue’ with Professor John Rink. The masterclass will be held on Wednesday, 23 March 2011, from 1 to 4 p.m., in West Road Concert Hall, Faculty of Music. For further details, see Tickets are available at the door: adults £5; students (with ID) free of charge. The event is presented by the Faculty of Music ( and the AHRC Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice (
Sociology. Public lectures will be given on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. in Mill Lane Lecture Room 9. All are welcome.
27 AprilThe political sociology of climate change: causes and solutions, by Professor Michael Mann, UCLA
24 MayCo-operation, by Professor Richard Sennett, Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Department of Sociology