Applications are invited for two fixed-term College Lectureships, one in Law and one in Pure Mathematics, each associated with a Fellowship of Christ’s College.
Further particulars are available at Letters of application (there are no forms) should be sent to, to arrive no later than noon on Tuesday, 3 May 2011, including a curriculum vitae with details of qualifications, publications, and experience; an indication of whether a work visa would be required in order to take up the post; and the names and addresses of two persons who have agreed to act as academic referees.
Candidates must arrange for their referees to send their references directly to so that references are received by the closing date of noon on Tuesday, 3 May 2011. Short-listed candidates may be invited for interviews expected to be held during the week commencing 23 May 2011.
A Memorial Concert to celebrate the life of Dudley Williams through live music, tributes, and reminiscences will be held on Saturday, 14 May 2011, at 6 p.m. in the Wolfson Hall at Churchill College. The programme will be varied and reflect Dudley’s eclectic love of music.
The event will be followed by a buffet reception in College. Please email by 4 May if you would like to attend, and also indicate if you will be accompanied.
Applications are invited for a G. R. Elton Postgraduate Scholarship in early modern British and/or early modern European history. The Scholarship will cover University and College fees (but not maintenance) for a Home, EU, or overseas Ph.D. student. It will normally be awarded for up to three years, to graduates who have been approved for a course of studies leading to a Cambridge Ph.D. Degree.
The postgraduate scholarship is open to candidates without regard to gender or nationality. It will normally be awarded to graduates who have been approved for a course of studies in the Cambridge Faculty of History leading to a Ph.D. Degree. The successful student will be expected to pursue his or her studies as a graduate member of Clare College.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, details of applications for other grants and the intended programme of research (including not more than one A4 page describing the proposed research project).
Candidates should arrange for confidential references (including the likely degree result of an M.Phil. or M.A., if it has not yet been obtained) from two referees, to be sent directly to the Graduate Admissions Tutor at Clare College, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TL.
Applications must reach the Graduate Administrator, Clare College, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TL no later than 28 April 2011 for entry on 1 October 2011.
Further details are available on the Clare College website (
The College Research Associate Scheme offers short-term collegiate affiliation to postdoctoral researchers and others in similar posts in Cambridge who would like a College association of some kind but do not have one. They are expected to be available to assist with the College’s teaching and should not hold similar memberships at other Colleges. College Research Associates are elected for a year at a time.
The criteria for selection to the scheme include both academic excellence and the College’s need for teaching in particular areas. The offer is made in the expectation that the College Research Associate will reciprocate by supervising for the College, if required. Supervision will be paid at the usual rate.
Applications are invited from all fields, but are particularly strongly welcomed from individuals who are willing to teach:
•Experimental Psychology, Part Ib
•Materials Science, NST Part Ia and Ib
•Medieval History and Early Modern Europe, Papers 2, 3, 8, and 16
•Pure Mathematics, Part Ib and Part II.
College Research Associates are offered dining rights, access to the College’s sports facilities, gardens, and occasional use of College public rooms.
An application form is available on the College website ( Applications should be sent to Julie Durrant, Fellowship Administrator, by email ( by midday on Thursday, 28 April 2011. Enquiries should also be directed to
Fitzwilliam College seeks to appoint a Chaplain from 1 September 2011. This three-quarters-time appointment, for a maximum period of six years, is open to an ordained minister of any church which is a full member of the World Council of Churches. The principal duties of the Chaplain are the conduct of services in Fitzwilliam College Chapel and the pastoral care of members of the College (which admits men and women).
Further particulars may be obtained from Mrs Sarah Rowland-Jones, HR Officer, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, CB3 0DG (email, or from the Fitzwilliam College website (, under ‘Vacancies’).
Applications, with particulars of educational and ministerial record, together with a note of any special interests or experience, should be received by Mrs Sarah Rowland-Jones, HR Officer, Fitzwilliam College, by Wednesday, 20 April. Candidates are asked to request two referees to send references to Mrs Sarah Rowland-Jones by this date without formal invitation from the College.
A Memorial Service for Mr Brian Deakin, Emeritus Fellow of Magdalene College and formerly Official Fellow, College Lecturer, and Director of Studies in Economics, and Senior Tutor, will be held in Magdalene College Chapel at 2 p.m. on Saturday, 19 March 2011.
Applications are invited for the post of College Lecturer in Political Economy. The appointment will be for three years from 1 October 2011, with the possibility of reappointment thereafter, and will carry with it an official Fellowship; the successful candidate will be known as the Adam Smith Fellow.
The successful candidate, who will have expertise in one or more of the areas of urban and regional economics, development economics, environmental economics, or the economics of property or planning, will be expected to be active in research in his or her chosen field, to direct studies in Land Economy, and to provide an average of eight hours of undergraduate supervision a week in Paper 1 of the Land Economy Tripos, ‘Economics’, and in his or her area of expertise to undergraduate students reading Land Economy and other disciplines, as well as to provide an average of one and a half hours per week of lecturing, classes, or seminars in the Department of Land Economy.
Stipend will be in accordance with the scale for a University Lecturer, currently between £36,862 and £46,696, depending on the age and experience of the person appointed; preference may be given to candidates who have recently gained a Ph.D. Degree.
Applications, which are due by 26 April 2011, should be made online at, where further particulars and relevant links are available. Informal enquiries can be made to the Senior Tutor’s Assistant, Sally Clowes, at Pembroke College is an equal opportunities employer.
Elections with effect from 1 October 2011:
Junior Research Fellows
Alexei Chepelianskii, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Paris XI
Bernhard Staresina, B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Vienna, Ph.D., New York University
Fellow Commoner
Timothy Adams, M.A., CTH