The Board of Electors to the Professorship of Orthopaedic Surgery invite applications for this Professorship from persons whose work falls within the general field of the Professorship to take up appointment on 1 October 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Further information is available at or contact the Academic Secretary, University Offices, The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TT (email, to whom a letter of application should be sent, together with details of current and future research plans, a curriculum vitae, a publications list, and form CHRIS/6 (parts 1 and 3 only) with details of two referees, so as to reach him no later than 1 May 2011.
Informal enquiries may be directed to Professor Patrick Sissons (email, tel. 01223 336738) and Professor Andrew Bradley (email, tel. 01223 336976).
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
Any job application submitted with a curriculum vitae should be accompanied by a Cover Sheet for Employment (form CHRIS/6) which can be downloaded from, or may be obtained in hard copy from the advertising Department or Faculty. A full list of current vacancies can be found at
Applications are invited for a Readership in Real Estate and Housing Finance, available from September 2011 or another date to be arranged. The successful candidate will be based in the Real Estate Finance group and expected to undertake research in some area of real estate and housing finance, contribute to teaching, supervise research students, and contribute generally to the work of the Department. Candidates should have achieved international recognition for their research in some relevant area through publication in international journals and other research contributions.
The current salary for University Readers is £55,758. Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Colin Lizieri (email, tel. +44 (0)1223 337114) or Professor Ian Hodge (email, tel. +44 (0)1223 337134).
Further particulars and other information on the Department are available from the Department’s website at
Applications, consisting of a CHRIS/6 form, a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, a list of publications, and the names of three referees, should be sent to Ms M. Ballard, Administrative Officer, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, 19 Silver Street, Cambridge, CB3 9EP, or can be emailed to to arrive not later than 5 p.m. on 21 April 2011.
Quote reference: JP07909; interview date(s): week commencing 10 May 2011.
The Department of History of Art is seeking to appoint a full-time Unestablished Lecturer from 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2014. The post-holder will contribute to the teaching of the undergraduate Tripos in the History of Art, including provision of a Special Subject paper on any aspect of Western European art and/or architecture, including Italy, in the period 1100–1400. Other duties will include contributions to core undergraduate and M.Phil. courses, active research, and some administrative tasks. Undergraduate teaching undertaken for Colleges is remunerated separately. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. Degree in a relevant subject, and will preferably show evidence of distinction in published research in their application.
Further information about the post and the Department, and about how to apply, is available from the vacancies page at or from Mrs Julia Pettman, Faculty of Architecture and History of Art, 1–5 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge, CB2 1PX (tel. 01223 332966, email
Closing date: 6 April 2011; interview date: 10 May 2011; quote reference: GD07883.
Salary: £49,539–£52,556 a year.
Limit of tenure: The funds for this post are available for five years in the first instance.
Cambridge University Library is one of the world’s great research libraries. The Library is a major scholarly resource, not only for the University’s academic community, but also for researchers nationally and internationally.
Supporting teaching, learning, and research at the highest level of excellence is at the heart of the University’s mission. The University offers three tiers of library provision in support of teaching and research, including Faculty, Departmental, and College libraries. Increasingly, the University Library is taking a pro-active role in co-ordinating services with Faculty and Departmental libraries, and liaising with College libraries, with the aim of providing cost-effective, high-quality delivery of library and e-information services for the benefit of its staff and students.
An exciting opportunity exists for an outstanding professional with vision and enthusiasm to play a key role in taking forward the Library’s priority of establishing a joined-up, federated library service across the University. The successful applicant will have experience of building effective relationships within an organization, leading complex negotiations, and influencing organizational, procedural, and cultural change. An exceptional communicator, the successful applicant will ensure the involvement of key stake-holders and transparency in the design and delivery of processes, policies, and procedures to enable the affiliation of Faculty and Departmental libraries with the University Library. The post-holder will be part of the University Library’s Senior Management Team (SMT), which is responsible for strategic and operational aims and objectives.
Informal enquiries are welcomed by Sue Mehrer, Deputy Librarian (email, tel. 01223 333083).
Further details can be downloaded from, or requested from the Librarian’s office, Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DR (tel. 01223 747413, email Applications, in the form of a covering letter, a curriculum vitae, and a completed CHRIS/6 form, should be returned to the Deputy Librarian either by post to the above address or electronically to (but not both).
This post is open to University of Cambridge staff as a secondment opportunity (please apply in the regular way, but state in your covering letter that you are interested in the post as a secondment). Please note that appointment to a secondment is subject to the agreement of your own institution.
Quote reference: VE07929; closing date: 1 April 2011; interviews are due to be held in May.
Professor Michael Moriarty, M.A., Ph.D., JN, FBA, Centenary Professor of French Literature and Thought, Queen Mary, University of London, elected Drapers Professor of French with effect from 1 September 2011
Professor Geoffrey Lilley Smith, M.A., CHR, B.Sc. (Hons), University of Leeds, Ph.D., CNAA, M.A., Oxford, FRS, FSBiol, FMedSci, Professor of Virology, Imperial College London, and Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow, elected Professor of Pathology with effect from 1 October 2011.