The Council has appointed members of the ad hoc Board of Electors to the Beckwith Professorship of Management Studies as follows:
Professor Ian White, JE, in the Chair, as the Vice-Chancellor’s deputy
(a) on the nomination of the Council
Professor Dame Sandra Dawson, SID
Professor Jan Heide, Wisconsin School of Business
(b) on the nomination of the General Board
Professor Robert Burgelman, Stanford University
Professor Howard Chase, M
Professor Jaideep Prabhu, CL
(c) on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Business and Management
Professor Tina Dacin, Queen’s University, Ontario
Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Singapore Management University
Professor Martin Kilduff, SID
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
Any job application submitted with a curriculum vitae should be accompanied by a Cover Sheet for Employment (form CHRIS/6) which can be downloaded from, or may be obtained in hard copy from the advertising Department or Faculty. A full list of current vacancies can be found at
Salary: £36,862–£46,696 a year.
Since the tenth anniversary of the Institute last year, BP has endowed a further Lectureship to continue to build the activity. Applications are invited in one or more of the very wide range of disciplines in multiphase flow, including the following broad areas:
•fundamental fluid mechanics: mathematical, numerical, and experimental modelling
•thermodynamics and chemical reactions involving flow
•flows in process equipment and porous media
•multiphase flows involving entrainment and separation of phases
•colloids and interfacial phenomena.
Those with a technological and engineering background are also welcome to apply.
Applicants should be highly motivated and energetic researchers interested in developing the research and other activities of the Institute. The successful applicant will be assigned to one of the five Departments as appropriate, and participate in the teaching and other activities of that Department.
To apply, please submit electronic files of (a) a curriculum vitae, (b) a list of publications, (c) a 1,000 word statement of research interests and intended research direction, and of teaching experience, (d) the name, address, telephone number, and email address of three referees, to Candidates should ask their referees to write directly to the Administrator of the BP Institute (email by 15 April 2011. The application should also be accompanied by a completed form CHRIS/6 (parts 1 and 3 only).
It is intended to interview short-listed candidates in the period 24–27 May.
For further information, please contact Professor Andrew Woods ( or, or see the BP Institute website (
Quote reference: ZZ07822.
The following appointments and grants of title have been made:
University Offices (Secretariat). Dr Kirsty Anne Allen, JN, M.A., M.Litt., Ph.D., St Andrews, Mrs Alice Margaret Benton, M.A., W, and Dr Catherine Maxwell, W, B.Sc., Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne, appointed from 1 November 2010 until the retiring age.
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Dr Giulia Flavia Miller, G, and Dr Mark Strange, PEM, have been granted the title of Affiliated Lecturer from 1 October 2010 for two years.
Divinity. Mr Daniele Pevarello, CLH, and Dr Emma Lindsay Wild-Wood have been granted the title of Affiliated Lecturer from 1 October 2010 for a further two years.