Clare College announces a postgraduate bursary to be awarded for the next academic year to a student in any field of Christian theology who is also interested in playing an active part in the life and ministry of the College Chapel. The award is open to candidates without regard to gender, nationality, or denomination, and will normally be awarded to graduates who have been approved for a course of studies leading to a Ph.D. Degree in the University of Cambridge.
The suitable candidate will have a commitment to Christian ministry – lay or ordained – as well as a commitment to the academic study of theology in the service of the Church, and will be expected to assist the Dean for 10 to 12 hours a week, in the life and ministry of the College Chapel.
The award, which is designed to act as a ‘top-up’ scholarship to supplement a grant or other means of support, is valued at £5,000. It is for one year in the first instance – from 1 October 2011 – and may be renewed for up to three years.
Applicants for the scholarship must name Clare College as their College of first choice on the Board of Graduate Studies application forms for admission as a graduate student in the University.
A curriculum vitae and letter of application stating how you would contribute to the life of the Chapel should be sent to the HR Officer, Clare College, Cambridge, CB2 1TL (tel. 01223 333222, email
The closing date for applications is 1 June 2011.
Clare College, together with the Faculty of Divinity, invites applications for a postgraduate scholarship in the field of New Testament (NT) Studies. The award, established in memory of the former Dean of Clare and Lady Margaret’s Professor of Divinity, C. F. D. (‘Charlie’) Moule, is intended to honour both his outstanding NT scholarship and his devotion to his College.
The scholarship is open to candidates without regard to age, gender, nationality, or denomination, and will be awarded to a graduate who has been approved by the Faculty of Divinity to begin studies for a Ph.D. Degree. The award, which is designed to act as a ‘top-up’ scholarship to supplement a grant or other means of support, is valued at £1,000. It will be awarded for one year in the first instance, and may be renewed for up to two more years.
Enquiries and applications should be addressed to: The Chapel Administrator, Clare College, Cambridge, CB2 1TL (tel. 01223 333206, email The closing date for applications is 1 June 2011. Applicants for the scholarship must name Clare College as their College of first choice on the Board of Graduate Studies application forms for admission as a graduate student in the University.
The following have been elected into Junior Research Fellowships for three years from 1 October 2011:
Leon Antonio Rocha, B.A., CL
Daniel Murphy Roy, B.Sc., MIT
Perla Sousi, B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Patras
The following has been elected into the Alan Wilson Fellowship for three years from 1 October 2011:
Amanda Jane Price, M.Sci., B.A., CL
The funeral of Professor Rodney Hill, FRS (Fellow), has been arranged for 10.30 a.m. on Friday, 25 February 2011, in the Chapel of Gonville and Caius College, to be followed by interment in Newmarket Road cemetery at 11.30 a.m.
Elected to a Bye-Fellowship from April 2010:
Timoleon Kipouros, Dip.Eng., Patros, Ph.D., JE
Elected to a Fellowship from 1 July 2010:
André Tiago Rebelo Marques de Albuquerque Neves, M.Eng., Lisbon, Ph.D., DAR
Peter John O’Donnell, M.Sc., Hull, D.Phil., Sussex
Elected to a Junior Research Fellowship from 1 July 2010:
Darren Sarisky, M.Div., Trinity International, Th.M., Duke., Ph.D., Aberdeen
Elected to a Fellowship from 1 October 2010:
David Ian Black, M.A., Ph.D., Harvard
Rebecca Julie Lingwood, M.A., Ph.D., SID
Brian Alfred Stewart, M.St., D.Phil, Oxford
Elected to a Senior Research Fellowship from 1 October 2010:
Julie Esther Marfany, M.Sc., Oxford, Ph.D., K
Elected to a Junior Research Fellowship from 1 October 2010:
Kathelijne Koops, M.Sc., Utrecht
Elected to a Herchel Smith Fellowship from 1 October 2010:
Alyson Ashe, Ph.D., Sydney
Elected to a Bye-Fellowship from 1 October 2010:
Paul Elliott, Ph.D., CL
Julia Kenyon, M.A., SID, M.Phil., Ph.D., DAR
Elected to an Emeritus Fellowship from 1 January 2011:
David Bridges, M.A., Oxford, Ph.D., London
Stephen Portal Tomkins, M.A., M
Elected to a Fellowship from 1 January 2011:
Thomas Graumann, Dr.theol., Münster, Dr.habil, Bochum
Elected to a Senior Research Fellowship from 1 January 2011:
Mary Hilton, M.A., M.Sc., Open
Elected to a Herchel Smith Fellowship from 1 January 2011:
Clément Baruteau, M.Sc., Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Ph.D., Paris Observatory
Elected to a Postdoctoral Fellowship from 1 October 2010:
Bogdan Roman, M.Sc., Versailles
This lecture, entitled A land without shortcuts, will be given by Mr Tim Robinson (Parnell Fellow 2010–11), writer and mapmaker, author of Stones of Aran, Connemara: Listening to the Wind, and Connemara: The Last Pool of Darkness in the Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre, Cripps Court, Magdalene College, at 5.15 p.m. on Monday, 28 February 2011, followed by a wine reception. All are welcome.
On Friday, 11 March, the annual Cooks’ Company Lecture will be held in the Old Library at Pembroke College at 5 p.m. The lecture is being given by Dr Stephen Halliday, and is entitled Our troubles with food: why we are over-fed and under-nourished? Dr Halliday has written a book on this subject with help from Sir Andrew Huxley, who was involved in devising the wartime diet.
Please contact Angela Anderson at Pembroke College (tel. 01223 339079, email by 9 March to book a place at the lecture.
The College wishes to appoint a Fellow in Physics who currently holds an existing research or teaching appointment in the Department of Physics, with effect from 1 October 2011 (or as soon as possible thereafter), for up to five years in the first instance. The Fellowship would be held concurrently with the appointee’s teaching or research post. The successful candidate would assist in supervising as well as in student admissions, and would be provided with the usual benefits of a Fellow in the College.
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, a statement of current research interests and teaching experience, and the names of three referees, should be addressed to the Senior Tutor by 23 March 2011. Applicants are asked to arrange for references to be sent from their three referees directly to the Senior Tutor, Robinson College, Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AN (email, fax 01223 464806) by the closing date. Interviews will be held in early May.