If a suitable candidate presents her or himself, an election will be made to the Lehmann Studentship in Jewish History and Culture with effect from 1 October 2010.
The studentship comprises the equivalent of the University and College fee for up to three years (at either the UK/EU or overseas rate) and a maintenance grant of approximately £13,000 a year. The award is tenable for one year in the first instance, renewable for up to a maximum of two further years subject to receipt of a satisfactory report from the supervisor. The award will be under the auspices of the Oxford University Hebrew and Jewish Studies Unit. The award is intended for any postgraduate student pursuing doctoral research in early modern or modern western/central European Jewish history and/or culture. Candidates must have obtained at least an upper second class degree or its equivalent in a relevant field of study. Enquiries regarding eligibility to apply may be addressed to Dr Joanna Weinberg (email joanna.weinberg@orinst.ox.ac.uk).
Preferential consideration for accommodation at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies at Yarnton Manor will be given to the successful candidate. (See http://www.ochjs.ac.uk/).
Applications must include: (a) the course and Faculty to which the candidate has applied for postgraduate study; (b) a brief statement of the academic career, including attainments and qualifications; (c) a brief statement of research interests; (d) the names of two referees (please see below); and (e) a statement of any other emoluments held or being applied for by the candidate.
All applications will be considered on their merits by a panel of representatives from the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Unit in the Faculty of Oriental Studies and Brasenose College.
Applications should be received by Charlotte Vinnicombe, Unit for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, The Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE (email orient@orinst.ox.ac.uk) no later than 12 March 2010. Applicants should ask their referees to supply confidential references by the same date.
A separate application to the University for a place for doctoral study is required, and the award would be subject to an offer of a place from Brasenose College. Please see http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/forms/ for information.
Please note, the following information outlines an internal pre-application selection process. It is not authorization to make an application to the Leverhulme Trust through this Institution.
Leverhulme Scheme
The Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship Scheme is aimed at those at a relatively early stage of their academic career but with a proven record of research. The Humanities Division at Oxford has a track record with the Trust, having received four Fellowships over the past two years (with a number also awarded to other parts of the University). Fellowships are normally tenable for two or three years on a full-time basis. The Leverhulme eligibility criteria are that applicants must normally be under 35, not hold or have held a permanent academic position in a UK university or comparable institution, and have an awarded Doctorate or equivalent research experience. (Applications from those aged 35 and over will be considered if they began their academic studies at a later age than is usual or if they have had a career change or break.)
The award requires matched funding from the institution and there is provision for personal research expenses of up to £6,000 a year, if requested at the time of application. The Jill Hart Leverhulme Early Career Fellow will be appointed jointly by the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics, normally in the first three points of University Grade 7, salary range currently £28,839 to £30,594 a year, depending on experience.
For full details of the Leverhulme scheme please see http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/grants_awards/grants/early_career_fellowships/ and for further information about applying from outside the University of Oxford, please see the following page on the Humanities Division website: http://www.humanities.ox.ac.uk/research/applying_from_outside_oxford/leverhulme_early_career_fellowships.
Call for expressions of interest
The Faculties of Oriental Studies and of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics propose to use some of the income from the Jill Hart Fund1 to provide the matching funding for an application in the subject of Indo–Iranian Philology. They now invite expressions of interest from potential applicants in the relevant field who wish to be considered for the Faculty’s support in applying to the Leverhulme scheme.
Expressions of interest must be received by noon on Friday, 11 December 2009 and should include the following:
1.a maximum two-page curriculum vitae with education, publications, thesis title, and examiners;
2.a maximum two-page statement of research (please note last year’s Leverhulme guidance stated: ‘If an applicant wishes to remain in the same institution he or she should rehearse the academic and/or personal reasons for this.’ If you are currently at Oxford, please include justification of why it is appropriate for you to remain here to hold an ECF, in the statement);
3.a 150-word abstract summarizing the research for a general audience;
4.an indication of what additional research expenses may be claimed;
5.two letters of reference; and
6.a note of who your mentor would be, having obtained her or his agreement in principle to act in this role, if the application is successful. Your mentor must be a member of either the Faculty of Oriental Studies or the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics.
Expressions of interest should be emailed to the office of the Faculty Board Secretary, Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE (email orient@orinst.ox.ac.uk).
Interviews will not be held. A nominee will be selected by the Management Committee of the Jill Hart Fund, which consists of members of the Faculties of Oriental Studies and of Lingustics, Philology, and Phonetics, and all applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application as soon as possible after the closing date.
Further information may be obtained from http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/ (Oriental Studies) and http://www.ling-phil.ox.ac.uk/ (Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics) or by email to the Chair of the Jill Hart Trust Management Committee, Professor C. Minkowski (christopher.minkowski@orinst.ox.ac.uk).
1The Jill Hart Fund for Indo–Iranian Philology at the University of Oxford supports elementary language teaching and learning, and philological teaching and study, of Vedic Sanskrit and of the languages belonging to the Iranian branch of Indo-European at their earliest attested stages.
Lincoln College, Oxford, wishes to appoint a Domestic Bursar. This is a senior management position, entailing responsibility for the College’s domestic management, services, and administration, and for the College’s facilities. The Domestic Bursar is a Fellow and member of the College’s Governing Body.
The Domestic Bursar’s responsibilities include management of accommodation, catering, conference, and buildings services; input to the College’s strategy for its future development and growth; financial management and control in respect of domestic services budgets; management of staff in the College’s domestic departments; and serving as the College’s principal Health and Safety Officer.
The successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:
•senior management experience; specifically, experience of operating at a senior level in a high-quality service sector organization
•proven budgetary and line management responsibility
•strong interpersonal skills enabling her or him to have the ability to interact with many different types of people, and to inspire, motivate, and lead members of staff
•excellent oral and written communication skills
•experience of compliance with legislation and regulations relevant to the position
•a detail-focused approach to the planning and delivery of services to customers
•a qualification at or above NVQ level 3 or equivalent.
Total remuneration will be in the range £56,000 to £63,000 a year.
For a copy of the further particulars, which include information about the application process, please view the College’s website at http://www.lincoln.ox.ac.uk/ or contact the Bursar’s Secretary (email bursarsec@lincoln.ox.ac.uk). The closing date for applications is Friday, 18 December 2009.