General Sir (William Gerald) Hugh Beach, GBE, KCB, MC, M.A., Honorary Fellow of Peterhouse, died on 4 September 2019, aged 96 years.
Professor William Arthur Brown, CBE, M.A., Emeritus Fellow and formerly Master of Darwin College, Honorary Fellow of Wolfson College, Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations Emeritus, died on 1 August 2019, aged 74 years.
Mr Andrew Neil Cheadle, Chief Security Patroller in the Estate Management Division of the University Offices, died on 16 July 2019, aged 39 years.
Professor Sir Christopher Martin Dobson, Ph.D., Sc.D., FRS, FMedSci, Master of St John’s College and Honorary Fellow of Darwin College, John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Chemical and Structural Biology Emeritus, died on 8 September 2019, aged 69 years.
Dr Bruce Elsmore, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Fellow and former Senior Tutor of St Edmund’s College, died on 24 August 2019, aged 93 years.
Mr Peter Stephen Hester, formerly of the Cambridge University Press and typesetter of the Cambridge University Reporter, died on 16 July 2019, aged 67 years.
Mr (Thomas Gerald) Michael Keall, M.A., Fellow Commoner, former Junior Bursar and the first Alumni Secretary of Magdalene College, died on 7 July 2019, aged 88 years.
Dr Jeffery David Lewins, M.A., Ph.D., Life Fellow of Magdalene College and member of Gonville and Caius College, died on 23 August 2019, aged 88 years.
Dr Thomas Finbarr Livesey, Ph.D., Fellow of Magdalene College, member of Christ’s College and of Downing College, and University Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Studies, died on 2 September 2019, aged 47 years.
Dr Aaron Miller Rapport, Fellow of Corpus Christi College and University Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Studies, died on 27 June 2019, aged 38 years.