Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6535

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Vol cxlix No 17

pp. 355–384



  5 February, Tuesday. Discussion at 2 p.m. in the Senate-House (see below).

13 February, Wednesday. Lent Term divides.

19 February, Tuesday. Discussion at 2 p.m. in the Senate-House.

23 February, Saturday. Congregation of the Regent House at 2 p.m.

24 February, Sunday. Preacher before the University at 11.15 a.m., The Revd Dr R. J. Steinke, SE, President of the Luther Seminary, St Paul, Minnesota (Hulsean Preacher).

Discussions (Tuesdays at 2 p.m.)

Congregations (Saturdays unless otherwise stated)

  5 February

23 February, at 2 p.m.

19 February

23 March, at 11 a.m.

  5 March

30 March, at 11 a.m.

19 March

Discussion on Tuesday, 5 February 2019

The Vice-Chancellor invites those qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 105), to attend a Discussion in the Senate-House on Tuesday, 5 February 2019 at 2 p.m., for the discussion of:

1. Topic of concern to the University: The future of the Investment Office (Reporter, 2018–19: 6532, p. 294 and 6534, p. 322).

2. Report of the Council on refurbishment of the Bunker as a collections storage facility for the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Reporter, 6534, 2018–19, p. 351).

Further information on Discussions, including details on format and attendance, is provided at

Anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement and policy

28 January 2019

In accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the University is required to prepare an anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement for each financial year, setting out what steps it has taken to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in its business or supply chains. The University’s statement for the financial year ended 31 July 2018 is published below, together with its policy on the issue.

Anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 July 2018 (pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015)

Legal status and activities

The University of Cambridge is a common law corporation and is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 2011. The incorporation of the University was confirmed by the Oxford and Cambridge Act 1571, which confirmed its corporate title of ‘The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge’. The University operates in the higher education sector and consists of academic Schools, Faculties and Departments, libraries and other collections, administrative departments and, for the purposes of this statement, includes its wholly owned companies. Its mission is to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.

Cambridge Assessment (which provides examination services) and Cambridge University Press (which provides publishing services) are departments of the University rather than separate legal entities. Cambridge Assessment is covered by this statement. Cambridge University Press, however, has a different financial year-end and broader supply chains, and consequently has produced its own anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement.1


The University has implemented an Anti-slavery and anti-trafficking policy (published below) reflecting its commitment to combatting slavery and human trafficking and to acting with integrity in all its dealings, relationships, and supply chains. The policy outlines how the University’s various procurement and HR practices, policies and procedures ensure compliance with its policy commitment.

Enhancements to the policy in the year ending 31 July 2018

In order to enhance the University’s policy commitment, the following specific measures were progressed during 2017–18:

Amendments to the trade supplier portal to question potential new suppliers on their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 as part of due diligence processes (failure to confirm compliance results in exclusion from the list of approved suppliers).

Amendments to the trade supplier approval process so that the University’s Procurement Office reviews all new and amended suppliers and re-activation requests, with confirmation of compliance recorded as part of that process.

A communications programme to ensure that the University’s Departments, Faculties and other Institutions are aware of, and diligent about, anti-slavery and anti-trafficking requirements.

A communications programme with current trade suppliers, with confirmation of compliance recorded as part of that process.

The development of an online training module on anti-slavery and anti-trafficking for a wide range of relevant new and existing employees.

The University did not receive any reports of instances of modern slavery or human trafficking in the financial year ending 31 July 2018.

The University will continue to raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking and of the need for proper due diligence and risk assessment processes to be applied by staff and suppliers, in accordance with its policy.

This annual statement was approved by the Council on 28 January 2019.

Anti-slavery and anti-trafficking policy

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking whereby individuals are deprived of their freedom and are exploited for commercial or personal gain as enacted in the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The University is committed to combatting slavery and human trafficking and to acting with integrity in all its dealings, relationships, and supply chains. It expects the same high standards from all its staff, suppliers, contractors, and those with whom it does business. This policy applies to all employees, workers, consultants, and other persons doing business with the University including all its wholly owned companies, contractors, and suppliers. It applies to Cambridge Assessment though not to Cambridge University Press, which has developed its own policy.1

The University acknowledges the risk that a supply chain may involve the use of a hidden or unknown subcontractor reliant on forced labour. Although the University as a higher education institution considers the risk of modern slavery to be low due to the nature of its supply chains, it takes its responsibilities to combat modern slavery seriously as demonstrated by its promotion and adoption of the following policy measures:

The prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery in any part of its business or supply chains is the responsibility of all those working for the University or under its control.

Appropriate due diligence processes must be carried out in relation to modern slavery which may include considering human rights in a sector or country, the type of sector in which a service provider operates, the countries from which services are provided, the nature of relationships with suppliers, and the complexity of supply chain(s).

All supply chain lines need to be continually risk assessed and managed in relation to modern slavery and any high-risk suppliers audited. The University’s standard procurement and contract documentation2 addresses anti-slavery and anti-trafficking. Staff working in central Procurement Services are trained in the importance of these provisions.

The University encourages anyone to raise any concerns about modern slavery, using its whistleblowing policy3 if necessary, and will support anyone who acts in good faith.

The University’s recruitment,4 dignity@work,5 equalities,6 and remuneration and reward7 policies and procedures support its efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Cambridge Assessment has equivalent provisions in its separate procurement, whistleblowing and HR policies and procedures.

The University will continue to develop its commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and will outline such activities within its annual anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement.

Any breaches of this policy may result in the University taking disciplinary action against individual(s) and/or terminating its relationship with any organisation or supplier.

This policy is managed by the Registrary’s Office and was last approved by the Council on 28 January 2019.