Further to its Notice of 16 May 2018 (Reporter, 6506, 2017–18, p. 574), the Faculty Board of History gives notice that it has further amended its announcement of special and specified subjects for Part II of the Historical Tripos, 2019 (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 340), as follows:
By renumbering, in the list of specified subjects, paper 16 'Persecution and toleration in Britain, 1400–1700' as paper 25.
The Faculty Board is satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be adversely affected by this change.
The Faculty Board of Law gives notice that, in accordance with Regulation 17, the subjects prescribed as half-papers for Paper 49 of the Law Tripos, and seminar courses for Paper 50 in Part II of the Law Tripos in 2018–19 are as listed below:
Banking law
Civil procedure
European environmental and sustainable development law
Historical foundations of the British constitution
Landlord and tenant law
Law of succession
Personal information law
Topics in European legal history
Topics in legal and political philosophy
Crime and criminal justice
Ethics and the criminal law
Law and ethics of medicine
The legal process: justice and human rights
Private law
Public law
Select issues in international law
Women and the law
The Faculty Board of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2018–19, the subjects for examination for the Management Studies Tripos will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.
8. Scheme of examination (compulsory subjects) |
M1 |
Marketing and organizational behaviour |
3-hour written examination: four questions to be answered, two from Section A (Organizational behaviour), and two from Section B (Marketing) |
M2 |
Quantitative methods and operations management |
3-hour written examination: four questions to be answered, two from Section A (Quantitative methods), and two from Section B (Operations management) |
M3 |
Economics and finance |
3-hour written examination: four questions to be answered, two from Section A (Economics), one from Section B(1) (Accounting), and one from Section B(2) (Finance) |
9. Easter Term group consultancy project |
Project |
Group-authored report (70%), individual performance/presentation (30%). Deliverable to client: group presentation and summary |
10. Coursework (elective subjects – all students must choose two) |
MSE7 |
Human resource management |
Individual take-home essay (100%) |
MSE8 |
Environment and sustainability |
Individual take-home essay (100%) |
MSE9 |
Business economics |
Individual take-home essay (100%) N.B. This elective is not available to students who have previously studied on the Economics Tripos |
MSE10 |
Topics in corporate finance |
Individual take-home essay (65%), group presentation (30%), class participation (5%) |
MSE11 |
Business innovation in a digital age |
Individual take-home essay (100%) |
MSE12 |
Strategic management |
Individual take-home essay (50%), group take-home essay (40%), class participation (10%) |
10. Coursework (compulsory subject) |
Negotiations workshop |
Individual assignment (100%) |
The Faculty Board of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2018–19, the subjects for examination for the degree of Master of Accounting will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.
Option B: two-year part-time course
MACC1 Global financial reporting |
Group assignment (40%) and in-class test (60%) |
MACC2 Strategic performance management |
Individual assignment (40%) and take-home examination (60%) |
MACC3 Internal and external audit |
Group assignment (40%) and individual assignment (60%) |
MACC4 Probability and statistics |
2-hour written examination (100%) |
MACC5 Conference: critical issues in accounting |
Group assignment (100%) |
MACC6 Negotiations |
Individual assignment (100%) |
MACC7 Structured and unstructured data |
Individual assignment (60%) and 2-hour written examination (40%) |
MACC8 Descriptive analytics |
Individual assignment (100%) |
MACC9 Predictive analytics |
In-class test (100%) |
None; all electives scheduled for 2019–20.
None; all project work to be undertaken in 2019–20.
The Faculty Board of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2018–19, the subjects for examination for the degree of Master of Business Administration will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.
MBA1 Microeconomics |
Examination – 1 hour plus 15 minutes’ reading time (100%) |
MBA2 Management science |
Individual in-class test – 2.5 hours (100%) |
MBA4 Corporate finance |
Examination – 2 hours plus 15 minutes’ reading time (100%) |
MBA5 Financial reporting and analysis |
Examination – 1.5 hours plus 15 minutes’ reading time (60%); group assignment – 2,000 words (40%) |
MBA6 CVP research methods |
Attendance only |
MBA7 Organizational behaviour |
Individual assignment – 3,000 words (100%) |
MBA8 Management praxis |
Individual assignment – 3,000 words (100%) |
MBA117 Economics, organizations, and incentives |
Individual assignment – 3,000 words (100%) |
MBA9 Cambridge venture project |
Group project and presentation – 20 minutes plus deck of slides, 35 maximum (100%) |
MBA115 Entrepreneurship |
Individual assignment – 3,000 words (100%) |
MBA10 Strategy |
Examination – 1.5 hours plus 15 minutes’ reading time (70%); group assignment – 2,500 words (30%) |
MBA11 Marketing |
Examination – 1.5 hours plus 15 minutes’ reading time (70%); group assignment – 2,500 words (30%) |
MBA34 Global consulting project |
Group assignment – 3,500 words (100%) |
MBA16 Cost management and control |
Individual assignment – 2,500 words (100%) |
MBA116 Digital business |
Individual assignment – 2,500 words (100%) |
MBA33 Management praxis II |
Individual assignment – 3,000 words (100%) |
MBA12 Corporate governance and ethics |
Individual assignment – 3,000 words (100%) |
MBA108 Business and society |
Individual assignment – 2,500 words (100%) |
MBA15 Operations management |
Examination – 1.5 hours plus 15 minutes’ reading time (50%); group assignment – 1,500 words (30%); class participation (20%) |
MBA13 Leadership in action |
Attendance only |
MBA54 Macroeconomics |
Individual assignment – 2,500 words (75%); group assignment – 2,000 words (25%) |
MBA35A Culture, arts, and media management |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35B Energy and environment |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35C Entrepreneurship |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35D Healthcare strategies |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35E Finance |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35F Global business |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35G Strategy |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35H Social innovation |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35I Marketing |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
MBA35J Digital transformation |
Group project and presentation – 15 minutes plus Q&As, and 1,000-word report (100%) |
EMBA11 Managing innovation |
Individual assignment (60%), group assignment (40%) |
EMBA12 Managing strategy |
Individual assignment (70%), group assignment (30%) |
EMBA4 Management praxis (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Individual assignment (100%) |
EMBA17 Leadership in action (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
EMBA13 Team consulting project |
Attendance only |
EMBA14 Corporate governance and ethics |
Individual assignment (100%) |
EMBA4 Management praxis (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Individual assignment (100%) |
EMBA17 Leadership in action (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
EMBA19 Personal and professional development (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
Elective 1: EMBA15 |
Assessment to be announced by the end of Michaelmas Term |
Elective 2: EMBA16 |
Assessment to be announced by the end of Michaelmas Term |
EMBA1 Analysis of financial reports (Accounting) |
In-class test (20%), case write-up (20%), 2-hour written examination (60%) |
EMBA2 Corporate finance (this course runs into Lent Term as well) |
Two group case write-ups (40%), 2-hour written examination (60%) |
EMBA3 Microeconomics |
Attendance only |
EMBA4 Management praxis (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Individual assignment (100%) |
EMBA5 Management science |
Group assignment (50%), 1.5-hour written examination (50%) |
EMBA17 Leadership in action (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
EMBA19 Personal and professional development (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
EMBA6 Organizational behaviour |
Individual assignment (100%) |
EMBA7 Operations management |
Group assignment (30%); individual assignment (70%) |
EMBA8 International business studies |
Group assignment (100%) |
EMBA17 Leadership in action (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
EMBA19 Personal and professional development (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
EMBA6 Organizational behaviour |
Individual assignment (100%) |
EMBA9 Macroeconomics |
Group assignment (25%), individual assignment (75%) |
EMBA10 Marketing management |
Group assignment (50%), individual assignment (50%) |
EMBA20 Negotiation skills |
Attendance only |
EMBA17 Leadership in action (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
EMBA19 Personal and professional development (this course runs throughout the programme) |
Attendance only |
The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2018–19, the coursework prescribed in accordance with Regulation 4 of the regulations for the degree of Doctor of Business will be as listed below. The method of assessment is shown for each subject.
MPO1 Econometrics I |
assessed by 5,000-word research exercise* |
MPO2 Qualitative research methods |
assessed by five research exercises, of no more than 1,000 words each* |
ISOE8 Organizational research methods |
assessed by 5,000-word essay* |
BD1 Directed readings in project management |
assessed by a literature survey plus viva voce |
*Candidates will also be required to attend a viva voce examination on any assessed element above.
The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2018–19, the subjects for examination in Entrepreneurship for the degree of Master of Studies will be as listed below.
Students must take ten modules (four core modules and six electives from the list of modules published).
Students are also required to complete a Project Report of not more than 15,000 words in length, on a subject approved by the Degree Committee. The method of examination is shown for each subject.
Opportunities, business models, and entrepreneurial strategy |
individual essay of no more than 4,000 words (100%) |
Entrepreneurship skills and the entrepreneurial mindset |
individual essay of no more than 4,000 words (100%) |
Assembling and managing innovative teams |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Persuasion, social capital, and sales |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Financial literacy |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Students must choose one module from a selected pathway:
Fintech entrepreneurship (pathway 1) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Health care entrepreneurship (pathway 2) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Biotech entrepreneurship (pathway 3) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Retail and consumer entrepreneurship (pathway 4) |
individual essay of no more than 1,500 words (60%); four one-minute individual video presentations (30%); online participation (10%) |
Cleantech entrepreneurship (pathway 5) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Agritech food entrepreneurship (pathway 6) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Creative industries entrepreneurship (pathway 7) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Entrepreneurship education (pathway 8) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Manufacturing technologies entrepreneurship (pathway 9) |
individual essay of no more than 1,000 words (50%); individual presentation (50%) |
Government services entrepreneurship (pathway 10) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Construction and property entrepreneurship (pathway 11) |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Andeither four or five† modules from the open list:
Intellectual property |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Pitching and investor networks |
individual essay of no more than 1,000 words (50%); slide deck (50%) |
Lean startup theory and practice |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
B2B marketing |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Decision making and systems thinking |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Managing the early growth of a firm |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Leadership and vision |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Digital marketing |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
21st Century entrepreneurship: sustainability and emerging topics |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Raising early-stage finance |
individual essay of no more than 1,000 words (50%); group presentation (50%) |
Raising later-stage finance |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Managing scaleups |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Intrapreneurship theory |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Intrapreneurship practice** |
individual essay of no more than 2,000 words (100%) |
Design: creating, making, and service design |
individual essay of no more than 1,000 words (40%); mobile app or website (40%); in-class participation (20%) |
† Students receiving a passing mark on the Financial literacy online test and not taking the Financial literacy core module should choose five modules from this list; all other students should choose four.
** Students may only take Intrapreneurship practice if sponsored by their employer to do so, as the module requires project work within their employer.
The Faculty Board of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2018–19, the subjects for examination for the degree of Master of Finance will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.
MFIN9 Principles of finance |
2.5-hour written examination (100%) |
MFIN10 Economic foundations of finance |
1.5-hour written examination (100%) |
MFIN6 Financial institutions and markets |
1.5-hour written examination (100%) |
MFIN5 Management lecture series |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
MFIN7 Financial reporting and analysis |
1-hour in-class test (50%), group case study write-up of 2,500 words maximum (50%) |
MFIN22 Management practice |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
MFIN23 City speaker series |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
MFIN29 Introduction to derivatives |
2-hour in-class test (100%) |
MFIN39 Fundamentals of credit |
2-hour in-class test (60%) and group case study (40%) |
MFIN3 Econometrics |
2-hour mid-term test (40%), 2-hour final test (60%) |
MFIN24 Equity research project |
Group project, assessed by group presentation (50%) and report of no more than 2,500 words (50%) |
MFIN5 Management lecture series |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
MFIN22 Management practice |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
MFIN23 City speaker series |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
MFIN26 Group consulting project |
Group project, assessed by 1-hour group presentation (100%) |
MFIN5 Management lecture series |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
MFIN23 City speaker series |
Seminar, assessed by attendance |
The Faculty Board of Law gives notice that the following designated papers have been prescribed for the Master of Corporate Law examination, 2018–19 (Regulation 6, Statutes and Ordinances, p. 470):
No. |
Paper title |
Form of examination |
7 |
Corporate insolvency law |
3 |
9 |
Corporate finance law |
3 |
10 |
Corporate governance |
3 |
M1 |
The legal and economic structure of corporate transactions |
c |
M2b |
Shareholder litigation |
(Module) |
2 |
M2d |
Corporate taxation |
(Module) |
2 |
M2e |
International merger control |
(Module) |
2 |
M2f |
US corporate law |
(Module) |
2 |
M2g |
The law firm as a business |
(Module) |
2 |
M2h |
Aspects of financial regulation |
(Module) |
2 |
‘3’ indicates a subject in which a three-hour final examination is required; a candidate has no option of substituting a thesis or a two-hour examination and an essay.
‘2’ indicates a subject in which a two-hour final examination is required; a candidate has no option of substituting a thesis.
‘c’ indicates a subject in which candidates will be evaluated by coursework prescribed by the Faculty Board from time to time.
The Faculty Board of Law gives notice that it has prescribed the following papers and forms of examination for the Master of Law examination, 2018–19 (Regulations 1 and 2, Statutes and Ordinances, p. 471):
No. |
Paper title |
Form of examination |
Designation |
1 |
Law, medicine, and life sciences |
es, t |
2 |
International commercial tax |
t |
c, i |
4 |
Law of restitution |
t |
c |
5 |
Economics of law and regulation |
t |
c, e |
6 |
Law and information |
3 |
c, e, ip |
7 |
Corporate insolvency law |
3 |
c |
9 |
Corporate finance law |
t |
c |
10 |
Corporate governance |
3 |
c |
11 |
Criminal justice – players and processes |
es, t |
12 |
Intellectual property |
es, t |
c, e, ip |
15 |
International environmental law |
t |
i |
16 |
Constitutional law of the European Union |
t |
e |
17 |
EU trade law |
3 |
e |
18 |
External relations law of the EU |
t |
e |
20 |
Law of armed conflict, use of force, and peacekeeping |
3 |
i |
22 |
Advanced labour law |
t |
e |
23 |
The law of the World Trade Organization |
t |
i, ip |
24 |
International criminal law |
t |
i |
25 |
International human rights law |
t |
i |
29 |
International investment law |
t |
i |
30 |
Jurisprudence |
3 |
31 |
Topics in legal and political philosophy |
3 |
33 |
Comparative family law and policy |
t |
34 |
International law of global governance |
t |
i |
35 |
History of English civil and criminal law |
t |
36 |
International intellectual property law |
es, t |
c, e, i, ip |
38 |
Seminar paper: public law |
39 |
Legislation |
3 |
41 |
Advanced private law |
t |
c |
•A candidate may take a written paper of three hours’ duration in all the subjects listed above, other than Paper 38.
•Paper 38: Seminar paper. Paper 38 shall be examined by the submission of a thesis which shall not exceed 18,000 words including footnotes and appendices, but excluding bibliography, on a topic approved by the Faculty Board which falls within the scope of the following seminar course prescribed for 2018–19:
(a)Public law
‘es’ indicates a subject in which a candidate has a free choice between:
(a)a written paper of three hours’ duration; and
(b)a written paper of two hours’ duration together with the submission of an essay of not more than 7,000 words, including footnotes and appendices but excluding bibliography, on a topic approved by the Faculty Board which falls within the field of the subject.
‘t’indicates a subject in which a candidate may submit a thesis in lieu of a final examination. The thesis shall not exceed 18,000 words including footnotes and appendices, but excluding bibliography. It shall be on a topic approved by the Faculty Board falling within the field of the subject.
‘3’indicates a subject in which a three-hour final examination is required, the candidate having no option of substituting a thesis or a two-hour examination and an essay.
•In 2018–19 there are no subjects which may be examined only in the form of a written paper of two hours’ duration together with the submission of an essay of not more than 7,000 words, including footnotes and appendices but excluding bibliography, on a topic approved by the Faculty Board which falls within the field of the subject.
The Faculty Board of Law gives notice that the following papers prescribed for the LL.M. Examination, 2019, are deemed to be papers in English Law and Legal History for the purpose of the award of the Chancellor’s Medal for the encouragement of the study of English Law (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 802):
4. |
Law of restitution |
6. |
Law and information |
9. |
Corporate finance law |
10. |
Corporate governance |
12. |
Intellectual property |
30. |
Jurisprudence |
33. |
Comparative family law and policy |
35. |
History of English civil and criminal law |
39. |
Legislation |
41. |
Advanced private law |