Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6485

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Vol cxlviii No 9

pp. 115–143

Form and conduct of examinations

Notices by Faculty Boards, or other bodies concerned, of changes to the form and conduct of certain examinations to be held in 2017–18, by comparison with those examinations in 2016–17, are published below. Complete details of the form and conduct of all examinations are available from the Faculties or Departments concerned.

Economics Tripos, Parts I and IIa, 2017–18

The Faculty Board of Economics gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2018, the form of the examinations for the following papers for the Economics Tripos will be amended as outlined below.

Part I

Paper 2. Macroeconomics

Previously, this paper was sectioned, with students being required to answer six compulsory questions in Section A, and two out of six questions in Section B; each question within each section carried equal weight.

The number of questions set in Section B will now be reduced from six to four questions.

Part IIa

Paper 7. Labour

Previously this was an unsectioned paper with students required to answer four out of eight questions.

This paper will now be sectioned and students will be required to answer four questions in total, with:

•Two questions out of three on supply and demand, human capital [50%]

One question out of two on signalling, wage structure, and unions [25%]

One question out of two on family, the state, and the labour market [25%]

History of Art Tripos, Part I, 2018

The Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art gives notice that, with effect from the examination to be held in 2018, the form of the examination for the following paper for Part I of the History of Art Tripos will be as follows:

Paper 4. The meaning of architecture and art

Candidates must answer three questions in total, at least one from each of Section A and Section B. Each section contains six questions and all questions will carry equal marks.

All other papers remain unchanged.

Law Tripos, 2017–18

The Faculty Board of Law gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2017–18, the form and/or conduct of the examination for the following papers for the Law Tripos will be changed as follows:

Paper 13. Law of Tort

Candidates are permitted to take Blackstone’s Statutes on Contract, Tort, and Restitution (any edition) into the examination.

Paper 36. Comparative law

The paper will contain no fewer than nine questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any four.

Candidates are permitted to take the Faculty’s French and German Civil Codes in Translation into the examination.

Paper 39. Human rights law

The paper will contain no fewer than eight questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any four.

Candidates are permitted to take the Faculty’s Materials on Human Rights Laws (2017–18) into the examination.

Half Papers

Paper 49G. Law of succession

The paper will contain no fewer than six questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any three.

Candidates are permitted to take Blackstone’s Statutes on Property Law, Butterworth’s Property Law Handbook, Routledge’s Property Law Statutes (any edition), and the Faculty’s materials on Inheritance Tax into the examination.

Paper 49I. Topics in legal and political philosophy

The paper will contain no fewer than five questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any three.

Candidates are not permitted to take any materials into the examination.

Paper 49M. Banking law

The paper will contain no fewer than six questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any three.

Candidates are permitted to take the Faculty’s Banking Law Materials (2017–18) into the examination.

Paper 49Q. Personal information law

The paper will contain no fewer than six questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any three.

Candidates are permitted to take the Faculty’s Personal Information Law Materials (2017–18) into the examination.

All other parts of the examination remain unchanged.

Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, Parts Ia, Ib, and II, 2018

The Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages gives notice that, with effect from the examination to be held in 2018, the form of the examination for the following papers for the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos will be as specified below.



GEA1. Introduction to the German language 1 (listening comprehension test)

The Listening Comprehension test carries 30% of the total marks for Paper GEA1.

The examination lasts for 60 minutes. When the examination commences candidates will have two minutes in which to read the exam questions. The passage for comprehension will then be played twice. There will be a five-minute pause between each playing of the passage. Candidates may take notes throughout. After the second playing candidates may begin to write their answers.

No changes have been made to the GEA1 Comprehension and German examination.


SPB2. Translation from Spanish

Candidates will be required to answer two questions in two hours.

The exercise analysing the translation of a Spanish poem into English has been replaced by a translation from Spanish into English from the period 1820–1940 (approximately).




Fr.10. Enlightenment and its limits

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, one from each section.

For Section B, candidates will be required to discuss one of a list of six propositions with reference to a range of material from the period.


Pg.1. Introduction to the language, literatures, and cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries

Candidates will be required to answer three questions. Candidates may not answer more than one question from each section on the examination paper. For questions on literature, film, and the visual arts, candidates will be required to cover material from at least two different countries in the Portuguese-speaking world and two different media (literature, film, the visual arts).

Candidates must not draw on substantially the same material for more than one answer. Answers to Section 6 must be completed in a separate answer booklet.

Pg.3. Introduction to the language, literatures, and cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world

The paper will be assessed by two separate elements. Candidates must take both elements. The two elements shall be:

Element 1: PG.3C A two-hour examination on the literatures and cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world

Candidates will be required to answer two questions. Candidates will be required to cover material from at least two Portuguese-speaking countries and two media (literature/film/art) in their answers. Candidates may not draw substantially on material from their dissertations or material which they have used or intend to use in another scheduled paper. Candidates may not draw substantially on the same material in more than one question on the same paper.

Element 2: PG3L Language examination. No changes have been made to this.

Slavonic Studies

Sl.4. Russian culture from the Golden Age to the Silver Age

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, of which at least one must be taken from Section A.

Each answer in Section B must refer to at least two texts.

Candidates may not draw substantially on material from their dissertations or material which they have used or intend to use in another scheduled paper. Candidates may not draw substantially on the same material in more than one question on the same paper.

Sl.14. Russian culture from 1895 to the death of Stalin

This paper has a new title.

Candidates will be required to answer three questions. Candidates must answer at least one question from Section A, and must ensure that at least one of their questions refers substantively to more than one author/film-maker/visual artist.

Candidates must ensure that at least two of their answers on the paper as a whole refer substantively to at least one literary text.

Candidates may not draw substantially on material from their dissertations or material which they have used or intend to use in another scheduled paper. Candidates may not draw substantially on the same material in more than one question on the same paper.


Sp.6. Introduction to Catalan language and culture

Candidates will be required to answer all questions. Candidates are advised to spend no more than 30 minutes on Section A. Candidates should spend no less than one hour on Section C.

Answers to Questions 1 to 5 should be filled in on the question paper itself and should be handed in together with the answer booklet.

Answers to Questions 6, 7, and 8 should be written in the answer booklet.

The percentage of marks available for the language element (counting for 66% of the paper) is indicated at the end of each question or group of questions.

Candidates will be required to take a 10–12-minute oral examination designed to test punctuation, reading skills, and basic conversation. Candidates will be asked to read out from a passage, give a presentation on a chosen topic, answer questions on their presentation, and contribute to a general conversation.

Natural Sciences Tripos, 2017–18

The Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos gives notice that the form and conduct of the following papers has been amended:

Part Ia

Mathematical Biology

There will be one written paper of three hours duration carrying 80% of the total marks. Section A will consist of questions on material covered in the first half of the Michaelmas Term; Section B of questions on material covered in the second half of the Michaelmas Term; Section C of questions on material covered in the first half of the Lent Term; Section D of questions on material covered in the second half of the Lent Term; and Section E of questions on material covered in the Easter Term. There will be two questions in each section and candidates will be required to answer eight questions, selecting at least one question from each section. At most one of the questions in Section B will require material covered in the last six lectures of the Michaelmas Term. Questions for Sections A to D will be restricted to assess only material covered in relevant lectures; questions for Section E may assess material that was covered during relevant lectures or practical classes.

Assessment of the practical component of the course will carry 20% of the total marks. Candidates will be required to submit two written exercises for assessment. One written exercise will be set on the material covered during the Michaelmas Term and one written exercise will be set on the material covered during the Lent Term. The first exercise must be submitted for assessment by the beginning of Week 3 of the Lent Term; the second must be submitted by the beginning of Week 3 of the Easter Term.


Part Ib

Earth Sciences A

The form of the examination for the following papers for Part Ib ESA of the Earth Sciences course will be changed as follows:

There are two theory papers, each of three hours’ duration, which count towards 60% of the exam. Each paper is divided into two sections of five questions. Students are required to answer two questions from each section.

Earth Sciences A – Paper 1

The sections approximately comprise:


Structures, sedimentary basins


Tectonics and geodynamics; Ocean circulation and chemistry

Earth Sciences A – Paper 2

The sections approximately comprise:


Stratigraphy and siliclastic sediments; Chemical and biogenic sediments


Evolutionary palaeobiology; Micropalaeontology; Vertebrate evolution


Part II

BBS Minor Subject: General Practice and Primary Care Research

There will be one written paper of three hours’ duration, with three sections. Each section will carry equal marks.

Section 1:

Research methods, their strengths, weaknesses, and applicability. Three short answer questions, from a choice of five.

Section 2:

Critical appraisal of a Primary Care research paper. Several compulsory questions, relating to a single research paper.

Section 3:

Current issues, challenges, and methods in a specific field of GP and Primary Care research. One essay question, from a choice of two.

History and Philosophy of Science

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science gives notice that the number of questions on the examination papers for NST II BBS113 Early Medicine and NST II BBS114 Modern Medicine and Biomedical Sciences will be increased from eight to twelve.


Candidates must take Paper 1, Paper 2A or 2B, Paper 3, and Paper 4.

Paper 1 (duration: 2 hours and 40 minutes), will consist of two sections. Section A will contain four compulsory five-minute questions relating to course A1 and four compulsory five-minute questions relating to course A2. Section B will contain two compulsory 30-minute questions relating to course A1 and two compulsory 30-minute questions relating to course A2.

Paper 2A (duration: 2 hours and 40 minutes), will consist of two sections. Section A will contain four compulsory five-minute questions relating to course A3 and four compulsory five-minute questions relating to course A4. Section B will contain two compulsory 30-minute questions relating to course A3 and two compulsory 30-minute questions relating to course A4.

Paper 2B (duration: 2 hours and 40 minutes), will consist of two sections. Section A will contain eight compulsory five-minute questions relating to course A6. Section B will contain four compulsory thirty-minute questions relating to course A6.

Paper 3 (duration: 3 hours), will contain two 45-minute questions relating to each twelve-lecture ‘B’ course and one 45-minute question relating to each six-lecture ‘B’ course; candidates should answer four questions, without restriction.

Paper 4 (duration: 3 hours), will contain two 45-minute questions relating to each twelve-lecture ‘C’ course and one 45-minute question relating to each six-lecture ‘C’ course; candidates should answer four questions, without restriction.


Candidates are required to take the following:

(a)a computing exercise;

(b)three or more units of further work, as outlined in the Physics Course Handbook. If a candidate offers more than three units of further work the Examiners will take into account the three units which they judge to be the best;

(c)papers 1, 2, 3, and 4;

(d)a minimum of three and a maximum of four from papers 5, 6, 7, and 8. If a candidate offers four papers the Examiners will take into account the three papers which they judge to be the best.

Each paper is of two hours’ duration and shall contain four questions. Question 1 shall consist of three short parts of approximately equal weight. The remaining questions shall generally each consist of a mix of discursive material (short notes, essays, etc.) and problems, with the proportion of each being at the Examiners’ discretion. Candidates must attempt Question 1 and two other questions. Question 1 has approximately one quarter of the total weight of the paper. The remaining questions all have equal weight.

The titles and total marks for each paper are unchanged.

Physical Sciences – Half Subject Chemistry

The attention of candidates is drawn to the above changes in the format of Papers 1, 2A, 3, and 4 for NST Part II Chemistry. Candidates for Half-Subject Chemistry are required to take:

Either Paper 1 or Paper 2A

Paper 3, but with a duration of 1 hour 30 minutes; candidates are required to answer two questions.

Paper 4, but with a duration of 1 hour 30 minutes; candidates are required to answer two questions.


Each candidate shall offer:

Four written papers of three hours each, Papers 1–3, and one paper chosen from PBS 6, PBS 7, PBS 8, and PBS 9. Candidates shall answer three questions from each paper. BBS candidates may not answer questions on any PBS paper that they are taking as their PBS Minor.

Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour

Each candidate shall offer:

(a)four written papers of three hours each. Each paper will carry 16% of the total marks and will examine the material from one taught module.

(b)a report of a research project. The report will consist of not more than 8,000 words, plus a summary of not more than 500 words but excluding tables, figure legends, footnotes, bibliography, acknowledgements, and appendices. It is to be submitted to the Examiners for assessment not later than the fifth day of Full Easter Term. The report will carry 36% of the total marks for the examination.


Papers ZM7 From Genome to proteome and ZL7 Cell cycle, signalling, and cancer will now be borrowed from Part II Biochemistry instead of being set by the Part II Zoology examiners, and candidates will answer one question from a choice of two in Section I, and two from a choice of five in Section II.

Paper PLM3 Evolution and ecosystem dynamics will be borrowed from Part II Plant Sciences instead of being set by the Part II Zoology examiners, and candidates will answer three questions from a choice of six.

Paper G1 Evolutionary genetics will be borrowed from Part II Genetics instead of being set by the Part II Zoology examiners, and candidates will answer three questions from a choice of nine.

Examples of past papers from these Part II courses can be found via the Part II Zoology Moodle site. All other papers remain unchanged.


Part III

Materials Science

Paper 2 will contain seven sections (A–G), each containing two questions based on one twelve-lecture course. Candidates must answer a total of five questions, selected from at least four different sections.

Paper 3 will contain seven sections (H–N), each containing two questions based on one twelve-lecture course. Candidates must answer a total of five questions, selected from at least four different sections.

Paper 2 will examine Michaelmas Term courses. Paper 3 will examine Lent Term courses.

Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, 2018

The Faculty Board of Divinity gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2018, the form will be changed as follows:

Paper A1a. Elementary Hebrew

Candidates will be required to translate two out of three passages from the Hebrew set text, parsing and giving linguistic comment where instructed, to compare different English translations of two passages from the set text, to answer a grammatical question, and to translate three sentences from English into Hebrew (square script not modern cursive). The grammatical question will require candidates to write out certain forms of (a) a verb and (b) a noun. The sentences for translation will be designed to test knowledge of common grammatical constructions and will be based on the prescribed text. The translation from Hebrew, parsing, and comment will carry 60% of the marks, the comparison of translations 20%, the grammatical question 10%, and the translation into Hebrew 10%.

Paper A4. Christianity and the transformation of culture

This paper will be assessed by a three-hour written examination. The examination will be in two sections. Section A (worth 30 marks) will comprise five short extracts from primary sources, of which candidates should comment on three. Section B (worth 70 marks) will comprise ten essay questions, of which candidates should answer two. The sections are designed respectively to test knowledge and understanding of evidence, and the ability to write analytical essays.

Paper A5. The question of God

The examination will consist of a three-hour written paper, with questions grouped in three sections, corresponding to the three sections of the course. Candidates will be required to answer three questions from a choice of at least twelve questions, and at least one question from each of the three sections of the exam.

Paper B3. The shaping of Jewish identity (332 bce – 70 ce)

The examination will consist of a three-hour written paper, which will contain selections for comment from the prescribed sources and essay questions. Candidates will be required to comment on three from a choice of ten selections from prescribed sources, and to attempt three essay questions from a choice of at least twelve. NRSV Bibles (including the Apocrypha) will be available for use in the examination but candidates are not expected to show greater precision in biblical references as a result of the availability of Bibles.

Paper C8. Judaism II

The examination for this paper will consist of a three-hour written paper which will be divided into two sections, A and B. Section A will contain at least three questions, of which candidates will be required to answer one. Each question in Section A will consist of a passage drawn from primary texts of classical rabbinic literature, for analysis and commentary by candidates. Section B will contain at least eight essay questions on the topic of Jewish law, of which candidates will be required to answer two.

Examination in Materials Science for the M.A.St. Degree, 2018

The Management Committee of the Natural Sciences Tripos gives notice that the form and conduct of the following papers for the examination in Materials Science for the degree of Master of Advanced Study has been amended:

Paper 2 will contain seven sections (A–G), each containing two questions based on one twelve-lecture course. Candidates must answer a total of five questions, selected from at least four different sections.

Paper 3 will contain seven sections (H–N), each containing two questions based on one twelve-lecture course. Candidates must answer a total of five questions, selected from at least four different sections.

Paper 2 will examine Michaelmas Term courses. Paper 3 will examine Lent Term courses.

Examination for the M.B.A. Degree, Lent Term 2018

The Faculty Board of Business and Management gives notice that in the Lent Term 2018 of academical year 2017–18 the subjects for examination for the degree of Master of Business Administration will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.

12. Option A: one-year course

12. (a) Compulsory modules

Lent Term 2018:



Examination (1.5 hours plus 10 minutes’ reading time, 70%);

group assignment (2,500 words, 30%).



Examination (1.5 hours plus 10 minutes’ reading time, 70%);

group assignment (2,500 words, 30%).


Cost management and control

Individual assignment (1,500 words, 60%);

individual assignment (1,500 words, 40%).


Management praxis II

Individual assignment (3,000 words, 100%).


Global consulting project

Group assignment (3,500 words, 100%).


Digital business

Individual assignment (3,000 words, 100%).


Corporate governance and ethics

Individual assignment (3,000 words, 100%).

Easter Term 2018:


Operations management

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


Business and society

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.



Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


Summer activity

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.



(students take one of ten subjects offered)

Assessment and subject areas to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: cultural arts and media management

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: energy and environment

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: entrepreneurship

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: finance

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: global business

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: health strategies

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: social innovation

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: strategy

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: marketing

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.


  Concentration: digital transformation

Assessment to be announced by the end of Lent Term.

12. (b) Elective modules

Lent Term 2018:


Building a customer aligned organization

Individual assignment (1,000 words, 50%);

group assignment (15 mins presentation, deck of 20 slides, 50%).


Cases in corporate finance I

Individual in-class test (2 hours, 50%);

group assignment (3,000 words, 50%).


Creative arts and media management

Group assignment (3,000 words, 100%).


Creativity workshop

Group presentation (15 mins, deck of ten slides, 80%);

individual assignment (1,000 words, 20%).


Design thinking

Group presentation (10 mins, deck of twelve slides, 100%).


Digital marketing

Individual assignment (500 words, 40%);

group presentation (20 mins, deck of 15 slides, 60%).


Doing good well: leading social innovation for local and global impact

Individual assignment (1,500 words, 50%);

group assignment (15 mins presentation, 1,500-word write-up, 50%).


Energy and emissions markets and policies

Individual presentation (15 mins, deck of 20 slides, 25%);

individual assignment (2,000 words, 75%).


Financial management for start-ups

Individual assignment (2,000 words, 50%);

group assignment (2,000 words, 50%).


How to think strategically – an exercise in game theory

Individual assignment (1,200 words, 50%);

group assignment (2,000 words, 50%).


International business

Individual assignment (3,000 words, 80%);

class participation (20%).


Leading effective projects

Individual assignment (3,000 words, 80%);

individual class participation (20%).


Leadership in organizations

Individual assignment (1,500 words, 40%);

group assignment (1,500 words, 40%);

class participation (20%).


Managing big data analysis

Individual assignment (3,000 words, 100%).


Management accounting

Individual assignment (1,500 words, 60%);

individual assignment (1,500 words, 40%).


Managing innovation strategically

Individual assignment (2,000 words, 80%);

individual class participation (20%).


Marketing and innovation in emerging economies

Group presentation (15 mins, deck of 20 slides, 30%);

individual assignment (1,000 words, 70%).


New venture finance

Individual assignment (1,500 words, 30%);

group assignment (2,000 words, 50%);

group presentation (15 mins, deck of 20 slides, 20%).


Philosophy of business

Individual assignment (3,000 words, 100%).


Strategic pricing

Individual assignment (2,000 words, 50%);

group assignment (deck of 12 slides, 50%).


Strategic performance management

Individual assignment (2,000 words, 25%);

group presentation (20 mins, 75%).


Sustainable business

Individual assignment (2,000 words and deck of 15 slides, 100%).


Topics in investment management (open to M.B.A.)

Group assignment (max. 3,000 words, 50%);

in-class test (1.5 hours, 50%).

12. Option B: Executive M.B.A. course

2016–18 class

12. (a) Compulsory modules

Lent Term 2018:


Corporate governance and ethics

Individual assignment (100%).


Management praxis

(this course runs throughout the programme)

Individual assignment (100%).


Leadership in action

(this course runs throughout the programme)

Attendance only.


Personal and professional development

(this course runs throughout the programme)

Attendance only.

12. (b) Elective modules

Lent Term 2018:


Fast strategy, intrapreneurship, and business instinct

Individual assignment (100%).


Philosophy of business

Individual assignment (100%).


Innovation management: the secret to growth

Individual assignment (100%).


Strategic change and renewal

Individual assignment (100%).


Project finance: innovative techniques in valuing and raising financing for large scale projects

Individual assignment (100%).


Understanding consumers: using psychology to build brands and increase profits

Individual assignment (100%).



Individual assignment (100%).


From the savannah to the boardroom: the evolutionary roots of decisions and leadership

Individual assignment (100%).


Beyond calls to action: strategies and tools for managing environmental sustainability

Individual assignment (100%).


Doing good well: leading social innovation for local and global impact

Individual assignment (100%).


How to think strategically

Individual assignment (100%).


Entrepreneurial finance

Individual assignment (100%).


Leading effective projects: a managerial perspective

Individual assignment (100%).


Big Data analytics and quantitative social science

Individual assignment (100%).


Building a customer aligned organization

Individual assignment (100%).


Digital business

Individual assignment (100%).


Long term investing

Individual assignment (100%).


Board games (title TBC)

Individual assignment (100%).


Creative, arts, and media management

Individual assignment (100%).


Complex financial transactions: structure, valuation, and impact on the corporation

Individual assignment (100%).


Design thinking (title TBC)

Individual assignment (100%).


Strategies in disruptive technological environments

Individual assignment (100%).


Ecosystem entrepreneurship

Individual assignment (100%).


International economic issues

Individual assignment (100%).


Financial market analysis and trading

Individual assignment (100%).

2017–19 class

12. (a) Compulsory modules

Lent Term 2018:


Organizational behaviour

Individual assignment (100%).


Operations management

Individual assignment (100%).


International business studies

Group assignment (100%).


Leadership in action

(this course runs throughout the programme)

Attendance only.


Personal and professional development

(this course runs throughout the programme)

Attendance only.

12. (b) Elective modules

Lent Term 2018: None

Bachelor of Theology for Ministry, 2018

The Faculty Board of Divinity gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2018, the form of Paper BTH12 for the degree of Bachelor of Theology for Ministry will be changed as follows:

BTH12. Christian doctrine

The examination will consist of a three-hour written paper. Candidates will be required to answer three questions from a choice of at least twelve questions, and at least one from each of the three sections. Each of the three sections relates to each of the three units of the course (and its associated texts for supervision).

Examination for the M.Fin. Degree, Lent Term 2018

The Faculty Board of Business and Management gives notice that, in the Lent Term 2018, the subjects for examination for the degree of Master of Finance will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.

No written papers offered in Lent Term.

Group 1 – core subjects


Fundamentals of credit

In-class test (2 hours, 60%); case study (40%).



Mid-term test (2 hours, 40%); final test (2 hours, 60%).


Management lecture series

Seminar, assessed by attendance.


Management practice

Seminar, assessed by attendance.


City speaker series

Seminar, assessed by attendance.

Group 2 – specialist subjects


Advanced financial accounting

In-class test (2 hours, 75%); group project (8 pages max., 25%).


Further derivatives

In-class test (1.5 hours, 100%).


Topics in investment management

(open to M.B.A.)

Group assignment (max. 3,000 words, 50%);

in-class test (1.5 hours, 50%).


Private equity

Four individual assignments (max. 2,500 words each, 40% in total);

two group projects (max. 2,500 words each, 30%);

individual in-class quiz (1 hour, 30%).


Advanced corporate finance

Group project (8 pages max., 50%);

in-class test (3 hours, 50%).


New venture finance

Individual assignment (1,500 words, 30%);

group assignment (3,000 words, 50%);

group presentation (deck of 20 slides, 15 mins, 20%).


Fixed income analysis

Individual essay (max. 2,000 words, 50%);

group assignment (max. 2,000 words, 50%).



Equity research project

Group presentation (50%);

report (max. 2,500 words, 50%).

Examination for the LL.M. Degree, 2017–18

The Faculty Board of Law gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2017–18, the form and/or conduct of the examination for the following papers for the degree of Master of Law (LL.M.) will be changed as follows:

Paper 8. International financial law

The paper will contain no fewer than six questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any three.

It is an open book examination but no further materials will be prescribed.

Paper 10. Corporate governance

The paper will contain no fewer than four questions of which candidates will be required to attempt all questions set. The thesis option will not be offered for this paper.

Paper 36. International intellectual property law

It is an open book examination. In addition to the other permitted materials, candidates may use their own copies of any materials prepared by them (including any material copied without breach of copyright), any materials supplied to the class by the lecturers, and any monolingual or bilingual dictionary (except electronic dictionaries and specialized legal dictionaries). Candidates may also use their own copies of Blackstone’s Statutes on Intellectual Property (any edition) or International Legal Materials on Intellectual Property (P. Goldstein (ed.)).

Paper 41. Advanced private law

The paper will contain no fewer than eight questions of which candidates will be required to attempt any three. It is an open book examination but no further materials will be prescribed.

All other parts of the examination remain unchanged.

Examination for the M.C.L. Degree, 2017–18

The Faculty Board of Law gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2017–18, the form and/or conduct of the examination for the following papers for the degree of Master of Corporate Law (M.C.L.) will be changed as follows:

Paper M1. The legal and economic structure of corporate transactions (deals)

This paper will be evaluated by way of a single piece of coursework assigned during the academical year (the ‘Deals Report’) and on the basis of class participation and student presentations. There will be no written examination. For 2017–18, the maximum word limit for the Deals Report is 12,000 words.

Paper M2B. Shareholder litigation

Candidates are permitted to take Butterworth’s Company Law Handbook (any edition) or Blackstone’s Statutes on Company Law (any edition) or Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes on Company Law (any edition) into the examination.

All other parts of the examination remain unchanged.

Examination in Economic Research for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Faculty Board of Economics gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2018, the form and conduct of the following papers for the examination in Economic Research for degree of Master of Philosophy will be as follows:

E100. Microeconomics

Candidates are required to answer three out of four questions. Each question carries equal weight.

R101. Microeconomics II

Three-hour examination paper with candidates required to answer four out of five questions.

R200. Advanced macroeconomics

Three-hour examination paper with candidates required to answer three out of four long questions.

R201. Advanced macroeconomics II

Two-hour examination paper with candidates being required to answer three out of four questions.

R300. Advanced econometrics

Three-hour examination paper with candidates required to answer three out of four questions. Each question carries equal weight.

R301. Advanced econometrics II

Three-hour sectioned examination paper, with each section carrying equal weight. Section A on Time series will require candidates to answer six out of eight questions. Section B on Microeconometrics will require candidates to answer two out of three questions.

Examination in Economics for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Faculty Board of Economics gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2018, the form and conduct of the following papers for the examination in Economics for the degree of Master of Philosophy will be as follows:

E100. Microeconomics

Candidates are required to answer three out of four questions. Each question carries equal weight.

E101. Applied microeconomics

Two sections: in Section A, candidates are required to answer four out of six questions; in Section B, candidates are required to answer one compulsory question. Each section carries equal weight; questions within Section A carry equal weight.

E200. Macroeconomics

Two sections: in Section A, candidates are required to answer four compulsory questions; in Section B, candidates are required to answer one out of two questions. Each section carries equal weight.

E201. Applied macroeconomics

Examination paper and project: in the two-hour examination paper, candidates are required to answer three out of four questions. The project is a maximum of 3,000 words. Titles will be issued on 16 March 2018, with submission due on 27 March 2018. The examination paper is weighted at 80%; the project is weighted at 20% of the overall mark.

E300. Econometric methods

Three-hour sectioned examination paper: Section A has six compulsory questions; in Section B, candidates are required to answer two out of four questions. Section A is weighted at 60%, Section B at 40%.

E301. Applied econometrics

Sectioned paper: Section A contains two compulsory questions; in Section B, candidates are required to answer two out of four questions. Each section carries equal weight.

Examination in Finance for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2017–18, the subjects for the examination in Finance for the degree of Master of Philosophy will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.

Group 1 (six compulsory subjects)



Corporate finance I [one three-hour class test]



Asset pricing I [one three-hour class test (80%), plus written problem set consisting of four questions (20%)]

(3) either


Corporate finance II [one three-hour class test (40%), 1,000-word written referee report (25%), presentation (15%), and class participation (20%)]



Asset pricing II [one three-hour class test (80%), plus written problem set consisting of four questions (20%)]

(4) either


Fundamentals of competitive markets [one two-hour class test]



Microeconomics [two-hour written examination]




Econometric methods [two-hour written examination] and



Advanced econometrics II [three-hour written examination]




Econometrics I [two 2.5-hour class tests] and



Econometrics II [two 2.5-hour class tests]

Group 2 (three optional subjects to be chosen)


How to do finance

[two written referee reports (75%), class participation (15%), attendance (10%)]


Continuous time finance [one 2.5-hour class test]


Fixed income [Individual essay of max. 2,000 words (50%) and group assignment of max. 2,000 words (50%)]


Behavioural economics [two-hour written examination]


Economics of networks [two-hour written examination]


Industrial organization [two-hour written examination]


Further econometrics [TBC as per M.Fin. Easter Notice, published in Lent Term 2018]

Papers from Mathematical Tripos, Part III


Stochastic calculus and application [one three-hour written examination]


Advanced financial models [one three-hour written examination]


Numerical solution of differential equations [one three-hour written examination]

A student may be permitted to submit a 12,000-word dissertation in place of the three optional subjects, subject to suitable supervision arrangements being approved by the Degree Committee.

Examination in Finance and Economics for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Faculty Board of Economics gives notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2018, the form and conduct of the following papers for the examination in Finance and Economics for the degree of Master of Philosophy will be as follows:

F100. Finance I

Candidates are required to answer four compulsory questions.

F200. Finance II

Candidates are required to answer four compulsory questions.

F300. Corporate finance

Candidates are required to answer four compulsory questions.

F400. Asset pricing

Candidates are required to answer four compulsory questions.

E100. Microeconomics

Candidates are required to answer three out of four questions. Each question carries equal weight.

E300. Econometric methods

Three-hour sectioned examination paper. Section A contains six compulsory questions; in Section B, candidates are required to answer two out of four questions. Section A accounts for 60% of the marks; Section B is weighted at 40%.


Optional Modules

S140. Behavioural economics

Candidates are required to answer four compulsory questions.

S150. Networks

Candidates are required to answer three out of four questions.

S170. Industrial organization

Candidates are required to answer three compulsory questions.

S180. Labour economics

Two-hour paper with candidates required to answer three out of four questions (75% of the marks), and a presentation of a paper (25% of the marks).

S500. Development economics

Candidates are required to answer two out of three questions.

S600. Topics in macroeconomic history

2,500-word essay submitted at the end of Lent Term. Three titles will be set, of which candidates choose one title and have seven days to submit.

S610. British industrialization

4,000–5,000-word essay submitted at the end of Lent Term. Four titles will be set, of which candidates choose one title and have six working days to submit. Titles will be released on 19 March 2018, with the submission of the project on 26 March 2018.

S620. Institutions and economic growth in historical perspective

Two-hour paper with candidates required to answer two out of four questions. Each question carries equal weight.

F500. Empirical finance

Sectioned paper. Section A contains four compulsory questions; in Section B, candidates are required to answer two out of three questions. Each section carries equal weight.

F510. International finance

Candidates are required to answer four out of five questions.

F520. Behavioural finance

Candidates are required to answer two out of three questions.

F530. Venture capital in the innovation economy

Project, to be submitted by 16 March 2018.

F540. Topics in applied asset management

Sectioned paper. Section A contains one compulsory question (40% of the marks); in Section B, candidates are requested to answer two out of four questions (60% of the marks).

F500. Empirical finance

Sectioned paper. Section A contains four compulsory questions; in Section B, candidates are requested to answer two out of three questions. Each section carries equal weight.

F510. International finance

Candidates are required to answer four out of five questions.

F520. Behavioural finance

Candidates are required to answer two out of three questions.

Examination in Innovation, Strategy, and Organization for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that in the academical year 2017–18, the subjects for the examination in Innovation, Strategy, and Organization for the degree of Master of Philosophy will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.

Group 1 compulsory subjects

Either ISO-4

Statistical concepts for management researchers

[1,000-word assignment (80%), and half-hour seminar presentation (20%)]

Or MPO-1

Econometrics I [two 2.5-hour class tests]


Qualitative research methods [answer five research exercises of no more than 1,000 words each]


Information systems, innovation, and organizational change

[2,500-word essay (55%), 20-minute seminar presentation (10%), individual class participation (15%), and group facilitation: leading and facilitating discussion of a research theme during the course (20%)]


Organizations and strategic innovation

[3,000-word essay (70%) and half-hour seminar group presentation (30%)]


Organizations theory

[3,000-word essay (70%) and half-hour seminar group presentation (30%)]

Group 2 optional papers


Individual research project [4,000-word essay]


Strategic organizing of digital innovation [3,000-word essay (60%), individual class participation and presentation (15%), and group case presentation (25%)]


Seminar in strategic management content research [weekly essays (8 x 3 pages each, double-spaced, 20%), class participation (15%), leading discussion (15%), and 3,000-word essay (50%)]


Organizational research methods [5,000-word essay (90%) and class participation (10%)]


Marketing strategy [3,500-word essay (70%), 20-minute individual presentation (20%), and class participation (10%)]


Operations management

[class participation (20%), summary of reading up to 2,000 words (15%), homework assignment up to 1,000 words (30%), and paper on research opportunities up to 2,500 words (35%)]


Fundamentals of competitive markets [one two-hour class test (100%)]


Organizational behaviour [4,000-word essay (75%) and class participation (25%)]

Examination in Management for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2017–18, the subjects for examination in Management for the degree of Master of Philosophy will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.

Group 1 compulsory subjects


Quantitative techniques for management [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time]


Marketing [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time (50%), 10-minute group project presentation (20%), and two case study assignments at 1,500 words each (30%)]


Business economics [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time]


Strategy [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time (70%), and three team assignments at 400 words each (30%)]


Organizational analysis and behaviour [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time (80%), and 10-minute group presentation with 5-minute Q&A (20%)]


Finance [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time (70%), and three 15-minute in-class written quizzes (30%)]


Accounting [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time (70%), class participation (15%), and one 1,500-word group assignment (15%)]


Operations management [two-hour written examination with additional fifteen minutes of reading time]


Management consulting project [one-hour group presentation with 5,000-word report (75%), 1,500-word essay (20%), and class participation at project rehearsals (5%)]

Group 2 optional papers


Business innovation in a digital age [10-minute individual presentation with 5-minute Q&A (10%), 15-minute group case study presentation with 5-minute discussion (25%), and 3,000-word individual assignment (65%)]


Ethics [3,000-word individual assignment (70%), and 15-minute group presentation with 5-minute Q&A (30%)]


Supply chain management [two-hour written examination with additional ten minutes of reading time (60%), 3,000-word group assignment (30%), and class participation (10%)]


Human resources management [3,000-word essay]


International business economics [3,000-word essay]


Strategic valuation: uncertainty and real options in system design [project of no more than 4,000 words, comprising computer modelling and associated questions, and the preparation of a six-slide PowerPoint presentation (100%)]

Examination in Strategy, Marketing, and Operations for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2017–18, the nine subjects for examination in Strategy, Marketing, and Operations for the degree of Master of Philosophy will be chosen from the list below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.


Econometrics I [two 2.5-hour class tests]


Econometrics II [two 2.5-hour class tests]


Mathematical models of operations management [class participation (20%), 30–40-minute presentation of mathematical proofs (20%), and two referee reports on working papers of no more than 2,000 words (60%)]


Operations management [class participation (20%), summary of reading up to 2,000 words (15%), homework assignment up to 1,000 words (30%), and paper on research opportunities up to 2,500 words (35%)]


Quantitative marketing models [class participation (30%), 3,000-word term paper (60%), and 1,000-word idea paper (10%)]


Individual research project (5,000-word essay)


Fundamentals of competitive markets [one two-hour class test]


Managing innovative organizations [Homework (25%), class participation (15%), 20-minute presentations/discussions (15%), final research proposal up to 2,500 words (22.5%), and take-home exam of four questions (22.5%)]


Organizational behaviour [4,000-word essay (75%), and class participation (25%)]


Seminar in strategic management content research [weekly essays (8 x 3-pages each, double-spaced, 20%), class participation (15%), leading discussion (15%), and 3,000-word essay (50%)]


Marketing strategy [3,500-word essay (70%), 20-minute individual presentation (20%), and class participation (10%)]


Further econometrics [TBC as per M.Fin. Easter Term Notice to be published in Lent Term 2018]


Information systems, innovation, and organizational change [2,500-word essay (55%), 20-minute seminar presentation (10%), individual class participation (15%), and group faciliation: leading and facilitating discussion of a research theme during the course (20%)]


Organizations and strategic innovation [3,000-word essay (70%), and half-hour seminar presentation (30%)]


Organizations theory [3,000-word essay (70%), and half-hour seminar group presentation (30%)]


Organizational research methods [5,000-word essay (90%), plus class participation (10%)]


Strategic organizing of digital innovation [3,000-word essay (60%), individual class participation and presentation (15%), and group case presentation (25%)]

In addition, students can also opt to write a dissertation of not more than 12,500 words in length, subject to approval by the Degree Committee.

Examination in Technology Policy for the M.Phil. Degree, 2017–18

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2017–18, the subjects for examination in Technology Policy for the degree of Master of Philosophy will be as listed below.

The method of examination is shown for each subject. Students must take twelve modules (six core modules, two Sectorial and Skills electives, two Enterprise Stream electives, and two Open electives). Students are also required to complete a Final Group Project.

Core modules (compulsory)


Technology policy: concepts and frameworks [two-hour end-of-term written in-class test (100%)]


Economic foundations of technology policy [two-hour end-of-term written in-class test (100%)]


Case studies and simulations [3,000-word essay (90%) and class participation (10%)]


Business, government, and technology in emerging markets [two-hour end-of-term written in-class test (100%)]


Policy, design, and evaluation [two-hour end-of-term written in-class test (100%)]


Deciphering the European Union: business-government relations [policy analysis (80%), and a debate presentation (20%)]


Final group project [12,000-word written report (70%) and a 90-minute client presentation (30%)][double weighted]


Sectorial and skills


Electricity and environment [1,000-word paper (30%) and a 2,000-word paper (70%)]


Negotiation skills [3,000-word essay (100%)]


Strategic valuation: uncertainty and real options in system design [project of no more than 4,000 words, comprising computer modelling and associated questions, and the preparation of a six-slide PowerPoint presentation (100%)]

M.Phil. in Technology Policy students are permitted to borrow any of the following modules as a Sectorial and Skills elective:

The following module offered on Part IIb of the Engineering Tripos in 2017–18; details of available modules and formats of examination were published in the Notice of 14 June 2017 (Reporter, 6469, 2016–17, p. 591). For those modules shown as assessed by examination, this will be by one written paper of 1.5 hours duration. For those modules shown as assessed by coursework, students should contact the Department of Engineering for precise details of the requirements.


Business information in a digital age

Enterprise stream


Managing the innovation process [class participation (20%), a case write-up of up to 2,000 words (40%), and a group project of up to 3,000 words (40%)]


Entrepreneurial science and innovation policy [one 1,000–1,500-word essay (50%) and two one-page short group reports (25% each)]


Competitive strategy in the digital age: platform markets, network effects, and the new rules of strategy [2,500-word essay (80%) and class participation (20%)]

M.Phil. in Technology Policy students are permitted to borrow any of the following modules as an Enterprise Stream elective:

The following module offered on Part IIb of the Engineering Tripos in 2017–18; details of available modules and formats of examination were published in the Notice of 14 June 2017 (Reporter, 6469, 2016–17, p. 591). For those modules shown as assessed by examination, this will be by one written paper of 1.5 hours duration. For those modules shown as assessed by coursework, students should contact the Department of Engineering for precise details of the requirements.


Management of technology

Open Stream

M.Phil. in Technology Policy students are permitted to borrow any of the following modules as an Open Stream elective:

From the M.Phil. in Innovation, Strategy, and Organization:


Organizations and strategic innovation [3,000-word essay (70%), and half-hour seminar group presentation (30%)]


Strategic organizing of digital innovation [3,000-word essay (60%), individual class participation and presenation (15%), and group case presentation (25%)]

From the M.Phil. in Management:


Business innovation in a digital age [10-minute individual presentation with 5-minute Q & A (10%), 15-minute group case study presentation with 5-minute discussion (25%), and 3,000-word individual assignments (65%)]

The following modules offered on Part IIb of the Engineering Tripos in 2017–18; details of available modules and formats of examination were published in the Notice of 14 June 2017 (Reporter, 6469, 2016–17, p. 591). For those modules shown as assessed by examination, this will be by one written paper of 1.5 hours duration. For those modules shown as assessed by coursework, students should contact the Department of Engineering for precise details of the requirements.


International business


Accounting and finance


Strategic management


Sustainable development

The following modules offered on the M.Phil. in Engineering for Sustainable Development in 2017–18; details of available modules and formats of examination were published in the Notice of 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 790).


Driving change towards sustainability


Resilience and hazard mitigation in future cities


Policy, legislation, and government


International development

Examination in Management Studies for the M.Res. Degree, 2017–18

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management gives notice that, in the academical year 2017–18, the subjects for the examination in Management Studies for the M.Res. Degree will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.

Students must take six modules. Students are also required to write a thesis of not more than 16,000 words in length, including diagrams and footnotes, but excluding bibliography and appendices on projects approved by the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management.


Econometrics I [two 2.5-hour class tests]


Econometrics II [two 2.5-hour class tests]


Operations management [class participation (20%), summary of reading up to 2, 000 words (15%), homework assignment up to 1,000 words (30%), and paper on research opportunities up to 2,500 words (35%)]


Managing innovative organizations [homework (25%), class participation (15%), 20-minute presentations/discussions (15%), final research proposal up to 2,500 words (22.5%), and take-home exam of four questions (22.5%)]


Mathematical models of operations management [class participation (20%), 30–40-minute presentation of mathematical proofs (20%), and two referee reports on working papers of no more than 2,000 words (60%)]


Seminar in strategic management content research [weekly essays (8 x 3 pages each, double-spaced, 20%), class participation (15%), leading discussion (15%), and 3,000-word essay (50%)]


Quantitative marketing models [class participation (30%), 3,000-word term paper (60%), and 1,000-word idea paper (10%)]


Organizational behaviour [4,000-word essay (75%), and class participation (25%)]


Organization theory [3,000-word essay (70%), and half-hour seminar group presentation (30%)]


Organizational research methods [5,000-word essay (90%), and class participation (10%)]


Qualitative research methods [five research exercises, of no more than 1,000 words each]