The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, unless they are withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 103), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 21 March 2014.
1. That the Table of Fees attached to the regulations for University Composition Fees (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 156) be amended for Home/EU postgraduate fees for 2014–15 and for Overseas fees for 2015–16, as set out in the Council’s Notice, dated 10 March 2014 (p. 433).
2. That, on the recommendation of the Council of the School of Clinical Medicine, and with the concurrence of the General Board, the Florence Nightingale Foundation Professorship of Clinical Nursing Research, established by Grace 7 of 15 February 2012, be reassigned from the Department of Medicine to the Department of Public Health and Primary Care with effect from 1 April 2014.1
3. That the office of Director of Biotechnology be suppressed and the following consequential changes be made to Ordinances:2
By rescinding the regulations for the Director of Biotechnology (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 606) in their entirety.
By removing references to the Director of Biotechnology in Schedules C (i) 1 and C (vii) 1 (New Statutes and Special Ordinances supplement, pp. 60 and 80) and in the membership of the Council of the School of Technology (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 588) and the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 605).
1Statutes and Ordinances, p. 742. The academic work and major teaching commitments of Professor M. C. Deaton, the holder of this Professorship, are more closely aligned with colleagues in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care. The Departments of Medicine and of Public Health and Primary Care have been consulted and agree with the academic case for the reassignment. Professor Deaton supports the reassignment of her Professorship.
2When the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology was established by Grace 1 of 13 February 2008, the Council of the School of Technology agreed to give further consideration to the office of the Director of Biotechnology and the membership of the Council of the School at a later date. Following the retirement of Professor Chris Lowe as Director of Biotechnology, the General Board now promote this Grace on the recommendation of the Council of the School of Technology and the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate.