The General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:
1.1 The General Board present this Annual Report on their work for the academical year 2012–13.
1.2 The Board draw particular attention to the following major tasks undertaken during the year:
(a)A broadly successful outcome to the Quality Assurance Agency’s Institutional Review of the University (paragraph 3.1 below).
(b)Preparations for the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (paragraph 6.1 below).
(c)The incorporation into the University of the CRUK Cambridge Institute and the MRC Institutes in Cancer Cells and in Applied Epidemiology (paragraph 7.4 below).
(d)Pay and Grading for non-clinical staff (paragraph 9.4 below).
2.1 The Board approved a new Learning and Teaching Strategy for 2012–15 ( The Strategy aims to develop a more integrated approach to student policy with a focus on: equality and diversity issues; encouraging interdisciplinarity; support for international students; review of the University’s examination review and student complaints procedures; and setting clear expectations by, and of, students through the development of the Student Gateway and other web-based information.
2.2 The Board’s Code of Practice on Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Students ( has been implemented during the year, with the first tranche of cases considered for alternative modes of assessment.
2.3 As indicated in last year’s Annual Report, the remit of the Board’s Education Committee has been broadened to cover all categories of students and all education-related business requiring central consideration. For example, the Committee has considered matters as diverse as University transcripts, Fitness to Practice Medicine, the publication of past examination papers, and the results of various national student surveys. As a consequence of its extended remit, the Education Committee has established a number of sub-committees to advise it on specific matters. These include a Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee (a joint committee with the Senior Tutors’ Committee) to consider issues relating to the education of undergraduate and taught Master’s students; and a Standing Committee on Student Mobility to develop a strategic approach to (incoming and outgoing) undergraduate and graduate student mobility. An application has been submitted for renewal of the University’s Erasmus Charter for 2014–20: the result of the application will be known in December 2013. The Council’s Report on the future of the Management Committee for the University Health Services and its sub-groups (Reporter, 6302, 2012–13, 20 March 2013, p. 431) led to the establishment of a new University Committee on Health and Wellbeing, which will report to the Board through the Education Committee.
2.4 The work of the Teaching and Learning Services Steering Group has carried on with nine grants of a total value of £99k being made in the year to support innovation in teaching. This Group is overseeing a project for the University-wide installation of Moodle to replace CamTools.
2.5 The Board have considered the University’s position in relation to Open Access On-line provision and the developments elsewhere of Massive Open On-line Courses (MOOCS). A discussion forum was established to test opinion across the University. External developments in this area will continue to be closely monitored but at this stage the General Board, through a Working Group under the Chairmanship of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), have agreed as a first priority to promote a more coherent presentation of what the University and the Colleges presently offer to the wider public through various social media.
2.6 As part of the Board’s rolling programme of Learning and Teaching Reviews, the following institutions were reviewed in 2012–13: the Faculties of Divinity and of Education; and the Departments of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic; Biochemistry; Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology; Veterinary Medicine; and Zoology; and the Institute of Continuing Education. During the year the Education Committee considered responses to reviews of the following institutions: the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; the Departments of Chemistry and of Earth Sciences; the Institutes of Continuing Education and of Criminology; and the Language Centre. The Education Committee has also reviewed the review process itself and concluded that whilst current procedures remain satisfactory, Faculties and Departments should be given more guidance on the preparation of their submissions to avoid unnecessary work falling on them.
2.7 Projects to be taken forward during 2013–14 include reviews of: examination arrangements for Master’s degrees and the borrowing of papers for examinations in those degrees; and the General Board’s Code of Practice for Research Students, including the first-year registration process for intending Ph.D. students.
3.1 Much of the Board’s and the Education Committee’s attention was devoted to the Institutional Review conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). A Self-Evaluation document ( was submitted to the QAA in December 2012. The QAA Review Team visited the University in January and March 2013 when meetings were held with a variety of groups. The resulting Report ( found that the University’s academic standards met UK expectations for professional standards, and that UK expectations relating to the quality of student learning opportunities, the information about those opportunities, and the enhancement of the opportunities were met. Amongst the activities commended by the Reviewers were the accessibility of library resources, Cambridge’s provision in research skills training, and the support provided by the Careers Service and the Disability Resource Centre. The Reviewers also made a number of recommendations regarding future action, including external involvement in the course approval process, the quality of published information, and integrated arrangements for supporting international students. Those recommendations and the Board’s responses can be found at The Board are grateful to those staff and students who met the QAA Reviewers for their constructive engagement with the Review. The Education Committee also responded to QAA Consultations on a more risk-based approach to future reviews and to various Chapters of the Agency’s revised UK Quality Code.
3.2 As is customary, a number of teaching programmes were subject to scrutiny by professional, statutory, and regulatory bodies. Positive reports were received following scrutiny by: RIBA (concerning the Architectural Studies Tripos); the Institute of Engineering and Technology (in respect of the Computer Science Tripos); and the Institute of Physics (concerning Physics courses in the Natural Sciences Tripos and the M.Sci. Degree).
3.3 In the 2012 National Student Survey, 92% of Cambridge respondents declared their overall satisfaction with the quality of their courses, compared with a sector average of 85% and a Russell Group average of 87%. On the other hand, the results of the 2012 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey revealed overall satisfaction rates which were lower for Cambridge than the national and Russell Group rates. The Education Committee is concerned by the disparity and is actively exploring with Faculties and Departments the reasons for the different satisfaction rates between undergraduates and taught postgraduates, particularly in the areas of assessment and student feedback, and what action should be taken.
4.1 The Board promoted the necessary legislation to allow the Faculty Boards concerned discretion as to whether Preliminary Examinations should be compulsory. It has also reviewed the desirability or otherwise of two-year Part II options in Triposes which also have a one-year Part II, the outcome being that the two-year option be dispensed with unless a strong case for retention is approved. On the recommendation of the Board of Graduate Studies, the necessary regulatory changes have been approved to enable Degree Committees to assume responsibility for determining the results of examinations for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study and for certain Diplomas, mirroring arrangements already in place for the M.Phil. Degree. The Board of Graduate Studies are consulting Degree Committees about comparable future arrangements for the Ph.D. Degree.
4.2 The Board, through their Education Committee, approved substantial changes to Part Ia of the Classical Tripos. A new M.St. programme in History was approved. Changes were made to the General Regulations for the M.St. Degree including the introduction of an ‘exit’ award for candidates unable to complete the requirements of the Degree, and transferring responsibility for admissions to the Strategic Committee for the Institute of Continuing Education. The M.Phil. examination in Russian Studies was rescinded (with provision being subsumed within the M.Phil. in European Literature and Culture). The M.St. programme in Historic Environment and the Diploma in Modern Languages were rescinded. Changes to the B.Th. were approved, including the removal of the Qualifying Examination.
4.3 The Board have oversight over ‘non-member’ awards (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 579). A number of new programmes were approved, including in Ecological Monitoring and Conservation, Philosophy, International Relations, English Literature, History of Art, Physical Sciences, and Evolutionary Biology. The Board were pleased to note the wider range of University institutions now involved in such programmes. A number of other non-member programmes were rescinded or suspended.
5.1 The International Strategy Office continued to support Schools, Faculties, and Departments in developing strategic collaborations with international partners, especially in India, Africa, and China. That Office and the University Research Office have jointly hosted visits to enable Principal Investigators to identify funding and collaborative research opportunities with Brazil and Europe. Further partnerships in the Far East, India, the USA, and Africa are underway.
5.2 In June 2013, agreement was reached between the European Commission, the European Parliament, and Member States on the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, ‘Horizon 2020’. Under the agreement, the ‘Excellent Science’ pillar receives an increased percentage of the total programme funding, with significantly increased budgets for the European Research Council and Marie Curie Actions. The agreement represents a positive outcome for Cambridge and other research-intensive universities, and reflects concerted engagement with the institutions of the European Union and the UK government by the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for International Strategy.
5.3 A paper on International Engagement was endorsed by the Board in June 2013, following extensive consultation by the International Strategy Committee. Specific questions and recommendations arising from the paper will be considered during 2013–14. At the Board’s suggestion, the Committee will increase the frequency of its meetings to address strategic aspects of the University’s international engagement.
6.1 The Board received regular reports on the preparations for the University’s submission to the Research Excellence Framework (REF), under the oversight of the REF Policy Committee (a sub-committee of the Research Policy Committee). Additional central resources were provided to support those preparing the returns to the 32 Units of Assessment (UoAs) comprising the University’s submission, particularly the preparation of impact case studies. Additional funding of £6m was provided to the Schools for measures (primarily the accelerated filling of vacancies) to maximize the volume and enhance the quality of the University’s submission. The University’s submission will include over 2,100 staff, some 7,500 publications, and almost 250 impact case studies and will be made in the second half of November 2013. The results will be published in December 2014 and used in the calculation of the QR component of HEFCE recurrent grant from 2015–16. The Board are grateful to all those, in Faculties, Departments and the central offices, for their contribution to the preparation of the University’s submission.
6.2 Strategic Research Initiatives and Networks build on the University’s research strengths by linking together a critical mass of expertise from across the Schools in major thematic areas, with the aim of promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration, increasing the University’s influence on national and international research policy, and providing a platform for large-scale funding applications, and international research partnerships. Award of Initiative or Network status by the Board’s Research Policy Committee is initially for a period of three years, subject to annual review, and usually includes funds to support a co-ordinator role and associated activities. The current Initiatives are Infectious Diseases, Neuroscience, Stem Cells, Cancer, Energy, Global Food Security, Conservation, and Language Sciences. The current Networks are Digital Humanities, Sensors, Nanoforum, Immunology, Metabolic Disorders, Psychometrics and Public Health ( In January 2013, the Research Policy Committee appraised the first four Initiatives (awarded in 2010). In view of their diverse achievements and ambitious further goals, the Committee agreed that Initiatives would be eligible for renewal of status and funding for a second period of three years. Limiting Initiatives to six years will allow for new areas of strategic interest to be supported in a rolling programme. In May 2013, the Research Policy Committee issued a call for expressions of interest for two further Initiatives. Ten proposals were received and four selected to submit full applications to the Committee in the Michaelmas Term 2013.
6.3 The Open Access agenda has developed rapidly during the year, following the government’s acceptance of almost all the recommendations of the June 2012 Finch Report. In July 2012 RCUK announced its new Open Access policy, which requires all Research Council-funded articles submitted for publication after 1 April 2013 to be published in journals that meet their Open Access requirements; subsequently, RCUK clarified that there would be a five-year transition period to full compliance. Meanwhile, the Wellcome Trust have strengthened their stance on Open Access, the European Commission have incorporated Open Access requirements into ‘Horizon 2020’, and there are similar initiatives in development at other European and US funders. Funder and publisher policies are still evolving and the University is working with the Russell Group to raise issues of concern. In autumn 2012, RCUK announced that the University would receive a one-off allocation to support the transition to Open Access and then an annual block grant from April 2013 to support the payment of publication charges relating to Research Council-funded research. An Open Access Project Board has been established to ensure that the University is compliant with funder mandates for Open Access. Aware of the distinct concerns of the different academic communities, there is extensive consultation with the Schools, Faculties, Departments, and individual academics throughout the project. The University’s Open Access policy framework has been published ( and a central helpdesk system has been established to advise researchers. In March 2013, the University responded to a HEFCE consultation about the role of Open Access in the post-2014 REF exercise. In July 2013, HEFCE set out its final proposals and opened a consultation period until the end of October 2013. Input is being sought from the Schools to inform the University’s response.
6.4 Research income grew by 8% compared with 2011–2012, much of which is attributable to grants from UK Charities and the European Commission. The Research Councils and UK Charities continued to be the University’s main sponsors, generating 38% and 28% respectively of the total research income received. Research Council income fell again this year by 5%, whereas that supported by the European Commission rose by 18% compared to the previous year. The incorporation of the CRI and MRC Units into the University resulted in an increase in awards made to the University of £36.8m and additional income of £12.7m. Overall, new awards to the University increased by 8% to £427m and the value of applications and contracts (based on 100% full economic costing) submitted by the University to all funders increased to £1.62 billion, compared to £1.54 billion in 2011–12.
6.5 The University’s new fEC costing tool for research grant applications, X5, developed in partnership with the University of Oxford, was implemented in April and May 2013. It replaced the pFACT system, which was phased out by August 2013. Plans are now progressing to implement a project to undertake a comprehensive review of University systems and procedures in support of research grant and contract activities. Following a Research Councils audit in November 2012, the University was awarded a Substantial (Level 1) Assurance for grants administration and management, and a Satisfactory (Level 2) Assurance for compliance with TRAC methodology.
6.6 Work has continued in implementing a University-wide facilities and equipment database in support of the Research Councils Efficiencies and Effectiveness programme. The database now holds information on over 4,000 items in the University, with almost 2,000 available for sharing. Data from the SES‑5 consortium of universities (Oxford, Imperial, UCL, and Southampton) are expected to be viewable in the Cambridge database from October 2013. Further work will continue next year in assessing the impact of the database in facilitating new opportunities for increased collaborations and utilization of existing assets. The sector has also created a national portal of information on equipment available for use.
6.7 In July 2013, HEFCE confirmed that compliance with the UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity (published in July 2012) will become compulsory for HEIs as a condition of grant funding. RCUK expects that all individuals in the communities that it supports will abide by the Concordat, and institutions will be required to provide assurance through new questions to be added to RCUK’s normal assurance mechanisms.
6.8 The Research Ethics Committee provided its first annual report to the Board in the Michaelmas Term 2012, and the Board approved a University Policy on the Ethics of Research Involving Human Participants and Personal Data, together with a Research Ethics Review Appeals Procedure.
7.1 The Board oversee Planning and Resource Allocation matters through the Planning and Resources Committee (PRC), a joint Committee of the Council and the General Board. A significant proportion of the Committee’s work during the course of the year is concerned with the preparation of the University Budget and five-year financial forecasts, which are reported in detail in the Report on the Financial Position of the University, which also recommends annual allocations from the Chest (Reporter, 6308, 2012–13, p. 555). The Budget position for the coming five years is ahead of the plan previously reported, due to a number of small variances. However, the overall position of the University remains finely balanced, with a projected surplus in 2016–17 of only £0.3m. There are a number of significant financial risks on the planning horizon including, for example, the level of contributions to USS, the impact of reform of state pensions, the outcome of the REF, and possible levels of inflation on items such as pay and energy. Accordingly, the PRC has issued guidance for the next Planning Round which allows for a prudent 1% increase in allocations to institutions. An issue which concerns the Board is the extent to which Chest-derived reserves in Schools continue to rise despite the challenging economic circumstances. The Board are particularly concerned that Schools should not be unduly constraining academic activity in order to manage risks which would be better managed at the centre. Reaching a better shared understanding of the appropriate level and location of reserves has, accordingly, been set as a priority for the coming Planning Round.
7.2 The PRC is also responsible for the University’s capital planning, and for making allocations from the Capital Fund. It has been clear over the course of the previous academical year that the appetite for capital investment in buildings remains high, with major academic developments planned at West Cambridge, the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, the New Museums site, and the Old Addenbrooke’s site. The total projected costs of projects currently in the Green Zone over the current ten-year period is c. £622m of which £393m is projected to be from the Capital Fund. The majority of projects are for new teaching and research accommodation within academic institutions. Developments on the New Museums site include a proposed Student Services Centre, which the Council and the Board consider a key development in further improving the services provided to students by the central University. The University has secured £21m in government funding from the UK Research Partnership Fund to construct the Maxwell Centre, an interdisciplinary centre on the West Cambridge site which will form closer links between blue skies research and Industry.
7.3 The Board continues to monitor, through the PRC, the cost of providing an undergraduate education at Cambridge. Following initial difficulties in establishing a reliable methodology for making the calculation, a working group has been established, including representation from CUSU, to continue to develop the method. Agreement has been reached on the treatment of University costs, and the group is now turning its attention to College costs, and now includes representation from the Colleges.
7.4 The Board, through the PRC, approved the incorporation of the MRC Epidemiology and Cancer Units, and the CRUK Cambridge Institute as University Institutions within the School of Clinical Medicine. As well as enhancing the research base of the School, these represent important strategic acquisitions for the University.
7.5 Following submission of a Report by a Review Committee (published on 24 October 2012), a Joint Report of the Council and the General Board on IT Infrastructure and Support was published on 20 March 2013. Its principal recommendations concerned the merger of the University Computing Service and the Management Information Services Division to form a new institution (University Information Services); the establishment of a new University Office, Director of Information Services, to head the new institution; and the replacement of the current Information Strategy and Services Syndicate by an Information and Services Committee. Following Discussion of the Report, certain of its recommendations were amended, and the amended proposals were approved. The Board regard the unification of the organizations and governance of the University IT support as a major achievement. They expect to work closely with the new Information Services Committee, when established, in taking this development forward.
8.1 As the result of various benefactions, the Board proposed the establishment of a John Harvard Professorship in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
8.2 With the support of the Medical Research Council and the Royal Society, the Board proposed the establishment of a MRC Research Professorship of Epidemiology in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine, and of a Royal Society Research Professorship of Earth Sciences in the Department of Earth Sciences.
8.3 The following Professorships were established, or re-established, supported by Trusts or through general University funds within the Schools concerned:
•Professorship of Plant Development in the Sainsbury Laboratory;
•Professorship of International Education in the Faculty of Education;
•Two Professorships in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences;
•Professorship of Pure Mathematics in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics;
•Two Professorships in the Faculty of Philosophy;
•Professorship of Aerothermal Technology in the Department of Engineering;
•Professorship of Experimental Psychology in the Department of Psychology;
•Professorship of Hypoxia Signalling and Cell Biology in the Department of Medicine;
•Professorship of Stroke Medicine in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences;
•Harold Samuel Professorship of Law and Environmental Policy in the Department of Land Economy; and a
•Professorship of Empirical Macroeconomics in the Faculty of Economics.
8.4 The following Readerships were established, or re‑established, supported on general University funds within the Schools concerned:
•Readership in Quantitative Sociology in the Department of Sociology;
•Readership in Comparative Oncology and Genetics in the Department of Veterinary Medicine;
•Two Readerships in Judge Business School;
•Readership in Vasculitis in the Department of Medicine;
•Readership in Cancer Risk Prevention in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care;
•Readership in Neuroradiology in the Department of Radiology;
•Readership in Number Theory in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics; and a
•Diageo Readership in Management Studies in Judge Business School.
9.1 The major items of business considered by the Board through the Human Resources Committee were as follows.
9.2 Changes to the Cambridge University Assistants’ Contributory Pension Scheme were implemented on 1 January 2013 following the publication of a Notice (Reporter, 6282, 2012–13, p. 55) and approval of a Grace on 2 November 2012 (Reporter, 6284, 2012–13, p. 117). The implementation was preceded by a communication exercise to ensure existing members understood the benefits of transfer payments to the scheme prior to the new scheme becoming effective. The scheme saw a significant increase in this activity prior to 1 January 2013.
9.3 The Equal Pay Review 2012 was completed. There has been some improvement in gender equality in relation to pay. New recommendations have been agreed and are being progressed. The Senior Gender Equality Network was developed, engaging over 140 senior staff and culminating in the identification of priority issues and actions for implementation. These will be taken forward under the governance of the Gender Equality Group in 2013–14. Work to achieve Athena SWAN Awards has increased significantly and in November 2012 the University submitted a successful renewal of its Bronze Award. Departments were also supported in their submissions, resulting in Chemistry and Materials Science and Metallurgy gaining Bronze Awards. Four other Departments – Physics (for Gold), Engineering (for Bronze), Clinical Medicine (for Silver), and Veterinary Medicine (for Bronze), received support in their April 2013 bids. The Clinical School was successful in receiving a Silver Award; the Departments of Engineering and Veterinary Medicine received a Bronze. The University also received dedicated EPSRC funding to enable a number of new gender initiatives to be undertaken. These included: delivery of a series of personal and professional development workshops for women staff entitled ‘New Perspectives’; skills-based sessions on mentoring to support the University’s CV Scheme; provision of ‘Emerging Leaders’, a development programme for researchers; piloting a new Returning Carers Scheme to support academic and research staff returning to research following a career break for caring responsibilities; and undertaking staff surveys as part of Athena SWAN submissions.
9.4 The Human Resources Committee set up a sub-committee chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Institutional Affairs) in Lent Term 2013 to review aspects of Pay and Reward in response to significant changes in the external employment market, which have been hindering the University’s capacity to recruit and retain senior academic and academic-related staff. Following the publication of a consultation paper and conduct of a consultation exercise, a Report was published in Lent Term 2013, the recommendations of which were approved by the University on 31 May 2013. The proposals, due to be implemented with effect from 1 January 2014, are summarized below:
• the scale of stipends for the University Senior Lectureship will be extended by two contribution points with an associated contribution reward scheme;
• the scale of stipends within each band of Grade 12 will be extended (bands 1–3 by two points, band 4 by six points);
• market supplements to be replaced with:
– Advanced Contribution Supplements (for Academic staff);
– Market Pay (primarily for other staff categories).
Full details can be found at
9.5 The HR Committee consulted on the recognition of teaching-only posts. The work remains on-going.
9.6 The HR Committee reviewed and updated its policy on UKBA Absence Monitoring for staff I Ph.D. level posts, following approval of its intended approach from the Home Office. In addition, an extensive immigration audit was conducted and Mark Harper, the Minister with responsibility for Immigration, visited the University.
9.7 A sub-committee of the HR Committee reviewed the University’s approach to further changes in pension tax relief. It concluded by recognizing the need for improved communication to staff in USS to ensure awareness of the implications of the pension tax relief changes being introduced in April 2014.
10.1 Oversight of the governance of health and safety management at the University continues to be the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive Committee (HSEC) chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Planning and Resources. The HSEC seeks assurance that the implementation of University Safety Policy is maintained by a continuing programme of safety management auditing and subject-specific audits of certain hazards associated with research, including chemicals, biological material, and ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Audit and inspection relating to fire safety and security are undertaken in conjunction with the Fire Safety Office and Security Office in Estate Management. These processes also ensure that Faculties and Departments are apprised of statutory requirements and responsibilities for managing all aspects of health and safety. Health and safety policy, guidelines, advice and information produced and provided by the OHSS are part of the on-going review of safety management systems in light of certain changes to regulations and Approved Codes of Practice (and their interpretation) as a result of the government’s Löfstedt Report, ‘Reclaiming health and safety for all’. University policy continues to be developed in a way that is risk-focussed and proportionate in support of the University’s core functions of teaching and research.
10.2 The merger of the Health and Safety Office and Occupational Health Service to form the Occupational Health and Safety Service (OHSS) was completed with the relocation of the Occupational Health staff and facilities adjacent to the existing Safety Office. In addition to improving access to services for all University members in a single central location, budgets, administrative processes, and compliance benefit from the closer working relationship between the two offices.
10.3 Work with the Colleges on a nominally charged basis has continued to expand over the year, with 29 Colleges now receiving services from OHSS (predominantly training, auditing, and advice), while ten Colleges have dispensed with the services of health and safety consultants altogether in favour of improved self-governance and management supported solely by advice from OHSS when required. These developments respond to concerns previously identified by the HSE as an area of risk to the University as a whole. In addition, subsequent to restructuring within the HSE, OHSS is increasingly asked to visit Colleges (as well as University institutions) on behalf of the HSE Inspector to gather information following reportable accidents or incidents.
19 November 2013 |
L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor |
M. J. Daunton |
Duncan Maskell |
Philip Allmendinger |
Simon Franklin |
Patrick Maxwell |
N. Bampos |
David Good |
Rachael Padman |
H. A. Chase |
Richard Jones |
John Rallison |
Sarah Coakley |
Robert Kennicutt |
Henk-Jaap Wagenaar |