Grace 2 of 19 June 2013, submitted to the Regent House on 19 June 2013 (Reporter, 6313, 2012–13, p. 652), was approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 28 June 2013. Grace 1 was withdrawn (see the Vice-Chancellor’s Notice, p. 662).
The Registrary gives notice that as a result of the postal ballot held between 20 June and 1 July 2013 the following Grace of the Regent House was approved in its original form:
1. That the recommendations in paragraph 8 of the Joint Report of the Council and the General Board, dated 6 and 18 March 2013, on IT infrastructure and support (Reporter, 6302, 2012–13, p. 418), as amended by the Council's Notice, dated 20 May 2013 (Reporter, 6308, 2012–13, p. 547), be approved.
The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:
Number of valid votes: 1,018 (no spoilt papers)
Since the Single Transferable Vote regulations are being used on this occasion to ascertain which single option commands the greatest support, the quota (i.e. the number of votes required to guarantee overall support for any one option to the exclusion of the others) is 509.
Option |
First count |
(a) In favour of the Grace in its original form |
594 |
(b) In favour of the Grace as amended |
363 |
(c) Against the Grace, whether in its original or amended form |
61 |
Total |
1,018 |
A Congregation of the Regent House was held this day at 2.45 p.m. The Chancellor was present. Processions formed in the Schools Arcade at 2.25 p.m. and entered the Senate-House by the East Door.
Music was performed at the Congregation by The Concentus Brass Ensemble, Mr Robbie Stanley-Smith of Emmanuel College, and members of the Choirs of Clare College and Gonville and Caius College.
The following titular degrees were conferred:
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