Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6174

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Vol cxl No 15

pp. 457–484


Graces submitted to the Regent House on 13 January 2010

The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, other than any which is withdrawn or for which a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 22 January 2010.

1. That (i) the stipends for all non-clinical University staff whose stipends are steps on the Cambridge general stipend and salary scale be increased as set out in the Schedule to the Council’s Notice on University salaries and stipends (p. 458), and

(ii) the stipends for officers whose stipends are not steps on the general scale, except the stipend of the Deputy High Steward;1 be increased by 0.5% with effect from 1 August 2009, until further notice.2

2. That the regulations for the Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries be rescinded and that Regulation 5(c) for the Library Syndicate be amended by removing the words ‘the management and administration of the Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries and’.3

3. A. That, with effect from 1 April 2010, the regulations for certificates of degrees and examinations and matriculation be amended so as to read:4

Certificates of Degrees and Examinations and Matriculation

1. The Registrary shall issue a certificate free of charge to every person proceeding to a University award, but a fee shall be charged for issuing a copy of a certificate.

2. The Registrary may issue on request a degree certificate of an alternative design, bearing the arms of the University printed in colour; a fee shall be charged for such a certificate.

3. The Registrary may issue a statement of verification attesting matriculation, or the passing of any examination, or the class obtained by a candidate in a Tripos Examination or the degrees or University awards held by the candidate. A fee may be charged for each such statement.

4. In addition to statements of verification supplied under Regulation 4 of the regulations for the disclosure of examination marks, the Registrary may issue more detailed transcripts* than the statements of verification specified in Regulation 3 above to the candidate to whom the information relates. A person who has proceeded to a degree or who has completed a course leading to a University award shall receive such a transcript relating to the examination or examinations for that degree or award free of charge; a fee shall be charged for issuing a copy of the transcript or for issuing a transcript to a person who has not proceeded to a degree or completed a course leading to an award.

5. The fees charged under Regulations 1–4 shall be determined from time to time by the General Board. A Schedule of the fees charged shall be published in the Reporter from time to time.

* A transcript is a formal, verifiable, and comprehensive record of an individual student’s learning. It will normally include information about the nature, level, content, and status of the studies undertaken by the individual named on the original qualification document, in addition to recording the outcomes.

B. That Regulation 4 of the regulations for the disclosure of examination marks be amended so as to read:4

4. Marks and other information may also be provided in a statement of verification by the Registrary, on evidence supplied by the Examiners, to examining bodies external to the University, for the purpose of exemption from their examinations. The fee to be charged for such a certificate shall be determined by the General Board from time to time.

4. That the general regulations for admission as a Graduate Student be amended as follows:5

Regulation 8.

By amending the final paragraph of the regulation so as to read:

Each supervisor shall send to the Secretary of the Board, for communication to the Degree Committee concerned, a written report on the work of each Graduate Student under her or his charge. Such a report shall be sent

(i)once each term,

(ii)at any time when in the supervisor’s opinion a Graduate Student is not making satisfactory progress in her or his work, is otherwise not fulfilling the conditions that have been laid down in her or his case, or appears unlikely to reach the standard of the degree or other qualification for which he or she is registered as a candidate.

5. That, with effect from 1 August 2010, Regulation 1 for the School of Arts and Humanities be amended as follows:6

1. The School of Arts and Humanities shall comprise the Faculties of Architecture and History of Art, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Classics, Divinity, English, Modern and Medieval Languages, Music, and Philosophy, the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, and the Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics.

6. That Regulation 1 for the Tata Steel Professorship of Metallurgy be amended so as to read:7

1. The sum of £2.084m received from Tata Steel UK Limited for the endowment of a Tata Steel Professorship of Metallurgy shall constitute a fund to be called the Tata Steel Fund for Metallurgy.

7. That the recommendations in paragraph 11 of the Joint Report of the Council and the General Board, dated 23 November and 4 November 2009, on the introduction of a degree of Doctor of Education (the Ed.D.) (Reporter, 2009–10, p. 281) be approved.8


  • 1By ancient custom the Deputy High Steward receives a nominal stipend of £4 a year.

  • 2See the Council's Notice, p. 458.

  • 3See the Council's Notice, p. 460.

  • 4Statutes and Ordinances, pp. 167 and 237. See the Council's Notice on p. 460.

  • 5Statutes and Ordinances, p. 436. The regulations have been amended to introduce a requirement for a supervisor's report to be submitted to the Board of Graduate Studies each term for all Graduate Students.

  • 6See the General Board's Notice, p. 466.

  • 7Statutes and Ordinances, p. 724. The regulations for the Professorship originally specified that the donation from Tata Steel UK Limited would be in two instalments. The Council has been informed that the company now wishes to pay the outstanding amount of approximately £1m over two years. The proposed amendment to the regulation will allow for this.

  • 8See the Council's Notice, p. 460.