Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6172

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Vol cxl No 13

pp. 421–444



19 December, Saturday. Michaelmas Term ends.

5 January, Tuesday. Lent Term begins.

6 January, Wednesday. First ordinary number of the Reporter in the Lent Term.

12 January, Tuesday. Full Term begins.

19 January, Tuesday. Discussion at 2 p.m. in the Senate-House (see below).

23 January, Saturday. Congregation at 2 p.m. in the Senate-House.

Notice of a Discussion on Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The Vice-Chancellor invites those qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107) to attend a Discussion in the Senate-House, on Tuesday, 19 January 2010, at 2 p.m., for the discussion of:

1. The Annual Report of the Council for the academical year 2008–09, dated 27 November 2009 (Reporter, p. 295).

2. The Annual Report of the General Board to the Council for the academical year 2008–09, dated 19 November 2009 (Reporter, p. 301).

3. Reports and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2009 (Reporter, p. 305).

Election of High Steward: Notice

9 December 2009

The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that, no other candidate having been nominated, Lord Watson of Richmond CBE, M.A., Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, has been elected to the office of High Steward.

Sir Robert Rede’s Lecture: Notice

The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that the Rede Lecture for 2009–10 will be delivered by Baroness O’Neill of Bengarve, N, former President of the British Academy, and former Principal of Newnham College. Baroness O’Neill will lecture on The two cultures fifty years on, at 5.30 p.m., on Tuesday, 2 March 2010. Further details will be announced later.

Christmas and New Year closing: Notice

University Combination Room

The Combination room will close at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, 23 December 2009 and re-open at 9 a.m. on 4 January 2010.

Annual Report of the Audit Committee to the Council, 2008–09: Notice

The Council has received the Annual Report of its Audit Committee. The report is published for the information of the University.

Annual Report of the Audit Committee, 2008–09

1 Introduction

The Audit Committee is required by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to report annually to the governing body, the Council of the University, and the designated officer (the Vice-Chancellor). Copies of the report and the external auditors’ Management Letter must also be sent to the Head of Assurance and Audit at HEFCE.

2 Opinion

The Committee has monitored the effectiveness of the University’s financial and other controls throughout the period. It is satisfied that there is good evidence of the continuing adoption and improvement of arrangements throughout the University for promoting economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. The Committee also notes that there have been improvements across a broad spectrum of the University’s activities, and has found that the University and individual institutions are making transparent and sustained efforts to understand and incorporate best practices in governance, risk management, internal controls, value for money (VFM), and data reliability. With respect to the governance of the University, the Committee wishes to note the value it places on the importance of clear and assessable arrangements. These must be appropriate, dynamic, and beneficial to a responsible, self-governing higher education, research, and collegiate institution. The Committee is satisfied that progress in this regard is consistent and incremental.

3 Key features

Committee (Section 5)

The Committee has proposed arrangements for attendance at its meetings that would ensure that links with the Audit Committees of Cambridge Assessment (CA) and Cambridge University Press (CUP) will be strengthened.

Data integrity (Section 9)

The Committee is mindful of its new responsibility for data integrity under the new Financial Memorandum and is increasing internal audit work in this area.

Impact of the global financial crisis (Section 11)

Throughout the period, the Committee asked for reassurance on the University’s ability to deal with the impact of the financial crisis on the resources. The Committee is confident that appropriate planning and monitoring mechanisms are in place.

HEFCE assurance (Section 12)

The Committee was pleased to note the overall satisfactory findings of the report of the HEFCE quinquennial assurance visit, published in the Reporter of 18 March 2009 and that recommendations for improvements have been followed up within the University.

Internal audit (Section 13)

Following a tendering exercise in the Easter Term 2009, Deloitte LLP were appointed to succeed Grant Thornton UK LLP as internal auditors with effect from January 2010.

External audit (Section 14)

Following a tendering exercise in the Michaelmas Term 2008, in co-operation with Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP were appointed as auditors to the University, Cambridge Assessment, the Cambridge Foundation; the Cambridge University Press will make a transition in its external arrangements to PricewaterhouseCoopers for the year ending 30 April 2010.

4 Coverage

4.1 This report relates to the 2008–09 financial year (1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009), and provides the opinion of the Audit Committee as to the extent to which reliance can be placed on the internal control and reporting systems of the University. The opinion is based on the Committee’s consideration of the internal auditors’ annual report, a draft of the external auditors’ Management Letter, other work commissioned by the Committee during the year, and on discussions at its workshops. Even though the period covered coincides with the financial year and thus ends on 31 July 2009, developments between 1 August 2009 and the publication date of the report have been taken into account, and this has been indicated, where applicable.

5 Committee

5.1 Membership

Dr Liba Taub took up appointment in class (b) from 1 August to 31 December 2008, following the retirement of Dame Veronica Sutherland. Dr David Good was appointed to succeed Dr Taub with effect from 1 April 2009.

5.2 Structure and quoracy arrangements

At the time of publication of this report, the Council is actively considering restructuring the Committee to increase the number of co-opted places to three to make it possible for an additional member from class (e) of the Council to be on the Committee. It is envisaged that this place would normally be taken up by the Chairman-designate and this would enhance continuity and succession planning. Under the new structure the quoracy arrangements would be changed to include the condition that the majority of the members present would be external.

5.3 Cambridge University Press (CUP)and Cambridge Assessment (CA)

The links with the Audit Committees of CUP and CA will be strengthened by inviting their chairmen to attend all meetings of the Committee. Moreover, the chairmen will be asked to make oral reports to the Committee on developments in their Audit Committees at least twice a year.

5.4 Structure of the meetings

The agenda has been revised to allow more time for consideration of principal business.

6 Professional development

6.1 Paul Greaves, Head of Assurance at HEFCE, gave a presentation to the Committee in November 2008 focusing on (i) the new Financial Memorandum and Audit Code, especially data assurance, (ii) sector risk environment, (iii) the process and outcome of the 2008 HEFCE Assurance Review of the University.

6.2 The new external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), introduced themselves and explained their audit approach and emerging regulatory and accounting issues at a workshop in March 2009. The other topics considered at that meeting were ‘Fraud’ and ‘Conduct of business by the Committee’.

7 Terms of reference and remit

(a) to keep under review the effectiveness of the University’s internal systems of financial and other control

The Committee received reports on all 36 internal audit reviews covering a wide range of internal systems of financial and other controls (Annex B).

The Committee is aware that, apart from internal and external audit, there are numerous other review mechanisms in place (cf. Annex D) to ensure that there is effective overall control and accountability throughout the University.

The Committee, for its part, approved the Statement of Internal Control which is submitted to HEFCE with the ‘Reports and financial statements for the year ending 31 July 2009’.

(b) to advise the Council on matters relating to the external and internal auditors, including their appointment, the provision by the auditors of any additional services outside the scope of their regular responsibilities, the remuneration of the auditors, and any questions relating to the resignation or dismissal of auditors

(i) External auditors

The Committee, in co-operation with CA and CUP, undertook a tendering exercise for the appointment of external auditors and, at the meeting on 22 January 2009, recommended to the Council that PwC be appointed as the University’s external auditors, in succession to Deloitte LLP, for a period of three years in the first instance, with the option to extend the contract until 31 January 2014. The appointment is subject to annual confirmation following satisfactory performance review.

The HEFCE Assurance Review has raised concerns about ‘the lack of transparency of the audit arrangements’ relating to the CUP, CA, and the University itself, and the University accepted the need for a rationalization of the audit arrangements (cf. HEFCE Review, paragraphs 29–32). The appointment of PwC as external auditors for CA with effect from the financial year ending July 2009, and for CUP with effect from their financial year ending April 2010 is thus in line with the recommendations in the HEFCE review.

(ii) Internal auditors

During 2008–09, the Committee extended the contract of Grant Thornton UK LLP to 31 December 2009, and appointed Deloitte LLP as internal auditors of the University, following a tendering exercise, for three years from 1 January 2010, with an option to extend the contract until 31 December 2014.

(iii) Additional services

The Committee approved a policy on non-audit work undertaken by the external auditors. As in previous years, Annex C gives information on fees agreed for other work undertaken by the external auditors in relation to 2008–09.

(c) to ensure that sufficient resources are made available for internal audit

The Committee, as usual, has taken resource implications and value for money considerations into account when the internal audit plan was agreed. There have been monthly meetings between the internal audit team and the senior Finance Officers throughout the year at which progress was monitored and up-to-date information on expenditure against the agreed budget was discussed. In addition, the Registrary and the Director of Finance had termly progress meetings with the internal auditors.

(d) to approve proposals for internal audit put forward by the internal auditors

The Committee considers initial and revised annual internal audit plans proposed by the internal auditors on the basis of the University’s risk register and in consultation with University officers centrally and in the Schools. The Committee monitors progress against the plan at each meeting.

(e) to review annually with the external auditors the nature and scope of the external audit

The Committee considers initial and revised annual external audit plans put forward by the external auditors and ensures that there is overall and proportionate coverage, taking account of the risk register, the internal audit plan, and previous audit plans.

(f) to consider any reports submitted by the auditors, both external and internal

The Committee considers all reports submitted by the internal auditors and each internal audit report is assigned for detailed consideration by a member who then presents the findings to the Committee. The Committee also received the annual report of the internal auditors and the report by the external auditors and their Management Letter.

(g) to monitor the implementation of any recom­mendations made by the internal auditors

The Committee considers follow-up reports by the internal auditors; in addition, a table listing ‘business in progress’ for specific outstanding issues is considered at each meeting.

(h) to satisfy themselves that satisfactory arrangements are adopted throughout the University for promoting economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and risk management

The Committee asked the internal auditors to report on value for money issues that come to their attention in all reviews. In the period in question, three reports were specifically commissioned to focus on VFM. VFM has been a standing item on the agenda for some time and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources), as Chair of the VFM Committee, has reported on progress throughout the year. The VFM Committee considered all internal audit reports with an element of VFM, sent its annual report to the Audit Committee, and suggested suitable areas for reviews for inclusion in the following year’s internal audit plan.

In line with the HEFCE Assurance Review (paragraph 231), the Audit Committee reaffirmed the need for providing reassurance that the Colleges had robust value for money policies in place. Following a meeting of the Chairs of the Audit and the Colleges’ Committees, a methodology for demonstrating evidence-based value for money considerations in respect of the HEFCE funding channelled through the University to the Colleges was agreed.

Risk is also a standing item on the agenda. A copy of the University’s risk register is available for easy reference at the meetings and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) reports on progress in this area. The Committee receives the annual and the interim update reports of the Risk Steering Committee to the Council.

(i) to establish appropriate performance measures and to monitor annually the performance and effectiveness of the external and internal auditors

The Committee normally measures the performance and effectiveness of the external and internal auditors; this year, both service providers were also subjected to a rigorous market-testing exercise which resulted in a change in both external and internal audit provision.

Soon after their appointment, a workshop gave the new external auditors the opportunity to introduce themselves and discuss their approach with the Committee and the internal auditors. The Chair of the Audit Committees of CA and CUP were invited and the Chair of the Audit Committee of CUP was able to attend.

The Committee receives a summary of the survey of external and internal audit provision undertaken by the British Universities Finance Directors Group which allows it to benchmark the University’s costs across key criteria.

(j) to consider, in consultation with the external auditors, (i) any financial statements annexed to the abstract of accounts, including the auditors’ report, and (ii) any statement provided by the Council on the governance of the University

The Committee received and considered the draft financial statements, the internal and external audit reports, the Management Letter, the corporate governance statement, the statement of internal control, and the statement of responsibilities, and – after consultation with the external auditors – recommended the approval of these documents.

(k) to ensure that all significant losses are properly investigated and that the internal and external auditors, and where appropriate the Higher Education Funding Council for England, are informed

The Committee receives, considers, and discusses all minutes of the Finance Committee, reporting on the monitoring of the University’s deposit account policies, the Investment Office’s activities, and, specifically, the University’s exposure during the financial crisis and the situation of the Cambridge University Assistants’ Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) and the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS).

The Audit Committee noted that the University had invested money in Iceland banks, that the exposure had been reduced over the months leading up to October 2008, with a residual £11m outstanding, against which a provision of 20% of amounts outstanding has been made as at 31 July 2009, and that measures were in place for a recovery of further sums.

(l) to oversee the University’s policy on fraud and irregularity, and to ensure that they are informed of any action taken under that policy

The Director of Finance submits all changes to the University’s financial policies, including the policy on fraud and irregularity, to the Committee and keeps the Committee informed of relevant action.

Fraud is a standing item on the agenda and senior officers made a report at each meeting and the Chairman led a discussion on fraud and its prevention, with reference to the University’s risk register, at the workshop in March 2009. ‘Near misses’ have continued to be logged in the Finance Division.

(m) to make an annual report to the Council, the Vice-Chancellor, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England

Following its meeting in November, the Committee submits its annual report to the Council, the Vice-Chancellor, and the HEFCE.

(n) to receive reports from the National Audit Office and the Higher Education Funding Council for England, and to advise the Council thereon

The Committee received all relevant reports from the HEFCE and advised the Council as necessary. The Committee was informed about the Research Councils UK review visit in December 2008, which had resulted in a satisfactory assurance to the Research Councils, and noted that the report after the initial review visit in July 2007 had never been agreed. It took the view, nonetheless, that it should have been informed of this particular report even though its findings were disputed and it had never been finalized by RCUK.

There had been no National Audit Office (NAO) reports during the period in question.

(o) to forward minutes of their meetings to the Council

The minutes were submitted to the Council, introduced by the Chairman of the Audit Committee and specific points were drawn to the Council for special attention or action.

8 Associated bodies and University group financial statements

Cambridge University Press (CUP) and Cambridge Assessment (CA)

Following consolidation and inclusion of the two institutions’ accounts, assurance mechanisms with CUP and CA have been enhanced with the joint appointment of the external auditors and proposals by the Council under consideration during the Easter and Michaelmas Terms 2009 to change the structure of the Committee to invite the Chairs of the Audit Committees of the two institutions (cf. 5.3, above) to attend all meetings and to ask them to make regular reports to the Committee.

9 Data integrity

Under the new Financial Memorandum, audit committees are responsible for data integrity. Paul Greaves (cf. also 6.1 above) was invited to talk to the Committee on this topic. As in previous years, the Committee received copies of correspondence between the HEFCE and the University relating to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the Higher Education Students Early Statistics Survey (HESES), Research Activity Survey (RAS), and similar returns. In addition, the Committee asked the internal auditors and management to adopt a three-stage approach to providing assurance on data integrity, recording the key data returns, identification of quality control mechanisms, and audit of sample returns.

10 IT systems

The Committee continued to monitor progress on all IT systems and projects, with key reports on the implementation of the Cambridge Human Resources Information System (CHRIS) payroll implementation, on CamSIS governance, on the work of the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate (ISSS), and a follow-up review of the Telephone systems replacement, and regular oral updates by the Senior Officers.

11 Impact of the global financial crisis

The Committee noted that the continuing effects of the global financial crisis on the University’s funding, disbursements, and external contractual relations would test the robustness of controls. The need for particular assurance in higher risk areas has been taken into account in planning the schedule and focus of audits in the current financial year in accordance with revisions to the Risk Register. The Committee is confident that the University is monitoring the particular risks posed by the financial crisis sufficiently, both in the areas of investment performance and fraud, and is satisfied that the University’s short- and medium-term planning mechanisms are appropriate for the likely severe funding restraints in the future.

12 HEFCE assurance

12.1 HEFCE Quinquennial Assurance Visit

As part of the new HEFCE Assurance Reviews, representatives of the HEFCE Assurance Service visited the University on 30 June 2008, and the report was published in the Reporter of 18 March 2009. The Committee was pleased to note the overall satisfactory findings of the Review and is implementing the recommendations, particularly in relation to closer liaison with the audit arrangements of CUP and CA and to the provision of a direct assurance report on the oversight of the Colleges’ use of HEFCE funds.

13 Internal audit

Internal audit provision

13.1 Grant Thornton UK LLP continued to provide the internal audit service for the University, but following a tendering exercise in the Easter Term 2009, Deloitte LLP were appointed with effect from 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2012 in the first instance.

13.2 Information on costs and fees charged for 2008–09 is listed in Annexes B(ii) and B(iii). The Committee again considered value for money and risk in approving the budget and was confident that the service provided during the period represented good value for the University.

Internal audit reports

13.3 Annex B(i) provides a list of audit reports submitted to the Committee between November 2008 and November 2009.

13.4 Of a total of 278 recommendations, the majority were categorized as ‘significant’ or ‘merits attention’, with just three categorized as ‘fundamental’. Although it is a requirement that all fundamental recommen-dations are drawn to the attention of the Council, the Committee felt able to reassure the Council that none of the issues raised by the internal auditors were material to the University as a whole and the Committee is, moreover, confident that improvements agreed in management responses will be made by the time follow-up audits are undertaken. The Committee monitors the completion of agreed activities arising from internal audit reviews.

14 External audit

External audit provision

14.1 Following seven years of audit provision for the University by Deloitte & Touche LLP, the Committee undertook a tendering exercise in the Michaelmas Term 2008, in co-operation with Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC LLP) were appointed as auditors to the University, Cambridge Assessment, The Cambridge Foundation, and the University’s trading subsidiaries in the UK for the year ended 31 July 2009. CUP will make a transition in its external audit arrangements to PwC LLP for the year ending 30 April 2010.

14.2 After liaison with the internal auditors, Grant Thornton UK, PwC selected a range of institutions to visit with the aim of complementing the internal auditors’ work. The following institutions were reviewed by PwC:

Faculty of Law

University Library

Botanic Garden

Department of Engineering

Estate Management

Management Information Services Division

Research Office

Investment Office

Pensions Office

14.3 In order to achieve assurance on the group as a whole, PwC also received reports from other accounting firms or audited the material elements of the group accounts for which it does not act as primary auditor, principally CUP and various Trusts.

14.4 The Committee is satisfied that the external auditors were able to assess the control environment as sufficiently reliable for the production of the consolidated financial statements.

15 Other reviews

15.1 The Committee is reassured that, apart from internal and external audit reviews mentioned in this report, the University has many other assessment procedures in place: specific projects and individual institutions in the University were again subject to a great number of additional internal and external reviews, covering Health and Safety, VFM, teaching, examining and research, financial, and various other areas. This means that health and safety issues, for example, which are not normally covered in standard departmental internal audits, are nevertheless carefully checked and monitored. A list covering the more significant of these activities is attached in Annex D.

Nigel Brown (Chairman of Audit Committee)

25 November 2009


  • 1‘The University is responsible for assuring HEFCE that the autonomous Colleges apply HEFCE funding that passes to them, through the University, for the proper purposes. The evidence for this is collected each year and the University’s external auditors review the evidence and report accordingly. This is clearly helpful reassurance, but we suggested that the Committee should also receive from University officers a direct assurance report on the oversight of the Colleges’ use of HEFCE funds. Such a direct report could build on work relating to the Colleges’ accounts already carried out by the Director of Finance. This potential enhancement was to be the subject of further consideration by the Audit and intercollegiate committees and we look forward to hearing the outcome of those discussions in due course.’


Audit Committee

(i) Membership

Details of the membership of the Committee during 2008–09 are provided in Table 1.

Table 1



Mr N. Brown (Chairman)

External member of the Council

Mr M. Bullock

External member

Mr R. Dowling

Member of the Council

Professor K. Glover

Co-opted member (until 31 July 2009)

Dr D. Good

Member of the Council (from April 2009)

Professor A. L. Greer

Co-opted member (from October 2009 to December 2010)

Dr S. Lintott

Co-opted member

Mr N. Martin

External member

Mr J. Shakeshaft

External member

Mr M. Starkie

External member

Dr L. Taub

Member of the Council (from August to December 2008)

(ii) Meetings

The Audit Committee met six times during 2008–09. Table 2 gives the number of Committee members attending each meeting. Officers attending: Registrary (Secretary of the Committee); Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) (also Chairman of the Risk Steering Committee and the VFM Committee); Director of Finance; Secretariat Officer (Assistant Secretary). Internal and external auditors were invited to attend all meetings and attended as necessary. Members of the Committee and auditors could call private meetings, held without Senior Officers, at any time. In addition, time was reserved for a private meeting immediately before the first meeting of the Easter Term, on 4 June 2009.

Table 2

Date of meeting

Number of Committee members attending

Number of members in classes (a) (Chairman, external member of the Council) and (c) (external members)

16 October 2008



20 November 2008



22 January 2009



12 March 2009



4 June 2009



9 July 2009



Membership of the appointments panels for the internal and external auditors included two members in classes (a) and (c), including the Chairman, as well as a representative from class (d) for the external audit appointment and from class (b) for the internal audit appointment.


Internal audit

(i) Internal audit reports

During the reporting period, detailed reports were considered in relation to the

Annual Planning Round

Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Department of Biochemistry

Cambridge Programme for Industry

Department of Clinical Neurosciences

Computer Laboratory

Department of Earth Sciences follow up

Department of Education

Fundraising – 800 Campaign

Governance and Risk Management

Health and Safety

HR – Adherence to procedures

HR – Strategy and key policies

Information Strategy and Services Syndicate

Institute of Continuing Education

Investment Management

IT Back Up and Retention

Judge Business School

Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy

Minor Works

North West Cambridge

Old Press Site

Oracle Release V12

Department of Paediatrics


Payroll follow up


RSD – Research administration processes

RSD – Terms and conditions

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Space Management

Travel Advances


University Card System

Value for Money Security

Value for Money Training

Department of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Zoology

Regular progress reports

(ii) Grant Thornton UK LLP – fees for internal audit work

30 November 2009

Number of Days

Cost (including VAT)

Completion of 2007–08



Audit Work in 2008–09






Expenditure was within agreed budgets. Out of an original planned budget of 547 days for the remainder of the 2007–08 work and the full 2008–09 plan, a total of 14 days were saved with just 533 days used.

(iii) Grant Thornton UK LLP – fees for other work relating to 2008–09

Other work




External audit

(i) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP – fees agreed for audit work in relation to 2008–09

Entity and service

Fees (incl. VAT)*

External audit work for the University, Cambridge Assessment and subsidiaries


University, Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) return


* These fees represent the agreed fees in respect of the year to 31 July 2009.

(ii) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP – fees for non audit services 2008–09

Entity and service

Fees (incl. VAT)**

University, Salary sacrifice pension arrangements


Cambridge Assessment, Salary sacrifice pension arrangements


Cambridge Enterprise Ltd, Corporation tax compliance


** Fees for non-audit services are those billed in the period 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009 and therefore include amounts billed prior to PwC’s appointment as auditors.


Other reviews undertaken in the University between 1 August 2008 and 31 July 2009

Academic Division

Teaching and learning reviews in the following institutions:

Institute of Astronomy

The Clinical School

Computer Laboratory

Department of Engineering

Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics

Department of Land Economy

Centre of Latin-American Studies

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages

Department of Plant Sciences

Joint Schools Social Science Research Methods Course

Strategic Review of Institute of Continuing Education

Estate Management

12 Environmental risk assessments within Departments

117 Fire Risk Assessments and 54 Departmental Response Emergency Action Manual (DREAM) audits

Most of the University’s catering operations were audited by Environmental Health Officers from Cambridge City Council

Human Resources


The University’s in-house pension scheme, the CPS, produces annual accounts which are audited by Peters Elworthy and Moore.

The USS auditors also audited the ‘starter’ processes for the year to 31 March 2008.

Health and Safety Office

Internal safety management audits (in chronological order):

Continuing Education

Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience

University Farm (second audit)


Clinical School IT Support


Lift Maintenance

Cambridge University Students Union (second audit)

Cambridge Institute for Medical Research


Biological Anthropology

ADC Theatre

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Research Services Division

Cambridge Archaeology

Strangeways Laboratory

Institute of Public Health


Cambridge Enterprise and Legal Services


Centre of South Asian Studies

Medical Genetics

17 Mill Lane: School of the Biological Sciences

17 Mill Lane: School of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Orthopaedic Research Unit

Stem Cell Research

Food safety audit reviews of businesses run by the University:

15 audits undertaken

Laser safety audit reviews:



Metabolic Research Laboratories



Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research


Plant Sciences

Radiation safety audits:


Obstetrics and Gynaecology/IMS


Wellcome CRUK (Gurdon Institute)

Virology Division


Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience

Research Services Division

East of England Development Agency (1 audit undertaken by Peters Elworthy and Moore)

Technology Strategy Board (16 audits undertaken by Peters Elworthy and Moore)

EC Framework (131 audits undertaken by Peters Elworthy and Moore)

Funding Assurance Programme (1 audit undertaken by RCUK)

RSD Post Award (reviewed by Finance Division)

RCUK assurance report on quality and validation (QAV) of TRAC (undertaken by KPMG)


IT Network Security Penetration Testing

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems security penetration testing

Business Continuity – review of Tier One systems

Review of IT development processes

External Affairs and Communications

Colleges Protocol (ongoing)

New Media Review (due to complete end of Michaelmas Term)

Internal Communications Review