1. Except as may be provided by Statute or by the Ordinances relating to the particular University office or category of office concerned:
2. An appointment to a University office arising from a regrading review shall be made by the competent authority.
At the end of each academical year each Professor whose Professorship is governed by Statute C, and every Reader, shall make a complete report to the General Board on
A Professor or Reader who retires after reaching the age of sixty shall become an Emeritus Professor or Emeritus Reader, as the case may be, without statutory duties or powers. This regulation shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Vice-Chancellor,1 the Registrary, the Librarian, and the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, on retirement.
1. The General Board, on the recommendation of a Faculty Board or comparable authority, may grant the title of Honorary Professor or Honorary Reader to a person who is not employed by the University but who is associated with the University and brings substantial benefit to it.
2. A person to whom the title of Honorary Professor or Honorary Reader has been granted shall hold that title for not more than five years at a time. At the end of any such period the title may again be granted for a further period of not more than five years at a time, provided that no person shall hold such a title after the end of the academical year in which he or she attains the age of sixty-seven years. A person who has reached the age of sixty-seven years and who has held the title of Honorary Professor or Honorary Reader for at least five years shall be granted the title of Emeritus Honorary Professor or Emeritus Honorary Reader.
3. Any person who has been granted the title of Honorary Professor or Honorary Reader on or before 1 January 2007 shall be entitled to hold that title until the end of the academical year in which he or she attains the age of seventy years.
1. Save as otherwise provided in Regulation 3 below, or in any special regulation for a particular office, every University officer in an institution under the supervision of the General Board shall reside in the University for the whole of each Full Term in each academical year, unless dispensed from discharging the duties of his or her office under the provisions of Special Ordinance C (i) 1 or 2. Every other University officer shall conform to such conditions of residence, if any, as may be specified in the regulations for the office concerned.
2. A University officer shall be regarded as resident in the University when that officer
3. The General Board may grant to any Professor or Reader leave to substitute for the residence required in any one term, or any part of it, residence for an equal time between 1 July and 31 August, provided that they are of opinion that such leave may be granted without prejudice to the interests of the University.
4. For the purpose of these regulations the official residence as Canon of Ely of a University officer who holds a residentiary Canonry of Ely shall be regarded as a place of residence within five miles of Great St Mary's Church.2
1. University offices covered by this Notice
This Notice concerns the arrangements for making appointments and reappointments to the following:
• Offices in the Unified Administrative Service
• Offices of Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Superintendents of Faculties, Departments, and other institutions not in the Unified Administrative Service
• Offices in the University Library and affiliated libraries
• Offices of Librarians in Faculties and Departments
• Offices in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Hamilton Kerr Institute
• Computer Officerships
• Technical Officerships and Senior Technical Officerships
The appointing provisions contained in the regulations for the offices referred to above require that appointments and reappointments shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority. Set out below are the arrangements which shall apply until further notice.
2. General
Membership and constitution of the new appointing bodies
The appointing bodies may be constituted anew for each particular appointment. Members selected for appointing bodies should be in a grade of office or post at least equivalent to the officer to which appointment is being made.
The Council and the General Board would expect the Secretary, where possible, to be the relevant institutional administrator.
The relevant Business Manager/Adviser from the Human Resources Division will attend meetings as required to provide advice on procedures and legal aspects relating to the appointment and employment of individuals.
There must be a formal agenda of business together with appropriate documentation, for example copies of applications, references, lists of candidates, and a record of the shortlisting process and outcome. There must also be formal Minutes recording the decisions. The Human Resources Division shall be notified of meetings of appointing bodies and of the outcomes of the meetings.
The number of members that must be present at a meeting and voting in favour shall be a majority of the members present or not less than three, whichever is the greater number.
The Council and the General Board expect persons chairing appointing bodies to undertake training in their role before embarking on their duties. In due course, the Council and the General Board would expect all those who are likely to be members of such bodies to undertake such training.
3. Offices in the Unified Administrative Service
For the offices of Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Principal Assistant Registrary, Senior Assistant Registrary, Principal Assistant Treasurer, Senior Assistant Treasurer:
• the Standing Appointments Committee of the Council.3
For offices in grades other than these:
• the Registrary,4
• the Head of the Division,
• an appropriate senior academic-related officer,
• a senior academic5 with experience and interest in what the role of the office entails.
4. Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Superintendents of Faculties, Departments, and of other institutions
• the Head of the institution or a deputy appointed by him or her (Chair and Convenor),
• the Academic Secretary, or a deputy appointed by him or her,
• a senior academic with experience and interest in what the role of the office entails,
• a senior academic-related officer with knowledge and experience of the role of the office,
• up to two additional members may be co-opted by the Head of the institution.
Quorum: 4. Either the senior academic or academic-related officer must be from outside the institution.
5. Offices in the University Library and affiliated libraries
For the offices of Deputy Librarian and Senior Under-Librarian:
• the University Librarian or a deputy appointed by her or him (Chair and Convenor),
• the Deputy Librarian responsible for staff and a member of the Senior Management Team,6
• the relevant University Library divisional/departmental Head,
• two academic members of the Library Syndicate. In the case of offices in one of the affiliated libraries: one member of the Library Syndicate and one member of the relevant Sub-Syndicate.
Quorum: 3. One of whom must be one of the academic nominees.
For offices other than the Librarian, Deputy Librarian, and Senior Under-Librarian, appointments and reappointments shall be made by the Librarian or the Deputy Librarian, on the recommendation of an Appointing Panel appointed by the Librarian or the Deputy Librarian:
• a member of the Senior Management Team (Chair or Convenor),
• two senior academic-related officers (or one officer and one other member of staff) with knowledge and experience of the role of the office. In the case of offices in one of the affiliated libraries, one shall be a member of the relevant Faculty appointed on the recommendation of the Chair of the relevant Faculty Board.
Quorum: 2. One of whom must be a member of the Senior Management Team.
6. Librarians of Faculties, Departments, and other institutions
• the Chair of the Faculty Board or Head of institution or a deputy appointed by him or her (Chair and Convenor),
• the University Librarian as the General Board's principal adviser on matters relating to Libraries or a deputy appointed by him or her,
• one Faculty/Departmental Librarian,
• two members of the relevant academic institution.
Quorum: 3. One of whom must be from outside the institution.
7. Offices in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Hamilton Kerr Institute
For the offices of Assistant Director, Senior Keeper, and Keeper:
• the Standing Appointments Committee of the Fitzwilliam Museum.7
For offices other than the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Director of the Hamilton Kerr Institute, Assistant Director, Senior Keeper, and Keeper, appointments and reappointments shall be made by the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum on the recommendation of an Appointing Panel appointed by the Director:
• the Assistant Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum with oversight of the office or the Director of the Hamilton Kerr Institute, as appropriate (Chair or Convenor),
• two senior academic or academic-related officers with knowledge and experience of the role of the office,
• one additional member with relevant expertise or experience may be co-opted by the Chair.
Quorum: 3. One of whom must be the Assistant Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum with oversight of the office or the Director of the Hamilton Kerr Institute.
8. Computer Officers
For offices in the grades Computer Officer Grades I–IV, Senior Computer Officer, and Principal Computer Officer:
• the Head of the institution or a deputy appointed by him or her (Chair and Convenor),
• a senior academic with experience and interest in what the role of the office entails,
• the Director of Information Services or a deputy appointed by him or her,
• a senior academic-related officer with knowledge and experience of the role of the office,
• up to two additional members may be co-opted by the Head of the institution.
Quorum: 4. At least one of the members must be from outside the institution.
In any pre-committee selection arrangements, the Head of the institution should ensure that a Computer Officer (at the level of Grade I or above) is involved. If there is no such officer on the staff of the institution, the Head of the institution should ask the Director of Information Services to provide a senior member of his or her staff.
9. Technical and Senior Technical Officers
• the Head of the institution or a deputy appointed by him or her (Chair and Convenor),
• a senior academic with experience and interest in what the role of the office entails,
• a Senior Technical Officer with knowledge and experience of the role of the office,
• a senior academic-related officer with knowledge and experience of the role of the office,
• up to two additional members may be co-opted by the Head of the institution.
When an appointment or reappointment is to be made to an office whose holder will have responsibilities for the care of protected animals under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, the Committee shall include two additional members, appointed by the General Board – the holder of the designation certificate for the University and one of the persons appointed as the named veterinary surgeons for the University.
When an appointment or reappointment is to be made to an office whose holder will have responsibility for matters concerning safety in the University, the Head of the institution shall be as specified in the Schedule below. Two additional persons shall be appointed by the Health and Safety Executive Committee.
For an office established in: |
An institution under the supervision of the General Board. |
The Head of the institution concerned. |
An institution under the supervision of the Council. |
The Head of the institution concerned. |
An institution under the supervision of the Unified Administrative Service. |
Either the Registrary, if the officer appointed is to have responsibilities in a Council institution, or the Academic Secretary if the officer appointed is to have responsibilities in a General Board institution. |
Quorum: 4. Either the academic or the Senior Technical Officer must be from outside the institution. |
10. Senior Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Junior Assistant Secretaries of the Institute of Continuing Education
• the Director of Continuing Education or a deputy appointed by him or her as Chair and Convener,
• the Academic Secretary or a deputy appointed by him or her,
• a senior academic with experience and interest in what the role of the office entails,
• a senior academic-related officer with knowledge and experience of the role of the office,
• up to two additional members to be co-opted at the discretion of the Director.
Quorum: 4. Either the senior academic or academic-related officer must be from outside the institution.
1. University offices covered by this Notice
The appointing provisions contained in the regulations for the offices referred to in this Notice require that appointments and reappointments shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority. Set out below are the arrangements which shall apply until further notice.
2. General arrangements
The general arrangements shall be the same as those for the appointment of certain academic-related offices.10
Members shall be appointed to serve on a Selection Committee on the occasion of a vacancy, unless the competent authority determines that a standing committee is to be appointed, in which case members shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January next following.
3. Arrangements for individual offices
Office |
Membership of the Selection Committee responsible for the appointment |
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: academic offices other than Professorships |
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences: Director of the Museum, Curator of the Museum or Senior Assistant Curator of the Museum, Assistant Curator of the Museum, Curator of a specified collection |
Selection Committee of Earth Sciences and Geography, with the Director as an additional member for appointments or reappointments to offices other than the Director of the Museum. |
Faculty of Economics: Executive Director of Research |
Selection Committee for the Faculty of Economics and two persons appointed by the General Board for the particular occasion. |
Department of History and Philosophy of Science: academic offices other than Professorships in the Department |
The Selection Committee for the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, which shall consist of:
Department of Land Economy: academic offices other than Professorships in the Department |
The Selection Committee for the Department of Land Economy, which shall consist of:
Institute of Criminology: University Lecturer, Assistant Director of Research, or Senior Assistant in Research in the Institute |
The Selection Committee for the Faculty of Law, which shall have regard to the inclusion of members from other Faculties and/or Departments if the duties of the office concern more than one Faculty or Department. |
Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience: University Clinical Anatomist, University Physiologist |
Selection Committee for the Faculty of Biology. |
Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience: University Clinical Veterinary Anatomist |
A Selection Committee appointed by the General Board for the particular occasion, which shall include members from the Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience and the Department of Veterinary Medicine. |
Museum of Zoology: Curator, Senior Assistant Curator, and Assistant Curator of the Museum |
Selection Committee for the Faculty of Biology, with the Director of the Museum as an additional member. |
Assistant Directors of Research and Senior Assistants in Research |
The Selection Committee for the institution concerned. |
All women University officers shall be entitled to eighteen weeks’ maternity leave with stipend and, in addition, up to thirty-four weeks’ unpaid maternity leave. Since the statutory paid provision has been extended to thirty-nine weeks, payment of the standard rate of Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance (included in the payment of full stipend for the initial eighteen weeks) will, for those eligible under statutory regulations, continue for the first twenty-one weeks of the unpaid leave provision under the University’s maternity policy. (Under current legislation no woman may resume work earlier than two weeks after giving birth.)
Maternity leave should normally commence no earlier than the eleventh week before the expected date of childbirth. A University officer who intends to take maternity leave shall give notice of that fact by the fifteenth week before her expected week of childbirth, through the Personnel Consultant assigned to her institution, to the Registrary if she holds an office under the supervision of the Council, or to the Academic Secretary if she holds an office under the supervision of the General Board. Maternity leave will be granted under the provisions of Special Ordinance C (i) 2(b). Employer’s contributions to USS will be continued for the period of paid leave; during any period of unpaid leave an officer may maintain her USS contributions by paying both the employee’s and the employer’s contributions. Stipend increments will accrue in the normal way during leave.
A term which includes maternity leave will be reckoned as a term of service for the purposes of Special Ordinance C (i) 1.
Further details, including new provisions aimed at improving communication, are contained in the policy statement which has been circulated to Heads of institutions and is available on the University’s website (https://www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/policies-procedures/maternity-policy).
In the light of the right to paternity leave and pay under the Employment Act 2002, the Council and the General Board give notice of the existing, more favourable University paternity leave provision offered to eligible employees of up to two weeks on full pay, provided that satisfactory arrangements can be made to cover the absence at no additional cost to the University.
1. Under the provisions of Special Ordinance C (i) 2(a), University officers may be dispensed from discharging the duties of their offices on account of illness for a period of up to six months without loss of stipend. This dispensation may be extended by the competent authority, who shall fix the amount of stipend (if any) payable.
2. All periods of incapacity for work on account of illness, including those that fall outside an academic term, shall be regarded as sick leave in accordance with Special Ordinance C (i) 2(a). In order to be granted sick leave, officers shall notify the head of their institution of the dates on which they are unable to work. Officers shall also provide either a completed self-certification form (blank copies available from the Human Resources Division) for absences of up to seven consecutive days, or a medical certificate (obtained from their GP or hospital, in the case of admission as an in-patient) for absences of seven days or more.
3. The dates on which sick leave is granted shall be recorded by the head of the institution and reported to the competent authority in order to determine the level of stipend (if any) payable.
4. The competent authority may seek informed consent from officers for information from their medical records to be made available in cases where the recurrence or continuation of an absence becomes a cause for concern.
5. In determining the period for which leave with stipend will be granted, and the amount of stipend (if any) payable, the competent authority shall have regard to the following:
6. Where the period of incapacity for work exceeds the periods of sick leave with pay provided for in 5(a) above, the stipend would normally be discontinued. In exceptional circumstances the competent authority may extend the period for which leave is granted and the stipend (if any) payable, in variation of the provisions set out in 5(a) above, on the advice of the Human Resources Committee.
7. The competent authority shall decide in each particular case whether the terms included within a period of sick leave are to be reckonable as terms of service for the purposes of Special Ordinance C (i) 1. As a general rule they shall regard sick leave of twenty-eight days or more during an academic term as normally precluding the officer from counting that term as reckonable as a term of service for the purposes of Special Ordinance C (i) 1.
8. The Human Resources Committee will, from time to time, issue guidance8 on implementing policy and procedures concerning sick leave and sick pay.
1. Under the provisions of Special Ordinance C (i) 1, every University officer specified in the Schedule to Special Ordinance C (i) 1 is entitled to be dispensed from discharging the duties of his or her office during one term for every six terms of service, provided that the consent of the General Board is obtained, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such leave, commonly known as sabbatical leave, is normally granted as leave with stipend, subject to the conditions set out in paragraphs 6–8 below.
2. Applications for leave of absence in any term under Special Ordinance C (i) 1 should be sent, not later than the first week of the Full Term next but one preceding the period of the proposed leave, to the Academic Secretary and also to the Secretary of the Faculty Board or other body concerned.
3. In considering applications for leave under Special Ordinance C (i) 1, the General Board has agreed to adopt the following policy when it is known that the officer concerned will not, or may not, return to duty at the end of the period of leave applied for, or that the officer will return to duty for a short time only.
4. (a) The Board will not normally allow an officer to take leave under Special Ordinance C (i) 1 for the whole or a part of the academical year at the end of which he or she is due to retire.
(b) The Board will normally regard as straightforward an application for leave under Special Ordinance C (i) 1
5. Notwithstanding the general policy set out in paragraph 4 above, it is possible that, for special reasons, leave of absence may be granted in the circumstances referred to in paragraph 4(a), or that an application in the circumstances referred to in paragraph 4(b) may not be regarded as straightforward.
6. Under Special Ordinance C (i) 1 the General Board has power to fix the amount (if any) of the stipend payable to a University officer while on leave of absence under that section of the Special Ordinance. The General Board has agreed that normal pensionable stipend (and family allowances, where applicable) will be paid in full for any leave under Special Ordinance C (i) 1, provided that the officer observes the following conditions:
7. For the purpose of paragraph 6(b) above, the General Board does not regard examining for the Local Examinations Syndicate as falling under the head of examining for the University.
8. Subject to the exceptions noted under sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) below, the General Board regards attendance at meetings of Boards, Syndicates, Committees, or other similar bodies of whatever name, as falling under the head of administrative duties for the purposes of these rules, and the undertaking referred to in paragraph 6(b) above therefore requires the officer either to resign from any such body or to secure exemption from attendance at its meetings during the period of leave of absence under Special Ordinance C (i) 1.
1. In addition to sabbatical leave, which is a statutory entitlement, Special Ordinance C (i) 2(b) gives the General Board discretion to grant leave of absence in other circumstances; such leave is normally granted as leave without stipend. For some years the Board has been willing to consider applications for leave without stipend for the purpose of secondment, when an officer intends to work for some other institution while on leave. Since 1987 the Board has also been willing to consider applications for leave without stipend for other purposes, in cases where officers are able to secure funds from outside sources to cover their stipends and wish to take extra leave, in addition to their regular entitlement to sabbatical leave, so as to carry out their research either in Cambridge or elsewhere. The Board's policy for granting leave without stipend under Special Ordinance C (i) 2(b) is set out below.
2. Secondment leave may be granted to provide assistance for governments, or national agencies, or international agencies of which the United Kingdom is a member, or academic institutions or charitable organizations, or industrial or commercial concerns. Any request for the secondment of a University officer to any such body should be accompanied by a fully reasoned case, presented by the authorities of the body concerned, setting out the need for the assistance of the particular officer.
3. In considering such an application, the Board will take into account the possible academic benefits to the officer's institution, and will have in mind also the balance between the advantage to the outside body concerned of gaining the assistance of a University officer on the one hand and, on the other hand, the disadvantage to the University of losing that officer's services for the period of his or her secondment.
4. The General Board wishes to encourage University officers to obtain outside support which will allow them to pursue their research more effectively, either in Cambridge or elsewhere. It wishes to stress, however, that the interests of the institution to which an officer belongs must not be neglected in favour of the interests of the individual officer. In considering such applications the Board will therefore have regard to maintaining a proper balance between the interests of the individual and those of his or her institution.
5. An officer must make a detailed case to the General Board on academic grounds in support of the application for leave. The application must be supported by the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, who will be required to show that the leave in question will be of direct benefit to the officer's institution.
6. The grant of leave must not involve the University in any additional cost.
7. While wishing to encourage University officers to seek outside funds for the support of their research, the Board is concerned to ensure that this policy is employed sparingly. The Board will normally expect that leave should be limited to a maximum of three years at any one time and that the total extent of such leave, whether taken in one or more periods, should be limited to a maximum of six years during the whole of an officer's academic career within the University.
8. The General Board will decide in each particular case whether the academical terms included within the period of leave are to be reckonable as terms of service for the purposes of Special Ordinance C (i) 1.
9. The allocation of savings that accrue from the grant of leave without stipend (after deductions have been made, where appropriate, for pension or National Insurance contributions and for certain central administrative costs) will be at the discretion of the Council of the relevant School. If the Council of the School so determines, savings may be allocated to, or accrue in the stipend account of, the Faculty, Department or other institution concerned. The cost of substitute teaching or full-time replacement required will be met from these savings.
1. Each case will be considered on its merits, and the general principles set out below will be subject to variation in the light of any special circumstances.
2. When an officer has been granted leave with stipend, the University will pay its share of the pension contributions on that stipend.
3. When the General Board under Special Ordinance C (i) 2(a) has extended a period of leave granted on account of illness to a date later than six months from the commencement of the officer's absence from duty, the University will continue to pay its share of the pension contributions on the officer's normal stipend, even if the General Board has fixed a stipend for the period of that extension less than the full University stipend, or given that extension without stipend.
4. When an officer has been given leave under Special Ordinance C (i) 1 (sabbatical leave) the University will pay its share of the pension contributions on the officer's normal stipend, even if the normal stipend is not received in full or at all from the University during the period of leave.
5. When an officer has been given leave in order to undertake national service, whether compulsory or voluntary, and the General Board has approved that service for the purpose of these rules, the University will pay its share of the pension contributions on the normal stipend even if the stipend is not received in full or at all during the period of leave.
6. If an officer applies for leave of absence under Special Ordinance C (i) 2(b) in order to undertake paid employment, other than national service, outside the University, it shall be a matter for consideration on each application whether the authority to whom the officer is being seconded shall be required, as a condition of the granting of the leave, to reimburse the University for the whole or part of the University's share of the pension contributions. As a rule the General Board will make it a condition of the granting of leave without stipend for this purpose that the authority to whom the officer is seconded shall reimburse the University for the whole of its share of the pension contributions on the normal stipend.
7. If an officer is given leave of absence under Special Ordinance C (i) 2(b) other than for the purposes mentioned in paragraphs 5 and 6, the University will usually maintain its share of the pension contributions on his or her normal stipend, even though there may be some deduction from that stipend on account of the leave.
8. If the Board under Special Ordinance C (i) 3 determines that any period (or part of a period) of leave is to be disregarded in reckoning the officer's limit of tenure, no stipend shall be payable for the period so disregarded and no pension contributions shall be payable by the University.
9. If the pension contributions payable by the University are maintained during the officer's period of leave, it shall be obligatory for the officer to maintain his or her contributions. If no pension contribution is payable by the University during the period of leave the officer may pay both the employee's and the employer's contribution if he or she wishes to do so.
10. For the purpose of these rules the normal stipend on which pension contributions are payable, if the University stipend has not been received in full by the officer during any period of leave, shall be the stipend that would have been received by the officer from the University had the officer not been granted leave, regard being had to any seniority increments that accrue during the period of leave, to supplementary payments (in accordance with the rules for such payments), and to any deduction on account of a Fellowship with dividend or a substantial College office. No seniority increments of stipend shall accrue during any period that is disregarded for the purpose of reckoning the tenure of an office.
The General Board has approved the following Schedule of offices whose holders may apply for study leave on the same conditions as are laid down in Special Ordinance C (i) 1 for University officers specified in the Schedule to Special Ordinance C (i) 1.
Curator of the Sedgwick Museum.
Senior Assistant Curator of the Sedgwick Museum.
Assistant Curator of the Sedgwick Museum.
John Couch Adams Astronomer.
Director and Curator of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Senior Assistant Curator of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Assistant Curator of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Senior Assistant Curator in the Museum of Zoology.
Assistant Curator in the Museum of Zoology.
Superintendent of the Engineering Workshops.
Clinical Lecturer.
Director of the Agricultural Economics Unit.
Director and Curator of the Whipple Museum of the History of Science.
Director of the Centre for Business Research.
Director of the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance.
Deputy Director of the Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences
The General Board has to consider from time to time applications under Special Ordinances C (vii) A.10 and C (x) 11 from University officers specified in the Schedule to Special Ordinance C (i) 1 who wish to undertake for remuneration during Full Term regular teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or on behalf of a College or Colleges. The Board thinks that it may be convenient if it gives notice of the procedure which it follows in considering such applications under these Special Ordinances.
Unless an application is for permission to undertake teaching for a very limited period in order to assist an institution which is in a temporary difficulty in providing instruction of a specialized kind, or for permission to accept a short-term appointment to a post as a visiting Professor or Lecturer, the General Board refers the application to the Faculty Board concerned and requires evidence, before giving its consent, that it is to the advantage of the University that regular teaching at an institution outside the University should be undertaken by the officer concerned. Permission to undertake such regular teaching will be subject to review annually.