Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
pp. 662–685

The provisions contained in this Chapter are Regulations of the General Board

In this section



Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities


The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (CRASSH) shall be an institution independent of any Faculty or Department but under the supervision of the General Board, and shall be within the School of Arts and Humanities.

Management Committee

Management Committee.

1. The management of the Centre shall be the responsibility of a Management Committee, which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Director;
  2. (b)the Heads of the Schools of Arts and Humanities and of the Humanities and Social Sciences;
  3. (c)six people appointed by the General Board, of whom three shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities and three on the recommendation of the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and of whom one shall be appointed Chair by the Management Committee;
  4. (d)two people, not members of the constituent Schools, co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.

2. Members in class (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. A co-opted member in class (d) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which he or she is co-opted or of the following year, as the Committee shall decide at the time of co-optation.


3. The Director, or failing whom the Deputy Director, shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.

4. The Committee shall meet at least once each term.

Duties of the Committee.

5. Subject to the powers of the Council and the General Board, the duties of the Committee shall be to:

  1. (a)promote research in the fields of the arts, humanities, and social sciences and the publication of the results of such research;
  2. (b)co-operate with individuals and bodies inside the University to encourage research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences;
  3. (c)administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) and (b) above;
  4. (d)supervise the work of the staff of the Centre;
  5. (e)prepare annual estimates for submission to the General Board;
  6. (f)make an Annual Report to the General Board.

Staff of the Centre


1. There shall be a University office of Director of the Centre, which may be held concurrently with another University office and shall be held on such terms and conditions as the General Board may from time to time determine.

2. The Director shall be appointed by the General Board on the recommendation of the Management Committee.


3. Under the general control of the Management Committee the Director shall be the administrative Head of the Centre, and shall be responsible, subject to the advice of the Policy Committee and the approval of the Management Committee, for the choice of topics for the Centre's programmes.

Deputy Director.

4. There shall be a University office of Deputy Director of the Centre which may be held concurrently with another University office. If held concurrently with another University office, appointments and reappointments to the office shall be made by the Management Committee for periods of not more than five years at a time, provided that no person may hold the office for a total period exceeding six years.


5. The duties of the Deputy Director shall be to assist the Director in all matters connected with the work of the Centre and to serve as Secretary of the Management Committee.


University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

1. The University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership shall be an institution under the supervision of the General Board, and shall be within the School of Technology.

Annual Report.

2. A Management Board for the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership shall be responsible for the management of the Institute. The Management Board shall make an Annual Report to the Council of the School of Technology.

Management Board.

3. The Management Board for the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership shall consist of:

  1. (a)a member of the Regent House, appointed by the General Board, as Chair;
  2. (b)a member of the Council of the School of Technology appointed by the Council of the School of Technology;
  3. (c)the Director of the Institute, ex officio, who shall be Secretary of the Board;
  4. (d)not more than six members of the Regent House appointed by the General Board on the nomination of the Council of the School of Technology;
  5. (e)not more than three persons co-opted by the Board, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Board to co-opt any person or persons.

4. Members in class (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years next following their appointment. Members in class (e) shall serve for two years from 1 January next following their co-optation. Appointment of members in classes (d) and (e) shall be staggered such that half of the Board membership is appointed each year.

5. The Management Board shall have authority

  1. (a)to approve the Institute’s strategy and business plans, in line with the Institute’s mission;
  2. (b)to establish advisory bodies including persons who are not resident members of the University, representing interests and activities associated with industry, business, and government.

6. There shall be a quorum of five members of the Board for the award of qualifications and for the proposal of changes to the constitutional arrangements of the Institute and its Management Board.


7. There shall be a University office of Director of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. The Director shall be responsible to the Management Board for the conduct of the Institute.

Appointments Committee.

8. There shall be an Appointments Committee for the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership constituted as follows:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
  2. (b)the Chair of the Management Board;
  3. (c)three members of the Management Board appointed by the Board;
  4. (d)two persons appointed by the General Board;
  5. (e)(except for the appointment of the Director) the Director of the Institute.

Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each calendar year of which the number is even, to serve for the two calendar years next ensuing. A member in class (c) who ceases to be a member of the Board shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Appointments Committee.


Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute


The Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute shall be an institution independent of any Faculty or Department but under the supervision of the General Board, and shall be within the School of the Biological Sciences.


Committee of Management.

1. The Institute shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Director of the Institute;
  2. (b)the Deputy Director of the Institute;
  3. (c)the Head of the Cancer Research UK section of the Institute;
  4. (d)the Head of the Wellcome Trust section of the Institute;
  5. (e)one person appointed by the General Board after consultation with Cancer Research UK;
  6. (f)two persons appointed by the General Board after consultation with the Wellcome Trust;
  7. (g)two persons appointed by the General Board, one of whom shall be appointed Chair of the Committee by the Board;
  8. (h)two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Biology and one person appointed by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine;
  9. (i)not more than one additional person co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.

2. Members in classes (e)–(h) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. The co-opted member in class (i) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which he or she is co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of the member's co-optation.

3. The Director of the Institute shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.


4. Subject to the powers of the Council, the General Board, and the Faculty Boards concerned, the duties of the Committee shall be as follows:

  1. (a)to promote research in the fields of cancer and developmental biology and the publication of the results of such research;
  2. (b)to co-operate with the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK and with other institutions within the University in the encouragement of research in the fields of cancer and developmental biology;
  3. (c)to administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) and (b) above;
  4. (d)to prepare annual estimates for submission to the General Board;
  5. (e)to make an Annual Report to the General Board, the Wellcome Trust, and Cancer Research UK.
Administrative Committee.

5. There shall be an Institute Administrative Committee consisting of the Director of the Institute, who shall be Chair of the Committee, and the other principal investigators. The Committee may co-opt additional members for such periods as the Committee shall determine. The Committee shall be responsible for the internal allocation of space within the Institute, for advising the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK, as appropriate, on the selection of new principal investigators, and for advising the Director on other matters concerning the administration of the Institute.

Staff of the Institute

1. There shall be a University office of Director of the Institute, which may be held concurrently with another University office.


2. The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the General Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Director shall be for such periods not exceeding five years at a time as shall be determined by the Board on the recommendation of the Committee.

3. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, and subject to the powers of the Institute Administrative Committee, the Director of the Institute shall be the administrative Head of the Institute.


4. The duties of the Director of the Institute shall be determined by the Committee of Management, subject to the approval of the General Board.


5. The Director of the Institute shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the Committee of Management, subject to the approval of the General Board.

Deputy Director.

6. The Director of the Institute shall designate a member of the staff of the Institute as Deputy Director to serve for a period of one year at a time. The duties of the Deputy Director shall be determined by the Director.

Visiting Fellowships

1. In order to enable scholars from outside Cambridge to take part in and contribute to the work of the Institute there shall be Visiting Fellowships for persons who have made or are making important contributions to research in the fields of cancer or developmental biology, or who are pursuing advanced work in either of these subjects.

2. Appointments and reappointments to Visiting Fellowships shall be made by the Director of the Institute for periods not exceeding three years at a time.

3. Visiting Fellows shall not hold any University office during the tenure of their Fellowships.

4. The stipend, if any, of a Visiting Fellow shall be determined by the Director of the Institute in consultation with the relevant sponsoring body and subject to the approval of the General Board on the occasion of each appointment or reappointment.

5. Subject to the approval of the General Board the Committee of Management may make grants to Visiting Fellows to meet travelling or other expenses incurred in connection with their Fellowships.

Continuing Education.

Institute of Continuing Education

Strategic Committee.

1. There shall be an Institute of Continuing Education, which shall be an institution under the supervision of the General Board. There shall be a Strategic Committee for the Institute of Continuing Education which shall consist of:

  1. (a)a member of the Regent House, appointed by the General Board, as Chair;
  2. (b)six members appointed by the General Board on the nomination of the Councils of the Schools, to include a representative of each School;
  3. (c)the Director of Continuing Education;
  4. (d)three members of the academic staff of the Institute, elected in the Michaelmas Term by such staff to serve for three years from 1 January following their election;
  5. (e)not more than four persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

Except as otherwise provided, members of the Committee shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. The Director of Continuing Education, or a University officer designated by the Director, shall be Secretary of the Committee.

Director of the Institute.

2. There shall be the University office of Director of Continuing Education. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Director shall be made by the General Board, on the advice of a committee specially constituted for the particular occasion. The duties of the Director shall be determined by the General Board on the advice of the Strategic Committee.

Other officers of the Institute.

3. There shall be such number of University offices of Senior Assistant Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Junior Assistant Secretary (in Grades I, II, and III) as may be determined from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Strategic Committee on the advice of the Director of Continuing Education. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Senior Assistant Secretary or Assistant Secretary or Junior Assistant Secretary shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed by the General Board from time to time. The duties of each office shall be determined by the Strategic Committee on the advice of the Director of Continuing Education.

4. The office of Director may be held concurrently with another University office.

5. There shall be such number of University offices of Senior Staff Tutor and Tutor as may be determined from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Strategic Committee on the advice of the Director of Continuing Education. The duties of the offices shall be determined by the Strategic Committee on the advice of the Director.


6. Appointments and reappointments to an office of University Lecturer or University Senior Lecturer or Senior Staff Tutor or Tutor in the Institute, shall be made by a Selection Committee for the Institute constituted in accordance with Special Ordinance C (x).

7. The Strategic Committee shall have the authority to make recommendations to the General Board for granting the title of Affiliated Lecturer to persons who make a substantial contribution to the Institute’s teaching programmes.

8. The Strategic Committee may designate, for a period not exceeding five years at a time, one of the officers in the Institute as Deputy Director.

Madingley Hall.

9. The Strategic Committee shall be responsible to the General Board for the government of Madingley Hall. The General Board, on the advice of the Strategic Committee, shall designate a University officer as Warden of the Hall and may establish a committee for management of the Hall. The Warden shall be the principal officer in the Hall responsible under the direction of the Strategic Committee for the administration of the Hall and for presenting the annual accounts of the Hall to the Strategic Committee.

Payment to Warden.

10. The Warden shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the stipend of her or his University office, a pensionable payment for responsibility as Warden at an annual rate determined by the General Board after consultation with the Strategic Committee.

Duties of the Strategic Committee.

11. The duties of the Strategic Committee shall be:

  1. (a)to determine academic policy for the Institute and the Hall and to report accordingly to the General Board;
  2. (b)to make an annual report to the General Board;
  3. (c)to act as an administering body in accordance with the Ordinances for the Master of Studies Degree;
  4. (d)to act as an administering body in accordance with the Ordinances for Diplomas and Certificates open to non-members of the University;
  5. (e)to co-operate with other University institutions and outside bodies in the development of continuing education;
  6. (f)to establish such advisory bodies, representing interests and activities associated with continuing education, as it sees fit;
  7. (g)to receive reports from the Director of the Institute and the Warden of the Hall on the deployment of funds allocated for the purposes set out in (a)–(f) above;
  8. (h)to appoint managers, on the advice of the Director, to administer the following funds;
  9. (i)the Churton Collins Prize Fund,1
  10. (ii)the Hargood Memorial Fund,1
  11. (iii)the James Stuart Endowment Fund.1
Fitzwilliam Museum.

Fitzwilliam Museum


The Fitzwilliam Museum shall be an institution independent of any Faculty or Department but under the supervision of the General Board. It shall be under the general control of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate.

Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate


1. The Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
  2. (b)eight persons appointed by the General Board;
  3. (c)the Head of the Department of History of Art;
  4. (d)not more than four persons co-opted by the Syndicate, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Syndicate to co-opt any person or persons.

Members in class (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Co-opted members shall serve for one year from 1 January following their co-optation.

2. All meetings of the Syndicate shall be summoned by the Vice-Chancellor, and there shall be at least four meetings each year.


3. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless at least four members be present, but in cases of emergency a smaller number may act, provided they be unanimous.


4. It shall be the duty of the Syndicate:

  1. (a)to supervise the management of the Museum;
  2. (b)to make such arrangements as they may from time to time think desirable for the delivery of lectures or the holding of classes, meetings, exhibitions (with or without charge for admission as the Syndicate shall think fit), or other assemblies in the Museum;
  3. (c)to appoint and dismiss the assistant staff subject to the regulations for employment by the University;
  4. (d)to control the expenditure of all moneys devoted to the purposes of the Museum, and to present an annual statement of accounts to the Finance Committee of the Council;
  5. (e)to decide, after consultation with the Director, when gifts or bequests are offered to the University for the Museum, or objects offered to the Museum for purchase, whether such offers shall be accepted or declined, or whether the question shall be referred to the University and on such other matters as the General Board may require;
  6. (f)to report to the University at any time on any question on which they think the University ought to be consulted;
  7. Annual Report.
    (g)to make an Annual Report to the General Board upon any matters concerning the collections and the state of the buildings which in their opinion should be brought to the notice of the University;
  8. (h)to be responsible in accordance with the regulations for the Hamilton Kerr Institute for the examination and certification of persons training in the Hamilton Kerr Institute.

Staff of the Fitzwilliam Museum

1. The staff of the Fitzwilliam Museum shall consist of the Director and Marlay Curator, the Assistant Directors, the Senior Keepers, the Keepers, the Senior Assistant Keepers, the Assistant Keepers, the Museum Assistants in Research, and the University assistants. The Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate shall designate one of the Senior Keepers or Keepers as Librarian. The total number of University offices of Assistant Director, Senior Keeper, Keeper, Senior Assistant Keeper, Assistant Keeper, and Museum Assistant in Research and the number of offices in each of those categories shall be determined from time to time by the General Board. The number of University assistants shall be determined from time to time in accordance with the regulations for employment by the University.

Election of Director.

2. The Director shall be elected by a Board of Electors consisting of

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy);
  2. (b)three persons appointed by the General Board of whom at least one shall be a person who at the time of his or her appointment is not resident in the University or officially connected with it;
  3. (c)four persons appointed by the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate of whom three shall be persons who at the time of their appointment are members of that Syndicate, and the fourth shall be a person who at the time of his or her appointment is the Director of one of the following: the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Wallace Collection, the Ashmolean Museum;
  4. (d)one person appointed by the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art.

Members in classes (b)–(d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each calendar year of which the number is even to serve for the four calendar years next ensuing.

The Academic Secretary, or a deputy appointed by the Academic Secretary, shall act as Secretary to the Board of Electors.

3. If an Elector is or becomes a candidate for the Directorship he or she shall be thereby disqualified from acting in the matter of that election and the remaining Electors shall have power to act.

4. If an appointment to the Board of Electors is made after the Electors have first met to consider a vacancy in the Directorship, the Elector so appointed shall not have any vote in the election of the Director, but his or her predecessor, if not a candidate for the Directorship, shall retain the right to vote in that election.

5. (a) When the Director is due under the Statutes and Ordinances to retire, the Vice-Chancellor shall report the fact to the General Board not later than the division of the Michaelmas Term in the academical year next before the year at the end of which the Director is due to retire.

(b) When the Vice-Chancellor knows that a vacancy has occurred or will occur in the Directorship otherwise than by the holder's becoming due under the Statutes and Ordinances to retire, he or she shall report the fact to the General Board at their next meeting.

6. Not later than the sixtieth day after the report under Regulation 5 of a vacancy or an expected vacancy in the Directorship, the Vice-Chancellor shall publish a Notice inviting applications to fill the vacancy; provided that the General Board shall have power to suspend the publication of such a Notice for any period not exceeding one year.

7. The Electors shall have power to act notwithstanding one or more vacancies in their number and shall have power to adjourn and generally to regulate their own procedure, provided that:

  1. (a)no election shall be made earlier than the day following that on which the qualifications of the candidates have been considered in the first instance at a meeting of the Electors;
  2. (b)no election shall be made unless two-thirds at least of the Electors (exclusive of any Elector disqualified by being a candidate) are present at the time of voting and a majority of those present vote in favour.

8. The Electors shall have power to enquire whether any person or persons other than those who have submitted applications would accept the office if offered, and to offer the office to a person who has not submitted an application, provided that such a person's qualifications have been considered at two meetings held on different days.

9. If, at the end of two years from the date of publication under Regulation 6 of the Notice inviting applications for the Directorship, the Electors have been unable to make an election, the Director shall be appointed by the Chancellor, or, if the office of Chancellor is vacant, by the High Steward.

Duties of Director.

10. The duties of the Director shall be:

  1. (a)to take charge of the collections and the library, to keep a register of all accessions to the collections, and to take measures under the sanction of the Syndicate that they be properly protected, kept in order, and exhibited;
  2. (b)to exercise a general superintendence over the staff of the Museum, and to see that all rules laid down by the Syndicate are carried out;
  3. (c)to undertake and superintend, under the sanction of the Syndicate, and with such assistance as they may think necessary, the formation of inventories and catalogues of the collections;
  4. (d)to give, so far as is consistent with the performance of the above duties, assistance and guidance to persons visiting the Museum for purposes of study;
  5. (e)to make inquiries and give advice respecting acquisitions for the Museum by purchase, donation, or bequest.

11. The Director shall be a member of the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art.

Residence of the Director.

12. The Director shall be resident in the University during term and for four weeks in the Long Vacation, and shall normally be in attendance during Museum office hours. The Director shall not be absent for more than two nights in any week during Full Term without obtaining the permission of the Chair of the Syndicate. The Director shall nominate to the Syndicate a member of the staff of the Museum to act for the time being as his or her deputy during any period of absence from duty in circumstances not provided for by Statutes or Ordinance.

13. At the first meeting of the Syndicate in the Michaelmas Term of each year the Director shall make a report to the Syndicate on his or her residence and attendance during the preceding year. The report shall indicate the number of weeks during which the Director was resident in the University, and shall state whether he or she complied with the provisions of Regulation 12 concerning attendance at the Museum.

Duties of other members of the staff.

14. The Assistant Directors, the Senior Keepers, the Keepers, the Senior Assistant Keepers, the Assistant Keepers, and the Museum Assistants in Research (including the Librarian) shall give such assistance in the work of the Museum as the Director may require. They shall be expected to attend (during each weekday) at such times as may be determined by the Syndicate.

Appointments Committee.

15. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Assistant Director, of Senior Keeper, and of Keeper shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of the following persons:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
  2. (b)the Chair of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate;
  3. (c)the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum;
  4. (d)two members of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate appointed by the Syndicate;
  5. (e)two persons appointed by the General Board.

Special Ordinance C (x) shall apply to the Committee as if it were a Selection Committee for a Faculty. The quorum for the Committee shall be five members.

Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Senior Keeper and of Keeper shall be made by the Appointments Committee on the recommendation of an Appointing Panel, which shall consist of the Chair of the Appointments Committee or a member of the Appointments Committee appointed by the Chair as her or his deputy, who shall be Chair of the Panel, the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Assistant Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum with oversight of the office or the Director of the Hamilton Kerr Institute (as appropriate), and a person with relevant expertise and experience appointed by the Chair. For such appointments and reappointments, the Appointments Committee may reach their decision by circulation with a quorum of five members; written reports of decisions taken by circulation shall be minuted at a subsequent meeting of that Committee.

Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Senior Assistant Keeper, Assistant Keeper, and Museum Assistant in Research, and offices at the Hamilton Kerr Institute under Regulation 8 shall be made in accordance with the arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority.2

A Museum Assistant in Research shall not engage in teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges. The amount of teaching given by a Museum Assistant in Research on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week.

Admission to the Fitzwilliam Museum


1. The galleries shall, unless the General Board on the recommendation of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate determines otherwise, be open to the public on each weekday (with the exception of Mondays other than Bank Holidays and such other exceptions as are mentioned hereafter in these regulations) between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., and on Sundays between noon and 5 p.m.


2. The Syndicate shall have full authority to direct the exclusion of those persons whose admission appears to be undesirable.

Days of closing.

3. The Museum shall be closed on the following days: 24, 25, 26, and 31 December and 1 January and such other days as may appear necessary to the Syndicate.

Library and special collections.

4. The Syndicate shall from time to time make such rules as they think fit for the use of the library and for the inspection and study of the reserve and special collections.

Hamilton Kerr Institute


1. The Hamilton Kerr Institute shall be accommodated in the Mill House, Whittlesford, and shall be devoted to the conservation, and training in the conservation, of paintings.

2. The Institute shall be a Sub-department of the Fitzwilliam Museum.

3. There shall be the University office of Director of the Hamilton Kerr Institute and such number of University offices of Assistant to the Director of the Institute as the General Board shall from time to time determine.

Advisory Council.

4. There shall be an Advisory Council for the Hamilton Kerr Institute, whose duty it shall be to advise the Director of the Institute on the most advantageous lines of developing the work of the Institute, and to promote co-operation with other bodies concerned with the conservation of paintings. The Advisory Council shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Chair of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate, who shall be Chair of the Advisory Council;
  2. (b)the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum;
  3. (c)two persons appointed by the General Board of the University;
  4. (d)not less than four nor more than eight persons appointed by the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate, at least two of whom shall be Fellows of the International Institute for Conservation and at least one of whom shall be the holder of a University office in the Department of History of Art;
  5. (e)not more than three persons co-opted by the Advisory Council, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Council to co-opt any person or persons.

Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January next following their appointment. Members in class (e) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted, or of the following year, as the Council shall determine at the time of their co-optation.

The Advisory Council shall meet at least twice a year; five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. The Director of the Institute shall act as Secretary of the Council, and shall transmit a record of the Council's proceedings to the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate.

Duties of Director.

5. The holder of the office of Director of the Institute shall pursue study and research in the conservation of paintings, and shall supervise the work of the Institute under the general guidance of the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum.

6. The Director of the Institute shall be responsible in all administrative and financial matters to the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum; shall submit to the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum for approval by the General Board estimates of the expenditure of the Institute in the ensuing financial year; and shall recommend to the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum for appointment such clerical and ancillary staff as are covered by those estimates and approved by the General Board.

Appointment and reappointment of Director.

7. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Director of the Institute shall be made by an Appointments Committee constituted for the purpose consisting of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor or a duly appointed deputy;
  2. (b)the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum;
  3. (c)four persons nominated by the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate for appointment by the General Board;
  4. (d)two persons appointed by the General Board.

One at least of the members in class (c) and one at least in class (d) shall be persons not in residence in the University or officially connected with it.

Staff of the Institute.

8. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Assistant to the Director of the Institute and to any other University office that may be established by Grace on the staff of the Institute shall be made in accordance with Regulation 15 for the staff of the Fitzwilliam Museum.

The duties of the holders of these offices shall be to assist the Director of the Institute in the prosecution of her or his duties.


9. Neither the Director nor any other University officer on the staff of the Institute shall be a Tutor, Assistant Tutor, Bursar, Assistant Bursar, or Steward of a College, nor shall they, without the permission of the General Board, give instruction on behalf of a College. Except as the General Board may otherwise determine, all fees received by the Director or any other University officer on the staff of the Institute for work or consultancy connected with the conservation of paintings shall be paid into the funds of the Institute.


10. The Director and any other University officer on the staff of the Institute shall be resident in the University during term and for four weeks in the Long Vacation.

11. The Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate shall be empowered:

  1. (a)to conduct and administer examinations of persons who are not members of the University but are undergoing training by the staff of the Institute, and for that purpose to fix fees, issue syllabuses, and appoint and pay examiners;
  2. (b)to issue certificates and diplomas of the Institute to successful candidates.
Islamic Studies.

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies


Committee of Management.

1. The HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies shall be an institution under the supervision of the General Board and shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:

  1. Chair.
    (a)the Chair of the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities who shall be Chair;
  2. (b)a representative of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies;
  3. (c)the Director of the Centre;
  4. (d)no fewer than two other members appointed by the General Board including one on the recommendation of the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences and one on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies;
  5. (e)up to three persons nominated by HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal;
  6. (f)up to two additional persons co-opted at the discretion of the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory to co-opt any person.

2. Members in class (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve from January following their appointment for two or four years as the General Board shall determine at their appointment.

3. Co-opted members in class (f) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.


4. The Assistant Director of the Centre shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.


5. The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:

  1. (a)to meet the aim of the Centre being to foster deeper understanding between the Muslim world and the West through the twin paths of high quality research and effective outreach;
  2. (b)to meet the objectives of the Centre being:
  3. (i)to create, on a self-sustaining basis, a world-class cadre of researchers at the postgraduate and postdoctoral levels by providing studentships and fellowships designed to feed into the next generation of academics as well as the public and private sectors;
  4. (ii)to develop an energetic public outreach programme helping to ensure that public policy and debate is based on an informed understanding of Islam in today’s societies;
  5. (iii)to advance tolerance, mutual understanding, and cross-cultural dialogue between Islam and the West;
  6. (iv)to act as an active partner with other national and international centres in promoting an informed understanding of Islam and Muslims in the contemporary world;
  7. (v)to engage with Muslim organizations and members of the Muslim community in the United Kingdom and Europe;
  8. (vi)to develop the activities of the Centre around the overarching theme of Islam in the Global Age and sub-themes of Islam in Europe and the United Kingdom, and Islam and the media, but so that the Centre should evolve over time (as approved by the General Board) to meet contemporary needs;
  9. (c)in collaboration with the Faculty Boards concerned, to promote teaching in Islamic subjects, and to promote research in these subjects and the publication of the results of such research;
  10. (d)to co-operate with outside bodies in the encouragement of teaching and research in Islamic subjects;
  11. (e)to create programmes and communications accessible to the wider community which encourage informed discussion on contemporary issues in the study of Islamic subjects;
  12. (f)to administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) to (e) above;
  13. (g)to manage the distribution of income from the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies Fund between the activities of the Centre;
  14. (h)to supervise the work of the staff of the Centre;
  15. (i)to appoint at their discretion an advisory group comprising eminent persons who can assist in the development of the Centre and whose membership shall include representatives of HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal.

6. The Committee of Management shall prepare annual estimates for submission to the General Board and shall submit written reports at least twice a year to HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal.

7. The Committee shall have the right of reporting to the University.

Acting Director.

8. During any period of absence from duty of the Director, the General Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management shall have the discretion to appoint a person to be Acting Director. A person so appointed shall be recognized as Director of the Centre for all purposes.

Staff of the Centre

Director and Assistant Director.

9. The Directorship and Assistant Directorship of the Centre shall each be held concurrently with a University office.


10. The Director and Assistant Director shall be appointed by the General Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management. The Director shall hold office for five years, and the Assistant Director shall hold office for four years. Each shall be eligible for reappointment.


11. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, the Director shall be the administrative Head of the Centre, and shall be responsible for the direction of Islamic studies in the Centre and their encouragement generally in the University.

Appointments of graduate staff.

12. Appointments and reappointments to a University office in respect of the graduate staff of the Centre other than the offices of Director and Assistant Director shall be made by the Committee of Management but subject to the approval of the General Board.


13. The duties of any graduate staff of the Centre other than the Director shall be determined by the Committee of Management, subject to approval by the General Board.


14. The Director and any other members of the graduate staff shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the Committee of Management with the approval of the General Board.

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Visiting Fellowships

Purpose and definitions.

15. In order to enable scholars from outside Cambridge to take part in and contribute to the work of the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies there shall be Visiting Fellowships for persons who are able to make important contributions to the objectives of the Centre.

Number, appointments, and tenure.

16. The maximum number of HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Visiting Fellowships that there may be in the Centre at any one time shall be determined by the Committee of Management of the Centre. Appointments and reappointments to Visiting Fellowships shall be made by the Committee of Management of the Centre for periods not exceeding one year at a time.

17. A Visiting Fellow shall be required under the general supervision of the Committee of Management to take part in the teaching and research programme of the Centre.

18. Visiting Fellows shall not hold any University office during the tenure of their Fellowships. A Visiting Fellow who is not a member of the University at the time of appointment shall be required to become a member as soon as is conveniently possible thereafter.

19. The stipend, if any, of a Visiting Fellow shall be determined by the Committee of Management with the approval of the General Board on the occasion of each appointment or reappointment.

20. Subject to the approval of the General Board the Committee of Management may make grants to Visiting Fellows to meet travelling or other expenses incurred in connection with their Fellowships.

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Postdoctoral Fellowships

Number and appointments.

21. The Committee of Management shall decide upon the number of HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Postdoctoral Fellowships to be awarded each year always provided that at least one Fellowship is held in each year. Appointments to these Fellowships shall be made by the Committee of Management upon the recommendation of the Director of the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies.


22. The Fellowships shall be tenable for periods of up to five years.


23. The annual stipend of a Fellow shall be within a range determined by the Committee of Management, to be approved from time to time by the General Board.

Research support grants.

24. Additional research support grants may also be awarded to HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Postdoctoral Fellows.

25. Subject to the approval of the General Board the Committee of Management may make grants to Postdoctoral Fellows to meet travelling or other expenses incurred in connection with their Fellowships.

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Postgraduate Scholarships


26. The Committee of Management shall decide upon the number of HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Postgraduate Scholarships to be awarded each year, always provided that at least one Scholarship is held in each year.


27. The Electors to an HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Scholarship shall be the Head of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, the Director of the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, and the Assistant Director of the Centre provided that if the Director of the Centre and Head of the Department are the same person the Committee of Management shall appoint one other teaching officer in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies to serve for two years from 1 January following his or her appointment.

Who are eligible.

28. In order to be eligible for a Scholarship, a candidate must have been admitted, or be seeking admission, as a student studying towards the Ph.D. Degree in the field of Islamic studies, within the Department of Middle Eastern Studies.

Kettle's Yard.

Kettle's Yard Committee

Amended by Notices (Reporter, 2018–19, pp. 27 and 652)

1. Kettle’s Yard shall be an institution independent of any Faculty or Department but under the supervision of the General Board. It shall be under the general control of the Kettle’s Yard Committee.


2. The Kettle's Yard Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
  2. (b)five members appointed by the General Board, three of whom shall be members of the Senate and the remainder external members, two of the five on the nomination of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate and one on the nomination of the Finance Committee of the Council;
  3. (c)the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum (or a deputy);
  4. (d)the Chair of the Music Sub-committee;
  5. (e)the Head of the Department of History of Art;
  6. (f)one registered student appointed by the General Board to serve for the academical year following that in which the appointment is made;
  7. (g)not more than four persons co-opted by the Committee, at least one of whom shall be a person with expertise as a professional artist.

3. Members in class (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment, followed by the option of reappointment for an additional three-year period. Co-opted members shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation. The Secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the Registrary.


4. Seven members of the Committee shall form a quorum, except when the Committee meets outside Full Term, when five members of the Committee shall form a quorum.

Music Sub-committee.

5. There shall be a Music Sub-committee, responsible to the Kettle's Yard Committee. The Sub-committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)a Chair who shall be appointed by the Kettle's Yard Committee;
  2. (b)a member of the Faculty of Music appointed by the Faculty Board of Music;
  3. (c)one registered student appointed by the Kettle's Yard Committee to serve for the academical year following that in which the appointment is made;
  4. (d)not more than three persons co-opted by the Sub-committee in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment.
Secretary of the Sub-committee.

6. The Secretary of the Kettle's Yard Committee shall act as secretary of the Music Sub-committee. There shall be a Music Secretary who may be paid an honorarium, the amount of which shall be approved by the Kettle's Yard Committee.

Honorary Curator.

7. An Honorary Curator of the Collection may be appointed by the members of the Kettle's Yard Committee in classes (a)–(d) and (f).

8. There shall be a University office of Director of Kettle's Yard and such number of University offices of Assistant to the Director as shall be determined from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Kettle's Yard Committee. The Director shall be a member of the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art.

Appointments Committee.

9. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Director and Assistant to the Director shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of:

  1. (a)the Chair of the Kettle's Yard Committee as Chair;
  2. (b)the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum;
  3. (c)two members appointed by the General Board;
  4. (d)four members appointed by the Kettle's Yard Committee.

Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each year of which the number is even, to serve for the two calendar years next ensuing.

10. The duties of the Director and the Assistants to the Director shall be determined by the Kettle's Yard Committee, subject to the approval of the General Board.

Purpose and duties of the Committee.

11. It shall be the main purpose of the Committee to ensure that the Kettle's Yard Collection is available not only to members of the University, especially registered students, but also to the public, in such ways as to develop and improve the knowledge, understanding, enjoyment, and practice of the visual arts and to increase their general accessibility.

In particular the Committee shall have the following duties:

  1. (a)to supervise the maintenance and security of the Collection of paintings, bronzes, and other works of art at Kettle's Yard; to make such rules for admission to the Collection or for the loan of items from the Collection as may appear to them to be desirable; to arrange the programme of exhibitions to be held in the Exhibitions Gallery; and to make arrangements as they may from time to time think fit for holding meetings and other assemblies at Kettle's Yard;
  2. (b)to administer the Kettle's Yard Fund and the Exhibitions Account;
  3. (c)to decide whether to accept, decline, or refer to the General Board for decision, gifts, bequests, or objects offered for purchase, for the benefit of the Collection;
  4. (d)to report to the General Board at any time on questions on which they think the General Board ought to be consulted;
  5. (e)to report to the General Board annually in the Michaelmas Term on the condition of the Collection and the state of the buildings, and on the exhibitions, concerts, and other events held during the preceding academical year and on such other matters as the General Board may require;
  6. (f)to consult with the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate from time to time regarding matters of mutual concern;
  7. (g)to decide on the sale of any of the items in the Collection without impairing the general nature of the Collection, using the proceeds of any such sale for the benefit of the Collection.
Reserved business.

12. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Kettle's Yard Committee and the Music Sub-committee as if these bodies were bodies constituted by Statute.

Language Centre.

Language Centre

The Language Centre shall be an institution independent of any Faculty or Department and within the School of Arts and Humanities.

Committee of Management

Committee of Management.

1. The Language Centre shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management, which shall consist of:

  1. (a)one person appointed by the General Board who shall be Chair, provided that the General Board shall have power to appoint as Chair a person who is already a member of the Committee in one of classes (c), (d), and (f);
  2. (b)the Director of the Language Centre;
  3. (c)two persons appointed by the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities; and five persons appointed by the General Board after consultation with the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, the Council of the School of Clinical Medicine, the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, and the Council of the School of Technology;
  4. (d)one person appointed by the Senior Tutors’ Committee;
  5. (e)one registered student, appointed by Cambridge University Students' Union;
  6. (f)not more than two persons co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.

Members in classes (a), (c), and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (e) shall be appointed in the Easter Term to serve for the academical year following their appointment. Members in class (f) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted.

2. Seven members of the Committee shall form a quorum.


3. Subject to the powers of the Council, the General Board, and the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities, the duties of the Committee of Management shall be:

  1. (a)to determine the general policy of the Centre;
  2. (b)to advise the Director in matters arising from the work of the Centre;
  3. (c)to give guidance to the Director upon request on matters relating to language learning or teaching in the University;
  4. (d)to assist the Director in promoting the teaching of modern languages;
  5. (e)to approve an Annual Report to the Council of the School on the work of the Centre prepared by the Director;
  6. (f)to award certificates of proficiency in subjects approved by the General Board and listed in the Schedule to these regulations to those persons who have followed courses of the Language Centre and whose work on those courses has been assessed by criteria determined by the Language Centre.

4. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply as if the Committee were a body constituted by Statute and any matter which, if the Committee were a Faculty Board, would be reserved business under Regulation 11 of the General Regulations for the Constitution of the Faculty Boards shall also be reserved.

Schedule of subjects approved for certificates of proficiency awarded by the Language Centre

Amended by Notices (Reporter, 2018–19, pp. 72, 268 and 562)

Arabic Basic 1

Arabic Basic 2

British Sign Language (BSL) Basic 1

Chinese Basic 1

Chinese Basic 2

French Basic 1

French Basic 2

German Basic 1

German Basic 2

Greek Basic

Italian Basic 1

Italian Basic 2

Japanese Basic 1

Japanese Basic 2

Korean Basic 1

Korean Basic 2

Portuguese Basic 1

Portuguese Basic 2

Russian Basic 1

Russian Basic 2

Spanish Basic 1

Spanish Basic 2

Swahili Basic 1

Swahili Basic 2

Turkish Basic 1

Turkish Basic 2

Arabic Elementary 1

Arabic Elementary 2

Mandarin Chinese Elementary 1

Mandarin Chinese Elementary 2

German for Business

Russian through Film

French Intermediate 1

German Intermediate 1

Italian Intermediate 1

Japanese Intermediate 1

Portuguese Intermediate 1

Russian Intermediate 1

Spanish Intermediate 1

Swahili Intermediate 1

French Intermediate 2

German Intermediate 2

Italian Intermediate 2

Russian Intermediate 2

Spanish Intermediate 2

Staff of the Language Centre

Director and Deputy Director.

1. There shall be the University offices of Director and Deputy Director of the Language Centre.

2. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Director and Deputy Director of the Centre shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
  2. (b)the Chair of the Committee of Management of the Centre;
  3. (c)three members of the Committee of Management appointed by the Committee of Management;
  4. (d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
Duties of Director.

3. The duties of the Director of the Language Centre shall be as follows:

  1. (a)to be responsible to the Committee of Management for all aspects of the work of the Language Centre. He or she shall act as Secretary to the Committee of Management and shall also act as the executive officer of the Committee in respect of their responsibilities for the Language Centre;
  2. (b)to perform, in relation to the Language Centre, the duties assigned to the Head of a Department by Statute A V 17(b) and (c);
  3. (c)to arrange the provision of facilities for oral language teaching and examinations;
  4. (d)to provide advice and assistance in matters relating to language teaching and learning;
  5. (e)to be responsible for the direction of study and research in the field of language teaching and learning;
  6. (f)to prepare and submit to the General Board, in accordance with arrangements determined by Ordinance, the annual estimates of the Department for consideration by the Board in accordance with Statute A V 1(b);
  7. (g)to be responsible for the proper application of the funds available to the Department, and to ensure that the approved estimate of expenditure is not exceeded and that the accounts are correctly maintained.
Duties of Deputy Director.

4. The duties of the Deputy Director shall be to assist the Director in all matters connected with the work of the Centre.

Other offices.

5. There shall be such number of University offices of Language Adviser and Senior Language Adviser as the General Board shall approve on the recommendation of the Committee of Management.

6. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Language Adviser or Senior Language Adviser shall be made by the Committee of Management, excluding for this purpose the members in class (e), subject to the approval of the General Board.

Duties of other offices.

7. The duties of the staff of the Centre shall be determined by the Director, subject to the approval of the General Board.


8. The Director and any other members of the staff of the Centre shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the General Board, after consultation with the Committee of Management.


University Library


The University Library and the affiliated libraries shall jointly constitute an institution under the supervision of the General Board. The affiliated libraries shall be those listed in the Schedule to these regulations as may be amended by the General Board from time to time.

Library Syndicate

Library Syndicate.

1. The Library Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy), who shall be Chair;
  2. (b)two persons appointed by the Council, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following;
  3. (c)eight persons appointed by the General Board, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following;
  4. (d)two persons elected from among their own number by the holders of University offices in the University Library, who shall be elected in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following;
  5. (e)the Chairs of each of the Sub-syndicates and the Medical Library Policy Advisory Group, if not members in any other class;
  6. (f)not more than four persons co-opted by the Syndicate;
  7. (g)not more than two registered students co-opted by the Syndicate. Members in classes (f) and (g) shall serve until 31 December of the year following that in which they are co-opted, provided that if a member in class (g) ceases to be a registered student he or she shall thereupon cease to be a member in that class.

2. All meetings of the Syndicate shall be summoned by the Vice-Chancellor; there shall be at least one and normally two meetings each term.


3. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless at least four members are present.

Reserved business.

4. Under the provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5(iii), the appointment of members of the Board of Electors to the office of Librarian, the appointment of members of the Appointments Committee for the University Library, and the co-optation of members of the Syndicate in class (f) shall be reserved business.

Duties and powers.

5. (a) The Syndicate shall supervise the management of the University Library.

(b) There shall be such Sub-syndicates as the Library Syndicate shall consider necessary and listed in the Schedule to these regulations. There shall be a Medical Library Policy Advisory Group. Through the agency of the Sub-syndicates and the Policy Advisory Group, the Syndicate shall supervise the management of the affiliated libraries.

(c) The Syndicate shall supervise the custody and arrangement of the University Archives.

6. (a) The Syndicate shall do all such things as in their opinion are necessary or expedient for the regulation, security, and improvement of the University Library and the affiliated libraries. They shall exercise a general oversight over all matters relating to the administration, staffing, and financial resources of these libraries, and shall be empowered to make recommendations to the General Board about the staff, accommodation, and equipment needed for their proper functioning.

(b) In the exercise of their power of making rules for the management of the Library, the Syndicate shall have power to approve, through the agency of the Sub-syndicates and Medical Library Policy Advisory Group, rules for the use of the affiliated libraries.

(c) The following affiliated libraries shall continue to receive printed material received under the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003: the Betty and Gordon Moore Library, the Medical Library, and the Squire Law Library.


7. The Syndicate shall make an Annual Report to the General Board, and such other reports to the University as they shall think fit.

Sub-syndicates and Policy Advisory Group.

8. (a) Each Sub-syndicate and the Medical Library Policy Advisory Group shall include at least one member appointed by the following bodies: the Library Syndicate; the General Board; and each Faculty Board with an interest in the libraries falling within its remit. Each shall elect a Chair from among its own members.

(b) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of a Sub-syndicate and Policy Advisory Group unless at least four members are present.

(c) The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to each of the Sub-syndicates and Policy Advisory Group as if it were a body constituted by Statute; the election of the Chair and the co-optation of members of each Sub-syndicate shall also be reserved.

(d) The Librarian or a deputy appointed by the Librarian shall act as Secretary of each Sub-syndicate and Policy Advisory Group.


9. In respect of each of the affiliated libraries the relevant Sub-syndicate or Policy Advisory Group shall have the following duties:

  1. (a)to co-ordinate policies between the University Library and the affiliated libraries;
  2. (b)to submit recommendations to the Library Syndicate concerning the location in the affiliated library of library material received under the Legal Deposit Libraries Act (for those libraries where this is appropriate);
  3. (c)on behalf of the Library Syndicate, and subject to their approval, to make rules for the use of the affiliated libraries;
  4. (d)to oversee appropriate co-ordination of library services and resources in respect of teaching, learning, and research in connection with the relevant Faculties and Departments with which the libraries are associated.

Staff of the University Library and the affiliated libraries


1. The staff of the University Library, including for this purpose the affiliated libraries, shall consist of the Librarian, the Deputy Librarian, the Senior Under-Librarians, the Under-Librarians, the Assistant Under-Librarians, the Assistant Library Officers, the Graduate Trainees, the holders of such other offices as may be established in the Library from time to time, and the University assistants.

Designated offices.

2. (a) This staff shall include officers designated by the Library Syndicate, on the recommendation of the Librarian.

(b) In addition to the officers specified in sub-paragraph (a) above, the Library Syndicate, on the recommendation of the Librarian, may also designate other officers for duties in any of the affiliated libraries.

(c) The Library Syndicate may make appointments to such University offices of Curator as may be approved by the General Board, and may appoint such Honorary Keepers as they themselves think fit.

3. The number of University offices of Deputy Librarian, Senior Under-Librarian, Under-Librarian, Assistant Under-Librarian, and Assistant Library Officer shall be determined from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Library Syndicate. The number of University assistants shall be determined from time to time in accordance with the regulations for employment by the University.

4. Appointments and reappointments to a University office on the staff of the University Library, other than the office of Librarian or an office of Curator, shall be made in accordance with the arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority.

5. The Syndicate shall have power to appoint the Deputy Librarian to be Acting Librarian during any period of absence from duty of the Librarian, or during any period when there is a vacancy in the office of Librarian.


6. It shall be the duty of the Librarian:

  1. (a)subject to the direction of the Library Syndicate, to be responsible for the management and leadership of the University Library and the affiliated libraries;
  2. (b)to perform, in relation to the University Library and the affiliated libraries, the duties assigned to the Head of a Department by A V 17(b) and (c);
  3. (c)to act as the General Board’s principal adviser on matters relating to libraries.

7. The holders of other University offices on the staff of the University Library and the affiliated libraries shall assist the Librarian and shall carry out their duties in accordance with such directions as may be issued from time to time by the Syndicate or the Sub-syndicate concerned, as the case may be.


8. The stipend, if any, of a Curator appointed under Regulation 2(c) shall be determined from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Library Syndicate. The tenure of such an office and its duties shall be determined by the Syndicate.


9. Subject to the approval of the Syndicate, the Librarian shall assign to the University assistants their several duties.

The affiliated libraries

Amended by Notice (Reporter, 2018–19, p. 441)


Architecture and History of Art Library

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Library

Classics Library

Divinity Library

English Library

Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics Library

Pendlebury Library of Music

Casimir Lewy Library of Philosophy


Betty and Gordon Moore Library


Medical Library


African Studies Library

Everton Library of Education

Haddon Library of Archaeology and Anthropology

Land Economy Library

Marshall Library of Economics

Radzinowicz Library of the Institute of Criminology

Seeley Historical Library

Social and Political Sciences Library

South Asian Studies Library

Squire Law Library

Whipple Library of the History and Philosophy of Science


Betty and Gordon Moore Library

Use of the University Library3

Opening and closing.

1. Except on the days on which it is to be closed under Regulations 2 and 3, the Library shall be open for at least four hours on Saturdays and at least six hours on other days. Subject to this regulation the hours of opening may be determined from time to time by the Syndicate.

2. The Library shall be closed on the following days:

Sundays throughout the year;

Christmas Eve and the following days up to and including the New Year public holiday;

Good Friday and the three following days;

the August Bank Holiday.

3. The Library shall be closed for the second full week (Monday to Saturday) of September, for the purpose of an annual inspection and the preparation of lists of missing books. No books shall be taken out of the Library during this period.


4. The Library shall be open to all members of the University on the production of either a University Card, which has been registered by the University Library, or a valid Reader's Card, which shall be issued on request. Use of these cards shall be recorded, when readers enter and leave the Library, to provide statistical information on the use of the Library by different categories of user. These cards are not transferable and must be shown on request to any member of the Library staff in the proper discharge of her or his duties. In addition the Syndicate shall have power to determine by rules what other persons may be admitted and upon what terms. The Syndicate shall have absolute discretion to direct the exclusion, either indefinitely or for a specified period, of any person whose admission is considered prejudicial to the interests of the Library or its users.


5. (1) Not more than twenty volumes may be borrowed by the following persons: members of the Senate; University staff; Fellows of Colleges; honorary graduates of the University; Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of Surgery; students, other than Affiliated Students, who are graduates of this or any other university and who are following a course of study leading to a Tripos examination, or to a degree, diploma, or certificate of the University.4 The Syndicate may grant permission for more than twenty volumes to be borrowed if they are of the opinion that sufficient reasons have been advanced.

(2) Not more than ten volumes may be borrowed by students who are graduates of any university and who are resident members of Ridley Hall, Westcott House, Westminster College, or Wesley House.

(3) Not more than ten volumes may be borrowed by (a) undergraduates, and (b) Affiliated Students.

(4) Not more than twenty volumes may be borrowed, under such conditions as may from time to time be laid down by the Syndicate, by the following persons if they have been approved by the Syndicate on the recommendation of the Chair of the Faculty Board, Head of the Department, or Head of the College or Approved Society concerned:

  1. (a)graduates of any university who for the time being are engaged in teaching, research, or administration in the University, or in a College or Approved Society, or in an institution connected with the University which has been recognized for this purpose by the General Board in consultation with the Syndicate;
  2. (b)visiting scholars and others who for the time being have been allocated working facilities in a Faculty, Department, College, or Approved Society.

(5) In exceptional circumstances the Syndicate may grant to other persons the privilege of borrowing books under such conditions as they think fit.

6. (a) Any volume borrowed under Regulation 5(1), 5(4), or 5(5) shall be returned not later than eight weeks after the date of borrowing, provided that the Librarian shall have power to demand its return earlier.

(b) Any volume borrowed under Regulation 5(2) or 5(3) shall be returned not later than the fourteenth day after the date of borrowing, provided that the Librarian shall have power to demand its return earlier.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 6(b), any volume borrowed under Regulation 5(3) between the Monday and Friday of the last week of either Michaelmas or Lent Full Term may be retained until the first day of the following Full Term, unless the Librarian has demanded its earlier return.

7. Any user of the Library who requires a volume that has been borrowed by another person may give notice to the Librarian that he or she requires the volume. The Librarian shall then notify the borrower that he or she is required to return the volume to the Library. The borrower shall comply with this requirement within seven days of the date of such notification.

8. Volumes borrowed and returned shall be noted in the Library borrowing records by the Library staff in the presence of the borrowers or their representatives. When loans are renewed online the amendments to the Library borrowing records shall be recorded via the Library catalogue.

9. (a) No volume borrowed from the Library may be taken or sent outside the British Isles except with the written permission of the Syndicate.

(b) No volume borrowed from the Library may be used for commercial purposes except with the written permission of the Syndicate.

10. Any person who fails to return a volume in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 6 shall be liable to a fine. The level of the fines that may be levied under this regulation shall be determined from time to time by the Syndicate, subject to the provisions of Regulation 15.

11. A fine of not more than £175 may be imposed by the Syndicate on any person who removes a book or other item of library material from the Library without following the borrowing procedures laid down by the Syndicate, or who, having borrowed such a book or other item, is unable, without showing good reason, to return it, or who wilfully damages such a book or other item. The imposition of such a fine shall be without prejudice to the University's right to obtain, in addition, compensation for any loss or damage suffered by the University.

12. Manuscripts of special value or importance, other items of great rarity, and materials from collections to which special conditions apply, shall not be borrowed from the Library except with the approval of the Syndicate who shall specify the conditions and the period, which shall not exceed six months, of the loan.

13. Exercises and dissertations which are deposited in the Library by candidates for degrees shall be available for consultation, unless the Board of Graduate Studies or other comparable authority determine that a particular exercise or dissertation shall, for a specified period, be available only to the author or to those who have the author's written permission to consult the work. Exercises and dissertations shall not be borrowed.


14. Rules made from time to time by the Syndicate shall be posted within the Library.

Penalties for infringement.

15. A fine of not more than £175 may be imposed by the Syndicate on any person who wilfully infringes any of these regulations or any rule made by the Syndicate. A person from whom any fine is due that has been imposed under these regulations shall not be admitted to the Library or allowed to borrow books until such fine has been paid.

Borrowing from the University Library:5 Notice

Amended by Notice (Reporter, 2018–19, p. 652)

The General Board has announced that it has recognized the following institutions whose members may borrow books from the University Library under the conditions specified in Regulation 5(4)(a) of the regulations for the use of the University Library.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council institutions

Babraham Institute

National Institute of Agricultural Botany

Natural Environment Research Council institutions

British Antarctic Survey

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Other institutions

Animal Health Trust

BirdLife International

British Trust for Ornithology

Cambridge Group for History of Population and Social Structure

Commonwealth Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetics

European Bioinformatics Institute

Fauna and Flora International

International Union for Conservation of Nature

Medical Research Council institutions in the Cambridge area

Needham Research Institute

NHS Authorities and Trusts in the Cambridgeshire County Council area

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Strangeways Research Laboratory


Tropical Biology Association

Tyndale House Residential Centre for Biblical Research

UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Veterinary Investigation Centre

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

West Suffolk Hospital

Affiliated libraries

The rules made from time to time for the use of each of the affiliated libraries, shall specify the arrangements for the opening and closing of the library, for admission to the library, and for borrowing from the library. Such rules shall be posted within the library concerned.


Faculty, Departmental, and other Libraries


The following regulations shall apply to all Faculty and Departmental Libraries except those that are affiliated to the University Library.

Authority responsible.

1. The authority responsible for the Library of a Faculty, Department, or other institution under the supervision of the General Board, shall be the Board, Syndicate, Committee, or other comparable body, provided that the responsibility may be delegated, wholly or in part, by the Faculty Board or other such body to the Head of a Department or other University officer or to a committee. Each authority shall be empowered to do such things in accordance with these regulations as are necessary for the management of the library, and in particular to authorize the purchase of books, provide a catalogue, and defray other expenses, from the funds at their disposal.

Library rules.

2. The authority responsible for a library shall make rules, in accordance with these regulations and subject to the approval of the General Board, for the use of the library, including rules for borrowing if it is decided to permit borrowing; and they shall display in the library a notice of all the rules.


3. Unless the General Board on the application of the authority has agreed otherwise, the authority responsible for a library shall admit to it, in addition to those members of the University for whom it is primarily intended, any member of the Regent House or registered Graduate Student wishing to use it for purposes of scholarship or research. Other persons may be admitted at the authority's discretion. Borrowing may also be permitted at the authority's discretion, and may be restricted to such classes of user as the authority may decide.

Acceptance of gifts.

4. The authority responsible for a library shall have power to accept gifts of books and other library material. The authority shall seek the approval of the General Board:

  1. (a)if acceptance of the gift would involve additional expense falling on general University funds; or
  2. (b)if any condition is imposed by the donor which would prevent the disposal of the books or other material that are found to be no longer required for the purposes of the library.
Disposal of books, etc.

5. An authority responsible for a library wishing to dispose of any book, pamphlet, or periodical shall be at liberty to do so by sale or otherwise, provided that, before it is disposed of, it shall, unless the General Board agrees otherwise, observe the procedure set out from time to time by the General Board which includes the requirement to offer such item to the Syndics of the University Library, for transfer to that library (including the dependent libraries), and to the authorities responsible for other libraries in the University. Before the authority disposes of any literary, historical, or scientific manuscript, paper, microform material, or other archive, it shall first be offered to the Syndics of the University Library or the Keeper of the University Archives for transfer to that library or to the University Archives as may be appropriate.


6. The authority responsible for a library shall, on first subscribing to any periodical, inform the Periodicals Department of the University Library of the placing of the subscription. The authority shall obtain the approval of the General Board before an existing subscription to a periodical is cancelled.

Mathematical Sciences.

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences


The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences shall be an institution independent of any Faculty or Department but under the supervision of the General Board, and shall be within the School of the Physical Sciences.

Scientific Steering Committee


1. There shall be a Scientific Steering Committee which, while taking into account its national and international responsibilities and its need for expertise across the mathematical sciences including multidisciplinary applications, shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Director;
  2. (b)four persons appointed by the General Board after consultation with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council which will represent the views of other Research Councils in this process;
  3. (c)two persons appointed by the General Board after consultation with the London Mathematical Society;
  4. (d)six persons appointed by the General Board after consultation with the Councils of the Schools of the Physical Sciences, Technology, the Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, and the Humanities and Social Sciences, and those national scientific bodies listed in a Schedule to be approved from time to time by the General Board for this purpose;
  5. (e)one additional person co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.

2. Members in classes (b), (c), and (d) shall serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. A co-opted member in class (e) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which he or she is co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of co-optation.

3. The General Board, in making its appointments to the Committee, shall ensure that at least seven of its members are not resident members of the University.


4. The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed by the General Board from among the members in classes (b), (c), and (d). The Chair shall be appointed for a period of not more than three years and shall be eligible for reappointment for a period or periods of not more than three years at a time.


5. The Director of the Institute shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.


6. The Committee shall meet at least once each year. Six members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.


7. The duty of the Committee shall be to advise the Director on all aspects of the scientific work and policy of the Institute.

Management Committee


1. The management of the Institute shall be the responsibility of a Management Committee, which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Director;
  2. (b)the Deputy Director;
  3. (c)the Heads of the Departments of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics;
  4. (d)one person appointed by the General Board, who shall be Chair, provided that the General Board shall have power to appoint as Chair a person who is already a member of the Committee in one of classes (c), (e), and (f);
  5. (e)five persons appointed by the General Board, of whom one shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, one on the recommendation of the Council of the School of Technology, and one on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Mathematics;
  6. (f)one person appointed by St John's College and one person appointed by Trinity College;
  7. (g)one person appointed by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council;
  8. (h)one additional person co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.

2. Members in classes (d)–(g) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. A co-opted member in class (h) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which he or she is co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of co-optation.

3. The General Board, in making its appointments to the Committee, shall ensure that at least two of its members are not resident members of the University.


4. The Director shall serve as Secretary of the Committee unless there is a Deputy Director, in which case the latter shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.


5. The Committee shall meet at least once each term.


6. Subject to the powers of the Council and the General Board, the duties of the Committee shall be as follows:

  1. (a)to promote research in the field of the mathematical sciences and the publication of the results of such research;
  2. (b)to co-operate with outside bodies in the encouragement of research in the mathematical sciences;
  3. (c)to administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) and (b) above;
  4. (d)to supervise the work of the staff of the Institute;
  5. (e)to prepare annual estimates for submission to the General Board;
  6. (f)to make an Annual Report to the General Board and to the Councils of the Schools and the other bodies mentioned in Regulation 1(e), (f), and (g) above.

Staff of the Institute


1. There shall be a Director of the Institute who shall be the N. M. Rothschild & Sons Professor of Mathematical Sciences.

Duties of Director.

2. Under the general control of the Management Committee the Director shall be the administrative Head of the Institute, and shall be responsible, subject to the advice of the Scientific Steering Committee and the approval of the Management Committee, for the choice of topics for the Institute's programmes.

Deputy Director.

3. There shall be a University office of Deputy Director of the Institute, which may be held concurrently with another University office. Appointments and reappointments to the Deputy Directorship shall be made by the Management Committee. If the office is held concurrently with another University office, appointments and reappointments shall be made for periods of not more than five years at a time, provided that no person may hold the office for a total period exceeding six years.

Duties of Deputy Director.

4. The duties of the Deputy Director shall be to assist the Director in all matters connected with the work of the Institute, to serve as Secretary of the Management Committee, to engage actively in research, and to carry out such teaching duties as may be required by the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics or of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, as the Director agrees are compatible with the other duties of the office.

Rothschild Visiting Professorships


1. The sum donated by N. M. Rothschild & Sons shall constitute a fund called the Rothschild Visiting Professorships Fund from which the stipend, travelling expenses, and subsistence allowance of Rothschild Visiting Professors and the travelling expenses and subsistence allowance of Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellows shall be paid.

Election and tenure of Visiting Professor.

2. A Rothschild Visiting Professor shall be elected under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iv) by the General Board on the recommendation of the Management Committee. The tenure of a Rothschild Visiting Professor shall normally be for a period of not more than six months but may, exceptionally, be for a period of not more than one year, and shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Management Committee on the occasion of each appointment.

Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

3. A Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow shall be appointed by the Management Committee for a period of not more than six months, provided that the Management Committee may, exceptionally, make an appointment for one year.


4. It shall be the duty of a Rothschild Visiting Professor and a Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow to participate in the Institute’s research programme.


5. The stipend of a Rothschild Visiting Professor shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Management Committee.


6. A Rothschild Visiting Professor and a Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow shall be required to reside in the University.

Other expenditure.

7. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulations 1 and 5, such further payments may be made from the Fund in support of the work of a Rothschild Visiting Professor and a Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow as may be approved by the Management Committee.

Visiting Fellowships

Purpose and definitions.

1. In order to enable scholars from outside Cambridge to take part in and contribute to the work of the Institute, there shall be Visiting Fellowships for persons who have made or are making important contributions to research in mathematical sciences, or who are pursuing advanced work in the subject.


2. Appointments and reappointments to Visiting Fellowships shall be made by the Director of the Institute for periods not exceeding one year at a time.

3. The stipend, if any, of a Visiting Fellow shall be determined by the Director with the approval of the General Board on the occasion of each appointment or reappointment.

Senior Fellowships

1. The Management Committee shall have power, subject to the approval of the General Board, to grant the title of Senior Fellow of the Institute to any person associated with the Institute (other than a member of the staff of the Institute) who has made or is making important contributions to research in mathematics.

2. A person to whom the title of Senior Fellow has been granted shall hold that title for not more than five years at a time. At the end of any such period the title may again be granted for a further period of not more than five years on each occasion.

Polymer Synthesis.

Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis


1. There shall be a University office of Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis6 in the Department of Chemistry.


2. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor, or a duly appointed deputy, as Chair;
  2. (b)the Head of the Department of Chemistry;
  3. (c)two persons appointed by the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences;
  4. (d)one person appointed by the Council of the School of Technology;
  5. (e)three persons appointed by the General Board.

Members in classes (c), (d), and (e) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each year of which the number is even to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment.

Committee of Management.

3. The duties of the Director shall be to engage in research in polymer synthesis and to manage the Melville Laboratory so as to promote polymer synthesis within the University, under the supervision of a Committee of Management consisting of:

  1. (a)the Chair of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, who shall be Chair of the Committee;
  2. (b)the Heads of the Departments of Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Chemistry, Materials Science and Metallurgy, and Physics; provided that each Head may appoint a deputy to attend any meeting of the Committee;
  3. (c)one member appointed by each of the sponsors of the Melville Laboratory, as defined in the agreement with the University;
  4. (d)not more than three persons co-opted by the Committee to serve for two years from the date of their co-optation;
  5. (e)the Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis, who shall be Secretary of the Committee.

The Committee of Management shall meet at least twice in each academical year.

4. The provisions of Special Ordinance C (vii) A.10 that apply to a Professor shall also apply to the Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis.

5. The Director shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the General Board, after consultation with the Committee of Management.

Sainsbury Laboratory.

Sainsbury Laboratory

Amended by Notice (Reporter, 2018–19, p. 296)


The Sainsbury Laboratory shall be an institution independent of any Faculty or Department but under the supervision of the General Board, and shall be within the School of the Biological Sciences.


Board of Management.

1. The Laboratory shall be under the general control of a Board of Management which shall consist of:

  1. (a)four members appointed by the General Board;
  2. (b)seven members appointed by the General Board, on the nomination of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation;
  3. (c)the Director of the Laboratory, ex officio;
  4. (d)two other senior members of the Laboratory appointed by the General Board on the nomination of the Management Board.

Members in classes (a) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (b) shall be appointed for such periods as the General Board shall determine. Among the members in classes (a) and (b) shall be no fewer than three scientists working in institutions overseas and one business person with a scientific background.

Condition of membership.

2. If any member in classes (a) and (b) misses two consecutive meetings her or his membership shall cease, unless the cause of the absence has been declared sufficient by the Board of Management.


3. The Management Board shall elect a Chair from among the members in classes (a) and (b), to serve for three years from 1 January following election; the Chair shall be eligible for re-election for a further period of three years.


4. The Administrator of the Laboratory shall serve as Secretary of the Board.

Duties of the Board.

5. Subject to the powers of the Council, the General Board, the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, and the Faculty Board of Biology, the general duties of the Board shall be:

  1. (a)to promote research in plant development and plant diversity;
  2. (b)to oversee the scientific progress of the Laboratory;
  3. (c)to approve the distribution of funding in support of the Laboratory from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation;
  4. (d)to prepare an Annual Report on the finances of the Laboratory for submission to the General Board and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation;
  5. (e)to oversee the arrangements for the periodic review of the Laboratory, in accordance with agreements between the University and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation;
  6. (f)to appoint, or reappoint, the scientific staff of the Laboratory, other than those who hold University offices.
Annual Report.

6. The Chair, in consultation with the Director, shall submit an Annual Report on the scientific progress of the Laboratory to the General Board and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.

Staff of the Laboratory


1. There shall be a University office of Director of the Laboratory which shall be held concurrently with a Professorship.


2. The Director shall normally be appointed by the General Board for a term of five years and may be re-appointed for further periods, as determined by the General Board, on the advice of a Committee constituted for the particular occasion, in consultation with the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.

3. Subject to the duties of the Management Board, the Director shall be the administrative head of the Laboratory, and shall be responsible to the Management Board for the proper operation and management of the Laboratory and for ensuring the effective carrying out of the Laboratory’s purpose and functions, including the direction of research in the Laboratory.

4. There shall be such other University offices in the Laboratory as the University, or the General Board, on the recommendation of the Management Board, may establish from time to time. Appointments to such offices shall be made in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Statutes and Ordinances.


5. The staff of the Laboratory shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the Management Board, subject to the approval of the General Board.

Duties of the staff.

6. The duties of the staff of the Laboratory other than the Director, shall be determined by the Management Board subject to the approval of the General Board.

Acting Director.

7. During any period of absence from duty of the Director, the General Board, on the recommendation of the Management Board, shall have the authority to appoint a person to be Acting Director. A person so appointed shall be recognized as Director of the Laboratory for all purposes.


  1. 1. The relevant regulations were last published in Ordinances, 1946, p. 22.a b c
  2. 2. See the Appointing arrangements for certain academic-related offices (p. 691).a
  3. 3. Excluding the affiliated libraries listed in the Schedule to the regulations for staff of the University Library and the affiliated libraries.a
  4. 4. For the purposes of this regulation the term ‘diploma or certificate of the University’ does not apply to certificates of proficiency awarded by the Language Centre or to certificates and diplomas open to non-members of the University, except for those administered by the Institute of Continuing Education.a
  5. 5. Excluding the affiliated libraries listed in the Schedule to the regulations for staff of the University Library and the affiliated libraries.a
  6. 6. This office is an office specified in the Schedules to Special Ordinances C (i) 1 (p. 73) and C (vii) 1 (p. 88).a