1. The duties and responsibilities of the Director of a Sub-department shall be as follows:
2. There shall be Sub-departments of the several Departments, as specified in Regulation 4.
3. Subject to the provisions of Regulation 4, the Director of each Sub-department shall be appointed by the General Board, on the recommendation of the relevant Faculty Board or other authority, for a period not exceeding five years at a time.
4. The Directors of the several Sub-departments shall be as follows:
Department |
Sub-department |
Geography |
Scott Polar Research Institute The Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute. |
Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics |
Statistical Laboratory A person appointed in accordance with Regulation 3. |
Plant Sciences |
Botanic Garden The Director of the Botanic Garden. |
Zoology |
Animal Behaviour A person appointed in accordance with Regulation 3. |
5. During any period of absence from duty of the Director of a Sub-department, or during any period when there is a vacancy in an office whose holder is ex officio Director of a Sub-department, the General Board on the recommendation of the relevant Faculty Board or other authority shall have discretion to appoint a person to be Acting Director of that Sub-department. A person so appointed shall be recognized as Director of the Sub-department for all purposes.
1. The Botanic Garden shall be a Sub-department of the Department of Plant Sciences, and the Director of the Botanic Garden shall be the Director of that Sub-department.
2. There shall be a Syndicate called the Botanic Garden Syndicate, which shall consist of:
Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed or co-opted in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment or co-optation. The Director of the Botanic Garden shall act as Secretary to the Syndicate.
3. Six members of the Syndicate shall form a quorum.
4. The duties of the Syndicate shall be:
5. Except as may be otherwise provided by Statute or by Ordinances relating to a particular University office in the Department of Plant Sciences, appointments and reappointments to the University office1 of Director of the Botanic Garden shall be made by the General Board, on the advice of a committee specially constituted for the particular occasion.
6. The duties of the Director shall include:
The Director shall be responsible to, and shall act as executive officer of, the Botanic Garden Syndicate for matters connected with the general policy of the Garden and the maintenance of its amenities. The Director shall be an additional member of the Appointments Committee for any office in the Department of Plant Sciences the duties of which the General Board determine also concern the Garden.
7. The Director shall be resident in the University during Full Term and, subject to the proviso that the Syndicate shall have power to modify this requirement in any year, during not less than six weeks of the Long Vacation. The Director shall not be absent for more than two nights in any week during which he or she is required to reside without obtaining the permission of the Syndicate beforehand, if possible, or asking their approval upon return.
8. The Fund of the Botanic Garden shall be a separate part of the Fund of the Department of Plant Sciences in the accounts of the Department.
9. There shall be a University office of Curator of the Botanic Garden, the holder of which shall report to the Director of the Botanic Garden. Appointments and reappointments to the office shall be made by an Appointments Committee appointed by the Head of the Department of Plant Sciences, provided that the Appointments Committee shall include the Director of the Botanic Garden and a person appointed by the Botanic Garden Syndicate. The duties of the Curator shall be determined by the Syndicate and shall include assisting the Director in her or his duties under Regulation 6 above.
10. The Botanic Garden shall be open for not less than six hours on each weekday, except that on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and on such other days as may appear necessary to the Syndicate, the Garden shall be closed.
Cambridge University Botanic Garden is private property. Visitors are welcome in accordance with the following rules made by the Botanic Garden Syndicate.
1. The Garden is open every day throughout the year except for the Christmas holiday period. There are two entrances, one in Bateman Street and one in Hills Road.
January, November, and December |
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. |
February, March, and October |
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. |
April–September |
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. |
The Glasshouses and Cafe close half an hour before Garden closing time. The Botanic Garden Shop closes fifteen minutes before the Garden closing time. From time to time, parts of the Garden, including the Glasshouses, may be closed to the public for maintenance. The latest admission time is half an hour before the Garden closing time.
2. Admission Charges
A charge is made for admission. The charge for admission is determined by the Syndicate from time to time.
Language schools wishing to visit the Botanic Garden must book as a group visit at least a week in advance, through the Administration Office, and must complete the necessary documentation. They will be guided to suitable resources for use during their visit, for which a charge also will be made.
Waiving of admission charge
All persons working in the Department of Plant Sciences, the Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University, and the Botanic Garden may apply to the Director for a card permitting free admission. An admission card is not transferable.
Bona fide researchers wishing to use the Garden or its facilities in connection with their work must contact the Director for permission to do so.
3. Cycles, including children’s bicycles, tricycles, and scooters, must be left in the parking spaces provided for them near the entrances.
4. Children aged sixteen years and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children are allowed on the Limestone Rock Garden or on the British Wild Plants area only under the close supervision of an adult.
5. No games, sports training, or jogging are allowed.
6. No radios or sound reproduction equipment, or musical instruments, may be played in the Garden by visitors.
7. A permit is required for commercial photography. Application should be made to the Administrator. A charge will normally be made for commercial photography.
8. Refreshments brought into the Garden by visitors may not be consumed in the cafe area.
9. Dogs are not admitted except guide dogs for the blind, hearing dogs for the deaf or assistance dogs.
10. Smoking is not allowed in any of the Garden’s buildings.
11. Visitors may not handle or gather plant material unless permission has been obtained from the Director.
12. All groups intending to visit the Garden must book their visit at least a week in advance.
13. The Director, Curator or staff authorized by them shall exclude from the Garden any person who is considered to be guilty of misconduct.
14. The Director, Curator or staff authorized by them reserve the right to refuse admission.
1. There shall be established a Cory Fund, into which shall be paid the sums received by the University under the will of Reginald Radcliffe Cory, of Trinity College, which provides that his bequest shall be used for the general interests of the Botanic Garden.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be
3. The Director of the Botanic Garden shall act as Secretary to the Managers.
4. The Managers shall report to the General Board as occasion arises, and at least once in each academical year.
1. The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology shall be a Sub-department of the Department of Social Anthropology.
2. The Museum shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:
3. Members in class (g) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for one year from 1 January following their appointment. Members in classes (d), (f), and (h) shall serve for four years in the first instance following their appointment.
4. The Committee shall meet at least once in each term of the academical year. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
5. Subject to the powers of the General Board, and the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science, the duties of the Committee shall be:
6. The Cambridge Antiquarian Society shall be allowed free of charge, for meetings and for occasional conferences, the use of a suitable room in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology or in some other University building.
7. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) concerning Reserved Business shall apply to the Committee of Management as if it were a body constituted by Statute.
1. There shall be the following University offices of the staff of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology:
2. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Curator and Director of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, which may be held concurrently with another University office, shall be made by the General Board on the advice of a committee specially constituted for the particular occasion.
3. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, the Curator and Director shall
4. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Senior Assistant Curator shall be made by the Appointments Committee for the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science, with the Curator and Director of the Museum as an additional member for this purpose.
5. The holders of University offices on the staff of the Museum shall be members of the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science under Regulation 1(b) of the regulations for Faculty Membership.
1. The Scott Polar Research Institute shall be a Sub-department of the Department of Geography.
2. The Institute, including its Museum and Archives, shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:
Members in classes (d) and (e) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (f) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.
3. The Committee of Management shall meet at least once in each academical year. Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
4. Subject to the powers of the Council, the General Board, and the Faculty Board of Earth Sciences and Geography, the duties of the Committee shall be:
5. There shall be an Advisory Committee for the Institute, which shall consist of:
Members of the Committee in classes (g)–(i) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (j) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.
6. The Advisory Committee shall meet not less than once in each academical year.
7. The duties of the Advisory Committee shall be to advise the Director of the Institute as to the most advantageous lines of education and research, and to promote co-operation with other bodies concerned with polar research.
1. There shall be a University office of Director of the Institute, which shall be held concurrently with another University office.
2. The Director shall be appointed by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Geography and the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, and shall be eligible for reappointment. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Director shall be for such periods not exceeding five years at a time as the General Board may determine on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Geography and the Council of the School.
3. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, the Director shall be responsible for the direction of polar studies in the Institute and their encouragement generally in the University.
4. The Director shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the General Board after consultation with the Committee of Management.
1. The sums received from the Captain Scott Memorial Polar Research Trust, the Pilgrim Trust, and the British Museum shall form a fund to be called the Scott Polar Research Institute Endowment Fund I.
2. The purpose of the Fund shall be to support the activities of the Scott Polar Research Institute.
3. The Fund shall be administered by the Head of the Department of Geography and the Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute.
4. Any unspent income in a financial year may be added to the capital of the Fund, or accumulated for use as income in a future year, at the discretion of the administrators.
1. The sums received as a result of the Scott Polar Research Institute Appeal shall form a fund to be called the Scott Polar Research Institute Endowment Fund II.
2. The income of the Fund shall be used to support the activities of the Library, Archives, and the Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, the national insurance and pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of staff appointed to develop the work of the Library, Archives, and Museum.
3. The Fund shall be administered by a Board of Managers who shall be:
4. Any unspent income in a financial year shall either be added to the capital of the Fund, or accumulated for use as income in a future year, at the discretion of the Managers.