1. Not less than one year before the date on which the period of office of the Vice-Chancellor is expected to come to an end, or, in the event of a casual vacancy, as soon as possible after certain knowledge of the vacancy, the Council shall appoint an advisory committee to advise them on the choice of a person to be nominated for appointment to the office of Vice-Chancellor. The advisory committee shall consist of not less than eight persons, a majority of whom shall be resident members of the Regent House and at least two of whom shall be persons who are not resident members of the University. The committee shall propose a list of persons for consideration by the Council. The Council shall give public notice of the name of the person nominated and shall submit a Grace to the Regent House for the appointment of that person to the office of Vice-Chancellor.
2. A Congregation of the Regent House for the formal admission of the Vice-Chancellor shall be held, as soon as conveniently may be after the Vice-Chancellor has entered upon office, on a day in term appointed by the Council. The Chancellor or, in the Chancellor's absence, the Proctors shall preside.
3. At the Congregation the Senior Proctor shall ask the Vice-Chancellor, Dabis fidem te bene et fideliter praestiturum (praestituram) omnia quae spectent ad officium procancellarii academiae Cantabrigiensis? The Vice-Chancellor shall reply, Ita do fidem. The Senior Proctor shall then admit the Vice-Chancellor by saying, Auctoritate nobis commissa admittimus te ad officium procancellarii hujus academiae, in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.14 The Junior Proctor shall thereupon deliver to the Vice-Chancellor the insignia of the office. If a Grace has been submitted and approved for the admission of the Vice-Chancellor to the degree of Master of Arts under Statute B II 2(a) or a degree by incorporation under Statute B II 2(b), he or she shall be presented for that degree by the Registrary. Unless the Chancellor is present, the Vice-Chancellor shall then assume the presidency of the Congregation.
4. Unless granted leave of absence under Special Ordinance C (i) 2, the Vice-Chancellor shall reside in the University during term-time and shall not without the consent of the Council be absent for more than eight weeks in each academical year.
5. The Vice-Chancellor shall be granted an allowance, of an amount determined by the Council, to meet the expenses arising out of the duties of the office. He or she may be granted a further allowance, of an amount determined by the Council, in respect of extraordinary expenses incurred through assumption of office.
6. The power of the University to accept benefactions is delegated to the Vice-Chancellor, provided that for any particular benefaction the Vice-Chancellor may request the Council to submit a Grace to the Regent House for its acceptance.
7. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the designated officer for the University in accordance with the terms of the Financial Memorandum between the Higher Education Funding Council (England) and the University.
8. Not more than one year before the end of his or her current term of office, and subject to the provisions of Statute C III 2, the Vice-Chancellor may be reappointed by the Regent House on the nomination of the Council.
1. The maximum number of offices of Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be five. Although there shall not be an office of Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor may, after consultation with all of those appointed to the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor, confer the title of Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor on one of those appointed to the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor, who shall take responsibility for leading and co-ordinating the work of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
2. The Nominating Committee for the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall consist of:
Members in classes (b), (c), and (d) shall be appointed by the Council in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment. A member in any of these classes who ceases to be a member of the Council or the Board (as the case may be) shall cease to be a member of the Nominating Committee.
3. The Registrary (or a person appointed by the Registrary) shall act as Secretary of the Nominating Committee.
4. The stipend for the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be determined by the Council. A Pro-Vice-Chancellor who is appointed on a part-time basis shall receive a pro-rata proportion of the full stipend for that office and shall, if he or she holds another University office concurrently, receive a correspondingly reduced pro-rata basic stipend for that other office plus any contribution payment, payment for clinical responsibility, or market supplement in full.
1. The following form of certificate shall be used for the purpose of Special Ordinance C (iii) 3:
I hereby certify that A.B. of College has resided in the University during the major part of the three terms following, viz.
Witness my hand this day of
C.D., Master of College.
2. Of the two Proctors, one shall be designated Senior and the other Junior. The Proctor who first became a member of the Senate shall be Senior, provided that, if both became members on the same day, their seniority shall be determined in accordance with the regulations for the order of seniority of graduates.
3. In the Easter Term each year two Pro-Proctors shall be appointed by Grace to hold office for the academical year next following. They shall be nominated for appointment by the Colleges according to the Cycle of Proctors, each College having the right to nominate a Pro-Proctor in the year next before that in which it has the right to nominate a Proctor. Such nominations shall be submitted in writing to the Vice-Chancellor not later than the last day of Full Lent Term each year.
4. To assist the Proctors and Pro-Proctors in the maintenance of discipline, two additional Pro-Proctors, who shall be members of the Senate of not less than three years’ standing, shall be appointed by Grace in the Easter Term of each year on the nomination of the Vice-Chancellor and of the Proctors designate and shall hold office for the academical year following their appointment.
5. The Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Proctors, may appoint additional Pro-Proctors to act on particular occasions.
6. The Vice-Chancellor shall have power to appoint a Special Pro-Proctor for motor vehicles who shall deal with the use of motor vehicles by members of the University in statu pupillari in accordance with regulations therefor.
7. Every breach by a person in statu pupillari of any of the regulations for motor vehicles shall be reported as soon as possible by the Special Pro-Proctor to the Tutor concerned.
8. The payments to be made to the Proctors shall be determined from time to time by Grace as heretofore. The payments to be made to the Pro-Proctors, additional Pro-Proctors, and Special Pro-Proctor for motor vehicles shall be determined from time to time by the Council on the advice of the Finance Committee.
9. The Vice-Chancellor, on the nomination of the Proctors, shall appoint two Constables for each Proctor, Pro-Proctor, and Additional Pro-Proctor and one or two Constables to assist the Special Pro-Proctor for Motor Vehicles. The Vice-Chancellor shall have power to appoint additional Constables on the nomination of the Proctors.
10. The conditions of service and the payments to be made to persons appointed under Regulation 9 shall be determined from time to time by the Finance Committee of the Council on the recommendation of the Proctors.
1. The University Advocate shall hold office for four years, and shall be eligible for reappointment for a further period not exceeding two years.
2. There shall be such number of University offices of Deputy University Advocate as the University shall from time to time determine on the recommendation of the Council. A Deputy University Advocate shall be appointed for two years in the first instance, and shall be eligible for reappointment for periods not exceeding two years at a time, subject to the requirement that he or she shall cease to hold office when a new University Advocate assumes office.
3. If the term of office of the University Advocate or of a Deputy University Advocate expires before the completion of any proceedings in which he or she has begun to act, he or she may continue to act for the remainder of those proceedings.
4. The University Advocate and any Deputy University Advocate shall have power to seek legal advice from sources outside the University at the expense of the University, up to a limit approved from time to time by the Council; subject to the provisions of Statute C, they may be represented in any proceedings by a barrister or solicitor or other suitably qualified person.
5. The stipend of the University Advocate shall be determined from time to time by Grace. There shall be no stipend attached to the office of Deputy University Advocate.
6. In addition to the stipend attached to the office, the University Advocate shall be entitled to receive, in respect of any day on which he or she discharges the duties of the office, an additional non-pensionable payment at a rate determined from time to time by the Council and, in respect of part of a day, a proportionate amount of such payment. A Deputy University Advocate, and any person acting as University Advocate or Deputy University Advocate under the provisions of Regulation 3, shall be entitled to receive a similar payment in respect of any day or part of a day on which he or she carries out any of the duties of the Advocate.
The Orator shall keep such residence in the University as is necessary for the due discharge of the duties of the office. Without the permission of the Vice-Chancellor the Orator shall not be absent from any Congregation at which the title of a degree is to be conferred under Statute A II 14. He or she shall not be absent at any time for more than seven days in succession during Full Term without obtaining the permission of the Council beforehand, if possible, or asking their approval upon his or her return.
1. The staff of the University Offices shall form a Unified Administrative Service which shall be under the supervision of the Council and shall comprise the following Divisions:
Academic Division (including the Planning and Resource Allocation Office)
Estate Management and Building Service
Finance Division
Human Resources Division
Research Services Division
Secretariat (including Legal Services)
2. Under the provisions of Statute C VI, the head of the Unified Administrative Service shall be the Registrary who, as such and under the direction of the Council, shall manage the University Offices and their staff, budgets, space, and other resources provided to the Offices by the Council. It shall be the duty of the Registrary to ensure that arrangements for the quality assurance of the services provided by the Offices are presented to the Council and are implemented as agreed by the Council. The Registrary shall make such reports on the work of the University Offices to the Council as that body may require.
3. Within each Division of the Unified Administrative Service there shall be the University office of Director (or such other title as may be determined from time to time by the Council) who shall be head of the Division and whose duties shall include the management of the Division, under the overall responsibility of the Registrary.15
4. Within the Unified Administrative Service there shall also be the following University offices, in such numbers as may be approved from time to time by the Council: Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Assistant Registrary and Assistant Treasurer (including the grades of Principal Assistant and Senior Assistant), Administrative Officer (in three grades, I, II, and III), Computer Officer (in six grades, Principal Computer Officer, Senior Computer Officer, and Officer I, II, III, and IV), and Advisory Officer (including the grade of Senior Advisory Officer).
The allocation of offices between the Divisions of the Unified Administrative Service shall be determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Registrary.
5. The duties of the various offices and their conditions of service shall be determined by the Council.
6. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Principal Assistant Registrary, and Principal Assistant Treasurer shall be made by a Standing Appointments Committee which shall be a Committee of the Council. Every appointment or reappointment shall be made with the concurrence of the votes (which shall be given in person at the meeting) of at least five members of the Committee.
Membership of the Standing Appointments Committee shall consist of:
Any meeting of the Standing Appointments Committee must include members in classes (a) and (c) and four members to be selected by lot from among the members in panel (b).
A chair appointed by the Vice-Chancellor may appoint a deputy chair from among the members in class (b).
Members in class (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment. The Registrary, or a University officer designated by the Registrary, shall act as Secretary to the Committee.
7. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Senior Assistant Registrary and Senior Assistant Treasurer shall be made by the Standing Appointments Committee on the recommendation of an Appointing Committee, appointed by the Standing Appointments Committee, which shall consist of the Registrary (or a deputy appointed by the Registrary), the Director of the Division in which the appointment is to be made, an appropriate senior academic-related officer, a senior academic with experience and interest in what the role of the office entails, and a member of the Standing Appointments Committee in class (b).
The Standing Appointments Committee may reach their decision by circulation. Written reports of such appointments and reappointments shall be minuted at a subsequent meeting of that Committee.
8. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Assistant Registrary, Assistant Treasurer, Administrative Officer, Grades I, II, and III, Senior Advisory Officer, and Advisory Officer shall be made by the Registrary under procedures to be agreed from time to time with the Council.16 Written reports of such appointments and reappointments shall be submitted to the Standing Appointments Committee.
9. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Principal Computer Officer, Senior Computer Officer, Computer Officer, Grade I, within the Unified Administrative Service shall be made in accordance with the general regulations for the appointment of such officers.17
10. The grades of the holders of various offices within the Unified Administrative Service shall be determined in accordance with procedures approved by the University.
11. Save as provided in Special Ordinance C (i) 2 the staff of the Unified Administrative Service shall be resident in the University during term-time, and shall not be absent for more than twelve weeks in the academical year; the Registrary and each Director, or a deputy appointed in his or her place, shall be resident throughout the year except during the periods when the University Offices are closed; and neither the Registrary nor the Directors shall be absent for more than two nights in any week during Full Term without obtaining beforehand, if possible, the permission of the Council or asking their approval on returning.
12. The University Offices shall be open throughout the year at such hours as may be approved from time to time by the Council except for such periods of closure at Christmas, Easter, and other public holidays as may be authorized by the Council.
The Esquire Bedells shall be resident in the University during term. They shall so arrange that both of them shall be available at any time in term, and that one at least of them shall be available at any time in vacation, when their attendance on the Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor is expected to be required.
1. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of University Organist shall be made by the Council for such length of time, not exceeding five years, as the Council may fix at each appointment.
2. The University Organist shall be responsible for the music at such University services in Great St Mary's Church as the Vice-Chancellor may direct.
A University officer who is a member of the Faculty of Divinity and who is in Priest’s Orders in the Church of England may hold a residentiary Canonry of Ely Cathedral. Not more than one University officer shall hold such a Canonry at any one time. The income, if any, of the Canonry held by such an officer, but not the annual value of the official residence of the Canonry, shall be reckoned as forming part of the stipend attached to such a person’s University office. The University in making or amending regulations for the residence of University officers shall have regard to the obligations of such an officer to reside at Ely and to carry out other duties as Canon.
A Professor shall not undertake for remuneration during Full Term without the consent of the General Board any teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges or the delivery of occasional lectures. The amount of teaching given by a Professor on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not, except with the consent of the General Board, exceed six hours a week, or if the Professor is also a Tutor or Bursar or an Assistant Tutor or Assistant Bursar or Steward, two hours a week.
In any Statute or Ordinance unless otherwise specified the term ‘Professors’ shall include Visiting Professors and the term ‘Professorships’ shall include Visiting Professorships.
After the title of each Professor there is printed the date of foundation of the Professorship and the name of the Faculty or Department to which it is assigned.
The Regius Professor of Physic shall not engage in private practice.
The duties of the Regius Professor of Hebrew shall include the interpretation of the Old Testament.
It shall be the duty of the Lucasian Professor to promote the study of some aspect of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics by research and otherwise, and to conduct this work in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.
1. The Professorship of Anatomy is not limited to Human Anatomy, but its scope includes also Vertebrate Anatomy and Embryology.
2. Histology, as distinguished from Microscopical Anatomy, shall continue to be taught in connection with Physiology.
It shall be the duty of the Lowndean Professor to promote the study of some aspect of Geometry by research and otherwise, and to conduct this work in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
It shall be the duty of the Jacksonian Professor to promote the study of some aspects of Physics by research and otherwise, and to conduct this work in the Department of Physics.
1. The election to the Professorship shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1; except that the Electors shall be empowered to make an election at any time not later than twelve months before the term or vacation in which a vacancy will occur. The Professor shall be elected for a period not exceeding three years to be determined by the Electors on each occasion.
2. Subject to the provisions of Special Ordinance C (vii) A.13 a present or past holder of the Professorship shall be re-eligible.
3. The Professor shall not be required to reside in the University.
4. It shall be the duty of the Professor to deliver annually in the University not fewer than twelve lectures on the History, Theory, and Practice of the Fine Arts, or of some section or sections of them; provided that, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of History of Art and with the approval of the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art, the Professor may replace up to four of the lectures by an equivalent amount of teaching in the form of classes on a subject or subjects within that field. The lectures shall be given in Full Term and shall be open free of charge to all members of the University. If the Professor, in addition to delivering the aforementioned lectures, gives instruction at the request and on behalf of a Faculty Board, he or she shall receive such additional remuneration as may be approved by the General Board.
5. The Professor shall give at least a fortnight's public notice of the lectures.
6. After provision has been made for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professorship, the income of the Fund may be applied to promote the study of the fine arts in the University in such manner as may be recommended by the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art and approved by the General Board.
1. The sums received towards the endowment of the Bertrand Russell Professorship of Philosophy shall form a fund called the Bertrand Russell Professorship of Philosophy Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Faculty Board of Philosophy who may delegate all or any of their functions concerning the Fund to a committee consisting of not less than three members appointed by the Board.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the income of the Fund shall be applied by the Managers for the support of teaching or research in philosophy in the University.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may, at the discretion of the Managers, be either added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for expenditure in any subsequent year in accordance with Regulation 4.
1. The Fund shall be called the Frederick James Quick Fund and the income thereof shall be devoted to the promotion of study and research in the sciences of vegetable and animal biology.
2. The Fund shall consist of the residuary estate of the late Frederick James Quick (hereinafter called the Founder) bequeathed by him to the University of Cambridge for the purpose hereinbefore described and of any other moneys from time to time invested in accordance with Regulation 16(e) below.
3. The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University shall be the persons authorized to hold and administer the principal of the Fund, and the receipt or receipts of the Vice-Chancellor of the University shall be a good discharge to the Trustees of the will of the Founder for all moneys therein acknowledged to be received.
4. The administration of the income of the Fund shall be entrusted to a Board of Managers consisting of the Vice-Chancellor and six members of the Senate appointed by the Council, three on the nomination of the General Board and three on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Biology. Members shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for six years from 1 January following their appointment.
5. No resolution of the Managers shall be valid unless approved by at least four Managers at a meeting to which all the Managers have been summoned, save that a resolution circulated to and signed by all the Managers shall have the same validity as a resolution carried at a meeting.
6. The income of the Fund shall from time to time as and when received be placed to a separate account. Payments from this account shall be made as hereinafter provided. Statements showing the receipts and payments and the securities of which the Fund consists shall be published annually in the University Accounts.
7. The Managers shall determine from time to time the sum which the Fund shall provide towards the stipend and pension contribution of the Quick Professor of Biology; such sum not being less than £1,000 nor more than nine-tenths of the income of the Fund.
8. (a) It shall be the duty of the Professor to undertake the study of some field of vegetable and animal biology, and generally to promote that branch of science by research and otherwise. He or she shall lecture in one term in each year on research in this branch of science.
(b) On each appointment of a Professor, the University shall determine to which Faculty or Department the Professorship shall be assigned.
(c) The Professorship shall not be tenable with any other Professorship, Readership, or Lectureship in the University or elsewhere.
9. A Quick Professor shall be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(ii) in accordance with the procedure set out in Regulations 10–15.
10. (a) When a Quick Professor is due under Statutes and Ordinances to retire, the Vice-Chancellor shall report the fact to the Council and to the General Board in the Michaelmas Term, but not later than the division of that term, of the second academical year before the year at the end of which the Professor is due to retire.
(b) When the Vice-Chancellor knows that a vacancy has occurred or will occur in the Professorship otherwise than by the holder's becoming due under the Statutes and Ordinances to retire, he or she shall report the fact to the Council and the General Board at their next meetings.
11. Not later than the end of the eighteenth month after the Vice-Chancellor's report of a vacancy or of an expected vacancy in the Professorship the General Board shall determine the particular field to which candidature shall be limited or preference shall be given in considering candidates for the Professorship. For this purpose the Board shall consult appropriate Faculty Boards, Heads of Departments, and the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences on available accommodation and possible fields for the Professorship. They shall also consider whether they are themselves prepared to make provision for the development of some aspect of biology for which accommodation is not at the time available.
12. Not later than the end of the twelfth month after the General Board have determined the particular field to which candidature will be limited or preference will be given at the next election, the Vice-Chancellor shall publish a Notice inviting applications to fill the vacancy, and the General Board shall appoint a Committee, constituted on the same principles as a Board of Electors to a Professorship, of persons representative of the relevant branches of science to advise them in their choice.
13. If a member of the General Board is or becomes a candidate for the Professorship, he or she shall be disqualified from acting thereafter in the matter of that election to the Professorship, and the other members of the Board shall have power to act.
14. The General Board shall have power to enquire whether any person or persons other than those who have submitted applications would accept the Professorship if offered, and to offer the office to a person who has not submitted an application.
15. If at the end of two years from the date of publication of the Notice inviting applications for the Professorship the General Board have been unable to make an election they shall, after again consulting the appropriate bodies in accordance with Regulation 11,
16. The income of the Fund shall be applied from time to time as follows:
17. The foregoing regulations are subject to alteration by Grace; but unless this regulation is rescinded, no alteration in them shall be made except on the recommendation of the Board of Managers.
The benefaction for the endowment of a Professorship of Astrophysics shall constitute a fund called the Astrophysics Professorship Fund. The stipend of the Professor and the pension contribution payable by the University thereon shall be the first charge on the Fund.
1. The sum received from Messrs J. Henry Schröder and Company for the endowment of a Professorship of German in 1909, together with funds received for the same purpose in 2011 from the Schroder Foundation and Trinity College, shall form a fund to be called the Schröder Fund.
2. The Fund shall be administered by four Managers, who shall comprise:
If two or more of these offices are held by the same person or if one or more of the named posts is vacant or its tenure has expired, the General Board shall appoint one or more additional Managers to ensure that there are always four Managers.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Schröder Professor of German payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, income of the Fund may be applied for furtherance of teaching and research in German Studies, by the Schröder Professor, as the Managers may determine.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall either be added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for use as income in any one or more subsequent years, in such a manner as may be recommended by the Managers and approved by the General Board.
1. The sum of £20,000 received from Sir Harold Harmsworth, Bart., for the endowment of a Professorship of English Literature shall be called the Harmsworth Fund.
2. The Professorship shall be called the King Edward VII Professorship of English Literature in memory of his late Majesty, in the year of whose death the endowment of the Professorship by Sir Harold Harmsworth, Bart., was accepted by the University.
3. It shall be the duty of the Professor to deliver courses of lectures on English Literature from the age of Chaucer onwards, and otherwise to promote the study in the University of the subject of English Literature. The Professor shall treat this subject on literary and critical rather than on philological and linguistic lines.
4. All appointments to the Professorship shall be made by the Crown.
5. The residence and duties of the Professor shall be governed by Special Ordinance C (vii) A.
6. The Professorship is assigned to the Faculty of English.
7. The income of the Harmsworth Fund, so far as it suffices, shall be applied in the following order:
8. With the exception of Regulations 2–5 and 8, these regulations shall be subject to alteration by Grace.
It shall be the duty of the Professor to promote by research and teaching the experimental study of heredity and of development by descent.
1. The sum of £10,000 received from Mr Arthur Serena shall be called the Serena Benefaction; it shall form part of an Italian Fund, to which any further sums received for the endowment of the Chair shall be added.
2. If and whenever the income of the Italian Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend of the Professor, the excess of the income above that amount shall be employed for the furtherance of the study of Italian in the University in such manner as may be approved by Grace on the recommendation of the General Board after consultation with the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages.
1. The sum of £20,000 received from Lord Rothermere for the endowment of a Vere Harmsworth Professorship of Naval22 History shall be called the Vere Harmsworth Fund.
2. The Professorship shall be called the Vere Harmsworth Professorship of Imperial and Naval History, in memory of Lord Rothermere's son, Vere Harmsworth, who was killed while serving with the Hawke Battalion in the Royal Naval Division at the battle of the Ancre.
1. The sum of £20,000 received from Mr Emile Mond for the endowment of a Francis Mond Professorship of Aeronautical Engineering shall be called the Francis Mond Fund.
2. The Professorship shall be called the Francis Mond Professorship of Aeronautical Engineering in memory of Lieutenant Francis Mond of Peterhouse, who was killed in action while serving in the Royal Air Force.
3. Any part of the income of the Francis Mond Fund not paid as stipend to the Professor shall be transferred to the Departmental Fund for Engineering.
1. The sum of 150,000 dollars received from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial for the establishment of a Professorship of the History of Political Thought shall constitute a fund called the Political Thought Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Faculty Board of History who may delegate any or all of their functions under these regulations to a committee of no fewer than three persons not necessarily consisting wholly of members of the Board.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University.
4. The second charge on the income of the Fund shall be the payments determined by the Managers under Regulation 4 of the regulations for the John Seeley Lectureship in Political Thought.
5. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulations 3 and 4, the excess of the income above that amount may, at the discretion of the Managers, be applied for the furtherance of the study of political thought and its cognate disciplines in the University in such manner as the Managers may determine.
6. The Professor shall be a member of the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science.
7. Any part of the income of the Fund not expended in any year, and any income accruing during a vacancy in the Professorship, may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulations 3–5.
1. The sum received from the Trustees of the late Walter William Rouse Ball, Fellow of Trinity College, for the establishment of a Professorship or Readership in some branch or branches of Mathematics, the donor expressing a hope (but not making it in any way a condition) that it might be found practicable for such Professor or Reader to include in his or her lectures and treatment historical and philosophical aspects of the subject, shall constitute a fund called the Rouse Ball Professorship of Mathematics Fund, the income of which shall be applied to the maintenance of the Professorship.
2. It shall be the duty of the Rouse Ball Professor to promote the study of some aspect of Pure Mathematics by research and otherwise, and to conduct this work in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
The sum received from the Trustees of the late Walter William Rouse Ball, Fellow of Trinity College, for the establishment of a Professorship or Readership in some branch or branches of Modern English Law, the donor expressing a hope (but not making it in any way a condition) that it might be found practicable for such Professor or Reader to include in his or her lectures and treatment historical and philosophical aspects of the subject, shall constitute a fund called the Rouse Ball Professorship of English Law Fund, the income of which shall be applied to the maintenance of the Professorship.
The Professor shall be a member of the Faculty Board of Economics.
1. The shares transferred to the University by Mr Montague Burton shall constitute a fund called the Montague Burton Fund.
2. The income of the Fund shall be applied in the first instance to the maintenance of a Professorship called the Montague Burton Professorship of Industrial Relations and Labour Economics.
3. It shall be the duty of the Professor to study and give instruction upon the conditions of employment and the relations between employers and employed, with special reference to the causes of industrial disputes and the methods of promoting industrial peace.
4. If in any year during the continuance of the Professorship the income of the Fund, because of a vacancy in the Professorship or from any other cause, is more than sufficient to pay the stipend of the Professor and the pension contributions payable by the University thereon, the surplus shall be paid into a separate fund whence shall be defrayed such expenses as the Professor may incur in travelling abroad in order to investigate industrial relations and associated matters, including teaching and research in connection therewith, and in particular in order to keep in touch with the International Labour Organization.
1. A John Humphrey Plummer Professor shall be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(i) in accordance with the procedure set out in the following regulations.
2. (a) When a John Humphrey Plummer Professor is due under Statutes and Ordinances to retire, the Vice-Chancellor shall report the fact to the General Board in the Michaelmas Term, but not later than the division of that term, of the second academical year before the year at the end of which the Professor is due to retire.
(b) When the Vice-Chancellor knows that a vacancy has occurred or will occur in a John Humphrey Plummer Professorship otherwise than by the holder’s becoming due under the Statutes and Ordinances to retire, he or she shall report the fact to the General Board at their next meeting.
3. When the Vice-Chancellor has reported that a vacancy has occurred or is expected to occur in a John Humphrey Plummer Professorship, the General Board shall consult the Councils of the Schools of the Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, the Physical Sciences, and Technology on whether it is desirable that the Professorship be continued, and if so, whether in the same or in a different subject.
4. When it has been decided whether the Professorship shall be continued, and if so, what shall be the subject of the Professor who will fill the vacancy, and a Professor is to be elected, the Vice-Chancellor shall publish a Notice inviting applications to fill the vacancy and the General Board shall appoint a Committee, constituted on the same principles as a Board of Electors to a Professorship, of persons representative of the relevant branches of science to advise them in their choice.
5. If a member of the General Board is or becomes a candidate for the Professorship, he or she shall be disqualified from acting thereafter in the matter of that election to the Professorship, and the other members of the Committee shall have power to act.
6. The General Board shall have power to enquire whether any person or persons other than those who have submitted applications would accept the Professorship if offered, and to offer the office to a person who has not submitted an application.
7. If at the end of two years from the date of publication of the Notice inviting applications for the Professorship the General Board have been unable to make an election, they shall, after again consulting the Councils of the relevant Schools,
If under (a) the continuance of the Professorship in a different subject is approved by the University, the procedure for election shall recommence in accordance with Regulation 4. Any period specified in a Notice published under (b) shall neither be less than one year nor extend beyond the end of the seventh academical year following the date of publication under Regulation 4 of the Notice inviting applications.
In the matter of the charitable trust which is established under the Will and Codicils of the late John Humphrey Plummer proved on 26 February 1929 and which is subject to the Scheme for the John Humphrey Plummer Foundation approved by the Chancery Court of the County Palatine of Lancaster on 23 March 1931 and by Grace 2 of the Regent House of the University of Cambridge of 9 May 1931 (“the Charity”)
And in the matter of the Charities Act 1993
The Charity Commissioners for England and Wales under the power given in the Charities Act 1993 hereby order that the following Scheme shall replace the said Will and Codicils and the said Scheme of the regulation of the Charity.
1. The trustee of the charity shall be [the body corporate known as] the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge (‘the Trustee’) which shall replace the existing trustees who shall retire and be discharged from the trusts of the Charity.
2. The property subject to the trusts of the Charity which is described in the schedule hereto [not reproduced] shall constitute a trust fund known as the John Humphrey Plummer Fund (‘the Fund’).
3. The income of the Fund shall be applied to advance education in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Science, or such other allied subjects in the University as the Trustee shall in its discretion think fit, in particular by funding Professorships in those subjects and any excess of the income of the Fund over the amount required to meet this purpose may be applied to support the work of the holders of the said Professorships in such manner as the Trustee may think fit.
4. The name ‘John Humphrey Plummer’ shall be included in the title of each of the Professorships and the Charity and the Professorships shall be subject to the Statutes of the University.
5. The Trustee may from time to time make regulations governing the administration and application of the Fund, subject to the provisions of this Scheme and the Statutes of the University.
6. The Commissioners may decide any question put to them concerning:
(Sealed by the Charity Commissioners on 4 April 2007.)
1. It shall be the duty of the Professor to promote by teaching and research the study of the science and technology of materials.
2. The stipend of the Professor shall as far as possible be defrayed from the Goldsmiths’ Fund.
There shall be established in the University a William Wyse Professorship of Social Anthropology, partly supported by the Master, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College from money bequeathed by William Wyse, M.A., formerly Fellow and Honorary Fellow of the College.
The scope of the Professorship shall include, besides the language, literature, and history of Spain, the relations of the British Isles with Spain and with the Spanish-speaking countries of America.
1. The Professor shall be elected annually by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii).
2. The tenure of the Professorship shall be one year.
3. The sum of £49,000 transferred from the funds of the University Press to the Chest shall constitute a Pitt Professorship Fund.
4. The stipend of the Professor shall be payable from this Fund and the balance of a year's income shall be available, at the discretion of the General Board, towards paying the travelling expenses of the Professor incurred by his or her appointment.
The first charge on the income of the Electrical Engineering Fund shall be the net cost to the University of the stipend and pension contributions of the Professor of Electrical Engineering.
1. The first charge on the income of the Hopkinson and Imperial Chemical Industries Fund shall be the net cost to the University of the stipend, and employers’ contribution on account of superannuation and national insurance, of the Hopkinson and Imperial Chemical Industries Professor of Applied Thermodynamics, with the condition that for the purpose of this regulation the Hopkinson and Imperial Chemical Industries Income Reserve Fund shall not be treated as either income or capital of the Hopkinson and Imperial Chemical Industries Fund.
2. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 1 the remaining income of the Fund shall be applied from time to time, at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Engineering and subject to such conditions as he or she may think fit, for the purchase of equipment and for other needs associated with the study of heat engines.
The Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English shall treat the subject on literary and critical rather than on philological and linguistic lines.
1. The first charge on the income of the fund established from the benefaction in 1959 of the Isaac Wolfson Foundation shall be the net cost to the University of the stipend and employers’ contribution on account of superannuation and national insurance of the Wolfson Professor of Criminology.
2. Any balance remaining of the annual income of the fund shall be applied to the support of the work, including the library, of the Institute of Criminology.
1. The sums of £1.25m received from The East Asian History of Science Foundation and £750,000 received from Trinity College, together with other sums donated for the same purpose, shall form a fund called the Joseph Needham Fund for Chinese History, Science, and Civilization.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of East Asian Studies, the Joseph Needham Professor of Chinese History, Science, and Civilization and one other Manager appointed by the Faculty Board of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies for periods of five years, provided that, if two or more of these posts are held by the same person or if one or more of these posts is vacant or its tenure has expired, the Faculty Board of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies shall appoint one or more additional Managers so as to ensure that there are three Managers.
3. The income of the Fund shall be available for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Joseph Needham Professor of Chinese History, Science, and Civilization.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the income of the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research in some aspect of Chinese History, Science, and Civilization in such a manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any one or more subsequent years be expended in accordance with Regulations 3 and 4.
1. The gift of 1,280,000 bolivares from the Venezuelan Government shall form a fund called the Simón Bolívar Professorship Fund.
2. The stipend of the Professor and charges associated therewith shall be payable from this Fund and any balance of the income shall be available, at the discretion of the General Board, towards paying the travelling expenses of the Professor incurred by his or her appointment and other expenses incurred in support of the Professor's work.
3. The Professor shall be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii).
4. The tenure of the Professorship shall be one year, save that the General Board shall have power to make an election or elections for a shorter period if they so determine at the time of the election.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any one or more subsequent years be added to the capital of the Fund or applied in support of research or teaching in the field of Latin-American studies in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management of the Centre of Latin-American Studies.
1. The sum of £2m received from Trinity College, trustees of the Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Fund which was created by Mrs Marjorie Gibson in memory of her husband, for research in Chemistry, shall form a fund called the Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Professorship of Chemistry Fund.
2. The Fund shall be administered by three Managers appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry, who shall include the Head of the Department of Chemistry (or the Deputy Head of the Department of Chemistry if the Head of the Department is the Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Professor), who shall be the Chair, the Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Professor of Chemistry, and one person appointed on the nomination of Trinity College.
3. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied for the support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
4. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 3.
1. The gift of £75,000 from the Rank Organization shall form a fund called the Rank Professorship Fund.
2. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend of the Rank Professor.
3. In addition to his or her statutory duties under Special Ordinance C (vii) A, it shall be the duty of the Professor to undertake the study of acoustics in the University by teaching and research.
4. When a vacancy occurs in the Professorship the General Board shall consult the Rank Organization before they determine under Special Ordinance C (vii) A.2 whether to recommend that candidature at the next election shall be limited or preference given by the Electors to candidates whose work is connected with some particular subject or subjects falling within the scope of the title of the Professorship.
1. The benefaction from the Overbrook Foundation which was made to mark the eightieth birthday of Professor Arthur Lehman Goodhart shall form a fund called the Arthur Goodhart Fund.
2. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the cost of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and family allowances, if any, of the Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professor in Legal Science.
3. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 2 the balance of the income of the Fund shall be applied to meet costs associated with the Professorship, including travel and the maintenance of the Professor's residence.
4. The Professor shall be elected by the General Board in accordance with Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii), on the advice of a Committee constituted on the same principles as a Board of Electors to a Professorship.
5. The Professor shall be elected for one year. In exceptional circumstances he or she shall be eligible for further election, provided that the tenure of the Chair by any one person shall not exceed two years in all.
1. The sums donated to mark the retirement of Professor Alexander Todd in 1971 from the Professorship of Organic Chemistry shall constitute a fund called the Alexander Todd Visiting Professorship of Chemistry Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the holder of the Professorship of Chemistry (1968), the holder of the Professorship of Chemistry (1970), the holder of the Unilever Professorship of Molecular Sciences Informatics (1999), the holder of the BP Professorship of Chemistry (1702), the holder of the Herchel Smith Professorship of Organic Chemistry (1988), the holder of the Professorship of Physical Chemistry (1920), the Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis, and the Head of the Department of Chemistry.
3. An Alexander Todd Visiting Professor of Chemistry shall from time to time be elected under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii) by the General Board, on the advice of the Managers of the Fund. The tenure of the Visiting Professor, during which he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge unless granted leave of absence by the General Board, shall not exceed three months and shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
4. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the travelling expenses incurred by the Visiting Professor on his or her appointment and such emoluments as the General Board, on the recommendation of the Managers, shall determine at the time of the election, the excess of income over that amount may be applied in support of research or teaching in the field of organic chemistry in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Chemistry.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
1. The sum of US$650,000 received from the American Friends of Cambridge, representing a benefaction from Dr Herchel Smith for the endowment of a Professorship in the field of medical studies, shall form a fund called the Sheila Joan Smith Professorship Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied to meet the cost of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Physic.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
4. The Sheila Joan Smith Professorship of Immunology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. A sum of US$1,000,000 received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the endowment of the Paul Mellon Professorship of American History shall constitute a fund to be called the Mellon Professorship Fund. For this purpose American history shall be defined as the history of the United States of America from its colonial beginnings.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income above that amount may be applied to meet the cost of the administrative, secretarial, research, and travelling expenses of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of History.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall be added to the capital of the Fund.
1. A sum of US$1,000,000 received from the American Friends of Cambridge University for the endowment of a Herchel Smith Professorship of Medicinal Chemistry shall constitute a fund to be called the Herchel Smith Professorship of Medicinal Chemistry Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income above that amount may be applied to meet the cost of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall be added to the capital of the Fund.
The Charles Darwin Professorship of Animal Embryology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. Grants received for the establishment of a Jawaharlal Nehru Visiting Professorship shall form a fund to be called the Jawaharlal Nehru Fund.
2. The stipend of a Jawaharlal Nehru Visiting Professor and the charges associated therewith shall be payable from this Fund, together with such contribution towards the cost of the work of the Professor as may be approved by the General Board.
3. A Jawaharlal Nehru Visiting Professor shall be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii). The field and title of a particular Professorship shall be determined by the Board on the occasion of each election. The Board shall appoint a special Committee to advise them on these questions and on the choice of the Professor.
4. The tenure of a Professorship shall be one year, except that, in exceptional cases, the tenure may be for a period not exceeding two years, provided that there is not more than one Professor in office at any time.
1. The sum of ¥217,500,000 received from Keidanren for the endowment of a Professorship of Japanese Studies shall form a fund to be called the Keidanren Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied to meet the cost of the furtherance of Japanese Studies generally in the University, in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Professor of Japanese Studies in consultation with and with the agreement of the teaching officers in Japanese in the Department of East Asian Studies.
3. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Clinical Pharmacology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell & Co. and their successors for the endowment of a Professorship of Management Studies shall form a fund called the KPMG Management Studies Fund.
2. The capital and the income of the Fund shall be available for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University.
3. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 2, the capital and income of the Fund may be applied in support of teaching or research in the general field of Management Studies in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of Judge Business School.
4. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 3.
1. The sums received for the endowment of a Professorship of Clinical Gerontology shall form a fund called the Clinical Gerontology Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of income above that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may be accumulated and may be expended in any subsequent year in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. A sum of US$1,050,000 received from the American Friends of Cambridge University for the endowment of a Herchel Smith Professorship of Organic Chemistry shall constitute a fund to be called the Herchel Smith Professorship of Organic Chemistry Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income above that amount may be applied to meet the cost of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall be added to the capital of the Fund.
The Professorship of Neurology shall be limited to one tenure.
It shall be the duty of the Professor to promote by teaching and research the study of the science and technology of materials.
The Professorship of Aerothermal Technology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £1,100,000 received for the endowment of a Professorship of Archaeological Science shall form a fund called the George Pitt-Rivers Professorship of Archaeological Science Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Neurosurgery shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from Guinness plc, and subsequently from Diageo plc, for the endowment of a Professorship of Management Studies shall form a fund called the Guinness Management Studies Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of the Judge Institute of Management. In the event of a vacancy in the Professorship the income may be applied in support of Management Studies in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of the Judge Institute of Management.
3. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of the Mathematics of Systems shall be limited to one tenure.
The Serono Professorship of Molecular Endocrinology shall be limited to one tenure.
The stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University shall be the first charge on the income of the Estate Management Development Fund.
1. The sums received from S. J. Berwin and Co. in support of the endowment of an S. J. Berwin Professorship of Corporate Law shall form a fund called the S. J. Berwin Fund.
2. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the difference between the full cost of a University Lectureship and the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the S. J. Berwin Professor payable by the University.
3. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 2, the Fund may be used for such purposes as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Law.
4. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may be either added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for expenditure in accordance with Regulation 2 in future years, as the General Board shall determine.
1. The sums received from Glaxo Holdings plc for the endowment of a GlaxoSmithKline Professorship of Microbial Pathogenesis shall form a fund called the Glaxo Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department to which the Professorship is assigned.
3. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sums given to the University in memory of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, formerly Royal Society Research Professor and Fellow of Trinity College, including the sum of £200,000 received under the will of Miss Gladys Davies, shall constitute a fund called the G. I. Taylor Memorial Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.
3. The Professor shall also be the G. I. Taylor Research Fellow in Fluid Mechanics during his or her tenure.
4. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall be added to the capital of the Fund.
The Professorship of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Health Research and Development shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neurophysiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mechanical Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums donated in memory of Professor Jack Linnett, Vice-Chancellor from 1973 to 1975 and Professor of Physical Chemistry from 1965 to 1975, shall constitute a fund called the John Wilfrid Linnett Visiting Professorship of Chemistry Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the holder of the Professorship of Chemistry (1968), the holder of the Professorship of Physical Chemistry (1920), the Head of the Department of Chemistry (if not the holder of one of those Professorships), the Master of Sidney Sussex College, and a representative appointed by the College.
3. A John Wilfrid Linnett Visiting Professor shall from time to time be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii), on the advice of the Managers. The tenure of the Visiting Professor, during which he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge unless granted leave of absence by the General Board, shall not exceed three months and shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
4. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the travelling expenses incurred by the Visiting Professor on his or her appointment and such emoluments as the General Board, on the recommendation of the Managers, shall determine at the time of the election, the excess of income over that amount may be applied in support of research or teaching in the fields of physical or theoretical chemistry in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Chemistry.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
1. The sum of US$2m received from the American Friends of Cambridge University for the endowment of a Herchel Smith Professorship of Intellectual Property Law shall constitute a fund called the Herchel Smith Professorship of Intellectual Property Law Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income above that amount may be applied to meet the cost of the work of the Professor and to further the study of Intellectual Property Law in the University in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Law.
3. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Rheumatology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Evolutionary Palaeobiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Behavioural Ecology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Royal Society Professorship of Molecular Pharmacology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from Marks and Spencer plc and a consortium of their suppliers for the endowment of a Professorship of Farm Animal Health, Food Science, and Food Safety shall constitute a fund called the Marks & Spencer Farm Animal Health Fund.
2. The income of the Fund shall be used for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
3. Any unexpected income in a financial year shall be added to the capital of the Fund.
The Professorship of Molecular Microbiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computer Assisted Reasoning shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Econometrics shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £1,000,000 received from Mr Peter Beckwith for the support of a Professorship of Management Studies shall form a fund called the Beckwith Management Studies Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied to meet the cost of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of the Judge Institute of Management.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sums received from B.A.T. Industries plc for the endowment of a Professorship of International Relations shall constitute a fund called the Sir Patrick Sheehy International Relations Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Politics and International Studies.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sums received from Dr F. A. Zoëllner for the endowment of a Professorship of Cancer Research shall constitute a fund called the Ursula Zoëllner Cancer Research Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in furtherance of work in clinical oncology in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sum of £1,500,000 received from the Sinyi Foundation for the endowment of a Professorship of Chinese Management shall form a fund called the Sinyi Management Studies Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of the Judge Institute of Management.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Respiratory Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mechanics of Materials shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from Dr Robert Sansom, of Emmanuel College, towards the endowment of a Professorship of Computer Science shall form a fund called the Robert Sansom Computer Science Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Computer Science and Technology.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sum of £2,000,000 received from the Cambridge University Development Office in the United States for the endowment of a Dennis Gillings Professorship of Health Management shall form a fund called the Quintiles Health Management Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of the Judge Institute of Management.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sum of £2,000,000 received from the Margaret Thatcher Foundation for the endowment of a Professorship of Enterprise Studies shall form a fund called the Margaret Thatcher Management Studies Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of Judge Institute of Management.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in a subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Paediatrics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Fluid Mechanics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Psychiatry shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £1,715,000 received from Unilever plc for the endowment of a Professorship of Molecular Sciences Informatics shall form a fund called the Unilever Molecular Sciences Informatics Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Chemistry.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Respiratory Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Haemato-oncology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Anaesthesia shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematical Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Human Population Biology and Health shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Physical Metallurgy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mechanics of Materials shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Nanotechnology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Structural Dynamics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemical Physics shall be limited to one tenure
The Kuwait Professorship of Number Theory and Algebra shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Stroke Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Public Health Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Nonlinear Mathematical Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Behavioural Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Obstetrics and Gynaecology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Clinical Oncology shall be limited to one tenure.
The GKN Professorship of Manufacturing Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The British Heart Foundation Professorship of Cardiovascular Sciences shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Intellectual History and English Literature shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Structural Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Infectious Diseases shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of History and Philosophy of the Sciences shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mediterranean History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Tectonics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Economic Geography shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Philosophy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Astrophysics and Cosmology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computational Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Biochemical Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Information Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Applied Thermodynamics shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from N. M. Rothschild & Sons for the endowment of a Professorship of Mathematical Sciences shall form a fund called the Rothschild Mathematical Sciences Fund.
2. The Professor shall be appointed to hold office for five years without possibility of reappointment. The General Board shall exercise their power of appointment under Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii), on the advice of a specially constituted Advisory Committee. The holder of the Professorship shall be Director of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, and shall vacate the Professorship on ceasing to hold the office of Director.
3. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Management Committee of the Isaac Newton Institute.
4. Any unexpended income in a financial year may be either added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for expenditure in future years in accordance with Regulation 3, as the General Board shall determine.
1. The sum of £950,000 received from Marconi plc for the endowment of a Professorship of Communications Systems shall form a fund called the Marconi Communications Systems Fund.
2. The capital and the income of the Fund shall be available for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
3. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 2, the capital and income of the Fund may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Computer Science and Technology.
4. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may be either added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for expenditure in accordance with Regulation 3 in one or more subsequent years, as the General Board shall determine.
The Professorship of Cancer Research shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of US$4m received from Mr D. Kozlowski and the Tyco Corporation for the endowment of a Professorship of Corporate Governance shall form a fund called the Adam Smith Corporate Governance Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of the Judge Institute of Management.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sum of US$3.5m received from the will of Mr Fred van Eck for the endowment of a Professorship in the field of advanced science and technology, with an emphasis on high-speed communications, shall form a fund called the van Eck Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied to support the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Engineering.
3. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The Prince Philip Professorship of Technology shall be tenable by any person whose work falls within the scope of the disciplines represented within the School of Technology. The duties of the Professor shall be to undertake teaching and research in his or her subject and to promote the interests of technological disciplines in the University.
2. On the occasion of a vacancy in the Professorship the General Board shall consult the Council of the School of Technology, and the Faculty Boards or comparable authorities of institutions in the School, in accordance with Special Ordinance C (vii) B.17, about whether the Professorship should be filled and the questions relating to candidature for the Professorship specified therein.
3. The Professor shall be elected by a specially constituted Board of Electors under the provisions of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.5.
The Professorship of Mathematical Sciences shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Protein Crystallography shall be limited to one tenure.
The Royal Society Napier Research Professorship of Cancer Biology shall be limited to one tenure for the period from 1 October 2001 to 30 September 2013.
The Professorship of English shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Developmental Psychopathology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Microbiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Membrane Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cellular Pharmacology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Sociology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Ecological and Developmental Criminology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mineralogy and Mineral Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Organic Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Ocean Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Algebraic Geometry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Computer Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Electronics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Engineering Design shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The funds received from Hitachi Ltd towards the establishment of a Professorship of Electron Device Physics shall form a fund called the Hitachi Electron Device Physics Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be applied in support of the work of the Professor and the Microelectronics Research Centre in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Physics.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Experimental Combustion shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from Mrs Hazel N. Trapnell in memory of her husband, Mr Roger Leigh Trapnell, formerly of King’s College, towards the endowment of the Leigh Trapnell Professorship of Quantum Physics, shall form a fund called the Leigh Trapnell Professorship of Quantum Physics Fund.
2. The first charge on the Fund shall be the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
3. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 2, the income of the Fund may be applied for the support of teaching or research in Quantum Physics in such manner as shall be approved by the General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Mathematics.
4. Any unexpended income in a financial year may either be added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for use as income in one or more subsequent years in accordance with Regulations 2 and 3, as the General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Mathematics, may determine.
The Merck Company Foundation Professorship of Experimental Neurology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Education shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Learning Disability Psychiatry shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £1m donated by Gianni and Joan Montezemolo shall constitute a fund called the Sandra Dawson Visiting Professorship of Marketing, Strategy, and Innovation Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Director of Judge Business School, ex officio, and three persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Business and Management, for periods of five years.
3. A Visiting Professor shall from time to time be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii), on the advice of the Managers. The tenure of the Visiting Professor, during which he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge unless granted leave of absence by the General Board, shall not exceed three months and shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
4. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the travelling expenses incurred by the Visiting Professor on his or her appointment, such emoluments as the General Board, on the recommendation of the Managers, shall determine at the time of the election, and the indirect costs to the University of the appointment, the excess of income over that amount may be applied in support of research or teaching in the fields of marketing, strategy, and innovation in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendations of the Director of the Judge Institute of Management.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
The Professorship of Developmental Genetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Cell Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Immunogenetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Royal Society Professorship of Astronomy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Greek shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of the History of Christianity shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern Spanish Literature and Intellectual History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Perinatal Physiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cell Physiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Clinical Neuropsychology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of International History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of History and Philosophy of Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Legal and Political Philosophy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Active Tectonics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of the Foundations of Mathematics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Observational Astronomy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Biological Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computational Logic shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Applied Statistics and Signal Processing shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Photonics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Control Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Information Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Metabolic Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Developmental Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Developmental Mechanick shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Genetic Epidemiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Leverhulme Professorship of Human Evolution shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Sociology of Education shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of History of Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Public Law and Jurisprudence shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of the History of International Relations shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Applied Mathematics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematical Logic shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Algebra shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical and Computational Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of High Energy Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Analytical Biotechnology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Security Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Superconducting Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neurobiology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum received from the Trustees of the late Dr Herchel Smith for the establishment of a Professorship in some field or fields in Pure Mathematics shall form a fund called the Herchel Smith Pure Mathematics Fund.
2. The Fund shall be administered by three Managers appointed by the Faculty Board of Mathematics, who shall include the Head of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, who shall be the Chair, the Herchel Smith Professor of Pure Mathematics, and the Chair of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research in Pure Mathematics in such manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
1. The sum received from the Trustees of the late Dr Herchel Smith for the establishment of a Professorship in some field or fields in Molecular Genetics shall form a fund called the Herchel Smith Molecular Genetics Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be three members appointed by the General Board on the recommendation of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, including the Herchel Smith Professor of Molecular Genetics and the Chair of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research in some aspect of Molecular Genetics in such manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
The Professorship of Medical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum received from the Trustees of the late Dr Herchel Smith for the establishment of a Professorship in some field or fields in Physics shall form a fund called the Herchel Smith Physics Fund.
2. The Fund shall be administered by three Managers appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry, who shall include the Head of the Department of Physics, who shall be the Chair, the Herchel Smith Professor of Physics, and the Chair of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research in Physics in such manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
The Professorship of Classics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of English Literature shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of History of Art shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Phonetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern Chinese History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Parasitology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Economic History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Fluid Dynamics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Environment and Policy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Device Materials shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Combinatorial Mathematics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computational Linguistics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computing shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Engineering Design shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum received from the Trustees of the late Dr Herchel Smith for the establishment of a Professorship in some field or fields in Biochemistry shall form a fund called the Herchel Smith Biochemistry Fund.
2. The Fund shall be administered by three Managers appointed by the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, who shall include the Head of the Department of Biochemistry, who shall be the Chair, the Herchel Smith Professor of Biochemistry, and the Chair of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research in Biochemistry in such manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
The Professorship of Sustainable Design shall be limited to one tenure.
1. A French Government Visiting Professor shall be elected annually under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii) by the General Board, on the recommendation of an Advisory Committee, comprising the Chair of the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages, the Head of the Department of French, the Drapers Professor of French (if not one of the above), and two members appointed by the General Board.
2. The tenure of a French Government Visiting Professorship shall be for a period of not more than two terms, during which time he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge unless granted leave of absence by the General Board.
3. It shall be the duty of the French Government Visiting Professor to participate in the teaching programme of the Department of French.
The Professorship of Medical Oncology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of French Philology and Linguistics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Historical Musicology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Medieval Music shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Plant and Microbial Biochemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Comparative Cognition shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Genetics and Genomics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Signalling Pharmacology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Nephrology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Neurogenetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Immunology and Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Virology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Economics and Game Theory shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Medieval English History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of American Intellectual History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Urban and Regional Economics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Company and Securities Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Public Law and Private International Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Empirical Sociology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Atmospheric Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mineral Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Quaternary Palaeoenvironments shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Quantum Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Quantum Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Polymer Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Particle Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Analytical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Pure Mathematics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computer Technology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Engineering Tribology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Rural Economy shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum received from the Trustees of the late Dr Herchel Smith for the establishment of a Professorship in some field or fields in Molecular Biology shall form a fund called the Herchel Smith Molecular Biology Fund.
2. The Fund shall be administered by three Managers appointed by the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, who shall include the Head of the Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience, who shall be the Chair, the Herchel Smith Professor of Molecular Biology, and the Chair of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research in Molecular Biology in such manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
1. The sum received from Dr Sigrid M. Rausing towards the endowment of the Sigrid Rausing Professorship of Social Anthropology shall form a fund called the Sigrid Rausing Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund exceeds the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount shall be applied to support the work of the Professor in such a manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall, in any subsequent year, be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sum received from the Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund for the endowment of a Professorship of Conservation Biology shall form a fund called the Miriam Rothschild Fund for Conservation Biology.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund exceeds the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount shall be applied to support the work of the Professor in such a manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Zoology or that of any other Department or Faculty in which the Professorship is then held.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall, in any subsequent year, be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
4. On the occasion of a vacancy in the Professorship, the General Board shall consult the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences in accordance with Special Ordinance C (vii) B.17, as to whether the assignment or its field should be reviewed for the next tenure.
1. The sum received from His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said for the endowment of a Professorship of Modern Arabic Studies shall form a fund called the His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount shall be applied to support the work of the Professor in such a manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Molecular Immunology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Stem Cell Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums accepted from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in accordance with Grace 3 of 16 February 1923 shall be separately invested and shall constitute a fund called the Professorship of Comparative Pathology Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of this stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount may be supplied in support of the work of the Professor in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sums received from the Board of Cambridge in America representing a donation from the Genzyme Corporation for the support of the Genzyme Professorship of Experimental Medicine shall form a fund called The Genzyme Experimental Medicine Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund exceeds the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount shall be applied to support the work of the Professor in such a manner as may be approved by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Medicine.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall, in any subsequent year, be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The Professorship of Historical Anthropology shall be established for a single tenure with effect from 1 October 2006.
2. The Professor shall also hold the office of Director of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology during his tenure, and shall vacate the Professorship if he ceases to hold the latter office.
The Professorship of History of Medieval Art shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of RNA Molecular Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cellular Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Vertebrate Palaeontology shall be limited to one tenure which shall be coterminous with the holding of the office of Senior Assistant Curator in the Museum of Zoology.
The Professorship of Econometric Theory and Economic Statistics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of International Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Criminology and Criminal Justice shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Fluid Mechanics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Mineral Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Representation Theory shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Stochastic Analysis shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mechanical Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Fluid Mechanics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Statistical Signal Processing shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Control Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Comparative Immunogenetics shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from the Board of Cambridge in America representing a donation from James and Jane Wilson for the support of the Moran Professorship of Conservation and Development shall form a fund called the Moran Conservation and Development Fund.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund exceeds the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount shall be applied to support the work of the Professor in such a manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Geography or that of any other Department or Faculty in which the Professorship is then held.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall, in any subsequent year, be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
4. On the occasion of a vacancy in the Professorship, the General Board, in accordance with Special Ordinance C (vii) B.17, shall decide whether the assignment to a Faculty, Department or other institution, or its field, should be reviewed for the next tenure.
The Professorship of Systems Biology and Biochemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Infectious Disease Informatics shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum received from the High Commission of India for the endowment of a Jawaharlal Nehru Professorship of Indian Business and Enterprise shall form a fund called the Jawaharlal Nehru Fund for Indian Business and Enterprise.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise payable by the University, the excess of the income above that amount may be applied to support the activities of the Professorship and for the study of Indian business and enterprise, in such a manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of Judge Business School and after consultation with the donor.
3. Any unexpended income in any financial year may be accumulated as capital or expended in accordance with Regulation 2 in any one or more subsequent years as shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Director of Judge Business School.
The Professorship of Medical Genetics shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received towards the endowment of the Li Ka Shing Professorship of Oncology shall form a fund called the Li Ka Shing Fund for Oncology.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund exceeds the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount shall be applied to support the research activities of the Professor in such a manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Chair of the Council of the School of Clinical Medicine.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall, in any subsequent year, be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
1. The sum set aside from the Chest to support the Prince Philip Professorship of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology shall form a fund designated the Prince Philip Fund for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
2. If and whenever the income of the Fund exceeds the amount required for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, the excess of the income over that amount shall be applied to support the work of the Professor in such a manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Zoology.
3. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall, in any subsequent year, be expended in accordance with Regulation 2.
The Professorship of Primary Care Research shall be limited to one tenure.
The Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Professorship of Finance shall be limited to ten years from 1 October 2007.
The Professorship of Medieval French Literature shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Philosophy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professor of Plant Biochemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Conservation Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Neurology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cardiopulmonary Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Economics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of French History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of English Private Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Psychology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Fluid Mechanics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Observational Cosmology and Astrophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Biophysical Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Signal Processing shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Civil Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Operations Research shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cancer Therapeutics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Immunology and Cell Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Macroeconomics shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from The Alborada Trust to support a Professorship of Equine and Farm Animal Science and for other purposes shall form a fund called the Alborada Fund for Equine and Farm Animal Science.
2. The capital and the income of the Fund shall be available for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Alborada Professor of Equine and Farm Animal Science, together with associated costs within the Department of Veterinary Medicine, payable by the University during the tenure of the Professorship.
3. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 2, the capital and the income of the Fund may be applied for the support of teaching or research in some aspect of Equine and Farm Animal Science in such a manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine.
4. As far as possible and except as permitted by The Alborada Trust, equal weight will be given to the areas of equine science and farm animal science in all aspects of the Professorship and in the use of the capital and income of the Fund for teaching and research.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may be expended in any one or more subsequent years in accordance with Regulations 2 and 3.
6. If at the end of the term of the Professorship any part of the capital or income of the Fund remains unspent, such unspent part shall be returned to The Alborada Trust for its general charitable purposes.
The RAND Professorship of Health Services Research shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Nuclear Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £2.361m received from the A. G. Leventis Foundation for the endowment of an A. G. Leventis Professorship of Greek Culture, concerned with the study of Greek Culture before the Byzantine era, shall constitute a fund to be called the A. G. Leventis Fund for Greek Culture.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Chair of the Faculty Board of Classics, the A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture, and one other Manager appointed by the Faculty Board of Classics for periods of five years, provided that, if two or more of these posts are held by the same person or if one or more of these posts is vacant or its tenure has expired, the Faculty Board of Classics shall appoint one or more additional Managers so as to ensure that there are three Managers.
3. The first charge on the income and expendable capital of the Fund shall be the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the A. G. Leventis Professorship of Greek Culture payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the income of the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research into periods of Greek culture before the Byzantine era in such a manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may, in any one or more subsequent years, be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
The Gorley Putt Professorship of Poetry and Poetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Persian History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Matrix Biochemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Reproductive Immunology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Developmental Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Small Animal Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Evolutionary Genetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neuroradiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern European History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of the History of European International Relations shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of European Union and Employment Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cosmology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Astrophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of the Materials Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Particle Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computational Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Statistics in Biomedicine shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £2.084m received from Tata Steel UK Limited for the endowment of a Tata Steel Professorship of Metallurgy shall constitute a fund to be called the Tata Steel Fund for Metallurgy.
2. The Tata Steel Professorship of Metallurgy shall be concerned with the study of ferrous metallurgy.
3. Whenever the Tata Steel Professorship of Metallurgy is due to fall vacant for any reason, the General Board, following consultation with the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, the Head of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, and the donor, may recommend to the University that the particular field of the Professorship be concerned with the study of materials science and metallurgy in general.
4. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, the Tata Steel Professor of Metallurgy, and one other Manager appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry for periods of five years, provided that, if two or more of these posts are held by the same person or if one or more of these posts is vacant or its tenure has expired, the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry shall appoint one or more additional Managers so as to ensure that there are three Managers.
5. The first charge on the income and expendable capital of the Fund shall be the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Tata Steel Professor of Metallurgy payable by the University.
6. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 5, the income of the Fund shall be applied for the support of teaching or research into ferrous metallurgy or, if (following a recommendation of the type referred to in Regulation 3) the subject matter of the Professorship has been changed, for the support of teaching or research in materials science and metallurgy generally, in each case in such a manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
7. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any one or more subsequent years be expended in accordance with Regulation 6.
The Professorship of Molecular Pathology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Clinical Microbiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Musical Performance Studies shall be for the tenure of the current holder.
The Professorship of Philosophical Theology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cultural History and Aesthetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Portuguese Literature and Culture shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Pharmacology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neurobiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Reproductive Physiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Behavioural Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Structural and Molecular Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Nutrition and Metabolism shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern Cultural History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern British History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Comparative and Developmental Criminology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Astrophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of High Energy Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Logic and Algorithms shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Energy Technologies shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Semiconductor Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemical Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Transfusion Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The Funding Sums identified in the Agreement between the University and Professor Carl Djerassi, together with any other monies received for the purpose, shall constitute a fund called the Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Fund of which the capital and the income shall be used to support the Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Visiting Professorship of Gender Studies.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Committee of Management of the Gender Studies Fund.
3. A Visiting Professor shall from time to time be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii), on the advice of the Managers. The tenure of the Visiting Professor, during which he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge, unless granted leave of absence by the General Board, shall not exceed two terms in one academical year and shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
4. The Managers shall ensure that the programme is sustained over the medium term and shall use the Fund to support no more than two Visiting Professors in any one academical year (which shall include payment of approved travelling expenses incurred by the Visiting Professor on her or his appointment, such emoluments as the General Board, on the recommendation of the Managers, shall determine at the time of the election, and the indirect costs to the University of the appointment).
5. Any unexpended sums in a financial year may in any subsequent year be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
The Professorship of Pure Mathematics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Ophthalmology shall be limited to one tenure.
The British Heart Foundation Professorship of Cardiovascular Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £900,000 donated by the D. G. Marshall of Cambridge Trust shall constitute a fund called the Sir Arthur Marshall Visiting Professorship of Sustainable Urban Design Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Architecture, three persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art for periods of five years at a time, one of whom shall be on the nomination of the D. G. Marshall of Cambridge Trust, and one person appointed by Jesus College for periods of five years at a time.
3. A Visiting Professor shall from time to time be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii), on the advice of the Managers. The tenure of the Visiting Professor, during which he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge unless granted leave of absence by the General Board, shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
4. If and whenever the income of the Fund shall exceed the amount required for the payment of the accommodation and travelling expenses incurred by the Visiting Professor on her or his appointment, such emoluments as the General Board, on the recommendation of the Managers, shall determine at the time of the election, and the indirect costs to the University of the appointment, the excess of income over that amount may be applied in support of research or teaching in the field of sustainable urban design in such manner as may be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year or years be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
1. Grants and other funds made available from time to time to support one or more Visiting Professorships of Architecture shall constitute a fund called the Visiting Professorships of Architecture Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Architecture, the Head of the School of Arts and Humanities, and three persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art to serve for periods of five years.
3. One or more Visiting Professors of Architecture shall from time to time be elected under the authority of Part B 1 (c) (iii) of Special Ordinance C (vii) by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers of the Fund. In each case, the tenure of the Visiting Professor, during which he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge, shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
4. The capital and income of the Fund shall be applied to meet the emoluments of the Visiting Professors, as determined by the General Board at the time of election, the Professors’ travelling expenses, and the indirect costs to the University of their appointment.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year may in any subsequent year or years be expended in accordance with Regulation 4.
The Professorship of Old Age Psychiatry shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £1.8m received by the University to establish a Pembroke Visiting Professorship of International Finance shall constitute a fund called the Pembroke Visiting Professor of International Finance Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Director of Judge Business School, two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Business and Management for periods of five years at a time, and one person appointed by Pembroke College also for periods of five years at a time.
3. A Visiting Professor shall from time to time be elected by the General Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii), on the advice of a Committee comprising the Director of Judge Business School, two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Business and Management, the Master of Pembroke College or a duly appointed member of the College’s Fellowship Committee, and one person appointed by the Governor of the Bank of England. Apart from the Director of Judge Business School and the Master of Pembroke College, appointments to the Committee shall be for periods not exceeding five years.
4. The tenure of the Visiting Professor, during which he or she shall be in residence in Cambridge unless granted leave of absence by the General Board, shall normally be for a period of not more than six months in one academical year, and shall be determined by the General Board on the recommendation of the Committee.
5. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be such emoluments of the Professorship as the General Board, on the recommendation of the Managers, shall determine, together with all the indirect costs of the University associated with the Professorship and the travelling expenses incurred by the Visiting Professor at the start and end of her or his appointment.
6. The second charge on the income of the Fund shall be to support activities associated with the Visiting Professorship.
7. The third charge on the income of the Fund shall be to support research or teaching in the field of international finance.
8. Any unexpended income in any financial year may, at the discretion of the Managers, be accumulated and added to the capital of the Fund or be held as an income reserve and expended in any one or more subsequent years in accordance with Regulations 5 to 7 above.
1. The Professorship of Zoology shall be limited to one tenure.
2. The Professor shall be ex officio Director of the Museum of Zoology during his tenure of the Professorship.
The Professorship of Medicine shall be limited to one tenure for the period from 1 October 2010 to 30 September 2017.
The Professorship of Cellular Pathophysiology and Clinical Biochemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Orthopaedic Surgery shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Medieval English Literature and Palaeography shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of French Literature and the Visual Arts shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern German and Comparative Culture shall be limited to one tenure
The Professorship of Linguistics and Philosophy of Language shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Plant Biochemistry and Cell Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Structural Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cell and Cancer Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mammalian Development and Stem Cell Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Haematology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of History and Public Policy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Criminology and Criminal Justice shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of International Law and International Constitutional Studies shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of History and Philosophy of Science shall be limited to one tenure which shall be coterminous with the holding of the office of Curator and Director of the Whipple Museum of the History of Science.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Biophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Biophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Science and Metallurgy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Radio Astronomy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Graphics and Imaging shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Aerodynamics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Industrial Information Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The MRC Research Professorship of Cognitive Psychology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Plant Development shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Plant Development shall be limited to one tenure.
The Laing O'Rourke Professorship of Construction Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Stem Cell Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £4.22m received from His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said to endow a Sultan Qaboos Professorship of Abrahamic Faiths and Shared Values shall form a fund called the Sultan Qaboos Fund for Abrahamic Faiths and Shared Values. The Managers of the Fund shall be:
2. The Sultan Qaboos Professor of Abrahamic Faiths and Shared Values shall serve as Academic Director of the Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme in the Faculty of Divinity, and shall promote the study of the relationships between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and their relationship to other traditions and to the modern world.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Sultan Qaboos Professor of Abrahamic Faiths and Shared Values payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the income of the Fund shall be applied to support the activities of the Professorship and for the study of Abrahamic Faiths and Shared Values within the Faculty of Divinity in such manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income of the Fund in a financial year shall be either added to the capital of the Fund or retained for use as income in future years, as the Managers may determine.
1. The Professorship of Management Studies shall be limited to one tenure.
2. The Professor shall be Director of Judge Business School for an initial period of six years in the first instance and shall be eligible for reappointment by the General Board for a further period of up to four years.
The Professorship of Molecular Physiology and Pathology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sum of £1.4m received from Dyson Technology Limited to support a Dyson Professorship of Fluid Mechanics shall form a fund called the Dyson Fund for Fluid Mechanics.
2. The first charge on the capital and income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Dyson Professor of Fluid Mechanics payable by the University.
3. The Fund shall be administered by four Managers, who shall comprise:
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 2, the capital and the income of the Fund may be applied for the support of teaching or research in some aspect of Fluid Mechanics in such a manner as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Engineering.
The Professorship of Polymeric Materials Chemistry and Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Medieval Music and Literature shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Latin-American Literature shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Music and Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Logic shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Pathology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship in Developmental Cardiovascular Physiology and Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Metabolism and Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Clinical Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Haematology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Haemostasis shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Human Genetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Transplantation shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Children's Poetry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern and Contemporary History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Civil Justice and Private Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Private International Law shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cosmology and Astrophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Astrophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Information Systems and Innovation Studies shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computational Linguistics (2011) shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Nanotechnology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Biotechnology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Medical Genetics and Genomic Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The Professorship of Finance shall be established for a single tenure from 1 October 2012.
2. The Professor shall also hold the office of Director of the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance during his or her tenure, and shall vacate the Professorship if he or she ceases to hold the latter office.
1. The sum received from Chong Hua Educational Foundation for the endowment of a Chong Hua Professorship of Chinese Development shall form a fund called The Chong Hua Fund for Chinese Development.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be:
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development payable by the University.
4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the income of the Fund may be applied for the support of the Professor or for the support of teaching or research in Chinese development as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.
5. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall be accumulated in accordance with the University’s Statutes and Ordinances and may, in any subsequent year or years, be expended in accordance with Regulations 3 and 4, as the Managers shall determine, subject to the approval of the General Board.
The Florence Nightingale Foundation Professorship of Clinical Nursing Research shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Statistics shall be limited to one tenure.
The MRC Research Professorship of Biostatistics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of General Practice shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Architecture and the Moving Image shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Celtic shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Medieval French and Occitan shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Modern and Medieval German Studies shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Russian Literature and Cultural History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Philosophy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cellular Biochemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cellular Dynamics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Molecular Neurobiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Endocrine Physiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neurological Genetics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Reproductive Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Radiation Oncology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cancer Epidemiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Geoarchaeology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Developmental Psychology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Sociology and Political Economy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Regional and Applied Economics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Law and Legal History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Volcanology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Latin American Geography shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Geometry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Astronomy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemistry and Chemical Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Energy and Materials Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Economics and Organization shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Computer Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Information Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Laser Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemical Reaction Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The MRC Research Professorship of Mitochondrial Medicine shall be limited to one tenure.
The Harold Samuel Professorship of Law and Environmental Policy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Hypoxia Signalling and Cell Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Empirical Macroeconomics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Experimental Psychology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Philosophy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Philosophy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neurorehabilitation shall be limited to one tenure.
The MRC Research Professorship of Epidemiology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Royal Society Research Professorship of Earth Sciences shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of International Education shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The sums received from the Board of Cambridge in America, representing donations from Mr Robert C. ‘Peter’ Milton and others, including a bequest from Dr Timothy Joyce, and Trinity College, to support a John Harvard Professorship in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, shall form a fund called the John Harvard Professorship Fund. The Fund may include other sums received from other bodies or persons for the same purpose.
2. The John Harvard Professorship in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences shall be tenable concurrently with a Professorship in an institution in either the School of Arts and Humanities or the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
3. Each John Harvard Professor shall be elected for a tenure of up to five years under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii) by the General Board, on the recommendation of an Advisory Committee including representatives of each of the Schools of Arts and Humanities and the Humanities and Social Sciences.
4. When a John Harvard Professor is to be elected, the Vice-Chancellor shall publish a Notice inviting applications from any Professor whose Professorship is established in an institution in the School of Arts and Humanities or the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences alternately.
5. In addition to her or his statutory duties under Statute C I and Special Ordinance C (vii) A, it shall be the duty of the Professor to undertake and promote research in the arts, humanities, or social sciences relevant to the present day.
6. The Managers of the John Harvard Professorship Fund shall be the Heads of the Schools of Arts and Humanities and the Humanities and Social Sciences.
7. The income of the Fund shall be applied for the following purposes:
(a) such contributions towards the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor payable by the University, during her or his period of tenure, as may be approved by the Managers;
(b) such payments in support of the research of the Professor as may be approved by the Managers.
8. Any unexpended income in any financial year may, at the discretion of the Managers, be accumulated and added to the capital of the Fund or be held as an income reserve and expended in any one or more subsequent years in accordance with Regulation 7 above.
The Professorship of Early Modern French Literature and Culture shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of German Literature and Intellectual History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of German History and Thought shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Italian and Romance Linguistics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Genome Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Virus Pathogenesis shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Behavioural Neuroscience shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Evolution and Behaviour shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Evolutionary Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Innate Immunity shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Brain Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Therapeutics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Economic Theory shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Economics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Early Modern European History shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Social Theory shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Philosophy of Science shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Petrology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Cymatogeny shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Pacific Geography shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Applied Mathematics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematical Astrophysics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mathematical Sciences shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Statistics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Chemistry and Chemical Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Materials Physics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Quantum Electronics shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Innovation and Organization shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Information Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Civil Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Mechanical Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Photonic Engineering shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Neurotechnology shall be limited to one tenure.
The Van Geest Professorship shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship shall be limited to one tenure.
1. The gift of $2m from the Avery-Tsui Foundation to commemorate the scientific work of Professor S. W. Hawking, Emeritus Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, shall be used to establish the Stephen W. Hawking Professorship. The Professorship is assigned to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and the Professor shall be concerned with the study of cosmology which, for this purpose, shall include analysis as to the origins of matter and of the universe, theoretical cosmology and gravitation, and all other fields of academic scholarship as may from time to time be generally considered cosmology and theoretical physics.
2. The sums received from the Avery-Tsui Foundation for the endowment of the Stephen W. Hawking Professorship shall constitute a fund called the Avery Tsui Fund.
3. The income of the Fund shall be used for the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Professor (or of the post of Director of Research during such period as Emeritus Professor Stephen W. Hawking holds such post) payable by the University.
4. Any income not spent in a financial year may be added to the capital of the fund for a period of 21 years from receipt of the gift from the Avery-Tsui Foundation.
5. A Professor shall be elected in accordance with Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii) by the General Board on the advice of a committee which shall be established as if it were a Board of Electors constituted under Special Ordinance C (vii) B.4, but including the Master of Trinity Hall as an additional member. A Professor so elected shall hold the title of Stephen Hawking Professor for seven years in the first instance. The General Board, on the recommendation of a committee constituted for the purpose, shall have the power to extend that period for five years and, in an exceptional case, for a further five years.
6. A person who has held the Professorship for over eleven and a half years and who remains an employee of the University or who has retired under the Statutes or Ordinances may use the title of ‘Stephen W. Hawking Professor Laureate’ or ‘Hawking Professor Laureate’ and this title may be used in conjunction with any other title or titles.
The Professorship of Climate Change Economics and Policy shall be limited to one tenure.
The Professorship of Immunology and Infectious Diseases shall be limited to one tenure.
The Royal Society Research Professorship of Molecular Cancer Biology shall be limited to one tenure.
1. A non-resident Elector to a Professorship shall be entitled to reimbursement of his or her expenses in respect of any visit connected with an election to a Professorship up to a sum not exceeding the return railway fare between Cambridge and the Elector's normal place of residence or other place approved by the Finance Committee of the Council, together with a subsistence allowance in accordance with rates to be determined from time to time by the Finance Committee.
2. For the purposes of the preceding regulation a Committee appointed by the General Board to advise them in their choice of a person for election to any Professorship to which elections are made by the Board under the authority of Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c) shall be treated as a Board of Electors.
1. Save as provided in Regulation 4,
2. At least one member of every appointing body constituted under Regulation 1 shall be a person not resident in the University nor officially connected with it. A non-resident member of the Committee appointed for the occasion of an appointment to a Readership shall be entitled to reimbursement of his or her expenses in respect of any visit connected with such appointment to a Readership up to a sum not exceeding the return railway fare between Cambridge and the member's normal place of residence or other place approved by the Finance Committee of the Council, together with a subsistence allowance in accordance with rates to be determined from time to time by the Finance Committee.
3. Every appointment to a Readership under Regulations 1 and 2 shall require the attendance of at least two-thirds of the members of the appointing body and the concurrence of the votes of not fewer than five members.
4. When the creation of a Readership for a particular person is contemplated, the proposal shall be submitted to the University on the recommendation of the General Board in the form of a Grace authorizing the Board to appoint that person.
5. The amount of instruction given by a Reader on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not, except with the consent of the General Board, exceed eight hours a week, or if the Reader is also a Tutor or Bursar or an Assistant Tutor or Assistant Bursar or Steward, four hours a week.
6. In any Statute or Ordinance the term ‘Reader' shall not include the Sandars Readership in Bibliography.
In addition to Readerships created under Regulation 4 above for particular persons and other single-tenure Readerships, the following Readerships are established in the University:
assigned to the Department of Biochemistry.
assigned to the Department of Pathology.
assigned to the Faculty of Economics.
assigned to the Faculty of Economics.
assigned to the Faculty of Economics.
assigned to the Department of Education.
assigned to the Department of Education.
assigned to the Department of Physics.
assigned to the Department of Physics.
assigned to the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
assigned to the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
assigned to the Department of Sociology.
assigned to Judge Business School.
assigned to Judge Business School.
assigned to the Faculty of Economics.
assigned to the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
assigned to the Department of Land Economy.
assigned to the Department of Sociology.
assigned to Judge Business School.
assigned to Judge Business School.
assigned to the Faculty of Law
Appointments and reappointments to the office of University Senior Lecturer shall be made by the Appointments Committee for the Faculty or Department or other institution concerned, in accordance with the provisions of Special Ordinance C (x) 2–6 for University Lecturers, provided that, where an appointment is made through promotion, the appointment shall be made by the General Board.
1. There shall be such number of University offices61 of Assistant Director of Development Studies as the General Board may from time to time determine.
2. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Assistant Director of Development Studies shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of:
The appointed members shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each calendar year of which the number is even to serve for the two calendar years next ensuing.
3. The duties of an Assistant Director of Development Studies shall be determined by the General Board.
4. An Assistant Director of Development Studies shall not engage in teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges. The amount of teaching given by an Assistant Director of Development Studies on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week, except with the specific approval of the General Board.
1. Appointments and reappointments to a University office61 of Assistant Director of Research and to a University office61 of Senior Assistant in Research shall be made by the Appointments Committee or other appointing body for the Faculty or other institution concerned.
2. The duties of an Assistant Director of Research or a Senior Assistant in Research (unless determined by Grace) shall be determined by the General Board after consulting the Faculty Board or other authority concerned; these duties shall normally relate to the periods of Full Term, but the General Board shall have power to reckon duties performed in vacation as if they were performed in Full Term.
3. Except with the leave of the General Board, Assistant Directors of Research and Senior Assistants in Research shall not engage in teaching other than teaching on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges. The amount of teaching given by an Assistant Director of Research or a Senior Assistant in Research on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week.
An Associate Lecturer shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the Faculty Board or other body concerned subject to the approval of the General Board.
1. There shall be such number of University offices of Clinical Lecturer in each Faculty or Department as the General Board may from time to time determine on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other body concerned.
2. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Clinical Lecturer shall be made by an ad hoc Appointing Committee consisting of the members (excluding the Chair) of the Appointments Committee for the Faculty concerned and two (or, where the terms of the funding so require, up to four) persons appointed by the General Board on the nomination of the appropriate Health Authority or NHS Trust as additional members of the Committee for the purpose of the particular appointment or reappointment; provided that, if the Faculty concerned is a Faculty other than the Faculty of Clinical Medicine, there shall be two further members of the ad hoc Appointing Committee who shall be appointed by the General Board on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine. The Regius Professor of Physic shall be Chair of the Committee.
3. Appointments to a Clinical Lectureship shall be for four years excluding any period of leave approved by the General Board under Special Ordinance C (i) 2(a) and 2(b).
4. A Clinical Lecturer shall hold qualifications entitling him or her to be registered with the General Medical Council as a Medical Practitioner and shall hold an honorary appointment in the National Health Service.
5. The duties of a Clinical Lecturer, which shall include clinical responsibility in addition to teaching and research, shall be determined by the Faculty Board or other body concerned, subject to the approval of the General Board, and those duties shall apply throughout the year save for such period or periods not exceeding six weeks in all in any one academical year as may be agreed, if the Lecturer holds an office assigned to a Department, by the Head of the Department concerned or, if the Lecturer holds an office assigned to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine, by the Regius Professor of Physic.
6. A Clinical Lecturer shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the Faculty Board or other body concerned, with the approval of the General Board.
7. A Clinical Lecturer shall not be a Tutor, Assistant Tutor, Steward, Bursar, or Assistant Bursar of a College, nor shall a Clinical Lecturer undertake any teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges or the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, or the delivery of occasional lectures. The amount of teaching given by a Clinical Lecturer on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week.
1. There shall be University offices of Principal Computer Officer, Senior Computer Officer, and four grades of the University office of Computer Officer, Grades I, II, III, and IV. The stipend of the office of Principal Computer Officer, Senior Computer Officer, and the scale of stipends for each grade of Computer Officer, except where those offices are in the University Offices, shall be determined by the Council with the concurrence of the General Board.
2. The establishment and the duties of Principal Computer Officers, Senior Computer Officers, and Computer Officers in an institution shall be determined from time to time by the Council or by the General Board, as the case may be, on the recommendation of the authority concerned.
3. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Principal Computer Officer, Senior Computer Officer, and Computer Officers in Grades I, II, III, and IV shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority.
1. There shall be such number of University offices of Senior Language Teaching Officer as the General Board shall approve on the recommendation of the Faculty Board concerned.
2. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Senior Language Teaching Officer shall be made by the Appointments Committee for the Faculty concerned.
3. The duties of a Senior Language Teaching Officer shall be determined by the Faculty Board concerned, subject to the approval of the General Board.
4. A Senior Language Teaching Officer shall not engage in teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges. The amount of teaching given by a Senior Language Teaching Officer on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week.
1. The number of University offices of Language Teaching Officer shall be determined for each Faculty by the Faculty Board (or, if the Faculty is organized in Departments, for each Department by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned), subject to the approval of the General Board.
2. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Language Teaching Officer shall be made by the Faculty Board concerned (or, if the Faculty is organized in Departments, by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned), subject to the approval of the General Board.
3. The duties of a Language Teaching Officer shall be determined by the Faculty Board concerned, subject to the approval of the General Board.
4. A Language Teaching Officer shall not engage in teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges. The amount of teaching given on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week.
1. There shall be such number of University offices of Lector in Languages as the General Board shall determine.
2. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Lector shall be made by the Head of the Department concerned, if the Faculty is organized in Departments, or, if the Faculty is not so organized, by the Faculty Board.
3. A Lector shall be appointed in the first instance for one or two years, as may be decided by the appointing authority at the time of appointment. The tenure of a Lector may, subject to the approval of the General Board, be extended for one year at a time, provided that the total tenure shall not exceed five years.
4. The stipend of a Lector shall be non-pensionable and shall be fixed by the Faculty Board subject to the approval of the General Board.
5. A Lector shall perform such teaching duties as are determined (a) by the Head of the Department, subject to the approval of the Faculty Board, if the Faculty is organized in Departments, or (b) if the Faculty is not so organized, by the Faculty Board. A Lector shall not undertake for remuneration any other teaching during Full Term without the permission of the Faculty Board.
1. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Librarian of a Faculty, Department, or other institution specified in Schedule I, Schedule II, or Schedule III to these regulations shall be made in accordance with the arrangements to be agreed from time to time by the competent authority.
2. There shall be three grades, Grades A, B, and C, in which an office of Librarian may be placed, and the grade of a particular such office shall be determined by the General Board after consultation with the Faculty Board or other body responsible for the management of the institution concerned. The scales of stipends of such offices of Librarian shall correspond with the scales of stipends of offices on the staff of the University Library as follows:
Scale for office in the Schedule |
Scale for office in the University Library |
Grade A |
Under-Librarian |
Grade B |
Assistant Under-Librarian |
Grade C |
Assistant Library Officer |
3. The duties attached to an office of Librarian of a Faculty, Department, or other institution shall be determined by the General Board after consultation with the Faculty Board or other body responsible for the management of the institution concerned, and may include teaching on behalf of the University not exceeding twenty hours’ lectures or equivalent teaching in any one year.
4. Each Librarian of a Faculty, Department, or Sub-department within a Faculty shall be a member of the Faculty concerned under Regulation 1 (b) of the Regulations for Faculty Membership.
5. Where the special regulations for a particular University office provide that appointments and reappointments to the office shall be made by the Appointments Committee for Librarians, the above regulations shall apply to that office, subject to any modifications contained in the special regulations for the particular office.
6. The General Board shall have power to make alterations in the list of Faculties, Departments, and other institutions specified in the Schedules as they may from time to time think fit.
Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies |
Faculty of Classics |
Faculty of Divinity |
Faculty of Economics (Marshall Library) |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of English |
Faculty of History (Seeley Library) |
Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science |
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages |
Faculty of Music (Pendlebury Library) |
Faculty of Philosophy |
Faculty of Architecture and History of Art |
Institute of Criminology |
Department of Engineering |
Department of Geography |
Department of History and Philosophy of Science |
Language Centre |
Judge Institute of Management |
Scott Polar Research Institute |
Centre of South Asian Studies |
1. Appointments and reappointments to the offices listed in Schedules I and II of these regulations shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority.
2. There shall be five grades of the office of Secretary, Grades A, B, C*, C, and D. The grade of a particular office of Secretary shall be determined by the General Board after consultation with the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned.
3. The scale of stipends of each grade of the office of Secretary of a Faculty, Department, or other institution shall be determined by the General Board.
4. The scale of stipends of any of the offices specified in Schedule II shall be determined by the General Board after consultation with the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned and, save for an office that is there marked with an asterisk, shall be the same as the scale of stipends of one of the five grades of the office of Secretary.
5. The duties attached to an office of Secretary of an institution specified in Schedule I or to any of the offices specified in Schedule II shall be determined, apart from any duties determined by Ordinance, by the General Board after consultation with the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned.
6. The holder of a University office specified in Schedule I or II shall be a member of the Faculty concerned under Regulation 1 (b) of the Regulations for Faculty Membership.
7. The General Board shall have power to make alterations in the list of Faculties, Departments, and other institutions specified in the Schedules as they may from time to time think fit.
Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Archaeology and Anthropology
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Computer Laboratory
Earth Sciences
Engineering (Administration and Personnel)
Engineering (Finance)
History and Philosophy of Science
Judge Institute of Management
Language Laboratory
Materials Science and Metallurgy
Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Veterinary Medicine
Assistant Secretary of the School of Technology |
Assistant Secretaries of the Department of Education |
Assistant Secretaries of the Department of Engineering |
Assistant Secretary of the Department of Chemistry |
Assistant Secretary of the Department of Physics |
Assistant Secretary of the Department of Veterinary Medicine |
Assistant Secretary of the Institute of Astronomy |
Assistant Secretary (Finance and Charged Services) of the University Computing Service |
Superintendent of the Biochemical Laboratory |
Assistant Superintendent of the Department of Pathology |
*Director of Research (Administration and Development) in the Department of Engineering62 |
Administrator in the Clinical School |
Administrator (Educational Services Manager) in the Judge Institute of Management |
Assistant Administrator in the Clinical School |
Public Health Aggregate Administrator in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care |
1. There shall be such number of University offices of Senior Technical Officer in each Faculty, Department, or other institution as the competent authority concerned shall from time to time determine.
2. Special titles that have been given to certain holders of an office of Senior Technical Officer are specified in Schedule I appended to these regulations.
3. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Senior Technical Officer shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority.
4. The duties of a Senior Technical Officer shall be determined by the competent authority after consultation with the Faculty Board or other body concerned.
5. A Senior Technical Officer shall not undertake for remuneration during Full Term without the consent of the competent authority any teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges or the delivery of occasional lectures. The amount of teaching given by a Senior Technical Officer on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week.
6. A Senior Technical Officer shall, under Regulation 1 (b) of the Regulations for Faculty Membership, be a member of the Faculty, if any, in which his or her office is placed.
Prosector in Anatomy.
1. There shall be such number of University offices of Technical Officer in each Faculty, Department, or other institution as the competent authority concerned shall from time to time determine.
2. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Technical Officer shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority.
3. The duties of a Technical Officer shall be determined by the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, subject to the approval of the competent authority.
4. A Technical Officer shall not engage in teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges. The amount of teaching given by a Technical Officer on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not exceed six hours a week.
1. Each Faculty Board or comparable authority shall have power, subject to the approval of the General Board, to grant the title of Affiliated Lecturer to any person who has been invited by the Faculty Board to give lectures or other instruction as part of the teaching programme of the Faculty under Regulation 7(c) of the General Regulations for the Constitution of Faculty Boards.
2. A person to whom the title of Affiliated Lecturer has been granted shall hold that title for not more than two years at a time. At the end of any such period the title may again be granted for a further period of not more than two years on each occasion.