1. In Regulations 2 to 7 the term University staff shall apply to all University officers as described in the Statutes and Ordinances of the University and to all other persons employed by the University (except the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the High Steward, the Deputy High Steward, the Commissary, the Proctors, Pro-Proctors, Additional Pro-Proctors, and Special Pro-Proctor, the Orator, the Esquire Bedells, the University Organist, the University Marshal, the University Advocate, and the Deputy University Advocate; clinical staff, whose salaries are determined in accordance with national and local procedures for clinical staff; and persons in certain categories defined by the Council8).
2. The Cambridge general stipend and salary scale for University staff shall be as set out in Schedule I.
3. The grade structure set out in Schedule I shall apply to all University staff.
4. A common grading methodology for determining the grades of University staff shall be approved by the University.9
5. (a) The stipends of the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Pro-Proctors, Additional Pro-Proctors, and Special Pro-Proctor, the University Organist, and the University Marshal shall be determined by the Council.
(b) The stipends of the High Steward, the Deputy High Steward, the Commissary, the Proctors, the Orator, the Esquire Bedells, the University Advocate, and the Deputy University Advocate shall be determined by Grace.
(c) The grades for the holders of the offices of Professor, Reader, University Senior Lecturer, and University Lecturer shall be as follows:
Professor |
Grade 12 |
points 68–100 |
Reader |
Grade 11 |
point 63 |
University Senior Lecturer |
Grade 10 |
points 59–63 |
University Lecturer |
Grade 9 |
points 49–57 |
(d) The grades and stipends of all other University staff as defined in Regulation 1 shall be determined by the competent authority in accordance with procedures approved by that authority.
6. The competent authority, in accordance with procedures approved by the University, shall determine the initial place of the grade of the member of University staff concerned and any subsequent progression through the contribution part of a grade.
7. If a revision of the Cambridge general stipend and salary scale is approved at a time of a general revision of pay for University staff, the competent authority shall, if necessary, alter the salary of any member of the University staff in accordance with the objects and conditions of such general revision of pay.
Note 1: An asterisk(*) denotes a contribution point and progress through these is awarded on merit. A plus sign (+) denotes a spine point effective from 1 January 2014.
Note 2: Grade T is for staff who are studying for an approved qualification or undergoing ‘in-service' training.
Note 3: On 1 January 2010 the first contribution points of Grades 2, 3, and 4 became service points.
Note 4: University Lecturers (ULs) and University Senior Lecturers (USLs) will be appointed to Grades 9 and 10 respectively.
ULs may progress through service points 1–9 of Grade 9.
USLs may progress through service points 1–3 and contribution points 4–5 of Grade 10.
Readers will only be appointed to point 2 in Grade 11 (point 63).
Research Associates and Senior Research Associates will be appointed to Grades 7 and 9 respectively.
Research Assistants are appointed to Grade 5.
The contribution points in Grades 9 and 11 do not apply to ULs and Readers. They apply to academic-related staff.
The professorial minimum will be point 68 in band 1 of Grade 12.
Note 5: For academic staff (other than Professors and USLs) contribution will be recognised through the promotions procedure as now and not by use of contribution points.
USLs will also have access to the Senior Academic Promotions procedure under which they may also be awarded contribution points 4–5 in Grade 10.
Note 6: Academic-related professorial-equivalent staff will be appointed on the contribution bands of Grade 12 according to the HERA points boundaries for each level.
Note 7: Specific arrangements will apply to progression in service-related points on some grades in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding.
Note 8: Incremental progression through the service-related points occurs on the incremental date which will normally be on the anniversary of appointment or 1 April, 1 July, or 1 October respectively for staff engaged on terms and conditions for Manual, Clerical/Secretarial, and Technical Division appointments.
Note 9: Direct employees of the University appointed to Grade 1 will not be paid below spine point 16, with effect from 1 August 2014.
Note 10: Points 32 and 50 were aligned to the National Single Pay Spine for Higher Education Academic and Support Staff, as negotiated by the Universities and Colleges Employers Association on behalf of UK higher education employers, with effect from 1 January 2014.
Single Salary Spine as at 1 August 2014
The following stipends and scales of stipends are determined by the General Board:
For Clinical Lecturers on the equivalent of the NHS Specialist Registrar scales (pre-2009):
£31,301 by ten increments to £54,199
For Clinical Lecturers on the equivalent of the NHS Specialty Registrar scales (post-2009):
£31,838 by ten increments to £56,312
The offices of Associate Dean in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine, Director and Assistant Director of Studies in General Practice are part-time and stipends are determined by local agreement, with reference to the appropriate full-time Consultant salary.
The following is the basis for calculating rates of payment for clinical responsibility for University officers with honorary NHS contracts as Consultants:
If the integrated job plan and the honorary Consultant contract agreed with the NHS covers not less than ten Programmed Activities a week, the annual pensionable payment for clinical responsibility will amount to the difference between the officer’s prime stipend and her or his notional place on the NHS full-time Consultant salary scale.
That scale is: £75,249, £77,605, £79,961, £82,318, £84,667, £90,263, £95,860, £101,451.
If the honorary Consultant contract agreed with the NHS covers not less than six NHS sessions a week, the annual pensionable payment for clinical responsibility will amount to the difference between the officer’s prime stipend and her or his notional place on the NHS full-time Consultant salary scale.
That scale is: £62,478, £66,948, £71,419, £75,889, £80,988.
1. The competent authority shall have the power to make pensionable additional payments and non-pensionable lump sum payments to University officers or to other persons approved by that authority as set out in Regulations 2–10 below.
2. The Head of each Department included in one of the Schedules 1–6 below shall be entitled, in addition to his or her stipend as a University officer, to a pensionable additional payment for administrative responsibility at an annual rate according to the following scale:
Percentage of step 68 on the Cambridge general stipend and salary scale |
Schedule 1 |
30% |
Schedule 2 |
25% |
Schedule 3 |
20% |
Schedule 4 |
10% |
Schedule 5 |
7.5% |
Schedule 6 |
5% |
3. The General Board shall have power to authorize pensionable payments to Deputy Heads of Departments, appointed in accordance with Regulation 5 of the regulations for Departments and Heads of Departments, as a proportion of the appropriate payment made under Regulation 1 to the Head of the Department.
4. The General Board shall have power to make alterations in the list of Departments in the Schedules as they may from time to time think fit.
5. The General Board shall have power, after consulting the Faculty Board concerned, to authorize a pensionable additional payment to a person who discharges any of the duties associated with the office of Chair or Secretary of the Board of a Faculty included in Schedule X, provided that the aggregate of the sums paid each year under this regulation in respect of any particular Faculty shall not exceed the payment made under Regulation 1 to the Head of a Department included in Schedule 3.
6. A University officer who is medically qualified and who holds an honorary contract as a Consultant or a Senior Registrar or a Principal in General Practice in the National Health Service shall for the period of such a contract be entitled to receive, in addition to his or her stipend as a University officer, a pensionable additional payment for clinical responsibility at an annual rate according to a scale of payments determined by the General Board and published by Notice. The place of such an officer on the scale of payments shall be determined by a Joint Committee of the General Board and the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in relation to the weight of the officer's clinical responsibility as recognized by the grant of an honorary contract with the National Health Service and assessed not less than once each year by that Committee which shall consist of:
In addition, the General Board shall have power, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, to approve a non-pensionable additional payment for extra clinical work which is undertaken, outside his or her normal duties, by the holder of an office of Clinical Lecturer or by some other person approved by the General Board.
7. The competent authority shall have power to authorize pensionable payments to officers temporarily carrying out the duties of a more senior post in addition to their appointment.
8. The competent authority shall have power, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other body concerned, to approve pensionable and non-pensionable additional payments to a University officer or to some other person approved by that authority, as published by Notice.
9. The competent authority shall have the power to establish procedures for, and authorize additional pensionable payments as market pay to any member of the University staff in accordance with a policy determined by the University. Market pay is a pensionable payment additional to stipend made for a defined period to reflect the fact that the market rate of pay for the individual concerned is higher than the stipend which would be awarded under the Ordinance relating to Stipends.
10. The General Board shall have the power to establish procedures for, and authorize, additional pensionable payments to be paid as Advanced Contribution Supplements to any University Lecturer, University Senior Lecturer, Reader or Professor. Advanced Contribution Supplements are pensionable payments that proleptically reward an expected future level of achievement.
11. The Council shall have the power to authorize pensionable payments additional to stipend to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor on whom the Vice-Chancellor confers the title of Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor under Regulation 1 of the regulations for Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
Chemistry |
Engineering |
Physics |
Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
Medicine |
Archaeology and Anthropology |
Oncology |
Biochemistry |
Pathology |
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology |
Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience |
Education |
Public Health and Primary Care |
Judge Business School10 |
Veterinary Medicine |
Materials Science and Metallurgy |
Zoology |
Astronomy (Institute) |
Geography |
Clinical Biochemistry |
Land Economy |
Clinical Neurosciences |
Pharmacology |
Computer Laboratory |
Plant Sciences |
Earth Sciences |
Psychology |
Genetics |
Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics |
Architecture |
Psychiatry |
Haematology |
Sociology |
Politics and International Studies |
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership |
Middle Eastern Studies |
East Asian Studies |
Paediatrics |
French |
Spanish and Portuguese |
German |
Surgery |
History of Art |
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics |
History and Philosophy of Science |
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Italian |
Radiology |
Medical Genetics |
Slavonic Studies |
Classics |
Law11 |
Divinity |
Modern and Medieval Languages |
Economics |
Music |
English |
Philosophy |
History |
1. Under the provisions of the regulations for payments additional to stipend for University Officers, as amended by Grace 5 of 12 June 2002, the competent authority shall have power, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other body concerned, to approve pensionable and non-pensionable additional administrative payments to a University officer or some other person approved by that authority.
2. The competent authority will authorize pensionable additional payments on the recommendation of the administrative head of the institution to individuals carrying out additional roles with substantial responsibility, as specified under the regulations for payments additional to stipend.
3. These roles include formally appointed Heads and Deputy Heads of Departments falling within the scope of Schedules 1–6 to the regulations, Chairs or Secretaries of Faculty Boards not divided into Departments specified in Schedule X of the regulations, and all staff in receipt of an acting-up allowance or payment for temporary additional responsibility.
4. Payments to Heads, Deputy Heads, and Chairs or Secretaries of Faculty Boards not divided into Departments are charged against funds allocated to the relevant School. Acting-up allowances and additional responsibility payments made to a member of staff to cover for a vacant post or unpaid leave may be charged to the source of funding of the vacant post. In the case of other temporary cover, for example for paid sickness or maternity leave, the institution should apply for non-recurrent funding if the cost cannot be met from their own funds. All pensionable additional payments are made in monthly instalments with stipend or salary through the payroll.
5. The competent authority will authorize non-pensionable additional payments on the recommendation of the administrative head of the institution to individuals temporarily carrying out additional duties or responsibilities on behalf of their Faculty or Department in addition to their usual role, as specified under the regulations for payments additional to stipend.
6. The criteria to be used to determine whether an additional payment is appropriate and will be approved by the competent authority are that:
7. Roles for which a non-pensionable payment may be made include those for carrying out additional administrative duties12 (either on an ad hoc basis or throughout the academical year) and those for taking on additional health and safety duties such as Departmental Safety Officer, Department Fire Safety Officer, Radiation Protection Supervisor, Biological Safety Officer, and Laser Safety Officer.
8. The payment to a member of staff should provide recompense for work that is carried out over and above duties that are required under the member of staff's contract of employment and should be commensurate with the weight of responsibility that is undertaken. The appropriate payment to be made should be determined by the institution by reference to and in comparison with the relevant payment made to the administrative head (and deputy head where relevant) of the institution concerned. For example, where the demand on the member of staff in terms of the amount of additional work, time, and responsibility is relatively small, the central bodies recommend that the payment should be no more than 15% of the appropriate headship rate laid down in the Schedules to the regulations; where the demand is moderate, the payment should be no more than 35% of the relevant headship payment and where the demand is high the payment should be no more than 75% of the relevant headship payment.
9. Funding for these payments is made through the annual resource allocation either to the Councils of the Schools, who disperse monies appropriately to Faculties and Departments within their scope, or to institutions under the direct supervision of the Council or General Board. Faculties, Departments, and other institutions are given the discretion to decide and recommend additional lump sum payments to their staff under the provisions of this scheme.
10. Applications from Faculties, Departments, and other institutions for additional payments to staff should be made each term using the relevant form, to be received by the Human Resources Division no later than the end of Full Term. On receipt of such forms the Human Resources Division would seek approval from the competent authority and implement the lump sum payments through the payroll, to take effect after the term in which the additional duty is carried out.
11. The Council of the Schools or institutions under the direct supervision of the Council or the General Board may bid for additional funds to meet the cost of payments they consider to be necessary by making a case to the competent authority. In addition to the use of central funds, Faculties, Departments, and other institutions may use their own resources to fund such payments.
12. Ad hoc payments for a single, substantial additional administrative duty should be funded through the relevant institution's resources and should be implemented using the relevant procedure recommended by the Finance Division. The payment would be approved by the competent authority and made through the monthly payroll.
13. Ad hoc payments for administration in connection with a contract between the University and an authority outside the University, to carry out research in University laboratories in the interest of outside bodies,13 should be provided for in the contract and implemented using the relevant procedure recommended by the Finance Division. The payment will be approved by the relevant authority on receipt of a recommendation from the Head of the Department concerned and made through the monthly payroll.
1. University officers or assistants who are required to occupy an official residence as a condition of their employment shall be liable to pay rent for the accommodation. The amount of the rent shall be assessed by the Estate Management and Building Service and shall be subject to revision at three-yearly intervals.
2. The rent assessed under Regulation 1 may be reduced by a sum calculated to take account of any duties arising from the occupation of the accommodation; this sum shall be assessed by the competent authority in the case of University officers and by the Assistant Staff Committee in the case of assistant staff, and shall be reassessed whenever the rent is revised or when there is any change in the duties arising from the occupation of the accommodation.
3. After any reduction in rent has been made under Regulation 2, the rent that remains payable shall be deducted from the salary of the person concerned.
4. The occupation of an official residence shall be free of Council Tax, and shall be subject to such conditions as may be determined from time to time by the Finance Committee of the Council in consultation with the appropriate University body.