The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, unless they are withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 112), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 6 October 2023. Further information on requests for a ballot or the amendment of Graces is available to members of the Regent House on the Regent House Petitions site.§
1. That a Mike Ashby Fund be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations.1
1. The funds received from Professor Mike Ashby, together with such other sums as may be received or applied for the same purpose, shall form an endowment fund called the Mike Ashby Fund to advance research in the field of Materials Science by supporting a University Associate Professorship (Grade 10) or a University Associate Professorship (Grade 9) or a University Assistant Professorship, the office to be supported as determined by the Managers after having regard to the value of the Fund.
2. The Managers shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund and the application of its income and shall comprise the Head of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, who shall be Chair, the Head of the School of the Physical Sciences and one member of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy appointed by the Head of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy for such period as the Head of Department shall determine.
3. Subject to Regulation 4, the income of the Fund shall be applied towards the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Mike Ashby University Associate Professorship (Grade 10) in Materials Science or other named academic office payable by the University.
4. Any unexpended income in any financial year, including income accrued during a vacancy in the academic office supported by the Fund may, at the discretion of the Managers:
(a)be applied to support the work of the officeholder;
(b)with the approval of the School Council, be applied to support research in the field of Materials Science in the University in such manner as may be recommended by the Managers; and/or
(c)be carried forward for use as income in accordance with Regulation 3 in any one or more subsequent financial years.
2. That the Cambridge Committee for Russian and East European Studies (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 142) be retitled the Cambridge Committee for Central and East European and Eurasian Studies, all references to the Committee updated, and the reference to ‘Russian and East European Studies’ in Regulation 3(a) amended to refer to ‘Central and East European and Eurasian Studies’.2
3. That, with effect from 1 July 2024, the Professorship of Law (1973) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 712) be retitled the Professorship of International Dispute Resolution for a single tenure.3
4. That the Chong Hua Professorship of Chinese Development (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 741) be reassigned from the Department of Politics and International Studies to the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies for the duration of Professor Hurst’s tenure in the Professorship.4
5. That Regulations 2 and 4 of the Ordinance for the H. E. Woodman Fund and Prize (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 1045) be amended to read as follows:5
2. The Awarders of the Prize shall be the Regius Professor of Botany and the Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics or their nominees. The Prize shall be awarded in the Lent Term each year to that person among the successful candidates for the degree of Ph.D. or M.Phil. who in the judgement of the Awarders has presented the best dissertation in plant genetics or biochemistry related to food and/or agriculture, bearing in mind the wishes of the donor that the Prize be awarded for distinction in a subject connected with the chemistry of foods.
4. The value of the Prize shall be such sum within a range approved from time to time by the Council as shall be determined by the Awarders. Any unexpended income in any financial year may, at the discretion of the General Board:[1]
(a)be carried forward for application in accordance with Regulation 2 in future years; and/or
(b)be applied to other purposes in support of postgraduate students whose research is in areas covered by the Prize.
[1] The General Board has agreed that any unexpended income in any financial year, including accrued unexpended income, shall be distributed equally between the Departments of Genetics and Plant Sciences for application under Regulation 4(b) until further notice.
1See the Vice-Chancellor’s Notice, p. 2.
2The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board and the Committee, is proposing this change to the name of the Committee to better reflect the Committee’s current interests and activities.
3The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board and the Faculty Board of Law and with the support of the person elected to the Professorship from 1 July 2024, is proposing this change to better reflect the new officeholder’s expertise. The Professorship will revert to its original title on the expiry of the Professor-elect’s tenure (see also p. 4).
4See the General Board’s Notice, p. 9.
5The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board and with the support of the Faculty Board of Biology and the Awarders, is proposing these changes to update the wording governing the subject area of the Prize and to add a secondary purpose for the use of surplus income under Statute E I 8.
§See for details.