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Special No 1

Saturday 1 October 2022

Vol cliii

pp. 1–94


Deputy Vice-Chancellors appointed

University Offices.  1 October 2022

The Acting Vice-Chancellor gives notice that he has appointed the following, in accordance with Statute C III 7(a), as Deputy Vice‑Chancellors for the academic year 2022–23:

Professor David Anthony Cardwell, F, Pro‑Vice‑Chancellor

Professor Anne Carla Ferguson-Smith, DAR, Pro‑Vice‑Chancellor

Professor Kamal Ahmed Munir, HO, Pro‑Vice‑Chancellor

Professor Andrew David Neely, SID, Senior Pro‑Vice‑Chancellor

Professor Bhaskar Vira, F, Pro‑Vice‑Chancellor

Ms Catherine Elizabeth Jane Arnold, Master of St Edmund’s College

Professor Dame Madeleine Julia Atkins, President of Lucy Cavendish College

Professor Dame Ann Patricia Dowling, SID

Professor Simon Colin Franklin, CL

Dr Jessica Pearsall Gardner, SE

Ms Bridget Kendall, Master of Peterhouse

Mr Roger Mosey, Master of Selwyn College

Professor Nicola Margaret Padfield, F

Professor Richard Vincent Penty, Master of Sidney Sussex College

Dr Michael Russell Wheldon Rands, Master of Darwin College

The Rt Hon. Lord (Christopher Robert) Smith of Finsbury, Master of Pembroke College

Professor Johan Jacob van de Ven, CTH

Professor Sir Mark Edward Welland, Master of St Catharine’s College

Syndicates, Committees and other bodies: Chairs appointed

University Offices.  1 October 2022

The Acting Vice-Chancellor gives notice that he has appointed the following members of the Regent House, in accordance with Statute C III 7(b), to act on his behalf to chair Syndicates, Committees and other bodies for the academic year 2022–23, unless otherwise stated:


Accommodation Syndicate: The Rev’d Jeremy Lloyd Caddick, EM

Botanic Garden Syndicate: Dame Fiona Reynolds, EM

Careers Service Syndicate: TBC

Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate: Ms Catherine Elizabeth Jane Arnold, ED

Library Syndicate: Professor Kamal Ahmed Munir, HO

Select Preachers Syndicate: Mr Douglas McKenzie Chalmers, EM

Societies Syndicate: Dr Duncan James Needham, DAR

University Theatre Syndicate: Dr Mark Dixon Billinge, M


Advisory Committee for the election of the Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professor: Mr Roger Mosey, SE

Advisory Committee for the election of the Stephen W. Hawking Professor of Cosmology: Professor Dame Ann Patricia Dowling, SID

Advisory Committee for the election of the Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions: Professor Gary Lloyd Gerstle, SID

Colleges Fund Committee: Professor Richard Vincent Penty, SID

Consultative Committee for Safety: Professor Richard Thomas Phillips, CL

Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee: Professor Ian Malcolm Leslie, CHR

Health and Safety Executive Committee: Professor David Anthony Cardwell, F

Information Services Committee: Professor Andrew David Neely, SID

Kettle’s Yard Committee: Ms Bridget Kendall, PET

Loan Fund I Committee: Dr Stuart Martin, M

Military Education Committee: Professor Simon Gregory, HO

Music Performance Committee: Ms Sonita Charlene Alleyne, JE

Other bodies

Awarders of the Bell, Abbott and Barnes Exhibitions: Dr Stuart Martin, M

Distributors of Crane’s Charity: Mr Alan Peter Bookbinder, DOW

Electors to the Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarships: Dr Anita Mary Bunyan, CAI

Electors to the Hulsean Preachership and Lectureship: TBC

Electors to the Stanton Lectureship in the Philosophy of Religion: TBC

Electors to the Leslie Stephen Lectureship: Dr Daniel Tyler, TH (until 5 November 2022) and then Ms Mary Hockaday, TH

Managers of the Edward Bailey Study of Religion Fund: TBC

Managers of the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance: Professor Mauro F. Guillén, Q

Managers of the Martin C. Faulkes Bell Fund: Dr Claire Yvonne Barlow, N

Managers of the Hartwell Fund for Islamic Studies: Ms Bridget Kendall, PET

Managers of the J. M. Keynes Fellowships Fund: Professor Richard Vincent Penty, SID

Managers of the Dr S. T. Lee Public Policy Lecture Fund: Professor Diane Coyle, CHU

Managers of the F. W. Maitland Fund: Professor Robin Grimsey Osborne, K

Managers of the Mary Euphrasia Mosley Fund: Professor Charlotte Lucy Lemanski, N

Managers of the Polonsky-Coexist Fund for Jewish Studies: Professor Christopher John Young, PEM

Managers of the Prince Philip Scholarships Fund: Professor Philippa Jane Rogerson, CAI

Managers of the F. J. Quick Fund: Professor Richard James Gilbertson, JN

Managers of the Schiff Foundation Fund: Professor Jason Joseph William Alexander Robinson, JN

Managers of the Sims Fund: Professor Nigel Peake, EM

Managers of the Manmohan Singh Bursary Fund: Professor Nidhi Singal, HH

Managers of the Smuts Memorial Fund: TBC

Managers of the C. T. Taylor Fund: Professor Paul Charles Hewett, CC

Managers of the George and Marie Vergottis Fund: Professor Loraine Ruth Renata Gelsthorpe, PEM

Managers of the Sheikh Zayed Fund for Islamic Studies: Ms Bridget Kendall, PET

Appointments Committees: Chairs appointed

University Offices.  1 October 2022

The Acting Vice-Chancellor gives notice that he has appointed the following members of the Regent House, in accordance with Statute C III 7(b), to act on his behalf to chair Appointments Committees for the academic year 2022–23, unless otherwise stated:

In Institutions under the supervision of the Council

Unified Administrative Service, Staff of: Professor Michael Richard Edward Proctor, K

University Information Services, Directorship of: Professor Andrew David Neely, SID

In Institutions under the supervision of the General Board of the Faculties

Fitzwilliam Museum: Ms Catherine Elizabeth Jane Arnold, ED

Other appointments

The Acting Vice-Chancellor has appointed the following to act as Managers for the academic year 2022–23:

El-Erian Fund for Economics: Dr Mohammed El‑Erian, Q

Grimshaw-Parkinson Fund: Professor Sanjay Sinha

Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme Fund Advisory Committee:

Professor Cyprian Broodbank, Professor Ann Alicia Copestake, W, Professor Sir Stephen O’Rahilly, PEM, Professor Daniel St Johnston, PET, Professor Sir Mark Edward Welland, CTH, Professor Christopher John Young, PEM

Janeway Fund for Economics: Dr William H. Janeway, PEM

Versus Arthritis Professorship of Rheumatology Fund: TBC

Roll of the Regent House

University Offices.  1 October 2022

The Acting Vice-Chancellor calls attention to the lists of the names, published on pages 7–63, which it is proposed to place on the Roll of the Regent House for the academic year 2022–23. He gives notice that he has appointed the Registrary as his deputy, under Statute C III 7(b), to receive any objections that members of the University may make under Regulation 1 of the regulations for the Roll of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, 2021, p. 110) to the inclusion or omission of any name. Please send any such objections to the Registrary by email to by no later than 12 noon on Friday, 14 October 2022.

The draft Roll is based on data derived from CHRIS, the University’s HR database. Members of the Regent House are asked to check the draft and to make sure that their entries are correct.1 The Roll is published once a year and constitutes the list of eligible voters for any elections or ballots that may be called until the promulgation of the next Roll in November. Notice of any corrections or amendments should be sent as soon as possible to the Registrary by email to; any corrections received by the 14 October deadline will be incorporated in the definitive Roll, which is to be promulgated on 5 November 2022.


  • 1Membership of the Regent House is governed by Statute A III 11, Special Ordinance A (i) and the Ordinances on the Roll of the Regent House and Membership under Special Ordinance A (i) (f). A number of changes to the eligibility criteria for membership of the Regent House have recently been made, including the move to a grade-based model (Grade 9+) for University staff following the approval of Grace 1 of 3 November 2021. The collated provisions on membership of the Regent House effective for the November 2022 Roll are available on the Reporter website at