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Note: Colleges are indicated throughout by the following abbreviations:
Christ's | CHR | Fitzwilliam | F | Magdalene | M | St Edmund's | ED |
Churchill | CHU | Girton | G | Murray Edwards | MUR | St John's | JN |
Clare | CL | Gonville and Caius | CAI | Newnham | N | Selwyn | SE |
Clare Hall | CLH | Homerton | HO | Pembroke | PEM | Sidney Sussex | SID |
Corpus Christi | CC | Hughes Hall | HH | Peterhouse | PET | Trinity | T |
Darwin | DAR | Jesus | JE | Queens' | Q | Trinity Hall | TH |
Downing | DOW | King's | K | Robinson | R | Wolfson | W |
Emmanuel | EM | Lucy Cavendish | LC | St Catharine's | CTH |