The Council and the General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:
1. This Report proposes changes to the recruitment process for appointment to academic offices other than Professorships, in the light of concerns that the current process is not sufficiently agile to enable the University to recruit the best candidates. It is suggested that Appointments Committees (as currently constituted in the University’s Statutes and Ordinances), which are responsible for recruitment, and approval for appointment, to the offices of Reader, Senior University Lecturer, University Lecturer, Clinical Lecturer, and other established academic offices, should be replaced by differently constituted ‘Selection Committees’ and that the Heads of the Schools should have overall responsibility for managing the appointments processes for those offices within institutions.1
2. The proposals have arisen from the discussions of a Working Group formed in 2016 to review and address particular concerns that the University’s processes did not enable it to recruit the best candidate for a role in a timely fashion, nor to be competitive with other universities. Processes must ensure academic standards are maintained while also being fair and transparent and providing a positive experience to candidates. The Working Group concluded that:
(a)The provisions in Special Ordinance C (x) relating to the composition of Appointments Committees for the recruitment of established academic offices, which vary for different types of office, are unnecessarily complex.
(b)Different practices have been adopted across the University and institutions for Appointments Committees. For example, one model involves a formal Appointments Committee that approves a recommendation made by the Faculty Committee which conducted the selection process. In another model, the Appointments Committee is the local Faculty Committee which conducts the selection process. Another model requires a two-stage process to fulfil external requirements. The practice of the Appointments Committee approving a decision already made has led in some cases to this important formal stage being perceived as a ‘rubber-stamping’ exercise, which does not add value to the process.
(c)There are often difficulties in convening a quorate Appointments Committee which can cause significant delay after the interview process. This situation is not assisted by the requirement of Special Ordinance C (x) 1 which stipulates that members of the Appointments Committee must make decisions in person at a meeting, not by circulation of documents or by joining the meeting by phone or other electronic means. This can result in delays in making a formal offer to the successful candidate, with a risk of losing them from the process. To have a drawn-out process also presents a poor image of the University as an employer.
3. The proposals contained in this Report have been circulated to the Heads of the Schools and the Heads of academic institutions for consultation. They have provided feedback and comments on the proposals which have been overwhelmingly supportive. The proposals were approved by the HR Committee at its meeting on 15 June 2017.
4. The proposals establish an overall procedural framework, some of which would be contained in Ordinance, which would apply to all established academic appointments currently made by Appointments Committees, whilst retaining flexibility for the individual Schools. The proposals also seek to establish a set of Recruitment Key Principles representing good practice within the University. The following is a summary of the proposed main changes to the recruitment and appointment process:
(a)Appointments Committees (as constituted in Statutes and Ordinances) will be replaced by ‘Selection Committees’ that conduct the selection process.
(b)The process for the appointment of academic offices in each School shall be determined by the Council of the School. The Head of the School will have overall responsibility for overseeing the process.
(c)The process within each School will provide for core membership of the Selection Committee to be agreed between the School and the recruiting institution. The Selection Committee may be a standing committee or an ad hoc committee.
(d)The Selection Committee will comprise a minimum of five members and normally no more than nine members. A Chair will be appointed under step (c) above. Guidance on the proposed membership of Selection Committees will be made available.
(e)At least one member of the Selection Committee will be independent of the institution where the office will be held.
(f)The gender balance of an appointing body should be as close to 50% male, 50% female as reasonably possible and the guidance will suggest that it normally includes a minimum of two of each gender and consideration should be given to the racial and ethnic diversity of the committee.
(g)All members of the Selection Committee will be responsible for ensuring that the selection process has been conducted fairly and transparently, and that it complies with the Recruitment Key Principles set out below. Any member independently of their seniority will be able to challenge the process at any time if that member considers that it is not being conducted fairly, transparently, in accordance with the required procedure or the Recruitment Key Principles.
(h)The University members of a Selection Committee are expected to have undertaken recruitment training and training in equality and diversity matters as specified by the Human Resources Division on behalf of the General Board.
5. The Recruitment Key Principles are proposed to be as follows:
(a)The recruitment and selection process should seek to attract and recruit talented people to the role and the University.
(b)Recruitment should take place in a timely, flexible, and efficient manner.
(c)There should be equality of opportunity in all recruitment processes to ensure the right candidate is appointed based on merit. Selection processes must be based on objective criteria that prevent implicit bias, that are impartial, and are applied consistently.
(d)All candidates should be treated fairly using a transparent process. This includes documenting objective selection criteria, reasons for selection decisions, and providing feedback to unsuccessful candidates invited to interview.
(e)The recruitment process is one of open competition that should attract a diversity of talented applicants. Potential candidates should be provided with access to information about the job, the required knowledge, skills, and experience, and about the selection process.
(f)All candidates should have a positive experience of the University, whether they are successful or not. The recruitment process should ensure that the University is presented in a positive manner that enhances its reputation and attracts talented candidates.
(g)All staff involved in recruitment should complete appropriate training including training in Equality and Diversity principles.
(h)Declarations of interest must be made at the appropriate stages of the recruitment process.
(i)All documentation must be treated confidentially and in accordance with data protection principles.
(j)Recruitment processes should be conducted in a cost-effective manner.
6. Section 8 of the proposed new Special Ordinance on Selection Committees outlines the matters that will be approved by the Council of the School in establishing the process for the appointment of established academic officers (other than Professors) in each School. If the recommendations of this Report are approved, each Council of the School will publish information about the matters under Section 8, as approved for the relevant offices in the School.
7. At present, in addition to the general provisions regarding Appointments Committees, there are appointments for which the membership of an Appointments Committee is determined individually by Ordinance and others where a particular Appointments Committee is specified for appointment to a particular office. The detailed recommendations of this Report provide for the rescission of these provisions and the issue by the General Board of a Notice setting out the details of the recruitment processes for certain offices for which a specific Selection Committee would be retained (see the draft Notice attached as Annex B to this Report).
8. Similar changes to the recruitment procedure for academic-related officers are under development and there will be a consultation on a draft procedure with the relevant institutions. In addition, procedures for recruitment to professorial appointments are being reviewed. Further guidance documents on the recruitment process proposed in this Report are being drafted at the request of the Working Group which will be available if the new processes are implemented. A recruitment policy is also being developed.
9. The opportunity is being taken to propose an amendment to Special Ordinance A (vii) to enable members of any University body to be counted as present at a meeting if they participate by telephone or other means, unless such participation is not permitted by Statute or Ordinance or in regulations made by the University body concerned.
10. The Council and General Board recommend:
I.That, with effect from 1 June 2018, the proposals set out in paragraph 4 of this Report are adopted for all recruitment to established academic offices currently required to be undertaken by Appointments Committees.
II.That, with effect from 1 June 2018, the Recruitment Key Principles set out in paragraph 5 of this Report are adopted as representing best practice within the University.
III.(a) That, subject to the approval of Her Majesty in Council, the Statutes of the University be amended as set out below and that these amendments be submitted under the Common Seal of the University to Her Majesty in Council for approval.2
That in Statute C XIII (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 21), Sections 2, 3, and 4 be rescinded and a new Section 2 inserted as follows:
2. Provision shall be made by Special Ordinance for the
method of appointment of University Senior Lecturers, University Lecturers, and
Associate Lecturers.
(b) That, if Recommendation I is approved, the amendments to Ordinances as set out in Annex A are approved.
20 February 2018 |
Stephen Toope, Vice-Chancellor |
Nicholas Holmes |
John Shakeshaft |
Richard Anthony |
Alice Hutchings |
Susan Smith |
R. Charles |
Fiona Karet |
Sara Weller |
Stephen J. Cowley |
Mark Lewisohn |
Mark Wormald |
Daisy Eyre |
Jeremy Morris |
Jocelyn Wyburd |
Anthony Freeling |
Susan Oosthuizen |
David Greenaway |
Michael Proctor |
14 February 2018 |
Stephen Toope, Vice-Chancellor |
Martha Krish |
Helen Thompson |
Philip Allmendinger |
Patrick Maxwell |
Graham Virgo |
Abigail Fowden |
Martin Millett |
Mark Wormald |
A. L. Greer |
Richard Prager |
1In this Report, ‘institution’ refers to Departments, Faculties, and Non-School Institutions.
2As this is a consequential amendment to Statute, it is proposed that the changes to Ordinances under Recommendation III(b) would take effect on 1 June 2018 following their approval by Grace.
(a) Special Ordinance C (x) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 88)
By rescinding Special Ordinance C (x) and replacing it with the following:1
Selection Committees (Special Ordinance under
Statute C XIII 2)
1. Save to the extent expressly set out below, and unless expressly excluded by the provisions of any trust for the time being binding on the University, the process for the appointment of established academic officers (other than Professors) in each School shall be determined by the Council of the School, and responsibility for overseeing compliance with that process shall rest with the Head of that School.
2. The selection for appointment for every established academic office (other than Professorships) shall be made by a Selection Committee at which a minimum of five members and normally a maximum of nine members are present, unless the Head of the School has determined that the maximum number of members shall be higher in an individual case.
3. The constitution of the Selection Committee shall be determined by the process established under Sections 8 and 10 below, but the majority must be established academic officers in the University and at least one member must be external to the institution in which the appointment is being made.
4. Notwithstanding the minimum of five members specified in Section 2, if notice has been given that a member will be absent from a meeting of a Selection Committee for good cause and that absence would bring the number present below the specified minimum, the Head of the School shall have authority to appoint another person to serve as a member of the Selection Committee for that meeting provided all other requirements of this Special Ordinance C (x) for the constitution of the Selection Committee are met.
5. Those responsible for the constitution of Selection Committees shall endeavour to ensure that there are as nearly as possible equal numbers of men and women on any Selection Committee and consideration should be given to the racial and ethnic diversity of the Committee.
6. Decisions of a Selection Committee shall be made by a two-thirds vote of members (rounded up to the nearest integer) unless unanimity is prescribed for any decision by the process in any School. The Chair shall not have a casting vote.
7. Each member of a Selection Committee shall seek to ensure that the selection process has been conducted fairly and complies with the required procedure and the Recruitment Key Principles. Any member can raise a concern with the Chair of the Committee, orally or in writing, if that member considers that it is not being conducted in accordance with the required procedure or the Recruitment Key Principles as adopted by the University from time to time. In the event that the member’s concern is not satisfactorily answered, the member shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Head of the School, who shall have discretion to resolve the matter as the Head of the School considers appropriate. This shall not affect any remedy available to a candidate affected by any defect in process.
The University members of a Selection Committee shall normally have undertaken recruitment training and training in equality and diversity matters as specified from time to time by the General Board. Where a Head of School is not satisfied that a Selection Committee has made a decision fairly, transparently, or in accordance with the required procedure or the Recruitment Key Principles as adopted by the University from time to time, the Head of the School may remit the decision back to the Selection Committee citing concerns and asking that remedial action be taken. In exceptional circumstances, where the Head of the School remains dissatisfied, the Head of the School may veto the making of an appointment, but in those circumstances a full report shall be made to the Council of the School.
8. The process to be established pursuant to Section 1 shall specify at least the following:
(a)The method and criteria for the appointment of members to a Selection Committee;
(b)How the chair of the Selection Committee shall be appointed;
(c)Whether there shall be an ad hoc Selection Committee(s) and if so, in what circumstances a Standing Selection Committee(s) may be established, if any;
(d)The process to be adopted for advertising the appointment, and the procedure for short-listing, interviewing and final selection by the Selection Committee;
(e)The training requirements for members of Selection Committees within the School.
The above information shall be published by the Schools on their respective websites. The memberships of individual Selection Committees shall also be published on the Schools’ websites or on the websites of the institutions concerned.
9. For appointments and reappointments to a University office of Clinical Lecturer, the relevant School under Section 1 shall be the School of Clinical Medicine, in consultation with the School in which the Clinical Lectureship is established.
10. The Council and the General Board shall, by Notice issued from time to time, specify the Selection Committee and process to be adopted in the appointment of established academic officers in institutions under the direct supervision of the Council or the General Board, or of certain officers whose duties concern more than one School or institution.
(b) Special Ordinance C (ix) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 87)
By rescinding Special Ordinance C (ix) and replacing it with the following:
University Senior Lecturers and Lecturers
(Special Ordinance under Statute C XIII
1. Appointments or reappointments to the office of University Senior Lecturer and University Lecturer shall be made by a Selection Committee constituted under Special Ordinance C (x).
2. The provisions in this Special Ordinance shall apply to both University Senior Lectureships and Lectureships, unless their application to one or other office is expressly excluded.
3. (a) The appointment to a University Lectureship shall be subject to the satisfactory completion of a period of probation under arrangements approved from time to time by the University unless the waiver of this requirement is recommended by the Selection Committee and approved by the Head of the School.
(b) On confirmation of an appointment, a University Lecturer shall hold office, subject to the provisions of Statute C or any Special Ordinance made under it, until the retiring age, so long as the person appointed satisfactorily performs the duties of the office.
4. The Council of the School incorporating the institution in which the office is established shall have power to direct, either of its own motion or on the recommendation of the Faculty Board, comparable authority, or Selection Committee concerned, or in order to comply with a trust binding on the University for the time being, that in a special case an appointment or a reappointment to be made by an Selection Committee shall be for a fixed term, which shall be prescribed by the General Board and which may be shorter than the period specified in Section 3(b) above.
5. The General Board, after consulting the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, shall fix for each institution the limits within which the amounts of teaching to be given by all University Lecturers in the institution shall be determined. The lower limit of such teaching shall not be less than thirty hours’ lectures a year; provided that
(a) an equivalent amount of other teaching may be substituted for lectures, the equivalence of such teaching being determined by the General Board;
(b) the General Board shall have power, in exceptional circumstances and on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned, to prescribe for a Lecturer, for periods not exceeding three years at a time, and under such conditions as the General Board may specify, an amount of teaching which is less than that specified above.
6. The amount of teaching to be undertaken by a University Lecturer shall be determined by the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned within the limits fixed by the General Board in accordance with Section 5 above. Such teaching shall normally be given during full term, but the Faculty Board or comparable authority, with the approval of the General Board and with the officer’s consent, may prescribe that some of it shall be given during the Long Vacation.
7. If a University Lecturer undertakes administrative work in connection with a Faculty, Department, or other institution, the General Board shall have power, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned, to allow the Lecturer to count such administrative work as part of the duties for which he or she receives a pensionable stipend as a Lecturer.
8. In prescribing the amount of teaching to be given by a University Lecturer in any year the Faculty Board or comparable authority shall have regard to the character of the subject-matter of the lectures or other teaching, to the time which will be involved in preparation therefor, to any University administrative work approved by the General Board under Section 7 above, and to any College administrative work. If a Lecturer considers that the amount of teaching prescribed is unreasonable he or she may appeal to the General Board, whose decision shall be final.
9. A University Lecturer shall not undertake for remuneration during full term without the consent of the General Board any teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges or the delivery of occasional lectures. The amount of teaching given by a University Lecturer on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not, except with the consent of the General Board, exceed twelve hours a week, or, if the Lecturer is a Tutor or Bursar, eight hours a week. The General Board may on account of the nature of the subject or the circumstances of the particular case extend the maximum number of hours a week to fifteen, or if the Lecturer is a Tutor or Bursar to ten. For the purposes of this section the terms Tutor and Bursar shall include Assistant Tutors and Assistant Bursars unless in a particular case the General Board shall decide otherwise.
10. The prime stipends or scales of stipends for University Lecturers shall be determined by the University on the recommendation of the General Board.
11. When there is an incremental scale of prime stipends the General Board shall determine a University Lecturer’s place on the scale on appointment. If a revised scale of stipends is approved by the University, it shall be competent for the General Board to alter a University Lecturer’s place on the scale in accordance with the objects and conditions of the revision.
12. The prime stipend of a University Lecturer shall be subject, in respect of payments received from a College or Colleges other than payments for teaching and the direction of studies and such occasional payments as may be exempted by the General Board, to deductions to be determined by Ordinance.
(c) Special Ordinance C (xi) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 90)
By amending Sections 1 and 2 so as to read:
1. The General Board may create Associate Lectureships and assign each Associate Lectureship to a Faculty or Department, as appropriate. The Board shall have power to direct a Selection Committee to make an appointment or reappointment to a particular Associate Lectureship conditional on the holding of a post specified by the Board in an institution connected with the University.
2. Every appointment or reappointment to a University office of Associate Lecturer shall be made by a Selection Committee. An Associate Lecturer shall be appointed and may thereafter be reappointed for such periods not exceeding five years at a time as the Selection Committee shall determine; provided that if an Associate Lecturer ceases to hold the post in an institution connected with the University which has been specified by the General Board in accordance with Section 1 that person shall thereupon vacate the Associate Lectureship.
(d) Special Ordinance A (vii) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 69)
By amending Section 3 so as to read:
3. The University may by Ordinance make regulations as to the number of members which shall constitute a quorum, as to the majority necessary for the decision of certain questions, and for the procedure of every University body generally, and subject thereto the body may itself make such regulations. Subject to any Ordinance and to any regulation made by the body, elections or decisions shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting, but only if there is a quorum; provided that the Chair of a meeting shall be entitled when there is an equality of votes to give a second or casting vote. Unless expressly excluded in Statute or Ordinance or in regulations made by the University body concerned, members shall be permitted to participate in a meeting by any means of communication which permits all members simultaneously to hear one another; if the participation of members by such means is permitted, those members shall be counted as present, including for the purposes of determining their entitlement to vote and whether the meeting is quorate. When there is not present at a meeting the Chair of the body, or any person otherwise entitled to preside, the members present shall appoint a chair of the meeting.
(e) General Regulations for University officers (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 675)
By amending Regulation 1(b) as below, replacing the reference to an Appointments Committee with a reference to a Selection Committee in sub-paragraph (f), deleting sub-paragraph (c) and renumbering the remaining sub-paragraphs:
(b)Save as otherwise provided in Regulation 2 below, every appointment or reappointment to a University office shall be made, unless prescribed otherwise, by the Selection Committee constituted in accordance with Special Ordinance C (x).2
(f) By replacing references to Appointments Committees with references to Selection Committees in the following:
Readers and Readerships (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 754): Regulation 1
Endowed University Lectureships (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 763): Regulation 9
Gorley Putt Fund and Lectureship (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 932): Regulation 4
PHSA Engage Mutual Health Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 917): Regulation 4 (the reference to Special Ordinance C (x) 1 will also be updated to refer to Special Ordinance C (x)).
Van Geest Foundation Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 991): Regulation 4(a)
(g) By making the following amendments to remove provisions establishing individual Appointments Committees:
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Statutes
and Ordinances, p. 617):
By amending Regulation 2 to read as
2. Appointments and reappointments to an academic office other than a Professorship in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board. Appointments and reappointments to an academic-related office in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology other than an office of Technical Officer shall be made by an Appointments Committee for the Department consisting of the following persons:
(a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
(b)(i) the Chair of the Chemical Engineering
and Biotechnology Syndicate;
(ii) the Head of the Department;
(c)three University officers appointed by the Syndicate;
(d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
Faculty of Clinical Medicine: Regional Postgraduate Dean
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 620):
By amending Regulation 1
to read as follows:
1. (a) Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Regional Postgraduate Dean in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board.
(b) The Selection Committee shall have power to make an appointment or reappointment to the office of Regional Postgraduate Dean conditional on the holding of a post specified by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine in an institution connected with the University. If the Regional Postgraduate Dean ceases to hold such a post that person shall thereupon vacate the Deanship.
(c) The duties of the Regional Postgraduate Dean shall be determined by the General Board after consultation with the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine who shall consult the Directorate of Health and Social Care, Midlands and East of England.
Faculty of Clinical Medicine: Directors and Assistant Directors of Studies
in General Practice (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 620):
amending Regulation 2 to read as follows:
2. Appointments and reappointments to a University office of Director or Assistant Director of Studies in General Practice in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board.
Faculty of Clinical Medicine: Clinical Sub-Deans (Statutes and
Ordinances, p. 621):
By amending Regulation 2 to read as
2. Appointments and reappointments to a University office of Clinical Sub-Dean in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board.
Faculty of Clinical Medicine: Consultant Occupational Physician
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 622):
By amending Regulation 1
to read as follows:
1. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Consultant Occupational Physician in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board. The tenure of the Consultant Occupational Physician shall be the same as that prescribed for a University Lecturer by Special Ordinance C (ix) 3 and 4.
Faculty of Earth Sciences: Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 624):
By amending Regulation 3
to read as follows:
3. Appointments and reappointments to the University offices of Director of the Museum, Curator, Senior Assistant Curator, or Assistant Curator of the Museum or to any office of Curator of a specified collection shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board. The Director of the Museum shall be appointed or reappointed for such periods not exceeding five years at a time as the Selection Committee shall determine.
Faculty of Economics: Executive Director of Research (Statutes
and Ordinances, p. 625):
By amending Regulation 2 to read as
2. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Director shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board.
Department of History and Philosophy of Science (Statutes and
Ordinances, p. 627):
By amending Regulation 2 to read as
2. Appointments and reappointments to an academic office other than a Professorship in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board. Appointments and reappointments to an academic-related office in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science shall be made by an Appointments Committee for the Department consisting of the following persons:
(a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
(b)(i) the Chair of the Board of History and
Philosophy of Science;
(ii) the Head of the Department and the Professor of History and
Philosophy of Science;
(c)three members of the Board of History and Philosophy of Science appointed by the Board;
(d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
Department of Land Economy (Statutes and Ordinances,
p. 630):
By amending Regulation 2 to read as follows:
2. Appointments and reappointments to an academic office other than a Professorship in the Department of Land Economy shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board. Appointments and reappointments to an academic-related office in the Department of Land Economy shall be made by an Appointments Committee for the Department consisting of the following persons:
(a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
(b)the Head of the Department of Land Economy;
(c)three members of the Board of Land Economy appointed by that Board;
(d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
Institute of Criminology: Staff of the Institute (Statutes and
Ordinances, p. 633):
By amending Regulation 2 to read as
2. Appointments and reappointments to a University office of University Lecturer, Assistant Director of Research, or Senior Assistant in Research in the Institute shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board.
Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience: Certain University
offices in the Department (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 638):
deleting Regulations 2 and 3, inserting new Regulation 2 as follows and renumbering the
remaining regulations:
2. Appointments and reappointments to each office of University Clinical Anatomist, University Physiologist, and University Clinical Veterinary Anatomist shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board.
Department of Zoology: Museum of Zoology (Statutes and
Ordinances, p. 640):
By amending Regulation 3 to read as
3. Appointments and reappointments to a University office of Curator, Senior Assistant Curator, or Assistant Curator on the staff of the Museum shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board. The tenure of a Curator shall be the same as that prescribed for a University Lecturer by Special Ordinance C (ix) 3 and 4. In accordance with the express wishes of the founder of the Hugh Watson Fund, a holder of the office of Senior Assistant Curator or Assistant Curator in Malacology (Watson) shall be a graduate of a university.
University Senior Lecturers (Statutes and Ordinances,
p. 755):
By revising the regulation as follows:
Appointments and reappointments to the office of University Senior Lecturer shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with the provisions of Special Ordinance C (x), provided that where an appointment is made through promotion the appointment shall be made by the General Board.
Assistant Directors of Research and Senior Assistants in Research
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 756):
By amending Regulation 1
to read as follows:
1. Appointments and reappointments to a University office of Assistant Director of Research and Senior Assistant in Research shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board.
Clinical Lecturers (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 756):
By deleting Regulations 1–6, inserting new Regulation 1 (below), and renumbering the
remaining regulations:
1. Appointments and reappointments to a University office of Clinical Lecturer shall be made by a Selection Committee in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the General Board, provided that
(a)the Chair of the Selection Committee shall in all cases be the Regius Professor of Physic (or a duly appointed deputy); and
(b)the Head of the Department, Faculty, or other institution in which the appointment is being made (or a duly appointed deputy) shall be a member of the Selection Committee.
(h) By replacing references to ‘members of Appointments Committees’ with ‘members of Appointments or Selection Committees’ in the following:
General Board (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 114): Regulation 5
Constitution of the Faculty Boards (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 603): Regulation 11
(i) For the purposes of the University’s procedures regarding probation, all references to the Appointing Body or the Appointments Committee shall be references to the Selection Committee which appointed the officer concerned, in relation to appointments made after the adoption of these recommendations.
1These changes replace Sections 1–4 with new provisions; the remaining Sections 5–14 concern Lectureships, some of which are replicated in Special Ordinance C (ix) concerning Senior Lectureships, therefore it is proposed that these provisions are amalgamated in a revised Special Ordinance concerning both Senior Lectureships and Lectureships; see paragraph (b) below.
2See Statute A VI 3.
If the recommendations of this Report are approved, the Council and the General Board propose to publish the following Notice.
The appointing provisions contained in the regulations for the offices referred to in this Notice require that appointments and reappointments shall be made in accordance with arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority. Set out below are the arrangements which shall apply until further notice.
The general arrangements shall be the same as those for the appointment of certain academic-related offices (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 677).
Members shall be appointed to serve on a Selection Committee on the occasion of a vacancy, unless the competent authority determines that a standing committee is to be appointed, in which case members shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January next following.
Office |
Membership of the Selection Committee responsible for the appointment |
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: academic offices other than Professorships |
(a) The Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair; (b) (i)
the Chair of the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate; (c) three University officers appointed by the Syndicate; (d) two persons appointed by the General Board. |
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences:Director of the Museum, Curator of the Museum or Senior Assistant Curator of the Museum, Assistant Curator of the Museum, Curator of a specified collection |
Selection Committee of Earth Sciences and Geography, with the Director as an additional member for appointments or reappointments to offices other than the Director of the Museum. |
Faculty of Economics: Executive Director of Research |
Selection Committee for the Faculty of Economics and two persons appointed by the General Board for the particular occasion. |
Department of History and Philosophy of Science: academic offices other than Professorships in the Department |
The Selection Committee for the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, which shall consist of: (a) the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair; (b) (i)
the Chair of the Board of History and Philosophy of Science; (c) three members of the Board of History and Philosophy of Science appointed by the Board; (d) two persons appointed by the General Board. |
Department of Land Economy: academic offices other than Professorships in the Department |
The Selection Committee for the Department of Land Economy, which shall consist of: (a) the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair; (b) the Head of the Department of Land Economy; (c) three members of the Board of Land Economy appointed by that Board; (d) two persons appointed by the General Board. |
Institute of Criminology: University Lecturer, Assistant Director of Research, or Senior Assistant in Research in the Institute |
The Selection Committee for the Faculty of Law, which shall have regard to the inclusion of members from other Faculties and/or Departments if the duties of the office concern more than one Faculty or Department. |
Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience: University Clinical Anatomist, University Physiologist |
Selection Committee for the Faculty of Biology. |
Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience:University Clinical Veterinary Anatomist |
A Selection Committee appointed by the General Board for the particular occasion, which shall include members from the Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience and the Department of Veterinary Medicine. |
Museum of Zoology: Curator, Senior Assistant Curator, and Assistant Curator of the Museum |
Selection Committee for the Faculty of Biology, with the Director of the Museum as an additional member. |
Assistant Directors of Research and Senior Assistants in Research |
The Selection Committee for the institution concerned. |
The General Board begs leave to report to the University as follows:
1. The General Board recommends the establishment and re-establishment of certain Professorships as set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 below. The funding arrangements for the Genzyme Professorship of Experimental Medicine and the McDonald Professorship of Paleoproteomics were scrutinized by the Resource Management Committee at its meetings held on 31 January 2018 and 8 November 2017 respectively.
2. The Board has accepted an academic case from the Council of the School of Clinical Medicine for the re-establishment of a Genzyme Professorship of Experimental Medicine, for a single tenure from 1 October 2018, in the Department of Medicine. Funding for the Professorship will be split, with approximately 57% coming from University non-Chest sources and 43% from Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust. The University non-Chest funding will initially be from the Genzyme Experimental Medicine Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 726) until the funds are exhausted,1 and thereafter the Professorship will be supported by the income from the Sheila Joan Smith Professorship Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 965), whereupon the title of the office will be revised to the Sheila Joan Smith Professorship of Experimental Medicine, to reflect the change in funding. The Board has agreed that election to the Professorship should be made by an ad hoc Board of Electors and preference should be given to those candidates with a focus on research and teaching in the field of immunology and infection, and with clinical expertise in the field of clinical immunology.
3. The Board has accepted an academic case from the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences for the establishment of a McDonald Professorship of Paleoproteomics for a single tenure of up to ten years, from 1 October 2018, in the Department of Archaeology. The Professorship will be funded by the McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research. The Board has agreed that election to the Professorship should be made by an ad hoc Board of Electors and that the candidature should be open to all persons whose work falls within the general field of the title of the office.
Biomolecular archaeology in general is approaching its phase of maximal predictable impact on archaeological research, and within this the emergent analysis of ancient proteins is widely regarded as the next frontier as ancient genomic research now nears its peak. The proposed fixed-term duration of the Professorship for ten years is planned to capture that period but not commit resources in the longer term. Furthermore, the McDonald Institute wishes to commit funds over a timespan sufficient to derive full intellectual and research value from its investment, while retaining its long-term flexibility both within and beyond the span of its current Director.
4. The General Board recommends:
I.That a Genzyme Professorship of Experimental Medicine be established in the University for a single tenure from 1 October 2018, placed in the Schedule to Special Ordinance C (vii) 1, and assigned to the Department of Medicine.
II.That a McDonald Professorship of Paleoproteomics be established in the University for a single tenure for a 10-year period from 1 October 2018, placed in the Schedule to Special Ordinance C (vii) 1, and assigned to the Department of Archaeology.
14 February 2018 |
Stephen Toope, Vice-Chancellor |
Martha Krish |
Helen Thompson |
Philip Allmendinger |
Patrick Maxwell |
Graham Virgo |
Abigail Fowden |
Martin Millett |
Mark Wormald |
A. L. Greer |
Richard Prager |
1The fund comprises income received to cover the costs of the Professorship and was re-established for one tenure by Grace 12 of 13 July 2011 (see Reporter, 6228, 2010–11, p. 920).