Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 788), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendment has been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Bioscience Enterprise for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
The module ‘Management of technology and innovation’ has been replaced with the module ‘Management and entrepreneurship’. The references and mode of assessment remain the same.
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 789), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendments have been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Energy Technologies for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
In addition to those previously notified, the following modules will now be offered as Electives in the academical year 2017–18:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
4A15 |
Aeroacoustics |
Examination |
4C7 |
Random and non-linear vibrations |
Coursework and examination |
4M12 |
Partial differential equations and variational methods |
Examination |
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 790), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendments have been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Engineering for Sustainable Development for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
The module ‘Management of technology and innovation’ (Reference: MOT&I) has been replaced with the module ‘Management and entrepreneurship’ (Reference: MAE).
In addition to those previously notified, the following module will now be offered as an Elective in the academical year 2017–18, with the teaching taking place in the Michaelmas Term:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
EP08 |
Comparative environmental politics and policy |
Coursework |
In addition to those previously notified, the following modules will now be offered as Electives in the academical year 2017–18, with the teaching taking place in the Lent Term:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
4D4 |
Construction engineering |
Coursework |
EP06 |
Energy and climate change |
Examination [two hours] |
The following modules will no longer be offered:
Reference |
Name |
4D16 |
Construction engineering |
TPE5 |
Policy, design, and evaluation |
EP10 |
Climate change policy and land development |
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 791), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendments have been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
The list of projects is now as follows:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
PR1 |
Industrial project 1 |
Coursework |
PR2 |
Industrial project 2 |
Coursework |
PR3 |
Enterprise project |
Coursework |
PR4 |
Industrial project 3 |
Coursework |
PR5 |
Combined essay |
Coursework |
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 793), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendments have been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Nuclear Energy for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
In addition to those previously notified, the following modules will now be offered as Electives in the academical year 2017–18:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
4I7 |
Electricity and environment |
Coursework |
4M18 |
Present and future energy systems |
Examination |
TP5 |
Policy design and evaluation |
Coursework |
TPE20 |
Management of the innovation process |
Coursework |
TPE21 |
Entrepreneurial science and innovation policy |
Coursework |
TPE23 |
Negotiation skills |
Coursework |
TPE24 |
Platform strategy |
Coursework |
TPE25 |
Strategic valuation uncertainty and real options in system design |
Coursework |
ESD150 |
Driving change towards sustainability |
Coursework |
B6 |
Fluid mechanics and the environment |
Examination |
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 794), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendments have been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment for the degree of Master of Research.
In addition to those previously notified, the following modules will now be offered as Electives in the academical year 2017–18:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
4D6 |
Dynamics in civil engineering |
Coursework and examination |
4M20 |
Robotics |
Coursework |
5R7 |
Advanced numerical methods in geomechanics |
Coursework |
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 796), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendments have been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Integrated Photonic and Electronic Systems for the degree of Master of Research.
The subsection ‘Biophysics’ has been replaced with ‘Fundamentals’ and now comprises the following modules, all of which were announced in the previous notice:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
Advanced photonic systems |
Examination |
4G2 |
Biosensors |
Coursework |
Broadband technologies and components |
Examination |
4B11 |
Photonic systems |
Examination |
Physics and optics of nanostructures |
Coursework and examination |
The subsection ‘Photonic systems’ has been replaced with ‘Systems’ and now comprises the modules below (all of which were announced previously). Modules marked with an asterisk (*) are now only available under this subsection and are no longer available as Electives.
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
4B23* |
Optical fibre communication |
Coursework and examination |
Optical transmission networks |
Examination |
Photonic sub-systems |
Examination |
4B24* |
Radio frequency systems |
Coursework and examination |
The composition of the ‘Business’ subsection remains unchanged, but is now called ‘Business skills’.
The module ‘Software for network devices’ (UCLSNS) is now titled ‘Software for network services and design’ (the module references remain unchanged).
The module ‘RF circuits and sub-systems’ (UCLRCS) is now titled ‘RF circuits and devices’ (UCLRCD).
The following modules will not be available for examination in 2017–18:
Reference |
Name |
4B5 |
Nanotechnology |
4F2 |
Robust and nonlinear systems and control |
4F5 |
Advanced communications and coding |
4F7 |
Digital filters and spectrum estimation |
Physics and optics of nano-structure |
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 26 July 2017 (Reporter, 6475, 2016–17, p. 797), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice that the following amendments have been made to the modules offered in 2017–18 for the examination in Sensor Technologies and Applications for the degree of Master of Research.
In addition to those previously notified, the following modules will now be offered as Electives in the academical year 2017–18:
Reference |
Name |
Mode of assessment |
Biological physics (principles) |
Examination |
Biological physics (techniques) |
Examination |
4B25 |
Embedded systems for the Internet of Things |
Coursework |
4F12 |
Computer vision |
Examination |
4F13 |
Probabilistic machine learning |
Coursework |
4I8 |
Medical physics |
Examination |
The above modules supersede the module ‘Biological Physics’ (2/BIO), which will therefore not be available for examination.
The Degree Committee confirms that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes