The Registrary gives notice that as a result of the postal ballot held between 9 and 24 January 2013 the following Grace of the Regent House was approved:
1. That authority be given to proceed with the development of a first phase of development at North West Cambridge as described in the Report of the Council, dated 22 October 2012, seeking authority to commence development of University land at North West Cambridge (Reporter, 6282, 2012–13, p. 59).
The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:
Number of valid votes: 1,572 (no spoilt papers)
In favour of the Grace (placet) |
1,499 |
Against the Grace (non placet) |
73 |
The Grace submitted to the Regent House on 16 January 2013 (Reporter, 6293, 2012–13, p. 310) was approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 25 January 2013.
J. W. NICHOLLS, Registrary