The Council submits the following Grace to the Regent House. This Grace, unless it is withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 25 January 2013.
1. That a Debenham Scholars Fund be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations:1
1. The sum bequeathed to the University by the late Barbara Debenham, daughter of Professor Frank Debenham OBE, sometime Professor of Geography at the University of Cambridge and Founder and first Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute, and other gifts received for the same purpose, shall form a fund called the Debenham Scholars Fund to support research in Polar Science.
2. The Fund shall be administered by the Managers, who shall comprise:
(a)the Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute; and
(b)two persons who would normally be based in the Scott Polar Research Institute, appointed by the Faculty Board of Earth Sciences and Geography to serve for periods of five years at a time.
3. The income from the Fund shall be used to contribute to the fees, maintenance, and field research of postgraduate students at the Scott Polar Research Institute, to enable them to undertake scientific and other related research on polar topics. Scholarships supporting such research, in whole or in part, shall be advertised from time to time, and awarded on merit, by the Managers of the Fund.
4. Acknowledgement of support from the Debenham Scholars Fund should be made in publications supported by an award.
1See the Vice-Chancellor’s Notice on p. 299.
The Council has sanctioned the submission of the following Graces to the Regent House at a Congregation to be held on 19 January 2013:
That the following persons be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by incorporation:
1. David James Pollock Maxwell, Fellow of Emmanuel College and Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History (1882), Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Oxford (1994).
2. Rachel Angharad Oliver, Fellow of Robinson College and University Lecturer in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Oxford (2004).
That the following person be admitted to the degree of Master of Letters by incorporation:
3. Francis Knights, Fellow and Deputy Praelector of Fitzwilliam College, Master of Letters of the University of Oxford (1999).
That the following person be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts under the provisions of Statute B, III, 6:
4. Mara Bogdanovic, Assistant Director at the Local Examinations Syndicate.
J. W. NICHOLLS, Registrary