The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, other than any which is withdrawn or for which a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 4 May 2012.
1. That, on the nomination of Downing College, Richard James Stibbs, M.A., of that College, be appointed a Pro-Proctor for the academical year 2012–13.
2. That, on the nomination of Queens’ College, Jonathan Michael Holmes, M.A., Vet.M.B., Ph.D., of that College, be appointed a Pro-Proctor for the academical year 2012–13.
3. That, on the nomination of the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctors Designate, Alan Thomas Winter, M.A., Ph.D., of Christ’s College, and Oren Alexander Scherman, M.A., of Jesus College, be appointed Additional Pro-Proctors for the academical year 2012–13.
4. That a Sir Edward Snelson Fund be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations:1
1. The sums given by Ms Sheila McCullagh, in memory of her cousin Sir Edward Snelson, shall form a Fund to be known as the Sir Edward Snelson Fund.
2. The income of the Fund shall be applied to provide one or more bursaries, to be called Sir Edward Snelson Bursaries, for persons, who demonstrate financial need, to assist them in meeting the costs of an undergraduate course leading to a degree of the University in any subject within the School of Arts and Humanities or the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
3. The Fund shall be managed by the General Board.
4. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall either be added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for use as income in any one or more subsequent years, as the General Board may determine.
1See the Vice-Chancellor’s Notice on p. 547.
The Council has sanctioned the submission of the following Graces to the Regent House at a Congregation to be held on 28 April 2012:
That the following persons be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts under the provisions of Statute B, III, 6:
1. John Rankin Bradie, Press Distribution Director, Cambridge University Press.
2. Neil Edward Houghton, Senior Design Engineer in the Department of Engineering.
3. Allison Kingsbury, Administrative Officer at the Fitzwilliam Museum.
4. Ian William Mackey, Computer Officer in the University Computing Service.
5. João Sabino Madureira Neto, Latin America South and Brazil Director, Cambridge University Press.
6. Pierre Marx, Senior Manager in the Local Examinations Syndicate.
7. Michael John Peluse, Managing Director, ELT and Americas, Cambridge University Press.
8. Raaj Kumar Praseedom, Associate Lecturer in the School of Clinical Medicine.
9. Mark Whitehouse, Global Financial Controller, Cambridge University Press.