28 April, Saturday. Congregation of the Regent House at 11 a.m. (see p. 556).
1 May, Tuesday. Discussion at 2 p.m. in the Senate-House (see below).
4 May, Friday. End of first quarter of Easter Term.
6 May, Sunday. Preacher before the University at 11.15 a.m., the Reverend Professor Paul Fiddes, Professor of Systematic Theology in the University of Oxford.
Discussions at 2 p.m. |
Congregations |
1 May |
28 April, Saturday at 11 a.m. |
15 May |
19 May, Saturday at 10 a.m. |
29 May |
The Vice-Chancellor invites those qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107) to attend a Discussion in the Senate-House, on Tuesday, 1 May 2012, at 2 p.m., for the discussion of the Report of the General Board, dated 7 March 2012, on the establishment of a Professorship of General Practice (Reporter, 2011–12, p. 500).
The Report published on p. 552 will be discussed on 15 May 2012.
The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that he has received with gratitude the following benefactions:
(a)a benefaction totalling £100,000 from the Turner–Kirk Charitable Trust. The terms of the donation allow the spending of both income and capital of the benefaction to support thirteen Visiting Fellowships at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, each for a period of three months. The holders of the Fellowships will be known as Kirk Fellows.
(b)a benefaction of £200,000 from Ms Sheila McCullagh, in memory of her cousin Sir Edward Snelson, to provide bursaries for persons following courses of study within the School of Arts and Humanities or the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, who demonstrate financial need, to assist them in meeting the costs of an undergraduate degree of the University.
The Council are submitting a Grace (Grace 4, p. 556) to the Regent House for the approval of regulations to govern the Sir Edward Snelson Fund.
The Vice-Chancellor reminds members of the University that an additional Congregation will take place on Wednesday, 20 June 2012, at 2.45 p.m., at which the Chancellor will admit the following persons to Honorary Degrees:
The Right Honourable, Igor, Baron Judge of Draycote, M.A., Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, and President of the Selden Society.
Brigitte Alice Askonas, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.Med.Sci., Honorary Fellow of Girton College and of Murray Edwards College, Visiting Professor in the Department of Biology, and Fellow, Imperial College London, and formerly Director of Immunology at the National Institute for Medical Research.
Uta Frith, Honorary Fellow of Newnham College, F.R.S., F.B.A., F.Med.Sci., Research Foundation Professor in the Faculties of Humanities and Health Sciences, University of Aarhus, Professor of Cognitive Development Emerita, University College London, developmental psychologist.
Sir Richard Lavenham Gardner, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Honorary Fellow of St Catharine’s College, formerly Edward Penley Abraham Royal Society Research Professor in the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Honorary Professor in the University of York, physiologist.
Peter Ware Higgs, F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Hon. F.Inst.P., Professor of Theoretical Physics Emeritus in the University of Edinburgh.
Roger Yonchien Tsien, Ph.D., Honorary Fellow of Gonville and Caius College and of Churchill College, Professor of Pharmacology and Chemistry and Biochemistry in the University of California, San Diego, Nobel Laureate.
Phillip Kenneth King, C.B.E., M.A., P.P.R.A., Honorary Fellow of Christ’s College, formerly President of the Royal Academy and Professor of Sculpture in the Royal Academy Schools, Professor of Sculpture Emeritus in the Royal College of Art, sculptor.
Alfred Brendel, Hon. K.B.E., sometime Visiting Fellow of Peterhouse and Humanitas Visiting Professor in Chamber Music, pianist.
Ticket-holders who are not processing will need to be in their places in the Senate-House not later than 2.30 p.m. The Congregation is expected to end at about 3.40 p.m.
There will be a Garden Party after the Congregation for all those attending. It will be held on the lawn in Senate-House Yard and refreshments will be served. There will be a marquee to provide cover.
Members of the University attending the Congregation are required to wear academical dress in accordance with the relevant regulations. By custom, other persons attending do not wear academical dress. Wednesday, 20 June 2012 will be a ‘scarlet day’, and Doctors in the several Faculties are requested to wear their festal gowns. Graduates are requested to wear their hoods at this Congregation. In accordance with Regulation 4 for academical dress (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 187), any member of the University (other than the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, High Steward, Deputy High Steward, Commissary, Proctors, Registrary, Esquire Bedells, the Orator, and the graduands) who is a graduate of another university or degree-awarding institution, may, on this occasion, wear the academical dress appropriate to that degree if they prefer.
Admission to the Senate-House and Yard will be strictly by ticket only and entry to the Yard on this occasion will be by the South-East Gate, from King’s Parade.
All members and all staff (including retired staff) of the University and the Colleges are invited to apply for tickets to attend the Congregation and Garden Party. In order to allow for the widest possible participation, it is regretted that applications for guest tickets will not be accepted.
Applications for tickets must be made by letter or by email and cannot be made in person or by telephone. Applicants must give a postal address and state their University and/or College affiliation. Requests for tickets should be sent to Honorary Degrees, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office, The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN, or by email (Honorary.Degrees@admin.cam.ac.uk).
The deadline for applications this year is Friday, 25 May 2012. If demand exceeds capacity, tickets will be allocated by ballot, and any application received before the deadline will be included in the ballot. In recent years, there have usually been more applications than places available, and for this reason applicants who subsequently discover that they cannot attend on 20 June are asked to inform the Vice-Chancellor’s Office as soon as possible.
Successful applicants will receive their tickets in the week beginning 11 June 2012. Unsuccessful applications will not be acknowledged. Tickets will be issued to named individuals and are non-transferable. Further details of the arrangements for the day will be issued with the tickets.
If it is fine, a procession will form up in the Schools Arcade at 2.25 p.m. Those in the classes specified below who wish to take part in the procession are asked to state this clearly in their application for tickets. Processional tickets will be issued up to the maximum number of seats available for the procession. Only holders of Cambridge Professorial Chairs or Cambridge Higher Doctorates are eligible to process as Professors or Doctors.
With the assent of the Proctors, the Vice-Chancellor has prescribed the following order of processions prior to this Congregation:
The Vice-Marshal
Heads of Colleges
The Regius Professor of Divinity
The Regius Professor of Civil Law
The Regius Professor of Physic
The Regius Professor of Hebrew
The Regius Professor of Greek
Professors who are Doctors of Divinity, Law, Medicine, Science, Letters, or Music
Doctors of Divinity
Doctors of Law
Doctors of Medicine
Doctors of Science or Letters
Doctors of Music
The Librarian
Other Professors and the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum
Members of the Council
The Pro-Proctors
A second procession will then form as follows, and will proceed immediately after the first:
The Esquire Bedells
The Chancellor
The Chancellor’s Train-bearer
The University Marshal
The Orator The Vice-Chancellor The Registrary
The Proctors
(University Constables)
The High Steward
The Deputy High Steward
The Commissary
The Pro-Vice-Chancellors
The Honorary Graduands
The Deputy Proctors
The Pro-Proctor for Ceremonial
The following Annual Reports have been received by the Council and the General Board during the Lent Term 2012 and are available on the websites indicated:
Annual Report of the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate for the year 2011 |
http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/committee/isss/annualreports/201012.pdf |
Annual Report of the University Computing Service (2010–11) |
http://www.ucs.cam.ac.uk/about-us/annual-report/ucs-annrep-1011.pdf/view |
Annual Report of the Institute of Continuing Education (2010–11) |
http://www.ice.cam.ac.uk/institute-media/pdfs/annual/ICE_annual_report_2010-11.pdf |
Annual Report of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (2010–11) |
Annual Report of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate (2009–10) |
http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/about/AnnualReport2009-2010.pdf |