The Chairman of the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 2.15 p.m. on 9 November 2010, in the Boardroom of the Department of Architecture, 1–5 Scroope Terrace. The main business will be to elect two members of the Faculty Board in class (c), in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2(c), to serve for four years from 1 January 2011. Nominations for these elections, and notice of any other business for the meeting, should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art, 1–5 Scroope Terrace, to arrive not later than 3 November 2010.
The Chairman of the Faculty Board of Classics gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, 11 November in the Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Site. The main item of business will be to elect, in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2(c):
(i) two members of the Faculty Board in category (c) to serve for four years from 1 January 2011
(ii) one member of the Faculty Board in category (c) to serve for one year from 1 January 2011.
Nominations for election, and notice of any other business, should be received by Mrs Carolyn Bartley (email, Secretary to the Secretary of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Avenue, not later than Thursday, 4 November.
The Chairman of the Faculty Board of Divinity gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 2.15 p.m. on Thursday, 11 November 2010, in the Lightfoot Room of the Divinity Building, West Road. The business to be discussed will include the Chairman’s report, the report by the Director of CARTS, and the election of two members of the Faculty Board to serve for four calendar years in class (c), from 1 January 2011.
Nominations for the posts in class (c) must be seconded and the consent of the candidate obtained in advance, and should reach the Administrative Officer, Faculty of Divinity, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BS, not later than 8 November 2010. Notice of any other business to be discussed should reach the Administrative Officer by the same date.
The Chairman of the Faculty Board of Education gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held on Thursday, 18 November 2010, at 3 p.m. in Room GS3 in the Donald McIntyre Building, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 9PQ.
Notification of any agenda items should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Education, 184 Hills Road, not later than Tuesday, 9 November 2010.
The Chairman of the Faculty Board of Engineering gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, 12 November 2010, in Lecture Room 5 of the Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street. An election will be held, in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2(c), of two members of the Faculty Board in class (c) to serve for four years from 1 January 2011.
Nomination forms (available from the Faculty Office) and notice of any other business should be sent in writing to R. L. Tuley, Secretary of the Faculty Board, to reach her not later than 9 a.m. on 1 November 2010.
The Chairman of the Faculty Board of Law gives notice that the Annual Meeting of the Faculty will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursday, 11 November 2010, in Room G24, Faculty of Law, 10 West Road. The main items of business will be the Chairman’s report, and the election, in accordance with Statute C, IV, 2(c), of one member of the Faculty Board in class (c) to serve for four years from 1 January 2011.
Notice of any other business should reach the Academic Secretary of the Faculty, Jacob Rowbottom, by Friday, 5 November 2010. Nominations for the election to membership of the Faculty Board should reach him by the same date. Nominations should be in writing. They should be signed by the proposer and seconder, and should contain a signed statement by the nominee that he or she is willing to serve if elected.
It is regretted that the title of Paper 12 in Part II of the Geographical Tripos in 2011 announced on 13 October (Reporter, p. 56) was incorrect. The correct title and details for the paper are as follows:
Paper number |
General titles |
Courses offered in 2010–11 |
Mode of assessment |
12 |
Physical geography I |
Modelling Earth’s atmosphere |
Three-hour examination |
The Faculty Board of Mathematics give notice that, in accordance with Regulations 16 and 17 for the Mathematical Tripos (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 357), there will be set in 2011 if candidates desire to present themselves therein, a paper in each of the subjects in the following list. The duration of the paper is shown beside it.
1. |
Introduction to Lie algebras and their representations |
(3 hours) |
2. |
Decision problems in group theory |
(3 hours) |
3. |
Commutative algebra |
(3 hours) |
4. |
Topics in representation theory |
(3 hours) |
5. |
Kac-Moody and Virasoro algebras |
(3 hours) |
6. |
Semigroups of operators |
(3 hours) |
7. |
Topics in analysis |
(3 hours) |
8. |
Analytic topics in group theory |
(3 hours) |
9. |
An introduction to PDEs in kinetic theory |
(3 hours) |
10. |
Analysis of Boolean functions |
(2 hours) |
11. |
Extremal graph theory |
(2 hours) |
12. |
Combinatorics |
(2 hours) |
13. |
Algebraic topology |
(3 hours) |
14. |
Differential geometry |
(3 hours) |
15. |
Morse homology |
(3 hours) |
16. |
Hodge theory |
(3 hours) |
17. |
Algebraic geometry |
(3 hours) |
18. |
Spectral geometry |
(3 hours) |
19. |
Galois cohomology |
(3 hours) |
20. |
Category theory |
(3 hours) |
21. |
Topos theory |
(3 hours) |
22. |
Computable function theory |
(2 hours) |
23. |
Elliptic curves |
(3 hours) |
24. |
Local fields |
(2 hours) |
25. |
Algebraic number theory |
(3 hours) |
26. |
Modular forms |
(3 hours) |
27. |
Stochastic networks |
(3 hours) |
28. |
Advanced probability |
(3 hours) |
29. |
Percolation and related topics |
(2 hours) |
30. |
Schramm-Loewner evolutions |
(2 hours) |
31. |
Applied statistics |
(3 hours) |
32. |
Statistical theory |
(3 hours) |
33. |
Optimal investment |
(2 hours) |
34. |
Time series and Monte Carlo inference |
(2 hours) |
35. |
Advanced financial models |
(3 hours) |
36. |
Applied Bayesian statistics |
(2 hours) |
37. |
Biostatistics |
(2 hours) |
38. |
Stochastic calculus and applications |
(3 hours) |
39. |
Mathematics of operational research |
(3 hours) |
40. |
Supersymmetry |
(2 hours) |
41. |
Statistical field theory |
(2 hours) |
42. |
Quantum field theory |
(3 hours) |
43. |
Symmetries and particles |
(3 hours) |
44. |
String theory |
(3 hours) |
45. |
The standard model |
(3 hours) |
46. |
Advanced quantum field theory |
(3 hours) |
47. |
Solitons and instantons |
(2 hours) |
48. |
Quantum information theory |
(3 hours) |
49. |
Quantum computation |
(2 hours) |
50. |
Control of quantum systems |
(2 hours) |
51. |
Quantum foundations |
(3 hours) |
52. |
General relativity |
(3 hours) |
53. |
Cosmology |
(3 hours) |
54. |
Advanced cosmology |
(2 hours) |
55. |
Black holes |
(3 hours) |
56. |
Applications of differential geometry to physics |
(3 hours) |
57. |
Stellar and planetary magnetic fields |
(3 hours) |
58. |
Structure and evolution of stars |
(3 hours) |
59. |
Astrophysical fluid dynamics |
(3 hours) |
60. |
Galaxies |
(3 hours) |
61. |
Planetary system dynamics |
(3 hours) |
62. |
Binary stars |
(2 hours) |
63. |
Dynamics of astrophysical discs |
(2 hours) |
64. |
Physical cosmology |
(3 hours) |
65. |
Numerical solution of differential equations |
(3 hours) |
66. |
Reaction-diffusion equations |
(2 hours) |
67. |
Analytical methods for boundary value problems and medical imaging |
(2 hours) |
68. |
Free boundary problems and applications |
(2 hours) |
69. |
Fluid dynamics of energy |
(3 hours) |
70. |
Slow viscous flow |
(3 hours) |
71. |
Perturbation and stability methods |
(3 hours) |
72. |
Geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics |
(3 hours) |
73. |
Solidification of fluids |
(3 hours) |
74. |
Soft matter and biological physics |
(3 hours) |
75. |
Non-Newtonian fluid dynamics |
(2 hours) |
The Faculty Board remind candidates and Tutors that requests for papers to be set on additional subjects should be sent to the Secretary of the Faculty Board at the Mathematics Faculty Office, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, not later than 9 November 2010.
The Director of the Institute of Astronomy gives notice that the following courses will be available for examination in 2011.
These papers from Part III of the Mathematical Tripos will be taken in June. Each will be examined by a written paper of three hours’ duration.
42. Quantum field theory
52. General relativity
53. Cosmology
57. Stellar and planetary magnetic fields
58. Structure and evolution of stars
59. Astrophysical fluid dynamics
60. Galaxies
61. Planetary system dynamics
64. Physical cosmology
These papers from Part III of the Mathematical Tripos will be taken in June and will be examined by a written paper of two hours’ duration.
54. Advanced cosmology
62. Binary stars
63. Dynamics of astrophysical discs
These papers from the Natural Sciences Tripos, Part III (Experimental and Theoretical Physics), will be taken at the start of the Lent Term. Each will be examined by a written paper of two hours’ duration. Each paper will consist of three questions of which candidates will be required to answer two; all questions carry equal weight.
Paper 1/PP. Particle physics
Paper 1/PEP. Physics of the Earth as a planet
This paper from the Natural Sciences Tripos, Part III (Experimental and Theoretical Physics), will be taken at the start of the Easter Term and will be examined by a written paper of one and a half hours’ duration. Each paper will consist of three questions of which candidates will be required to answer two; all questions carry equal weight.
Paper 2/PA. Particle astrophysics
It is recommended that candidates take the equivalent of four 3-unit lecture courses. At least three of these courses should be selected from the recommended list of courses above. One course (of three units or fewer) may be chosen freely from the Part III Mathematics courses and this need not be relevant to astrophysics. The courses offered in Part III Mathematics vary from year to year and may be found in the Lecture List in the Reporter (Special No. 1) at Students should consult the Part III Course Co-ordinator for guidance about choice of courses.
Further to their Notice of 26 May 2010 (Reporter p. 915), the Faculty Board of Divinity have amended the prescribed texts for Paper D1(a) Old Testament to change Hosea 4 to Hosea 1–4.