Elected into an Honorary Fellowship from 1 June 2010:
Professor Michael B. Green FRS, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge, and erstwhile Professorial Fellow of Clare Hall
Applications are invited for the Mead Fellowship in Economics tenable for three years from 1 October 2010. The person appointed will be required to pursue her or his own research and to teach for six hours a week in Economics for the College. Applicants are required to have research interests within the broad areas of the teaching and research undertaken by the Cambridge University Faculty of Economics.
Further particulars can be obtained from the Bursar, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP, or can be downloaded from the Emmanuel College website at http://www.emma.cam.ac.uk/. Applications close on 25 June 2010.
Applications are invited for appointment from 1 October 2010 to the post of College Lecturer in History and Assistant Tutor. This post, which carries a Fellowship of the College, is tenable for two years. This is to replace Dr Michael Sonenscher who has been awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship.
As Lecturer in History, the successful applicant will be expected carry out academic research in any area of History and to teach five hours a week in supervisions (small group teaching) in her or his specialist historical area for King’s and for other Colleges. The successful candidate will also undertake administrative duties including directing studies and undergraduate admissions, and be expected to play a full part in the life of the College.
As Assistant Tutor, the successful applicant will act as deputy to the Senior Tutor, be responsible for all College accommodation, and be part of a team offering pastoral support to undergraduate and graduate students.
The stipend will be on a lower point of a scale commencing at £36,532.
Applications should be made to the Senior Tutor, King’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1ST (email senior.tutor@kings.cam.ac.uk). Applicants should send a curriculum vitae including their qualifications, publications, and teaching experience, together with the details of three referees, by the closing date of Saturday, 12 June 2010. Candidates are responsible for ensuring references are with us by 12 June.
Further particulars will be found on the College website (http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/about/job-vacancies.html).
Magdalene College, in conjunction with Rolls-Royce plc, wishes to appoint a Senior Research Fellow to work in the field of turbines for aero-engines. The successful applicant will have had experience of the development and/or application of CFD to aerodynamic problems and of the development and/or use of experimental facilities. The Research Fellow will be based at the Whittle Laboratory, which is part of the Department of Engineering and a member of the Rolls-Royce University Gas Turbine Partnership.
The main role of the Research Fellow will be to conduct research in the field of turbine aerodynamics and heat transfer in the context of state-of-the-art turbines that are relevant to Rolls-Royce. This will range from long-term research to shorter investigations of relevance to development engines. The Fellow will also be expected to initiate her or his own research projects. The successful candidate will maintain a close working relationship with Rolls-Royce and will be expected to spend time working within the company.
The research is likely to be based around experimental and/or CFD investigations. Experimental work may be conducted using facilities at the Whittle Laboratory or at Rolls-Royce. Computational studies will be used in the generation of new design methods and to assist the understanding of experimental data. The Research Fellow will have direct responsibility for the research but will be expected to work closely with students and members of the technical staff at the Whittle Laboratory who may also be engaged in this research.
The appointment will commence on 1 August 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter and will terminate on 31 December 2014. The stipend is in the range £33,600–£40,119 a year, with annual increments and will be pensionable under the Universities Superannuation Scheme. The successful applicant will also be expected to take an active role in the teaching of undergraduates within the College, for which an additional stipend will be available. It is required that applicants will have, or expect to have shortly, a Ph.D. Degree or equivalent experience in the general area of turbomachinery.
Further particulars and details of how to apply can be obtained by contacting the Master’s Secretary, Magdalene College, Cambridge, CB3 0AG (tel +44 (0)1223 332144, fax +44 (0)1223 365150, email jeh34@cam.ac.uk.) Prof. Howard Hodson may be contacted for informal enquiries about research (tel +44 (0)1223 337588, email hph@eng.cam.ac.uk).
The closing date for receipt of applications is 21 June 2010. Candidates shortlisted for interview will be informed as soon as possible thereafter.
The third Lee Seng Tee Distinguished Lecture will be given by Professor Richard J. Evans on Monday, 7 June, at 5.30 p.m. in the Lee Hall, Wolfson College, on the subject of Looted art and its restitution: moral and cultural dilemmas for the twenty-first century. Professor Evans, who becomes Wolfson’s fifth President on 1 October 2010, is Regius Professor of Modern History and Chair of the History Faculty.
The lecture is open to all, and will be followed by a drinks reception.