Mansfield College is seeking to recruit a full-time Alumni Relations Officer to take responsibility for our alumni relations programme. Key responsibilities will include stewardship, event management, communications (including the design and production of our annual College magazine), database, and website.
Reporting into the Development Director in a small team of three, the successful candidate needs to be able to work unsupervised and be accomplished at managing multiple projects at one time. The role does require flexibility as the successful candidate will be required to attend weekend/evening events.
Applicants should be ‘team players’ with excellent interpersonal skills, creativity, and drive. Educated to degree level with strong organizational and IT skills the person will ideally have previous experience in marketing or event management.
The salary will be in the range £22,879 – £27,319 depending on experience. Benefits include free lunch in College, final salary pension scheme, and 38 days holiday (including bank holidays).
Further particulars and information on how to apply are available from the Principal’s Personal Assistant, Jane Buswell (e-mail and from Mansfield College’s website ( The closing date for applications is 9 a.m. on Friday, 11 June 2010. Interviews are likely to take place in the week commencing Monday, 21 June 2010.
(Six-month contract with possibility of renewal)
Mansfield College is seeking to recruit a part-time (20 hours a week) Alumni Relations and Development Assistant on a six-month contract with possibility of renewal. Key responsibilities will include administrative support for the Development Director, database updates and reports, gift administration, research, event administration and attendance, website, and other ad hoc tasks.
Reporting into the Development Director and also supporting the alumni relations manager, this is a varied role in a small team of three. The role does require flexibility as the successful candidate may be required to attend weekend/evening events.
Applicants should have good interpersonal skills and excellent attention to detail. Educated to A level standard (or equivalent), with strong administrative and IT skills the person will have at least one year’s experience in a similar role.
The salary will be in the range £17,111 – £19,743 pro rata depending on experience. Benefits include free lunch in College and 30 days holiday (pro rata) plus bank holidays.
Further particulars and information on how to apply are available from Jane Buswell (e-mail and from Mansfield College’s website ( The closing date for all applications is 9 a.m. on Friday, 11 June 2010. Interviews are likely to take place week commencing Monday, 21 June 2010.
St Anne’s College is seeking to fill the following posts in its Development Office:
Carrying out face-to-face fundraising for gifts of £5,000 – £100,000, the post-holder will support the Director of Development to achieve the targets of the 2010–20 Campaign for St Anne’s. The successful applicant will be an adaptable, experienced fundraising professional with a strong track record of achieving targets, preferably within the educational sector.
Managing, planning, and implementing communications, events, and publications for friends and alumnae, the post-holder will manage event planning and production schedules to strict deadlines. The ability to work independently and take ownership of projects, which include producing College publications, is essential, whilst publishing, marketing, fundraising, and event management experience is strongly desirable.
The College is also seeking to fill the following post in the Treasury:
Supporting the Treasurer and Financial Controller to continue improvements to financial reporting and accounting systems of the College, the post-holder will ensure effective financial systems and controls are in place and regularly monitored. As a qualified/part-qualified finalist accountant (ACMA, ACCA or equivalent), ideally with hands-on experience in organizations of a similar complexity, the appointee will be confident to see projects through to completion.
Further information on these roles is available from (jobs section). To apply for any of these jobs, please send a letter of motivation, a completed application form, and a full curriculum vitae to HR Officer, St Anne’s College, Oxford, OX2 6HS (tel. 01865 284685, email The closing date for applications is 27 May 2010.
St Anne’s College is an equal opportunities employer.
(In association with the Department of Politics and International Relations)
Applications are invited for this Fellowship which will be available for three years from 1 October 2010.
Candidates must have been awarded, or have submitted for, a doctoral degree in a subject related to Middle East conflict and/or the study of international conflict, by 1 October 2010. Candidates should be able to demonstrate research interests in the analysis of conflict in the Middle East and an interest in the international relations of the area. A willingness to undertake some limited teaching for both the College and the Department is also required. The successful candidate will work closely with Middle East and International Relations specialists in the Department of Politics and International Relations.
The Fellow will receive an annual stipend of £20,000, and will also be entitled to College accommodation or a housing allowance of £6,882 a year.
Further particulars are available from Gillian Powell, Personal Assistant to the Principal, St Edmund Hall, Oxford, OX1 4AR (tel. +44 (0)1865 279003, e-mail, and can also be downloaded from the College website at or the Department of Politics and International Relations’ website at
The closing date is 1200 hrs (British time) on Friday, 18 June.
The College is an equal opportunites employer.
St Peter’s College invites applications for a one-year College Lectureship in Medieval History. Applicants should have submitted, or be close to submitting, a doctoral dissertation in this subject. This position will be very suitable for a scholar seeking to gain experience in undergraduate teaching and research.
The successful applicant will be expected to teach an average of eight hours of tutorials and classes each week during term, across all years of the course, and to take a role in undergraduate admissions in History and in the direction of undergraduate studies.
Applicants should be competent to teach aspects of Medieval History. An ability to teach British History in the period c. 300–1330 is especially welcome though specialists in European Medieval History will also be considered. The appointee will be expected to teach papers in one or more of these subjects to undergraduates studying for first year examinations (Prelims) and for the Final Honour School in History. He or she will also assist in the teaching of historiography and historical methods for the ‘Approaches to History’ paper (1st year) and the ‘Disciplines of History’ paper (3rd year).
The salary will be within the scale £16,101 to £18,122 a year, with Senior Common Room membership and meals free of charge.
Further particulars and application instructions are available at or from (tel 01865 278864). The closing date for applications is 15 June 2010.
The College proposes, if candidates of sufficient merit present themselves, to award a Besse Senior Scholarship, tenable from 1 October 2010. The Scholarship is open to research students in the arts, who are native French speakers, and is awarded for two years, renewable for a third and possibly for a fourth year. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor of Arts single or joint honours degree and be undertaking graduate study in any arts subject. The stipend is £16,182 to £18,213 a year (subject to annual review) plus allowances. Single College accommodation is available.
It is a condition of the Scholarship that the Besse Senior Scholar should give up to eight hours a week of French language tuition (grammar, prose composition, and oral practice) and will be required to help with the undergraduate admissions procedure (marking and interviewing). The scholar must therefore have good English and an ability to teach French to undergraduates.
An application form and further particulars, including details of the allowances, may be obtained from the Academic Registrar, Worcester College, Oxford, OX1 2HB (tel. +44 (0)1865 278342, fax +44 (0)1865 278303, e-mail:, or from the Notices section of the College website at The closing date for applications is Monday, 21 June 2010.
The College is an equal opportunities employer.
(in association with Oriel College)
The University of Oxford intends to make an appointment to the Regius Professorship of History in the Faculty of History from 1 October 2011, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Regius Professorship is one of the most prestigious History posts in the UK, and the post-holder may be a scholar in any field or period of history after ad 300. The Regius Professorship is a flagship post for the History Faculty, the Humanities Division, and the University, signalling a continued commitment to ensuring that Oxford remains a world-leader in the discipline. The University wishes to appoint an historian of exceptional and international reputation, who has clear plans for developing an ambitious and sustainable research agenda, who will provide research leadership in her or his field both within and beyond the University, and who will take a prominent public role in promoting the discipline.
Please see the further particulars at for more details about the post and for full instructions before making an application. Applications, including a covering letter and full curriculum vitae and publications list, and naming three referees, should be received no later than 5 July 2010, by Dr Gwen Booth, Personnel Officer, Senior Appointments at If you have a query about how to apply, please contact Mrs Elaine Eastgate at or telephone +44 (0) 1865 280189.
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.
Applications are invited for an endowed Professorship in Psychiatry in the Oxford University Department of Psychiatry associated with a Fellowship at St John’s College. The appointee will join a successful Department, committed to undertake research which impacts on clinical practice and a College which offers a vibrant international community and excellent opportunities for inter-disciplinary projects in its own Research Centre.
The chair is a full-time post endowed by the Scott family to undertake research in the causes and potential cures of autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders and to lecture and give instruction in this subject. It is desirable that the appointee be eligible to work as a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist in the UK. She or he will be expected to undertake two to three half-day clinical sessions each week, if clinically qualified, and this post would then be required to be held in conjunction with an honorary (non-stipendiary) contract with the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Healthcare NHS Trust.
The main departmental responsibility of the appointee will be to undertake clinical research. This will involve gaining research programme funding, leading a research group, and contributing substantially to the environment of academic excellence within the Department. The post-holder will also be expected to play a role in college support of medical students.
The appointment will be on an appropriate salary scale and it is anticipated that the post-holder, if medically qualified, will also be eligible for an NHS Clinical Excellence Award.
Please see the further particulars at for more details about the post and for full instructions before making an application. Applications, including a covering letter and full curriculum vitae, and naming three referees, should be received no later than 26 July 2010 by Dr Gwen Booth, Personnel Officer, Senior Appointments at If you have a query about how to apply, please contact Mrs Elaine Eastgate at or telephone +44 (0) 1865 280189.
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.
The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology ( is seeking internationally distinguished research scientists in their respective fields to join an exceptionally strong team working in the areas of Immunology as well as Cell and Molecular Biology.
The Dunn School has a distinguished record in experimental pathology with major discoveries such as the development of penicillin and cephalosporin, the discovery of lymphocyte circulation and the characterization of lymphocyte surface glycoproteins.
Recently, the School has undergone a major expansion of its research effort with the construction of the new EPA Building. It is currently creating a new Oxford Molecular Pathology Institute, due to open in January 2011, comprising 4,400m2 of state-of-the-art laboratories, instrument rooms, containment suites, and offices that are designed to provide flexible accommodation for molecular and cellular research.
The Dunn School fulfils no clinical service function, but opportunities exist to interact with the extensive and outstanding Oxford Radcliffe hospitals. The Department plays a pivotal role in an increasingly integrated medical school, with strong links to pre-clinical, molecular, and biological science departments in the Science area.
The University of Oxford intends to make appointments to these key senior posts as soon as may be arranged. The successful candidates will be able to provide evidence of major long-term and continuing funding for their research programmes, with an ability and commitment to organize and deliver excellent teaching to undergraduate and graduate students. They will be excellent communicators capable of providing research and broader managerial leadership.
Please see the further particulars at for more details about the posts and for full instructions before making an application.
Applications, including a covering letter and full curriculum vitae, and naming three referees, should be received no later than 12 July 2010, by Dr Gwen Booth, Personnel Officer, Senior Appointments at Please indicate clearly which post(s) you are applying for. If you have a query about how to apply, please contact Mrs Elaine Eastgate at or telephone +44 (0) 1865 280189.
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.
Committed to equality and valuing diversity
Salary: £28,983 – £30,747 a year (University Grade 7)
Applications are invited for a one-year, fixed-term Departmental Lecturership in early Medieval History, tenable from 1 October 2010. The appointment is to fulfil teaching needs arising from a period of academic leave granted to a current postholder, and is non-renewable. Applications are invited from those with active research interests in any field of Early Medieval History. The closing date for applications is Friday, 18 June 2010, at 12 noon.
The successful candidate will be appointed to a one-year, fixed-term Departmental Lecturership in the Faculty of History and to Lectureships at Balliol and Brasenose Colleges for the same period.
The successful candidate will be someone with a record of excellent research in History and will show an ability to present their research well, both orally and on paper. He/she should have an ability to lecture, and the potential to teach well in small groups and tutorials. He/she will be willing to participate in the academic activities of the Faculty (including lecturing, administration, examining) and the Colleges (including tutorial teaching, administration, and graduate and undergraduate admissions).
Further particulars, including information about how to apply, may be obtained from the Board Office, History Faculty, Old Boys’ High School, George Street, Oxford OX1 2RL (email
Applications are invited for a temporary Instructorship in Chinese. This is a temporary appointment to provide cover during the leave of the permanent post-holder. The appointment will last for ten months after the date of appointment, and the successful candidate will need to be able to take up the post no later than 1 September 2010.
Applicants should have a native or equivalent command of Chinese, and be fluent in English. They should have completed a first degree in Chinese, linguistics, or the teaching of a foreign language. A postgraduate qualification in applied linguistics would be an advantage. Sufficient IT skills to update teaching materials currently held in an electronic format are essential. The salary will be in Grade 6 (£25,751 to £30,747 a year).
Further particulars, including details of how to apply, must be obtained from or from the office of Ms Charlotte Vinnicombe, Administrator, Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE (tel. 01865 288200, email, to whom applications and references should be sent no later than Friday, 18 June 2010.
Salary in the first 3 points of Grade 7: £28,983 – £30,747 a year
On behalf of the Board of the Gerald Averay Wainwright Fund, the Faculty of Oriental Studies intend to appoint to a post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Near-Eastern Archaeology with effect from 1 October 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter. The appointment will be for one year in the first instance but may be extended for a further two years subject to the availability of funding and to satisfactory review.
The Fellowship is intended to enable the post-holder to carry out research into the non-classical archaeology (not literary or philological studies) of any country or countries of Northern Africa and the near East (from Morocco to Afghanistan). In addition to the salary, up to £2,500 a year may be claimed in research expenses.
Candidates should be in possession of a doctoral degree in a relevant field by 30 June 2010. The closing date for applications and for receipt of letters from two referees is Friday, 18 June 2010. Applications should be sent to the Secretary to the Wainwright Fund, The Khalili Research Centre, University of Oxford, 3 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, by e-mail only. Full details and an application form must be obtained from the Wainwright website at
The University of Oxford is an equal opportunities employer.