The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, other than any which is withdrawn or for which a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 12 June 2009.
1. That a Peter Lipton Fund be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations:1
1. Gifts to the University made in memory of Professor Peter Lipton, first Hans Rausing Professor of History and Philosophy of Science and Fellow of King's College, shall form a fund called the Peter Lipton Fund.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be:
(a) | the Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science; |
(b) | the Chairman of the Board of History and Philosophy of Science; |
(c) | the Secretary of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science; |
(d) | the Director and Curator of the Whipple Museum of the History of Science; |
(e) | three persons appointed by the Board of History and Philosophy of Science, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment. |
3. The income of the Fund shall be applied by the Managers to support research, teaching, and other academic activities in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science; applications may be made throughout the year and should be addressed to the Secretary of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science.
4. Any unexpended income of the Fund in any financial year may either be added to the capital of the Fund or accumulated for use as income in any one or more subsequent years, as determined by the Managers.
2. That a Michael Loewe Fund for Classical and Literary Chinese Studies be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations:1
1. The moneys subscribed by friends and former students of Michael Loewe, formerly University Lecturer in Chinese Studies and Fellow of Clare Hall, shall form a fund called the Michael Loewe Fund for Classical and Literary Chinese Studies, which shall be used for the encouragement of classical Chinese Studies in the University.
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of East Asian Studies and the teaching officers in Chinese in the Department.
3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the Michael Loewe Prize, which shall be awarded annually for distinction in classical and literary Chinese shown by performance in those subjects in [either Part of the Oriental Studies Tripos or]* any Part of the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos.
4. The value of the Prize shall be such sum as shall be determined by the Managers within a range approved from time to time by the Council.
5. Any further donations to the Fund shall either be added to the capital of the Fund or be made available as income as the Managers shall determine, taking into account the wishes of the donors.
6. Any unexpended income accumulated in the Fund may be used at the discretion of the Managers for the promotion of the study of classical Chinese and Chinese dynastic history, literature, religion, and thought.
* The words in square brackets will be removed with effect from 1 October 2011.
3. That the regulation concerning the membership of the Council of Lifelong Learning be amended, with effect from 1 October 2009, as follows:2
Regulation 1.
By replacing the members in classes (d) and (e) so as to read:
(d) | the Director of Continuing Education; |
(e) | one member appointed by the Strategic Committee of the Institute of Continuing Education and one member appointed by the Management Board of the Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership. |
4. That Regulation 2(b) for Affiliated Students be amended by replacing the reference to the Management Board of the Institute of Continuing Education by reference to the Strategic Committee of the Institute of Continuing Education.3
5. That the recommendation in paragraph 6 of the Joint Report of the Council and the General Board, dated 16 March 2009 and 9 March 2009, on a religion and belief equality policy (Reporter, p. 600) be approved.4
6. That the recommendations in paragraph 8 of the Report of the General Board, dated 6 May 2009, on Senior Academic Promotions (Reporter, p. 735) be approved.5
1 See the Vice-Chancellor's Notice on p. 810.
2 Statutes and Ordinances, p. 139. The title of the Director, the governance arrangements for the Institute of Continuing Education, and the title of the Cambridge Programme for Industry have been amended: see the General Board's Notices, Reporter, pp. 812 and 393.
3 Statutes and Ordinances, p. 173.
4 See the Council's Notice on p. 810.
5 See the Council's Notice on p. 810.