Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Thu 22 October 2015 8:00PM - 10:00PM

Kettle's Yard chamber series: Cremona Quartet

The Cremona Quartet will perform works by Wolf, Tchaikovsky and Beethoven

Sat 24 October 2015 6:00PM - 7:30PM

Lucy Cavendish Singers: Blood and Gold

The Lucy Cavendish Singers and their musicians present a compelling programme of medieval, traditional, classical and modern pieces.

6:30PM - 7:45PM


Bach Cantata Evensong with St John's Sinfonia


CUCO Performs Mozart Sinfonia Concertante

The Cambridge University Chamber Orchestra are joined by Natalia Luis-Bassa, Charles Mutter and Alistair Scahill for a programme of Mozart, Schubert and Wagner

Sun 25 October 2015 5:00PM - 8:00PM

Highlight New Horizons - Ken Zuckerman & Sanju Sahai

Sarod and Tabla recital (Indian classical music)

6:00PM - 6:25PM

Organ Recital

To be performed by Joseph Wicks (St John’s College)


Highlight Cambridge Philharmonic Orchestra Concert

Sibelius, Grieg, Lindberg